MTL - Tomb Robbery: Starting From the Classic of Mountains and Seas-Chapter 99

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"I have also heard of Adjutant Zhang's name. I didn't know that Adjutant Zhang came here today.

But is there anyone in the mansion of the defense official who is seriously ill? "

A look of surprise appeared on Zhang Rishan's stern face, and he didn't expect Ye Chen to say such words as soon as he uttered them, which made him speechless for a while.

It's right to think about it, where is Miao Yelin, and he came here, so it's not a problem for others to treat him as a doctor.

"Hahaha! Forgive me, Adjutant. Ye likes to joke. When I saw the adjutant today,

So I thought about talking and laughing, how about the adjutant invite you inside, have a few cups of tea and then talk about it? "

Fortunately, at this time Ye Chen opened his mouth and gave him another step, Zhang Rishan was relieved.

"Thank you, Boss Ye, for your kindness. You don't need to drink tea! Boss's opening of this Wonderful Leaf Forest is a kind act of Wanjiasheng Buddha.

This trip came to our Changsha, our Buddha should have wanted to come to Miaoyelin to meet the owner and visit him for a while,

But due to busy work, I couldn't come here! No, today is just free,

Lord Buddha sent me here to invite my master to visit the house for a while, and I hope my master will save face! "

After Zhang Rishan finished speaking, he clasped his fists and bowed to Ye Chen. This kind deed of Miao Yelin made Ye Chen seem to have an indestructible golden body in today's society.

Whether it is a guest with good intentions or an enemy with malice, as long as the visitor is dignified,

No one would dare not give him face on the spot! Hundreds of years of free clinics have treated millions of patients,

Most of them take medicine for free, saving countless lives. The patients of previous generations will have descendants,

Kindness is passed down from generation to generation, although it is not ruled out that there are also ungrateful people like the old man,

But such people are very few after all, so as long as Ye Chen, the contemporary master of Miao Ye Lin, doesn't do anything particularly excessive,

Basically, no one dared to touch him, neither the Changsha military officials nor the Republic of China government,

Otherwise, what awaits them is the spitting stars of the people all over the world and the verbal criticism of the literati!

"Okay! Since Master Zhang gave me face in this way, I can't be ignorant of flattery,

Let's go, Adjutant Zhang, I am also very curious about Buddha! "

Seeing that Ye Chen agreed, Zhang Rishan immediately stepped aside and let Ye Chen invite him first.

But when he looked at the white ape in Miaoye Forest, he still hesitated for a while,

"Boss Ye, this-"

Seeing that Zhang Rishan didn't wait for him to speak, Ye Chen said:

"Don't worry about it, this old ape is very smart and won't run around!"

Bai Yuan knew Ye Chen was talking about it, and nodded obediently at Ye Chen, as if I was very obedient.

After seeing Zhang Rishan, he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​taking the white ape away.

They got into the car together behind Ye Chen, and the soldiers on both sides of the door left quickly when the car started, and followed the convoy closely.

Along the way, Ye Chen also asked Zhang Rishan in various ways, such as how he met Buddha,

When did you come to Changsha, and what kind of stinky tofu do you like?

At first, Zhang Rishan was able to chat and laugh with him and respond a few words,

Zhang Rishan, who asked later, kept silent. In the original play, Zhang Rishan was a person who didn’t talk much.

Ye Chen was surprised to be able to speak so many words today.

Seeing Adjutant Zhang's deflated look, he secretly laughed in his heart, this is the end for disturbing his rest!

The defense officers of Changsha City were not far from Miaoye Forest, so they arrived without a cup of tea.

Seeing the place, Zhang Rishan let out a sigh of relief. Get out of the car quickly.

Only then did Ye Chen follow behind unhurriedly, the entire defense officer's mansion covers a very large area,

In addition to seeing this Chinese-foreign mixed building in front of you, there is also a school yard behind.

The barracks of some patrolling soldiers were stationed again, and Ye Chen noticed the gold-plated bronze Buddha statue as soon as he entered the door.

It is about ten meters tall, and only the upper body of the entire Buddha statue appears on the ground of the mansion.


The other part was placed on the bottom floor. Ye Chen walked up and gently stroked the face of the Buddha statue,

He smiled and asked Adjutant Zhang:

"Adjutant Zhang, it is said that the Buddha brought the Buddha statue back to Changsha City from the barren mountain.

The name of Master Zhang Dafo is also derived from this, isn't it? "

Although Zhang Rishan was helpless about Ye Chen's question, he still defended the Buddha whom he admired in his heart.

"That's right! Our Grand Buddha Zhang moved the statue of Buddha from the barren mountain to the official's mansion overnight!"

"Oh! Then how did I hear that this Buddha statue was built temporarily?

This technique of moving mountains and reclamation of seas is clearly an untold technique of moving mountains! Is Buddha stealing a teacher to learn art? "


Just when Zhang Rishan was about to refute, a hearty voice came from the mansion,

I saw Zhang Qishan in military uniform, walking towards Ye Chen from the mansion with a military cap in his hand.

"I've heard from Hongguan that Ye Dong's parents are handsome and not like ordinary people. It's really a blessing to see you today.

Next, Zhang Qishan met Ye Dong's family!

