MTL - Top Horror Novelist-Chapter 1

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Chi Yiyin was woken up by a quarrel.

The slender eyelashes trembled, and when Chi Yiyin opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the blood-red envelope in his hand. And he was in a carriage that was shaking regularly, the sky was gloomy outside the window, and the blurred scenery flew by. In front of his eyes were old red tablecloths and withered flowers in vases, and he could still smell a faint smell of soot at the tip of his nose.

The vague smell of blood filled the air.

But whether it was a man and a woman who were arguing in the distance with blushing faces, strangers in other seats watching coldly, or young people shivering in fear in a corner, no one noticed it.

Chi Yiyin sat on the spot calmly, observing the surrounding environment with cold eyes.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a dining car in an old model train.

But the problem is, Chi Yiyin remembers very clearly that he was visiting a haunted house at night, and his last memory was frozen in the female ghost that suddenly appeared in the mirror, and then...

The headache was severe, and the more I recalled it, the more unbearable it became.

Chi Yiyin had to rub his temples, temporarily interrupting his thinking.

But when he raised his hand, he found that his palm and forehead were scratched, and when he pressed his fingertips, he felt severe pain.

Chi Yiyin hissed, and began to wonder what happened before.

Why does it look like he just got into a fight, or, was attacked?

"Strange, isn't it?"

A hoarse voice came from the opposite side.

Chi Yiyin raised his head, and saw the man in the front group of seats turning around to look at him.

The bearded man was smoking a cigarette: "Don't worry about me. I've never seen one in ten thousand newcomers like you. Anyway, no matter how hard you struggle, you're going to die. You might as well take it easy."

"Oh, forgot to say—welcome to the playground, newcomer. And remember to stay away from me when you die."


Chi Yiyin quickly caught the words in the man's words, and first ruled out the possibility of being kidnapped.

His brain worked in an orderly and calm manner, and he was still analyzing the situation in front of him at high speed even when he was seen as being in a disadvantaged situation.

Most likely, it was a malicious prank, and the death may also be that the other party was scaring him.


Chi Yiyin quickly glanced at the girl sitting across the aisle. She was still wearing a school uniform skirt, she was so nervous that she clenched her fingers and her face was pale. A young man was squatting in a diagonal corner, repeating "Why me" over and over again like he was frightened and going crazy.

...There is indeed another possibility.

He is in a game at the cost of life and death, the winner lives and the loser dies.

When Chi Yiyin firmed up his thoughts, as if a key word had been triggered, a cold mechanical voice sounded in his mind.

[The system has been triggered to automatically record the survivor's identity. 】

[Chi Yiyin, male, 23 years old, professional novelist, abnormal login #@%#... re-identified as normal login]

Chi Yiyin frowned at the noise of electric current, but fortunately, the voice in his head returned to normal soon.

[Welcome the survivors to the carnival game field! This will be the most exciting and interesting game in your life, the winner wins all, and the loser loses everything! 】

[Survivor ID code Z1001 is issued, the novice live broadcast room permission has been opened, automatically connected to the game lobby, your live broadcast room has been placed in the free viewing area, currently 0 fans, 0 points, and level 1. Please keep working hard, when you reach 10,000 fans, you will automatically enter the paid area. 】

[The novice file has been created, permission is being confirmed...]

[Due to the current authority of the survivor, I am sorry that I cannot provide you with any services, and I am sorry that I cannot tell you more information. Please work hard to clear the current copy, upgrade the level, and obtain permissions and rewards. 】

With a little mechanical tremor at the end, that voice was about to disappear from Chi Yiyin's mind.

He immediately reacted: [Can I ask a question? 】

The system affirmed Chi Yiyin: [You only have one chance, please ask carefully, questions not within the scope of authority will be invalid. 】

Facing the precious opportunity, Chi Yiyin knew that as long as he asked the right questions, he would get help, and maybe he could even pass the so-called customs clearance smoothly.

But he didn't have time to be amazed by the weird game field, and he didn't hesitate to ask questions such as "how to pass the level", "how to leave" and "what is the game field".

Chi Yiyin cleverly captured the system's definition of this question: [What will happen if the identity code is known? 】

The system seemed to be laughing, mixed with mechanical sounds, which looked weird and malicious.

[Your fate will be controlled by the person who knows the number, maybe death, maybe life is worse than death... You can try it yourself. 】

[I wish you good luck, I hope to have the opportunity to serve you again, I sincerely look forward to seeing you next time, you are still alive. 】

【survivor. 】

Although it was still a mechanical sound, Chi Yiyin could feel that the other party's bite on the last three words was extremely heavy. It didn't seem like they were kindly reminding him, but they were looking forward to his death.

