MTL - Tomb Robbery: Starting From the Classic of Mountains and Seas-Chapter 4

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The price is very cheap at this time. 1 tael of silver is equal to more than 800 yuan in later generations, so this amount of money is equivalent to more than 600,000 in later generations.

For Ye Chen's family, this situation is tantamount to a windfall,

So after Ye Chen's father recovered, the whole family moved to Lingziguan at Ye Chen's suggestion.

Comparing the information received in the village and the city is more convenient for future development.

Uncle Zhuzi begged his wife the next year, and then followed in the footsteps of Yechen's family and moved out of Yejiacun.

Only Uncle Monkey lost his money due to a carelessness and stayed in his hometown.

Including the subsequent fights were all held by Uncle Monkey,

When Ye Chen was 14 years old, he participated in three of these activities because of his cultivation and growth.

I don't know if it's because of Ye Chen's good luck or what, but there were no surprises along the way and no special circumstances were encountered.

But Uncle Monkey didn't think about moving after earning money.

But he will not be alone because the movement of practice is relatively large.

Ye Chen often settled in Qinling, and from time to time he would find Uncle Monkey for a few drinks. In recent years, the animals in the Qinling Mountains have suffered

Whether it was Xiong Xiazi or the tiger, they were often hit by Ye Chen's iron bullets, especially wild boars! It is estimated that Ye Chen also remembers the revenge of that day.

Ye Chen often goes down the mountain to bring some endless animal meat and tiger skins and bear skins to sell in Chengguan. His reputation spreads far and wide, and the generals of Taiyuan Prefecture in Shanxi guarantee him to be an official.

However, Ye Chen felt that it was not the right time, so he rejected the invitation. Looking at the progress of his blood fusion, Ye Chen felt that the tomb had not been in vain in the past few years. After packing his luggage, he was ready to go to Lingziguan.

On the way down the mountain, I even killed a wild boar and took it away. I left half of the meat for Uncle Monkey and put the rest in the space. Anyway, the space is bigger now and there is a place to put it. And invite Uncle Monkey to look for him in the city when he is free

Now Uncle Monkey is a man with both children, and the aunt in the house is very enthusiastic to pull him into the house for tea.

Seeing her sister playing with her younger brother in the yard, Ye Chen couldn't help feeling envious when he saw this.

"Father, mother, I'm back." Ye Chen's residence in the city was a mistress who entered the courtyard, called out at the door, and Ye Chen walked in on his own.

Seeing this, the servant in the sitting room at the door hurried in to inform Ye's father and Ye's mother.

In the past few years, Ye Chen earned from hunting in the mountains and from going to the tomb. There are more than 3,000 taels here and there. It is more than enough to buy a yard in this place.

I left some for my parents, and I have about one thousand taels left.

Over the past few years, the family has gradually added some people, including three servants, a housekeeper, two maids and a cook. In recent years, the condition of the parents has improved and the body has become stronger.

On the contrary, he looked younger than before. Through continuous efforts, Ye Chen gave birth to a younger sister and younger brother two years ago

These two little guys are still twins. They grew up white and tender since they were young.

Ye Guang was forced to go to a private school by his parents, and according to their wishes, he wanted Ye Chen to go

Ye Chen quickly refused to make jokes that he was a college student trained under the 21st Century Red Flag who knew astronomy first and geography second, why didn't he go to school without the imperial examination.

Ye Chen unintentionally showed a little ability that was different from ordinary people, and his parents said it was bestowed by gods.

That's why the parents didn't force themselves, and gave Ye Chen enough freedom, otherwise, in this day and age, the fate of parents is greater than the sky.

Even if you dare to disobey your parents, even if you are not arrested by the government, you will be scolded by the spine if you let others know.

Although Ye Chen now has the strength to be as good as a hundred, but he is very filial to his parents

, and now Ye Chen has not been rampant enough to fight against the country by himself.

You must know that the current Qing court is very powerful.

At this time, it has been 8 years since Xuan Ye was far away in the capital, so this year is 1669 in the Gregorian calendar, and there are still more than 300 years before Ye Chen crossed. ...

Ye Chen still remembers that this year the young Xuanye Kangxi was going to plan to capture Oboi and start his own life. Now the Eight Banners Army's combat effectiveness is still very strong, and it is not comparable to that in Wanqing.

