MTL - Top Horror Novelist-Chapter 171

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"I hear death calling me, in the name of gift."

All the rustling noises are turned into darkness, and the danger is covered up with a silent gesture.

The gaps under the train no longer exist, every gap is filled with black mucus, they surge, roll over, stationed silently in the dark corners, seamlessly integrated with the train.

It's as if they were born here in the first place, grew up, and thrived.

Here is their lair, which they name death.

Life is the nourishment of death.

They have been silent, hiding in every corner that humans have never discovered.

In the peripheral vision of the perspective, in the illusion of turning around, behind and at the feet of people...they have no words.

Until the saint fell into the abyss, death had a proxy.

Just as the gods gave His authority to the prophets, there will be agents on the earth to convey the mercy and tolerance of the gods to the people of God.

And death also chooses a substitute.

That is... a saint who was once praised for his kindness on the earth, with a pure white and clean soul without any sin.

But because of this, when a saint falls into evil, everything is ultimately irreversible.

Even death itself, through the eyes of the saint, is deeply dead to the world.



Let it all be death...

All life is intertwined and merged in one place, and it is hard to tell who is who.

The viscous black liquid surged, it came from the death on the train, and fell into the abyss of death. It came back with all the hatred and darkness, wrapped the train, occupied all the machines under the train and became a nest, manipulating The direction and course of the train.

When it finished all this silently, it slowly progressed from below to the carriages on the train, invaded, and returned to people's sight again.

The train conductor lowered his head and watched as viscous liquid like corpse oil emerged from every gap in the carpet at his feet, slowly soaking the carpet until it spread to his feet.

He only felt his scalp go numb, and took a deep breath.

Even though the train conductor used to be the system, all copies of the entire game field are under his control, and he has seen all the scenes and crises.

But when he watched the scene in front of him at close range, he was still so disgusted that his hairs stood on end, and his goosebumps were so itchy that he wanted to scratch crazily regardless of his image.

Fortunately, he still remembered that the person opposite him was Chi Yan.

—Don’t show your cowardice in front of the big devil, otherwise you will be used as a tool and discarded.

This is the survival experience that the train conductor has summed up after facing Chi Yan for many years.

Besides... he still has a bit of an image burden, and he doesn't want the enemies who are against the gods to see his fear.

But even after repeated self-consolation and self-construction, the train conductor still lifted his foot quietly when the black liquid spread to his feet, disgusted and didn't want the thing to get on his body.

Chi Yan glanced at the conductor, his steel blue eyes were full of understanding, but he didn't say anything.

She just lowered her head and looked at the ground covered in black liquid.

The entire box car was not spared, black liquid emerged from the cracks in the floor, forming a thin pool on the ground, covering the ground, making everything black.

Chi Yan's eyebrows and eyes were calm, and such a scene could not even arouse the slightest wave in her heart.

On the contrary, the existence behind the black liquid, the purpose of her trip, was the one who aroused her keen interest.

"Long time no see, Sky."

Chi Yan pursed his lips and said his name with a smile.

"The last time I met you in a dungeon in a hurry, I thought there would be no intersection, but I didn't expect to meet you again under such circumstances. It's really amazing."

In the carriage, apart from Chi Yan and the conductor, there was no third person.

But when Chi Yan said the name sky, the train conductor was not surprised at all, as if he already knew the identity of that person.

The entire train is under the control of the train conductor, and what happens in every corner of the train cannot escape his eyes, let alone such a huge action as occupying the train.

Death may be hidden from the player, but it cannot be hidden from the conductor of the system.

— He is also the representative of the gods.

Listen to the words of the gods, look directly at the face of the gods, and respectfully use the power given to him by the gods. Even... to solve doubts about the love of the gods.

He just didn't stop it, and let Sky lead Death, who should have curled up in the abyss, to board the train again.

They are all distinguished train passengers, aren't they?

The rules only said to test players and screen out unqualified candidates.

But it didn't say that the candidates who survived the test must be alive.

The deceased... As long as he can come back, still holding the key to the box, and not being taken away, then he still has the qualifications.

The train conductor hooked the corners of his lips, and his smile was mysterious.

Against the backdrop of that bright color, it looks so crazy.

He leaned forward, carefully raised his feet to keep away from the mucus on the ground, propped his chin up, looked at the ground with a smile, and talked to the pool of black liquid.

As if there was a person there.

"Dear guest, welcome back to the Sea of ​​Clouds Train. Is there anything I can help you with?"


The train conductor tilted his head and said with a smile: "A qualified candidate for the gods, do you need me to do anything for you?"