He was not frightened, but raised his eyebrows and smiled when the other party wished him good luck.

good luck?

His life has never been related to these two words.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have suddenly possessed strange and special powers when he was about to die in the confinement room of the orphanage.

——Any extrahuman things that he has seen through the real causes and experiences and successfully described will appear by his side and be used by him.

From the beginning of curious exploration to proficiency, Koike Yiyin is often surrounded by ghosts.

Not only was he not afraid, but he used the evil spirits instead. Not only did he make the gloomy head of the orphanage fear him, but he also set fire to the orphanage and left there completely.

It is precisely because of this that Chi Yiyin started writing, and wrote all the ghosts and ghosts he saw into his book.

Although his original intention was to explore his own power, he unexpectedly sold well after publication, and he still has the false name of "top horror novelist".

Before waking up on the train, Chi Yiyin was exploring the famous century-old haunted house at night, looking for material for her new book.

Although the collection process was interrupted, Chi Yiyin was not disappointed because of the appearance of the self-proclaimed [Carnival Game Field], but was aroused a strong interest, and couldn't wait to start seeing the game field.

Perhaps, this new book has a new direction, which is a blessing in disguise.

Chi Yiyin touched the hard-shell note in his pocket, and nodded in satisfaction.

As a professional novelist, Chi Yiyin's quality has always been excellent.

Scared, scared?

Sorry, that was his dear material.

However, probably only Chi Yiyin thinks that he is a normal person.

—After all, no one would regard entering the game field as a blessing.

As for her strange power, Chi Yiyin didn't intend to mention it to the system or anyone.

He is not an obedient character, especially since the system tends to be malicious. But in his opinion, this is what makes him interested in finding out the truth.

A life-and-death gamble, a completely unknown exploration... interesting, so interesting!

Chi Yiyin's breathing became rapid, her eyes were bright and extraordinary, full of admiration and expectation.

He raised the corners of his lips and grinned silently, like a hunter who has found his prey.

The man in the front seat watched Chi Yiyin secretly.

Although he is a newcomer who is doomed to die, but the young man's appearance is really good, even the most indifferent people will subconsciously be attracted to him.

The young man has beautiful silver-gray semi-long hair, with a soft luster like the flowing moonlight, casually resting on his straight shoulders, and hanging down the elegant suit jacket. And those azure blue eyes are like the rarest and most expensive sapphires, making him feel like he is in the study of a top nobleman even if he is sitting in the old carriage, with an extravagant air.

The most attractive thing is the quiet and clear demeanor of the young man, as if nothing can deceive his eyes.

It is precisely because of this that the man took the initiative to greet Chi Yiyin.

From the moment he got in the car, the man noticed this extraordinary young man.

If it wasn't for the young man's closed eyes, defenseless like a rookie, the man would even have thought he was an old player who had survived the fight.

After all, the dungeon [Dear Home] has always been notorious among the players. Except for the old players who are sure to give it a try, only newcomers and unlucky ones will fall into this dungeon.


When the man saw Chi Yiyin laughing, he was so amazed by the smile that he held his breath, but he was even more uncertain about Chi Yiyin's identity.

Chi Yiyin noticed the man's gaze.

He raised his eyelashes and took the initiative to respond to the man: "Don't you need to prepare for the game? I just ordered a handmade suit. I don't really want your blood to ruin my clothes."

His voice was deep and clean, but unexpectedly strong and oppressive. Even if he didn't raise his voice, people couldn't ignore his existence.

Like a cello played on a rainy day.

The moment he met Chi Yiyin's gaze, the man saw clearly the crazy danger hidden in those beautiful eyes, and he couldn't help being stunned.

Chi Yiyin smiled and said: "You interrupted me to watch and quarrel - it's human nature to watch the excitement, isn't it?"

The man didn't dare to say anything more to Chi Yiyin, for fear of making too many mistakes, he sat back down again.

The girl across the aisle was a little surprised when she saw this, and her eyes on Chi Yiyin also began to change.

After the man stopped looking over, the smile on Chi Yiyin's lips also disappeared.

He lowered his eyes and tore off the wax seal on the red envelope with his slender and beautiful fingers.

A card fell out of the envelope.

【Dear home】

[A majestic father, a loving mother, lively and lovely younger siblings, and relatives who care about you all the time, will this be your favorite home? Dear sister, please write and tell me your answer. 】

elder sister?

Chi Yiyin rubbed the title on the card with her fingertips, doubts arose in her heart.

He glanced to the side with his corner of the eye, and found that not only himself, but several people in the car who were obviously newcomers all had red envelopes in their hands.