It has not been a few years since the founding of the Qing Dynasty. Preserving the vicious vigor that came out of the black mountains and white waters

Traveling to this era, Ye Chen didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it, and it would be convenient for him to rise up.

If you were traveling under the red flag in your previous life, let alone fighting against each other, even if you sell cultural relics, you must prove whether they belong to your own family.

Walking through the front yard, I saw Fu Bo, the housekeeper, standing by the hanging flower gate to welcome him.

"Young master, are you back? You have been away for so long, and the master and grandma are thinking about you every day. When you just went out, the young master and Miss Xiaowen cried for several days in a row. Master Guang is good at school and rarely comes back. ".

007 Development Family

Fu Bo followed Ye Chen quickly while telling Ye Chen what happened when he was not at home.

Ye Chen also slowed down and listened patiently. Uncle Fu is a native of Lingziguan, and his family had a small fortune when he was young.

It's a pity that the son is a bad gambler. Not only did he lose all his family's belongings, he also **** off his mother to death. He was caught and sentenced to death by the government. Ye Chen just came to the city and introduced Fu Bo through Ya Zi.

After checking the data, I thought it was pretty good, so I accepted it.

Forber: Force: 7

Speed: 7

Wisdom: 13

Luck: 14 (time turns and meets the host's family)

Life: 50 (84)

Skills: Proficient in accounting

Father Ye and mother Ye in the inner courtyard came out after being informed by servants. Mother Ye held Ye Feng in her hand, while Ye Wen was held in Father Ye's arms.

Ye Xiang: Power: 11

Speed: 10

Wisdom: 11

Lives: 35 (79)

Luck: 20 (continuously rising)

Yip's (mother): Power: 8

Speed: 8

Lives: 33 (77)

Luck: 21 (continuing to rise)

Ye Feng: .....Ye Wen: ...Because he is young and his statistics are relatively low, so I won't introduce more here.

After exchanging pleasantries with my parents for a while, I reported on my life on the mountain, and repeatedly stated that all of this was arranged by a man of God, so I reluctantly ended the conversation.

Ye Chen is already 16 this year, and he could already be a parent in ancient times, but at this moment he is thinking about the life expectancy of his parents.

As time goes on, this matter becomes more and more urgent.

Although he has traveled through time, the feelings he has had for so many years are real.

Now Ye Chen can live for another 200 years even if he doesn't make progress, he doesn't want to end up becoming a loner.

"Is the system in place? How can I make the people around me have a long lifespan? Can I let them practice too?"

"The system provides suggestions in two ways"

"One, the host can unlock and exchange more alien bloodlines by allowing the system to absorb more feng shui power and choose an inheritor. The low-level bloodlines have no chance of detachment or will die with the passage of time until the limit."

"Second, the host can sacrifice the degree of fusion of his own blood, so that the heir can obtain his own blood. Every time he inherits, the host will lose 1% of the degree of fusion, and the heir will get it"

(The offspring of the host will inherit the blood of the host or other blood skills)

Ye Chen heaved a sigh of relief after listening to the system's introduction, as long as there is a way.

Although it is not free, it is within the range of one's own tolerance.

It seems that I have to go to the tomb more often. Those places with a lot of feng shui are usually in the ancient tombs. When the concentration of my blood is higher, I will pass it on to my relatives

At that time, it will develop into a family like the Zhang family in "Stolen Pen", controlling the changes in the world behind the scenes.

Ye Chen walked into his room in the east wing. Ye Chen's parents lived in the main room, and Ye Guang and the other two little ones lived in the west wing and were usually taken care of by maids.

There are two courtyards in the entire Sanjin courtyard, which are divided into the front courtyard and the inner courtyard. There are more than 30 rooms including the servant's room, which is much more grand than Ye Chen's hometown.

"Xiao Cui asked Xiao Zhao to come over," Ye Chen said to the maid behind him,

"Alright young master, Xiaocui is going now"

Both Xiao Cui and Xiao Zhao are Ye Chen's servants. Xiao Cui always obeys her parents' arrangements when she is not at home. Now I am waiting by my side when I come back, while Xiao Zhao is out to handle the property for himself.

