MTL - Tomb Robbery: Starting From the Classic of Mountains and Seas-Chapter 81

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She bowed respectfully to him, and then hurriedly left with her mother on her back, probably because she was in a hurry to go back and inquire.

The room on the second floor became empty again, Ye Chen returned to the rocking chair and began to shake slightly,

Stretching out her slender, white palm, a cup of steaming tea suddenly appeared out of nowhere,

Now that Ye Chen has the ability to create things out of thin air, it is still very simple to create some simple objects.

Like the colorful leaf water lily he prescribed for water locusts, no matter what he has accumulated over the years,

Or materialization out of thin air (bgfg) can be easily achieved, but he doesn't have to do this,

Although Water Locust is filial, he is not a good person in the final analysis, and Ye Chen has no relatives or reasons, so he would not help him with all his heart and soul.

Another point is that Ye Chen knows where this so-called colorful leaf water lotus will appear last time.

He raised the corner of his mouth, took a sip of the tea in his hand, and imitated the water locust in his hand,

He began to beat the beat, humming the opera softly in his mouth. It would be a surprise to hear someone nearby,

Because what Ye Chen was humming was the famous Beijing opera song Er Yuehong sang in Hongjia Theater last night, Mu Guiying was in charge,

What was even more surprising was that the tune that Ye Chen hummed at this time was no different from that of the second master at that time!

I even made some adjustments in the details of some male and female voice transfers, which made the whole song more beautiful!

Time passed quickly, the cicadas chirped in summer, and the air was distorted by the high temperature.

Ye Chen was walking on the streets of Changsha, shaking the paper fan gently to cool off a little,

Wearing a white suit, he seems to be the focus of any space,

On both sides of the street, both the older girls and the younger daughter-in-law were all staring at him with blushing faces,

Even every few steps, the clothes rail on the second floor would fall from his side,

Ye Chen, who is an upright gentleman, snorted coldly in his heart, do you really think I am a high official from Ximen?

He lowered his body and picked up the clothes rail, then looked up at the pretty young woman on the second floor,

Showing a charming smile,

"Girl, did you accidentally drop it? Do you need me to return it?"

With a scream on the second floor, he continued to go shopping the next day.

Just kidding he just wants to do something good for the young woman who is homeless,

Bringing a little warmth to their lonely hearts is nothing more than that.

But he is still very measured, he will change into different clothes every time he goes out,

Even his face was tweaked slightly, masking his far-from-human handsomeness.

well! It's too boring, a place as good as Goulan has now become a boring brothel,

Without the communication of the soul, only the collision of the body is left, which makes Ye Chen gradually dislike going to such places.

But today's sudden water locust disrupted his schedule, at this time he was no longer as calm as he had seen before,

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Now start the next episode. Hope you like it! .

125 Crescent Hotel

"Boss Ye, take the liberty to come to visit and hope that the prescription you gave me before,

I have already given it to my subordinates to inquire about it. I can buy other medicinal materials from you, my boss.

But this last herbal medicine, the water locust is really powerless,

Until yesterday, a friend from a foreign merchant who shipped goods told me that this medicine was available at the auction of the Crescent Hotel in Beijing~!

After I learned about it, I didn't dare to delay, so I came here in a hurry, and I hoped that my boss would give me an idea. "

Ye Chen invited the disheveled-looking water locust to sit aside, and ordered the servant to bring him tea.

But how can the water locusts drink it at this time! During this time,

It can be said that he has forgotten to eat and sleep to the limit, and the treatment plan he has not prepared in the past is fine.

Now that hope is right in front of him, and he has received such important news, how can he sit still?

He hurriedly found Ye Chen, and then thought that the cup of tea in his hand was a gift from Ye Dong's family.

If you don't drink it, wouldn't it be a shame for the owner, the water locust still picked it up and opened it to drink a couple of sips.

A heart-piercing fragrance rushes straight to the forehead,

The tiredness of many days was swept away, and I couldn't help shouting a few words,

"Good tea, really good tea!"

Ye Chen also took two sips, looked at the water locust and said:

"Fourth Master likes it, why don't you drink two more sips, this is specially made by Miao Yelin,

The outside is also unique! But the Beijing Crescent Hotel that Si Ye mentioned before,

Chen also heard a little bit about their auction. The invitations are all from famous families,

Or high-ranking military and political officials, if they want to go in, they have to send special invitations,

Forgive Chen for being rude, fourth master, you probably haven't received the invitation, right? "

The water locust sighed heavily, with a sad face.

"Hey~ Ye Dong's family is face to face, what can't be said about this, I think I have lived for more than 30 years in vain,

I haven't seen any scenes before, I've already thought about it! But that invitation is indeed a hassle! "

Then the water locust thought of something! An imperceptible ferociousness appeared on his face, and a burst of murderous intent flashed across.