But those old players didn't.

Possibly hidden.

Although Chi Yiyin hadn't seen the contents of other people's envelopes, so he couldn't confirm his guess about his identity, but he already knew the reason why he was identified as a newcomer.

Not a good start.

He casually put the envelope into the inner pocket of his suit, and quickly imitated the way of old players to integrate into the environment.

Chi Yiyin is very aware of her disadvantages.

The unfamiliarity of the newcomer, the vagueness of the system, and the death predictions made by the old players for the newbies are all pushing him into danger, and it is very likely that the old players will be excluded or even used as cannon fodder for pathfinding.

If you want to reverse this, you can only get information from other people as much as possible, so that you can get rid of the confused situation as quickly as possible.

After all, although he doesn't have permission, the old player must have it. What the system didn't tell him, he would ask the old players one by one.

Having made up his mind, Chi Yiyin straightened out the wrinkles on his suit, and sat in his seat calmly, without any trace of panic.

This made the secretly observing man even more unsure of his identity.

The unshaven man lowered his voice and asked his companion, "Do you think the one in the back looks like a newcomer?"

[Dear Home] As the lowest level E-level dungeon, the background story is the life quarrel of a family. At the beginning, all players who participated in this dungeon believed that the key to clearing the level was to make the family harmonious.

But it is such a seemingly simple dungeon, but since the game field was first launched twelve years ago until now, no one has been able to pass the level smoothly.

A man is careful not to offend someone of value.

The companion looked at the man and woman in the quarrel, and motioned: "Let's try with someone else's hand."

This pair of men and women are both old players. The female player wants to unite everyone to work together, but the male player does not want to share his exclusive information. The two had different ideas, and the more they quarreled, the more fierce they became.

The man touched his chin and had an idea.

The male player is still relentless, cursing: "Do you know how many points and effort I spent to buy information in order to clear the dungeon this time? Want me to share? There is no way!"

The female player has begun to calm down: "This dungeon has always been known for its viciousness. When the old and the new are mixed, we need to help each other, otherwise this dungeon will only be more difficult."

"It makes sense."

The man interjected lazily: "Otherwise, let's count everyone's situation first, so that we can discuss the plan, right? While there is still time at the dungeon location, make some preparations. Aren't you tired of arguing?"

The female player looked at the man in astonishment, not expecting someone to speak for her.

She nodded, thinking.

At this time, the female student across the aisle who had been observing Chi Yiyin, seeing Chi Yiyin's confidence, finally plucked up the courage to sit down and talk to Chi Yiyin.

"Hello, did you also come after jumping off the building?"

Chi Yiyin did not refuse the female student's approach.

He glanced at the red envelope tightly held by the female student. Judging from the sealing marks, the female student hadn't opened it yet.

"Do you know where this is? I've been here since I woke up and wanted to ask someone, but no one told me."

Thinking of being ignored before, the girl's eyes turned red with grievance.

Chi Yiyin's appearance is very deceptive, anyone can see him as an elegant and noble gentleman, he will naturally capture the favor of others, subconsciously think that he is not aggressive.

When he looks at you intently, those blue eyes are like a lake of stars, which will give you the illusion that you are cared for wholeheartedly.

With Chi Yiyin as the listener, the girl unconsciously expressed all her grievances and fears.

"I'm so scared, I don't want to die, I want to go home..."

The girl wiped her tears, sobbed softly, shook her hands and showed Chi Yiyin the envelope unsuspectingly: "I've been holding this since I woke up, and I haven't dared to open it. But I saw You dismantled yours, is this dangerous?"

Chi Yiyin noticed something was wrong.

Unlike him, the girl didn't mention terms like system or game field.

But she even told the whole story of her own family, so she shouldn't have deliberately concealed some experiences... Could it be that she didn't hear the system voice in her head?


When the system appeared at that time, it mentioned triggering.

Chi Yiyin immediately understood that the system probably wouldn't provide guidance for every novice. Only those who guessed the game field can be issued a number by the system to enter their identity.

Unexpectedly, has it been screening from the very beginning?

The moment he figured it out, Chi Yiyin was startled, because he had passed the first test inadvertently, and then belatedly realized the insidiousness of the system.

But when the girl opened the red envelope in a panic, Chi Yiyin glanced at it casually, and found that the instructions on it were exactly the same as her own.

Also "sister".

So, the players in the car are not acting as a family?

Chi Yiyin guessed the possibility that everyone is a "sister".

This is the case with incomplete information, and it is restricted everywhere.

Chi Yiyin sighed silently, seeing the girl crying, she still kindly pointed to the envelope in her hand and reminded: "Put it away."