After about two cups of tea, I saw Xiaocui and Zhao walking in panting.

"Master, you are back. The slave has just dealt with customers. I have kept you waiting for a long time. Recently, the business of our shop has been booming with the mountain goods brought by the master from the mountains."

Xiao Zhao took a few deep breaths and tried to calm himself down before speaking to Ye Chen.

For the sake of the sustainable development of the family, Ye Chen would sell the herbs and meat brought from the mountains in his own shop every time, so that there would be more items so that he would not be overwhelmed.

"Master, this is the latest account book, please take a look." Xiao Zhao handed him the account book in his arms with both hands,

Ye Chen also looked through it, and found that there was a credit of more than 700 taels, but he didn't find any problems.

"Xiao Zhao, you've done a good job. In the future, we will recruit more people and open more shops to develop in Datong and Taiyuan Prefectures. As for the goods, we will accept those hunters.

Backed by the Qinling Mountains, we don't lack these things, and the price can be higher.

To know that a stable channel can bring us more benefits,

Don't be reluctant to spend money. It is better to spend money to do great things than to spend no money to do nothing! "

Ye Chen also conveyed the advanced management experience from the 21st century to Xiao Zhao. Xiao Zhao lowered his head and listened carefully. After explaining to Ye Chen, he asked Xiao Zhao to go out and get busy.

In this way, Ye Chen also stayed at home for four or five days. During this period, Ye Guang also came back once to exchange pleasantries among the brothers, which cannot be expressed in words.

Lying on the rocking chair in the inner courtyard drinking tea, Xiao Cui massaged his head behind Ye Chen. Although Xiao Cui was young, she had already seen the scale, and Ye Chen's head rested on the soft spot.

This kind of feudal life is really depraved, Ye Chen thought.

At this moment, I heard the servants in the front yard report that Uncle Li and the others have come

Ye Chen also hurriedly got up to greet him and asked Xiaocui to prepare some tea and snacks.

"Haha, Ye Chen, we have been looking for you several times, and today we finally caught you."

Before I saw him, I could already hear Uncle Li's hearty jokes.

008 Initial of the Tomb

"What is Uncle Li talking about? If you have something to do, tell the boy to come over and say hello. I dare not let the pigeons of the uncles go. Does Uncle Li have any explanation for coming here this time?"

Greet Uncle Li, Uncle Chen, and Uncle Zhuzi to sit down.

Then let Xiaocui serve tea to several uncles. Ye Chen expressed the doubts in his heart.

"We came this time because of the previous incident, which made us almost unable to get out of the tomb. I plan to enter it again." Uncle Chen said at this time

"Oh! Uncle Chen, think it over, you are all married and settled now. Do you want to go to that muddy water?"

Ye Chen actually wanted to go there a long time ago, the weirder the place, the more feng shui power it can provide the system.

He also expressed this meaning to Uncle Chen before, Uncle Chen and the others all said that they would not go again. Why did you suddenly change your mind?

"That's what I mean too. Now that I'm old, if I can't walk while I'm still alive, I'm afraid I won't have a chance in this life."

That's not bad, Uncle Chen will be 45 this year, which is already a forty-year-old in ancient times.

But Ye Chen knows that Uncle Chen can still live to be 81.

But he wouldn't say it, otherwise how would he explain it?

"This time the monkey will not go, we have already asked. Now I have earned enough money. I don't want to gamble with my life anymore. Now that you are old, Ye Chen, you are also famous in Shanxi Province as "Five Tigers a Day" hero.

This time we have more confidence in going to the tomb again, and I also want to go again, otherwise it will become a nightmare in my life. "Uncle Zhuzi said

"Five tigers a day" means that Ye Chen was disturbed by tigers one day when he was practicing in Qinling, so Ye Chen followed the clues and slaughtered their family.

He stripped off his flesh and blood and sold them in the shop. In order not to offend his family and the shop, he

I deliberately didn't put the system space, but carried it on my back and walked around the entire Lingziguan.

Originally, he walked for two hours instead of one hour's journey (this is not meant to show off, Ye Chen will not admit it!)

As a result, the tiger-fighting hero of "Five Tigers a Day" was known to the whole Shanxi Province and spread uproar.

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