MTL - Tomb Robbery: Starting From the Classic of Mountains and Seas-Chapter 108

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The adjutant who had been behind Qi Tiezui before even hugged him with both hands,

"Baye! Look at me! What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?"

I saw Qi Tiezui still clenched his teeth, sweating profusely and unable to utter a single word.

170 Aspects of Heaven and Man

Or Zhang Qishan who was on the side quickly ran forward and reached out to give Qi Tiezui two mouths,

Only then did he recover, Qi Tiezui felt as if he had come back to life again, he was much more awake,

"What's wrong with me? And Buddha, adjutant, Second Master, why are you all surrounding me?

Where did you just say it? "

The Buddha saw that Qi Tiezui had returned to normal, but he didn't dare to be careless and asked Ye Chen:

"Boss Ye, you are a master, and I hope you can take a look at Tiezui, is he suffering from some kind of disease?"

Ever since Zhang Qishan went through the incident between himself and the girl, he now sees whoever is abnormal and thinks that the other person may have some kind of disease.

Not to mention that Qi Tiezui's appearance just now was really scary, Ye Chen stepped forward,

When he came to Qi Tiezui, he saw that Baye Qi was like a mouse seeing a cat,

When Ye Chen took a step forward, he took a step back. Seeing that there was nowhere to hide, he simply hid behind everyone.

This appearance let the rest of the people know, what is wrong with Qi Tiezuo?

This is clearly a fear of Ye Chen, but this makes a few people puzzled again,

Ye Chen is obviously very handsome, and it's too late for others to like him. Why would Baye Qi act like this.

Zhang Qishan was furious, seeing that Tie Zui still dared to come behind him, he simply stretched out his hands and held him whole,

"Run, let's see where you are going, if you don't say something today, you will live in Ye Mansion from now on!"

Seeing that he could not resist, Qi Tiezui finally revealed the truth with a pale expression.

"Buddha, this is the separation between heaven and man, I can't see Boss Ye's family! My life will be shortened!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Qishan, who was holding his iron mouth, became even more curious, and he turned his head to give orders to the adjutant.

"Ri Shan, hold Baye Qi's head and make him look up!"

I saw Qi Tiezui screaming and wailing like a little girl being bullied by three or four big men.

But he was stronger than others, and he couldn't escape the astonishing iron hands of Adjutant Zhang.

Qi Tiezui's face was lifted up, and only then did everyone realize what kind of expression he had.

I saw that he was already crying bitterly, with a lot of snot and tears. Seeing this, Zhang Qishan was too embarrassed to bully him again,

Let go of your hand and let him down.

Seeing that the matter was over, Qi Tiezui no longer wanted to hide it from the crowd, he stretched out his hand and wiped the tears on his face casually with his sleeve,

He raised his head and looked nervously at Ye Chen for the first time, as expected from the beginning,

After that, he showed a look of regret.

Although everyone present was curious, none of them urged him,

Even Ye Chen would like to hear the evaluation of Qi Baye, a feng shui expert, about him.

I saw Qi Tiezui first bowed to Ye Chen very respectfully, his whole waist was lowered to 90 degrees,

Then he said slowly:

"A few months ago, Tie Zui attended your teacher apprentice banquet, and you all know that I, Tie Zui, have a habit of

That is, I have to calculate a hexagram for myself every day when I go out. Do you know what I have calculated? "

Seeing that everyone was staring at him, Qi Tiezui didn't give a shit.

"What I calculated is the auspicious hexagram of Shangshang Daji, which should be a good hexagram.

But I did the calculation for myself a few days ago, and it was just a middle and lower hexagram.

Therefore, I am sure that this Shangshangji hexagram must be proved to be above the Red Mansion, and I want to meet noble people in the Red Mansion!


So Tiezui happily went to the Red Mansion, sat on the seat and waited and waited, but never saw where the nobleman was,

Until Ye Dongjia, who was on the main seat, came out, but this is not meeting noble people! This is clearly the appearance of heaven and man! "

Speaking of which, Qi Tiezui took out a pair of gossip mirrors that he had used for a long time from his bosom,

This gossip mirror is made of a whole piece of bronze, and the gossip patterns on it are all inlaid with gold and silver.

It was originally a rare treasure, but the fly in the ointment is that the bronze mirror that was taken out has been broken into two pieces.


Qi Tiezui touched the bronze mirror a few times as if stroking the beauty's face.

Seeing that the people around him looked at him strangely, he introduced the origin of the bronze mirror.

"This gossip mirror is an ancestral treasure of our Qi family, and it has been passed down to me for nine generations."

Finally he sighed again and said:

"Maybe this is fate. Nine is the extreme number and there can be no more. The first time I saw Dong Ye's family that day, I thought it was too expensive.

