MTL - Tomb Robbery: Starting From the Classic of Mountains and Seas-Chapter 83

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A question brought Ye Chen, who was recalling the past, back to reality.

"That's not enough! Prince Li's Mansion and Prince Gong's Mansion are much bigger than mine,

But now that it can be preserved so well, only Wuwang Mansion is left!

You let your younger brothers go to the front room to rest, and there will be a boy to deliver food later. "

Support with free flowers and monthly tickets,

Thank you gentlemen, boss.

The author is constantly updating! .

128 Spring Auction

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, it is the day when the spring auctions of the Crescent Hotel in Beiping City start twice a year.

The water locust lived in Wu Wang's mansion during this period of time, but it was happy and painful.

He never thought that he would have the opportunity to live in the palace as a guest with a muddy leg,

Every brick and tile in the palace reveals a sense of heaviness that history has brought to him.

The very well-behaved behavior of the servant girl here makes him feel twisted no matter how he looks at it.

As if he shouldn't be here, Ye Chen was taken aback when he saw the water locust again.

Not only the water locust but also the group of subordinates he brought, all of them seemed to have changed,

The out-of-the-ordinary incongruity disappeared, replaced by a sense of maturity.

Ye Chen figured out the reason after a little thought, the so-called Feng Shui situation, Qi nourishes people, and people raise Qi.

Those who have experienced the light can hardly bear the darkness. After staring at it for a while, Ye Chen turned his gaze away.

"Fourth Master, you have had a good rest during this period, and now the auction is coming soon. We need to leave immediately,

Money is ready! "

Water Locust sorted out his thoughts, pointed to the three black suitcases held by his subordinates, and replied respectfully:

"Please don't worry, my master, you are resting well in the mansion. It really is worthy of the mansion of the king's mansion.

The money has been prepared, and this trip must be foolproof! "

A group of people walked out of the palace, and the water locust looked back at the palace a few more times before leaving. Seems to be saying goodbye to something,

Ye Chen comforted him that he could come and stay for a few days after the auction was over, but he didn't want to be rejected by the water locust.

"Boss, let's leave for Changsha immediately after getting the medicine. After all, the sooner my mother recovers from her illness, the better."

The servants of Ye Mansion at the gate of King Wu's Mansion have already prepared five cars,

When Ye Chen came nearby, he bent down and respectfully opened the car door, and the water locust also took the opportunity to walk in.

He was in the same car with Ye Chen, and his subordinates got into the other four cars behind.

The two of them were silent all the way, only the sound of the Yefu driver in the front seat driving.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, people of all colors are doing their jobs on the streets with people coming and going.

With the development of the times, the world has changed after all, except for the rickshaw pullers who run past from time to time,

There are also bicycles, and there are not a few people dressed in suits with briefcases.

The time for a cup of tea passed, and the convoy of five cars stopped at the entrance of a magnificent hotel.

Ye Chen got out of the car together, and the waiter at the entrance of the hotel trotted over immediately,

After staring at Ye Chen's face for a while, he said

"Several masters looked at each other, today is the day of our Spring Auction at the Crescent Hotel,

All those who want to participate must have an invitation card from our hotel, how many have it?? "

At this time, the water locusts and the others all looked at Ye Chen, and did not disappoint them. Ye Chen took out the invitation from his pocket and handed it to the waiter.

Only after seeing this scene did the waiter realize that the person in front of him, who looked familiar, was in charge.

Opening the invitation card, the waiter couldn't move his eyes anymore, and stared at Ye Chen's face carefully several times.

He yelled at the waiters who were still receiving other people in the rear.

"People from the Ye family are here! Hurry up and report to the shopkeeper!"

There was a brief moment of silence at the entrance of the Crescent Hotel, followed by a flurry of nonsense.

A waiter with quick steps outside rushed in to report,

Then four women wearing cheongsams walked out of the restaurant. They had pretty faces and a very good figure, with protruding front and back.

The most eye-catching thing is the cheongsam that has been opened up to the thighs, and the patterns depicted on the cheongsams of the four girls are also different.

It just corresponds to the four kinds of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, but how can the surrounding onlookers see what the pattern of the clothes is,

Everyone is staring at the snow-white thighs, haven't you seen that the water locust and his subordinates look like pig brothers!

Ye Chen quietly distanced himself from them, but judging from his many years of experience, these girls are still young.

Four girls came up to one of them. He stared at Ye Chen's face for a few more times and then said:

"Hello, Young Master Ye, you can call me Xiaomei, I am the butler of the shopkeeper Yin of the Crescent Hotel.

It's not a coincidence that you came today, my shopkeeper has gone out to receive the goods, so I can't come out to receive the goods in person,

But you can let me take you for a stroll, and I hope Young Master Ye doesn't mind. "

Ye Chen looked at Xiaomei, who was the most beautiful among the four, and nodded in satisfaction.

This Xiaomei is not only the most outstanding figure and appearance,

And in her eyes, there is an agility that the three people with her did not have.