Before the girl could ask why, she heard an exclamation from the front.

"Wait! When I was driving, I saw that the number of people getting on the bus was eleven people. Why is there only ten people now? Who is the other one? Who saw it?"

Chi Yiyin looked up, and saw the female player who was arguing before, now standing in the carriage in surprise, full of vigilance.

No one cared about the situation of other people before, so that it was only now that the number of people was not matched.

Fearing that this matter might be different, the female player seriously walked over from the head of the carriage and checked each row of seats.

The newcomers were so terrified that they didn't know what to do, but most of the old players closed their eyes and meditated indifferently.

Chi Yiyin remembered the smell of blood when he just woke up.

He looked behind him calmly.

His position is in the last row of the car, and the toilet is less than two meters behind.

Although the toilet door was closed and no one passed by, Chi Yiyin was sure that he did smell the **** smell coming from there.

The man in the front row looked over.

Chi Yiyin did not tell what he had discovered, but just watched with cold eyes like other veteran players.

The female player finally checked the last toilet.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the locked sign.

But the man in the front row muttered to himself: "Strange, didn't you see anyone go in?"

This voice aroused the suspicion of the female player, and she glanced suspiciously at the toilet door, but there was no sound inside.

"Is anyone there? Say yes."

The female player knocked on the door for a long time, but no one responded. She could only look back at the others, trying to ask for help: "Does anyone know where the emergency switch of the toilet is? Or the key is fine. Something may have happened to the people inside."

But whether it was the man in the front row or the other old players, they all looked like they were watching a show, cold and heartless.

The female player pursed her lips tightly, showing anger and disappointment.

But at this time, a slender and tall figure stood up.

Chi Yiyin straightened the folds of his suit, his white and bony palms were slightly folded in front of his body, and his polite smile was false but gentlemanly, with a reassuring demeanor.

"It's an honor to serve the lady."

His long legs are wrapped in well-fitting suit trousers, making his waist look slimmer and his legs longer. Even if he stands there silently, his figure like a top male model is still an excellent view.

Chi Yiyin walked over calmly, her extraordinary demeanor made the female player subconsciously step aside.

He checked the structure of the toilet door lock for a while, and then took off the brooch pinned to his suit jacket. With his fingers hard, he straightened the buckle of the brooch and inserted it into the door lock. He held his breath and listened to the small sound.

Immediately, there was only a "click!"

The door lock pops open.

The female player was a little surprised, she didn't expect that someone with such a gentleman appearance would have such an unorthodox skill.

On the contrary, the man who had been watching Chi Yiyin squinted his eyes, and his gaze towards Chi Yiyin became heavy.

Chi Yiyin noticed the man's changing gaze, but he curled his lips and didn't care.

Rather, he took the initiative to stand up and help. Apart from gaining the favor of the female player and obtaining some information from her, another important purpose is to remove his identity as a "newcomer" and silently warn everyone .

He did it on purpose.

But soon, no one cared about Chi Yiyin anymore.

The old toilet door made a "squeak!" sound, and was slowly opened under the push of the weight behind the door.

The first thing that rushed out was the strong smell of blood.

Immediately, blood gushed out of the toilet like a flood that had been opened, and flowed all over the floor.

A figure covered in blood then fell limply, as if it had been leaning against the door.

Caught off guard, the female player was thrown to the ground by the man, falling into a pool of blood all over the ground.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned, and the female player's pupils constricted, unable to react for a while.

The newcomer was so frightened that his face paled, he backed up again and again, breaking down and shouting.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah-!"

The atmosphere in the car was tense and panicked.

However, Chi Yiyin calmly watched the motionless figure in the pool of blood. Judging from the astonishment of the female player after testing the man's breath just now, he was already dead.

Interesting, before the train arrived at the station, a person died in front of everyone's eyes.

Chi Yiyin smiled, taking in everyone's reactions calmly.

Both new and old players are vigilant with the naked eye.

The train didn't stop halfway, and the dead player was still fine when he first got on the train. The murderer could only be hiding in the train, right beside them, but he didn't know who it was.

No one is sure whether the murderer will strike again, which is equivalent to hiding a wolf by his side...

The players were suspicious of each other, with fearful eyes, and a dull atmosphere permeated the carriage.

And at this time, the train announcement that had been quiet until now finally sounded.

[Dear survivors, Gushu Town has arrived, please prepare to get off. 】

[Please note that after the train stops at the station, there is only one minute to stop, and those who fail to get off after the time limit will be deemed to have automatically given up the qualification for this instance. 】

[Good luck to the survivors. 】

Read The Duke's Passion