The art of moving mountains and filling seas is just rumors spread by the outside world, it is not so mysterious at all,"

After saying this, Zhang Qishan changed his tone and started to stare at Ye Chen and asked.

"But Ye Dong's family seems to know a lot about underground affairs!

Could it be that the Ye family also does business in this area? "

Ye Chen didn't have any worries about this, since Zhang Qishan dared to ask, he dared to answer.

"That's right, this underground business is a good business, and they are all unowned things that can be used to subsidize the pockets.

Otherwise, how can Miao Yelin survive the hundreds of years of expenses?

Lord Buddha, do you think this is the truth? "

Immediately, the two looked at each other and laughed.

Only Adjutant Zhang stood there blankly, not knowing why this situation had turned into the present situation,

Zhang Qishan moved away from Ye Chen and said:

"Boss Ye, the visitor is a guest, please invite him first!"

"The Buddha is so polite, it's not easy for me to refute the face of the Buddha, so I'd rather be respectful than obedient! Please!" said the door.

156 The Aggrieved Master Zhang Dafo

Seeing Zhang Rishan in front of him, Ye Chen had more thoughts in his mind.

Zhang Qishan:

Force: 95

Speed: 100

Bloodline: Qiongqi Bloodline Concentration: 30% (special preparation)

Note: One of Zhang's outer sect members, his blood is impure because his father intermarried with a foreign woman.

After a lucky encounter, the bloodline mutated! And learn to move mountains and inherit

With such a concentration of blood, the life expectancy is as long as 280 years, and the appearance is not old!

This piece of Qishan is worthy of being the protagonist of the old nine sects in the early stage! All good things happened to him,

It's fine if his blood is not pure, but it also made him mutate, and he learned the secret technique of moving mountains,

It seems that the so-called moving the Buddha statue overnight is also true!

Although some of the victims of Jiumen and Zhang's family were blackened in the later period, "Qijiuqi" suffered heavy injuries,

But this also shows how powerful Zhang Qishan was at that time. He was facing the top generation of the Nine Sects and the pure-blood Zhang family members!

And there are still many plots surrounding Zhang Qishan in the later stage, so Ye Chen couldn't help but pay attention to him.

There really is a hole in the mansion of the defense official, as the crowd kept turning left and right,

Finally, he came to a place where Zhang Qishan met his guests every day.

The living room for receiving guests is very luxuriously decorated, it can be seen from Ye Chen's eyesight,

From desks to chairs, from murals to tea sets, everything is a vintage antique, and all of them are of great value!

Except for the sofa in front of me, of course, which is a new product that has only been released in the past few years.

After the mutual politeness, everyone also took their seats,

Adjutant Zhang poured tea for Ye Chen and Zhang Qishan, and the two chatted casually while making tea,

After Adjutant Zhang served tea to the two of them, Zhang Qishan didn't hide it and cut straight to the point:

"Boss Ye, I wonder how it feels to come to my Changsha city?"

"That's naturally good. Changsha is well-organized under the management of the Buddha. It's a prosperous scene!"

"Oh! This huge city of Changsha with hundreds of thousands of people is so easy to manage!

As the defense officer of Changsha, I can't relax even half a step.

Because as long as I relax, I don't know how many innocent people will suffer!

Just like the past few days, I don't know if Ye Dong's family knows about the celestial changes in the past few days? "

Hearing Zhang Qishan ask this matter, Ye Chen naturally knew why he was invited here today.

It turned out that Xingshi came here to inquire about the crime, but this is not a big deal for Ye Chen.

"I am also aware of such a big event!"

Hearing Ye Chen's words and seeing his confident look, Zhang Qishan became more convinced of his thoughts!

"I heard that Ye Dong's family has left Changsha City since that day and disappeared.

When he came back, he was followed by a divine ape? Zhang Rishan didn't doubt his boss either,

After all, it's the responsibility, let's hope Ye Dongjia Haihan is the one! "

Seeing Zhang Qishan's aggressive posture, Ye Chen didn't want to answer his question anymore, and instead asked:

"Zhang Qishan, Zhang Rishan. How is the seniority of your Northeast Zhang family arranged? Who is Zhang Qingshan?"

"Zhang Qingshan is naturally our uncle~"

"Shut up!"

Before the adjutant at the side could finish speaking, Zhang Qishan stood up abruptly,

Putting his hands on the desk, he leaned forward and stared at Ye Chen. At this moment, the adjutant also came to his senses.

Immediately pulled out the gun on his waist and pointed at Ye Chen, Zhang Qishan looked at Ye Chen who was not panicked at all,

Slowly said:

"Ye Dongjia, who are you? How did you find out about our Zhang family!

And where did we get the name Zhang Qingshan? The people of the clan led by our uncle,

It disappeared hundreds of years ago, this should be the most top-secret news inside our Zhang family!

I hope that Ye Dong’s family will tell the truth, otherwise I’m afraid they will stay in my mansion for the next few days to spend the night.”

Ye Chen calmly looked at everything in front of him and didn't take Zhang Qishan's danger seriously at all.

"Our Ye family has been passed down for hundreds of years, isn't it normal to have some news?

Read The Duke's Passion