MTL - Tomb Robbery: Starting From the Classic of Mountains and Seas-Chapter 125

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So I had to go there in person. It has been seven or eight days since Er Yuehong went there.

However, there was still no news, which made the girl who stayed behind at home very uneasy.

Even Chen Pi asked Ye Chen for orders many times, wanting to inquire about the news, but he refused them all.

Because if something cannot be done, he will do it himself. Just a tangerine peel is of little use,

And he still needs to rely on the meteorites in this mine to verify his thoughts,

Perhaps the real Shanhaijie is about to show his true face to him!

But at the moment, Lu Jianxun is an annoying fly. He brought orders from Shangfeng to Changsha to help Zhang Qishan participate in the defense work.

It is said that the prosecutor is actually Shangfeng is very dissatisfied with the progress of Zhang Qishan's handling of the ghost car.

That's why he sent a person to fight with him. This Lu Jianxun is also a man with a lot of scheming,

Presumably he won't be subdued by Zhang Qishan for a long time. Sending a greeting card at this time will explain everything.

Taking advantage of Zhang Qishan's absence in Changsha City, he wanted to collude with other forces to resist Zhang Qishan,

Although this step is correct, it depends on what kind of person Lu Jianxun is.

After thinking about it, Ye Chen put the greeting card in his hand on the table, tapped the table twice with his fingers,

"Five or six, don't worry about him, if he wants to come, let's meet him, I also want to see how capable this guy is."

Wuliu heard Ye Chen's words, bent over, and responded:

"Okay, young master, Wuliu understands."

Just as Wuliu retreated from the room, before Yin Xinyue could react, he hugged her like a princess.

"Oh, Ye Chen, what are you doing, put me down quickly! It's still early!"

"It's getting late, I think we should rest in peace. Don't you understand the reason why the spring night is so short?"

Went to the bed and threw Yin Xinyue's delicate body directly onto the bed,

Yin Xinyue flinched and hid in a corner, pinching one end of the quilt.

"Don't be like this, I still have something to ask you, is the woman you saw a doctor beautiful today?"

When Ye Chen heard that she was asking this question, he quickly climbed onto the bed, and blocked the rest of her question with his mouth.

"Don't, don't... stop!"

As each piece of clothing is thrown from the bed, the entire garment changes from more material to less material.

Slowly the struggling sound disappeared, replaced by the whining of kittens at night,

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Chen quietly got out of bed without asking the maid to come in to serve him.

Instead, he put on his clothes on his own, for fear that the sound of servants entering the door would wake Yin Xinyue who was sleeping soundly.

Unexpectedly, when he was putting on his clothes neatly, there was a hazy voice behind him,

"Chen, I want to drink lotus seed soup..."

Ye Chen's moving figure paused for a moment and responded,

"Okay, you sleep a little longer, and I'll let the servant girl bring it in later."

Gently pushing the door open, the scene just happened gave him a brief sense of happiness,

I really want to just let nature take its course for the rest of my life, but he knows the history clearly,

The days of peace are not long, and there will be long-term turmoil waiting for the people of the country in the future.

Besides, he also has many unfinished things to do, so he can't stay in this place!

The vision of summer is very good, and the flowers and plants in the inner courtyard are blooming very well.

A thriving scene, it is obvious that the servants who take care of these green plants put their heart into it.

Ye Chen didn't take a few more steps when he ran into Wuliu who was trotting towards him.

"Master! The person who delivered the greeting card yesterday is here!"

"Oh? You came so early? It seems that you value my Ye family very much. Forget it, then go and meet him! Lead the way on May or Six."

When Ye Chen arrived at the living room in the outer courtyard, he saw that there were already some people sitting in the room.

Seeing Ye Chen approaching, everyone in the room stood up one after another,

After all, who is the host and who is the guest still needs to be recognized.

Ignoring everyone in the room saluting to him, Ye Chen Shi Shiran sat on the main seat,

He picked up the teacup on the upper right table and took a few sips before turning his eyes to them again.

When everyone in the house saw Ye Chen being so rude, they were also a little angry, but because the owner of this family is famous, it is difficult to show it.

So they suppressed their anger and looked at him with a smile on their faces.

Lu Jianxun, who was still sitting at the front, couldn't help but speak first. Lu Jianxun was dressed in military uniform,

Standing behind him were four or five soldiers armed with guns. He looked upright and smiled at Ye Chen.

". I've heard about Master Ye's name for a long time, and they all say that you are suave and suave, and you are like a tree facing the wind. I saw you today, and that's true.

Lu Jianxun, the assistant defense officer in Changsha City, met Master Ye! "

After Lu Jianxun finished introducing himself, he raised his finger and pointed to the other people seated in the room.

"This is the owner of the "Fengyuan" firm in Changsha City. His firm is not only in Changsha, but also in Changsha.

There are also chambers of commerce in Shanghai, Jiangnan, etc., which can be said to be well-funded! "

Following Lu Jianxun's introduction, Dongjia Wang, who was dressed in expensive silks and satin, wore a fancy dress and looked a bit old (Qian Zhao),

He stood up and saluted Ye Chen. That's how we got to know each other and said hello.