I was about to pinch my fingers to make a calculation, but I didn't expect that there seemed to be some great horror staring at me,

Just one glance, I almost lost my life, even this ancestral bronze mirror was broken,

Sigh~ After I got home, I searched through the legacy books left by the ancestors of the Qi family. Do you know what Ye Dong's family looks like? "

Before everyone answered, Qi Tiezui blurted out!

"This is the appearance of heaven and man, if it is placed in a good time, this kind of person is destined to become a fairy!

That's why I feel sorry for Dong Ye's family! But even in this age of bad age,

This kind of appearance is still priceless! "


171 The Dishonest Old Eighth Qi

The matter of Qi Tiezui was just an episode,

Everyone knows that the main problem now is how to go to Beiping to get live deer grass.

After several people were seated again, Er Yuehong asked by the way while serving tea to Ye Chen.

"Master, you are more familiar with this Crescent Hotel than we are. According to your estimation, this is a deer grass,

How much money should be prepared? "

Ye Chen stretched out his left hand to catch the teacup brought by Hongguan, and took a sip gently.

"The usual auction is divided into two rounds. If the live deer grass is sold in the normal stage, it's fine.

It’s almost enough to bring a million yuan, if it’s used in the next round of blind auctions.”

Ye Chen stopped talking, looked at Er Yuehong at the bottom, nodded and continued:

"If it's included in this blind auction, I'm afraid the price will have no bottom!"

"Eight Zero Seven" As soon as the words came out, everyone began to worry. Millions of money is not a small amount for the current Nine Gates.

Money these days is far from depreciating like in later generations, although they all have big families and great careers.

But after all, there is still a family business to support, Er Yuehong looked at the girl beside her,

He held her hand tightly with his right hand, and patted her wrist with his left hand to reassure her,

"Master, although my Hong family doesn't say they are rich and powerful, this deer and grass will definitely be taken down.

Even if you disperse your wealth like water locusts, you still have to go to the Crescent Hotel to compete! "

When the girl heard Er Yuehong's statement, her eyes were already blurred with tears, and her heart was greatly moved.

Foye and Qi Tiezui on the side also said one after another:

"That's right, don't tell me that the old and young in Beiping underestimated me, a member of Changsha's nine sects,

The second master's matter is also my Zhang Qishan's matter, and I, Zhang Qishan, am willing to bear a share of the lack of money! "

"Yes, yes, although I, Qi Tiezui, don't have much family business, I am still a member of the Nine Gates.

This second master's matter, also count me in! "

Er Yuehong saw everyone defending herself like this, she immediately stood up and saluted them.

"Thank you Buddha and Ba Ye for your help, I will never forget Er Yuehong!

After the girl recovers, I will take the girl and a few children to visit one by one, thank you for your kindness! "

"Second Master is serious, this is a matter of duty!"

"That's right, Er Ye don't have to worry about it, it's what the Nine Sects should do!"


Ye Chen sat at the top and looked at the people below helping each other, and couldn't help thinking to himself,

It is estimated that the current Jiumen is the most united time, and then looked at Zhang Qishan's position,

I really don't know what happened behind, the huge nine doors collapsed overnight.

Is the right too tempting, or is the power of "it" too terrifying?

This makes the older generation linger on, and the middle-aged and younger generation die out. In the end, only a few curious ones are left.

Putting the teacup in his hand on the desk, Ye Chen made a final decision:

"Okay! This matter is settled like this. The auction time is tight. It should be sooner rather than later.

We'll be leaving tomorrow. As for money, Hong Guan, you don't have to worry too much.

Everyone in my Ye family is not so far behind in their great careers. If you are missing, just speak up, don't be polite! It's all family now,

This girl's affairs should be put first! "

Er Yuehong took the girl and thanked Ye Chen again.

After the matter was settled, Zhang Qishan and the adjutant took their leave first and left.

They are already busy with their affairs, and now they are leaving tomorrow, so naturally they have to take care of multiple places.

Otherwise, this Changsha city defense officer will be in vain, and he will have to raise money for this trip,

Time is really precious, don't waste even a moment!

As for Qi Tiezui, he was stopped by Ye Chen. Stay overnight in Ye Mansion,

Ye Chen still has some things to ask him. As for the Qi family, although it is one of the nine families, it has been passed down for generations.

But after all, there is only one store, so how much money can there be?

Ye Chen didn't care about this little money, seeing Qi Tiezui's pitiful eyes,

Zhang Qishan and the others happily left him behind, leaving him with a self-seeking expression.

Er Yuehong also smiled and helped the girl out of the door, before leaving, she still asked Chen Pi to close the door from the outside,

Qi Tiezui only saw Chen Pi showing him a sinister smile at the door,


With the sound of closing the door, there was no one else waiting in the main room,

Seeing that only he and Ye Chen were left in the main room, Qi Tiezui suddenly became stressed...

Even the teacup in his hand was shaken non-stop and made a "creaking" sound.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen asked with great interest:

"I haven't communicated with Eighth Master well before, it just happened to be due to the chance today!