".ˇThat's good, my friend asked me to come here today! I really have a goal.

It doesn't matter that your shopkeeper is not here, it's the same with you leading the way.

Then I will trouble Miss Xiaomei today! "

Then he pointed to Xiaomei and the water locusts around him.

Are they friends? If Ye Chen hadn't explained them, Xiaomei would have even regarded them as bodyguards brought by Ye Chen.

"No trouble, no trouble, please come in with me, Young Master Ye and your friends."

A group of people walked into the hotel in the eyes of the onlookers, and the outside world was soon drowned out by a burst of noise.

Some are discussing the four beauties, they are really the best. This trip to the Crescent Hotel was not in vain!

Some are obsessed with Ye Chen's appearance, they really look alike!

And those high-ranking officials who have reached a certain level of status or a wealthy party are thinking,

It's the first time the head of the Ye family shows up in front of everyone (Zhao Lihao), and he doesn't know if it's a blessing or a curse!

Looking at the Crescent Hotel in front of him, Ye Chen began to recall again, it really has more modern decoration than before,

As soon as you enter the door, you will see the crystal lamp with a height of more than ten meters, which is hung high in the fifth-floor room.

You must know that in the 1930s, a two-story building was not considered short, but the Crescent Hotel was built to five floors!

Wealthy families are still complacent about using convenient light bulbs,

But the Crescent Hotel has already used a crystal chandelier of more than ten meters! I have to say it is really rich!

It seems that the Crescent Hotel has developed very well during the period of his sleep!

Free flowers and monthly pass to support the word,

Thank you gentlemen, boss.

Everyone has guessed Xiaomei's identity!

It won't be won soon, as for the Great Buddha to give him a sister.

hey-hey! .

129 "Xiaomei"

"Master Ye? Master Ye!"

Ye Chen was awakened from his thoughts by the girl's call, and after experiencing a lot, he would nostalgic for the past often.

Before he could stop in time, he bumped into the back of the girl in front of him,

Ye Chen's powerful strength made the girl stagger and almost fell, but fortunately he reached out in time.

She hugged her back in her arms, and looked down at the girl in her arms with a hint of panic on her face,

The clear and bright pupils on the white cheeks, the curved willow eyebrows, and the long eyelashes trembling slightly,

The fair and flawless skin revealed a light pink, and the thin lips were as delicate as rose petals.

Seeing this, Ye Chen actually had the urge to kiss, but fortunately, a few exclamations from girls around interrupted his thoughts.

Damn it, Ye Chen reprimanded a few words in his heart, he has been a senior official of Ximen for a few days,

I don't know who he is anymore, and I'm still addicted to it! Thankfully it was stopped in time,

Otherwise, in front of so many people, the Ye family's family style and his personality will be ruined!

"Miss! Er, Xiaomei, are you okay!"

"Sister Xiaomei, are you okay, you scared us just now~"

Seeing 753's jokes in the eyes of the surrounding sisters, Xiaomei quickly broke free from Ye Chen's arms.

Angrily, he said to them:

"Okay! When you saw me fall, you didn't know how to help me first!

You still want to see me laughing, don't you? See if I won't punish you in the future! "

"Ah! No! Sister Xiaomei, our movements were slow just now, how could Master Ye be as fast!"

"Yes, yes! Sister Xiaomei, Mr. Ye is the quickest to react. When I saw you fall, I immediately hugged you!"

How can Xiaomei recognize a few sisters when she sees them like this, no matter in front of the public,

I started to move my hands, and I didn't give up until several sisters begged for mercy!

She turned her head and stared at Ye Chen with angry eyes, of course Ye Chen wasn't afraid of her,

The eyes of the two were fixed on each other, as if they had forgotten where they were.

Xiaomei didn't see Ye Chen's eyes dodge the slightest until she watched it for a while, but instead looked at her blushing,

Holding back his temper, he insisted on cursing a few words against his will.

"Hmph! Why did you suddenly lose your mind just now, you libertine, just now (bgfg) was so unreasonable in front of the public!

I really misread you! snort! "

Ye Chen knew that this was his problem, so he kept apologizing and scolding himself.

After coaxing for a long time, Xiaomei regained her strength and continued to take Ye Chen upstairs.

However, it can be seen from Xiaomei's flustered footsteps that are fast and slow, she is not so calm at this time,

The guests who had already arrived on the first floor were already dumbfounded by the scene before them.

Who is this man! With such a superb way of picking up girls, and looking at the little star who just got on beside him, he suddenly felt unsatisfactory.

After all, the great **** gave him a live teaching session, and the difficulty must be higher.

But he certainly didn't notice the little star sitting beside him, but she kept staring at Ye Chen's back.

Just as he was going upstairs, Ye Chen was suddenly stabbed twice in the back by the water locust. When he turned his head, he saw the water locust winking at him.

God! This time he jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean it up. Everyone thought he did it on purpose.