After introducing Wang Dongjia, Lu Jianxun started to introduce the next one,

"This is the shopkeeper Li of our "Fenggu" grain store in Changsha City,

He controls 40% of the daily food purchased by the people in Changsha City! "

Even though the 40% is less than half, you must know that there are dozens of large and small grain merchants in the whole Changsha,

If he can control 40%, he is probably already the largest grain merchant in Hunan Province.

Following Lu Jianxun's introduction, the fattest person in the room stood up. He didn't have the kind attitude like Mr. Wang's.

He just casually shook hands with Ye Chen and sat down. Obviously, he didn't take him too seriously,

Although Ye Chen saw it, he didn't say much, it was just a group of so-called ants,

199 Everyone here is rubbish

Following Lu Jianxun's non-stop introductions, the people seated also stood up one by one to greet Ye Chen,

There were as many as seven or eight people brought by Lu Jianxun in this room, their identities,

From banks, chambers of commerce, food and cloth merchants to the deputy chief of the Changsha Police Department,

The civil affairs department even has workers' representatives sent by Lifu and porters.

Wearing a cool shirt, although it is not expensive, it is very clean,

Judging from the degree of wear and tear, it should have been specially prepared for this meeting for a long time,

This man is also the one who has the most respectful attitude towards Ye Chen among the crowd.

After being introduced by Lu Jianxun for a few short sentences, he stood up excitedly,

He saluted him respectfully. He wanted to continue talking but was interrupted by Lu Jianxun who continued to speak,

However, as an honest and hard-working man, he didn't think too much, he just smiled embarrassedly at Ye Chen,

Scratching his head and sitting back, the rest of the people present saw the man like this,

They all shook their heads, ignored him, and wanted to keep their distance.

Those who can be brought to Ye Mansion by Lu Jianxun are either wealthy or powerful.

Naturally, they looked down on this powerless worker representative. If Lu Jianxun hadn't insisted on bringing 827 as a prestige,

With their identities, they would never appear on one occasion at all!

I only heard Lu Jianxun continue to say triumphantly:

"Boss Ye, you have also seen my strength, Lu Jianxun, and I will not hide this from you.

Shangfeng was very dissatisfied with Zhang Qishan, the Changsha defense officer. It took so long to deal with a trivial matter.

What's even more exaggerated is that, as an important official in Changsha City, he often leaves his post without authorization!

There is no trace, this form of style does not put the safety of the people in Changsha City first!

So Shangfeng and I issued an order to take over the post of Changsha city defense officer smoothly if possible! "

Speaking of excitement, this Lu Jianxun sat down directly, picked up the tea on the desk and poured a few sips into his mouth,

Showing a look of concern for the country and the people, he continued:

"Although I, Lu Jianxun, am not an important member of the government, I am also deeply cultivated by Shangfeng.

Even better than that Zhang Qishan knows what it means to be diligent in government and love the people! Originally wanted to use force to get him out of power,

But I also remembered the "smooth takeover" repeatedly entrusted by Shangfeng, not wanting to disturb (bgfg) these innocent ordinary people,

That's why I brought these friends to Ye's house, I hope Master Ye will think about how to stand in line."

Speaking of this, Lu Jianxun pointed emphatically at the worker representatives in the crowd,

This scene made Ye Chen feel disgusted, not only did this guy not tell the truth,

The methods used are still very low-key, what kind of gentle takeover, do not want to disturb the people,

Obviously you don't have an army, obviously you are no match for Zhang Qishan at all,

As for this honest worker representative, it seemed that he had been fooled.

Even how foolish, Ye Chen thought of it, nothing more than saying that once the city of Changsha is in turmoil,

These workers will have no work to do. For the working class, no work is tantamount to starving to death.

That's why Lu Jianxun cleverly tricked him into coming here. Thinking of this Ye Chen's complexion is very ugly,

These incompetent people in power will use some low-level methods to deceive the people at the bottom,

They don't know how many families will be ruined by an insignificant incident of theirs!

Just like this time, if Lu Jianxun's plan fails, will it be okay to wait for the result of this worker representative?

How many powerful people who came together will let this insider go?

Will Zhang Qishan let this opponent go? Even if Zhang Qishan doesn't care, what about his subordinates?

Ye Chen looked up at the crowd, and gave each of them the death penalty in his heart.

Just follow the order introduced at the beginning, first Lu Jianxun, then Wang Dongjia,

Oh! There is also an arrogant fat man who sells food! never forget your...

Seeing Ye Chen's face constantly changing, Lu Jianxun thought he was considering his proposal,

His heart couldn't help jumping into his throat, it turned out that there was no Ye family in the order he had set for visiting.

Instead, they came in the order of the nine gates, first Er Yuehong, then half of Li... until the next three gates.

But when he learned that Ye Chen in front of him was an astonishing heir to the Ye family in Beiping City, he changed his mind in an instant.

This Ye Family holds the Miao Ye Lin's big weapon. And he is still the second child of the Nine Schools,

Er Yuehong's master, this is too much! If you can persuade Ye Chen to participate in it,

He, Lu Jianxun, didn't even need to find the rest of the Nine Sects, and directly started fighting with Zhang Qishan,

So he attached great importance to Ye Chen's thoughts, and also learned that Master Ye had been a doctor for a long time,

In Miaoyelin, when giving free consultations to poor people, even without collecting money,

On a whim, he found this group of workers who had received favors, and after a flicker,

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