"If it doesn't work, then go directly to the entrance of the New Moon Hotel and wait there to see who wants to go in!

Just find a soft persimmon and squeeze it off, and grab his invitation! "

Ah! The co-authors of Changsha Nine Gates are all like this, and you all think the same way.

Ye Chen waved his hand lightly in front of the water locust, interrupting his words.

"Fourth Master doesn't have to act like this, I think the one who can receive the invitation from the New Moon Hotel,

They are all ruthless characters with names and surnames, how soft can a persimmon be?

If fourth master does this, isn't he afraid that your mother will live but no one will be filial? "

Hearing these words, the water locust, who was already holding on to his breath, immediately hunched over.

Trembling and crying, he said:

"Could it be! Could it be! My poor mother must die of illness,

Water locust was brought up by her mother since she was a child, and her current chronic illnesses are all caused by her previous fatigue.

Now there is obviously a chance, if I don't do it! This calls me a water locust, how can I be a child of man? En~"

After speaking, such a big man actually covered his eyes with his hands and cried. Those who heard it were really sad, and those who saw it wept.

This made Ye Chen feel at a loss for a while, for fear that the people downstairs would hear,

I thought he did something inhumane to the water locust! Being forced to do nothing, he had no choice but to comfort him:

"Okay, okay! Fourth Master doesn't have to be so sad, what do you think this is?"

Water Locust casually wiped away the tears on his face with the yellowed corner of his clothes, raised his head to look at the things Ye Dong's took out,

With just this one glance, he never looked away again, as if someone cast a fixing spell,

Suddenly he took something out of Ye Chen's hand and looked it over carefully.

Ye Chen also let the water locust **** it away, but shook his head helplessly. It seems that he still made a loss-making business.

Fortunately, this kind of thing is not precious to him, so he will give it if he gives it.

Perhaps this is where humanity is more precious than so-called divinity!

"This! This is! The invitation card from the Crescent Hotel? How did you get it from Mr. Ye's family?"

Seeing the water locust smiling from tears, Ye Chen nodded.

"As the owner of the entire Wonderful Leaf Forest, isn't it normal for Chen to receive an invitation?"

The water locust slapped its head and suddenly realized. Yes, where is this wonderful leaf forest?


What is the status of Ye Dong's family in front of him! If even Boss Ye's family doesn't give the invitation to Crescent Hotel,

Then there is no need to open this dog-owned restaurant!

Thinking of this, Water Locust got up from his seat, and solemnly bowed his hands to Ye Chen.

"Thanks to my boss for awakening the dreamer, your great kindness to me,

The water locust has no teeth to forget, if you need it in the future, please give me an order from the boss! Do not hesitate to die! "

Ye Chen also stood up and saluted him.

"Well, this is all a matter of my duty, after all I agreed to Fourth Master's medical consultation,

Naturally, I have to do my best, so that I can live up to the hundreds of years of Miao Yelin's signature! Doctors are kind!


Now that everything is ready, only Dongfeng owes it. I don't know when fourth master will leave, and how much money is he planning to bring?

The Crescent Hotel auction is a big deal, if you don't have enough money. I'm afraid it will disappoint fourth master in the end! "

The water locust hesitated for a while, and after a while, he said with a big face:

"Boss, this so-called money is nothing compared to my mother's life!

If my mother is really healed, don't even ask for my water locust's money, I will give her even my life!

I will go back and ask my subordinates to start selling property. I have been wandering outside for so many years,

Not to mention one side is very rich, but in this city of Changsha, there are really few people who can be richer than me, of course, you must be the exception of Mr. Ye!

It is estimated that the sale of the property and the amount on hand will cost several million!

However, the water locust has an unfeeling request here, I hope that this auction will allow you to accompany me to the auction,

Don't be afraid of the boss's jokes, if you want to talk about robbing houses and digging graves, I can do it,

But speak your mind! I'm not as good as you, my boss, if I tie up ten of them. I hope my boss can agree to the rude request of the water locust! "

Ye Chen secretly felt in his heart, ten? Just your IQ with a value below 10? I'm hundreds of times better than you, okay?

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Thank you sirs, boss

Yin Xinyue took it first, leaving a sister for the Buddha,

Now the rules do not allow all charges! Door.

126 people appeared before

Looking at the tall and mighty city gate with a strong historical atmosphere,

Ye Chen, who was in the motorcade, was suddenly stunned. The Chongwenmen in front of him was the place where he had soared in the daytime.

The grass and trees here are still the same as before, but there is a slight change,

The eyes of the merchants and peddlers have a ray of longing for the future.

"Boss? Are you yearning for love?"

The water locust looked at Ye Chen suspiciously, and asked him with concern,