The voice fell.

As if in response to him, the viscous black liquid began to bubble, as dense as hot water boiling.

Countless frothy bubbles piled up and shattered on the surface of the black liquid, leaving behind a series of traces like tiny grapes, gathered like countless frog eggs.

The train conductor was disgusted at the time.

He could hardly hold back the smile on his face, if it wasn't because this was his train, his territory, and he had to stay and work here, he would have turned around and opened the window and jumped off.

I just want him to stay away from this bunch of evil... Vomit! !

Intensive phobia committed!

Just when the train conductor was screaming frantically that he was about to die, a human-shaped shadow also slowly condensed from the black liquid, outlined its outline, then rose from the ground and appeared in the carriage.

It was the body shape of an adult man. It could be seen that he had a well-trained figure, and he had the sense of strength to save himself and even save others in the most dangerous dungeons.

But the black all over his body buried all the characteristics that could prove his identity.

All the light is absorbed, all life is dead, and the darkness is like a dark black hole.

As if he himself was death.

Chi Yan was not surprised by the appearance of the man covered in pitch black.

She looked at him with interest, and under her gaze, the black on the man's body slowly melted into water, revealing his original appearance little by little.

The man lowered his brows and eyes, his handsome face was peaceful, as if everything that happened around him had nothing to do with him.

And no matter what kind of thing it is, it can't arouse the slightest negative emotion in him.

Always kind, always eager, want to save every life in the world, let all souls get happiness and stay away from suffering.

When you see him, you suddenly feel emotional - if the saint has a fixed appearance, this should be the case.

The same is true.

He is not an unknown pawn.

There are many players in the game field, even the players on the Tianbang and Morning Star list, not everyone knows about it. However, if you ask any player - who is sky?

No matter if it is high level or low level, it will tell you that it is a saint.

Saint sky.

Some people admire him, appreciate him, and think that he is the only light in the dim game field, so that people will not despair, and will not forget their bottom line and conscience as a human being because they have been in the game field for too long.

They are grateful for Sky's help to them in the dungeon, keep Sky's name firmly in their hearts, and don't forget to mention their benefactors when chatting with others, and are willing to return the same kindness when Sky needs help.

Many players are very clear that they will never be able to become a person like Sky, in order to help others, even disregarding their own safety.

Just because I can't do it, I know how difficult it is, so I admire those who can do it.

But there are also people who despise, loathe and ridicule sky.

Are you not a saint?

they asked.

What rewards do saints pay attention to, shouldn't they all be selfless dedication? So it is your duty to save me, otherwise I will go out and publicize that you are a hypocrite and a selfish show. In fact, you are just wearing the skin of a saint and doing dirty things.

Because of Sky's kindness, he never asks for anything in return, but every time everyone needs his help, he will stand up without hesitation.

Therefore, many people took his help for granted, like a spoiled child, from the initial trepidation to the final arrogance.

There are also some high-level players, when they see sky, they feel as if their souls are being roasted in flames.

They used to attribute their behaviors of constantly breaking through the bottom line of human beings, abandoning their conscience, and approaching beasts time and time again, all to this **** game field.

— In a place like this, killing people is okay, right?

I'm just protecting myself.

—Other people do evil, so it's normal for me to do things that I didn't dare to do or even dare to think about before?

After all, there is no order and no law here. If you want to survive, you can only rely on your own fists.

The law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, law of the jungle.

They used to characterize the game field in this way, and because of this, they continued to go down to deeper sins with peace of mind.

Even though their hands were stained with blood, and countless souls who died because of them were crying and roaring, they didn't have the slightest fear.

After all, they have valid reasons.

— Kindness cannot survive in the playground.

They claim so.

However, the appearance of sky seems to be the most powerful testimony, refuting the conclusions of most players on the game field in the past.

Sky has never done evil and refused to kill.

Since he entered the game field, he has always taken saving people as his own duty. All the dungeons he has walked through have left legends about him saving others without reservation.

It was his existence that made the players know for the first time that they can survive in the game field without killing people.

It turned out that killing people was not because of the game field, but because of...the evil in their own hearts.

The fig leaf was severely torn off, revealing the ugly inside.

The excuses they are looking for can no longer make those players who used to be human have another peaceful sleep, and the responsibility that cannot be shirked has become a sin that is borne on them.

The ghosts are crying and roaring, asking the player why they want to kill themselves.

They woke up from the nightmare again and again, but they never felt guilty and reflected on it. Instead, they cursed at Sky even more angrily, and attributed all their experiences to him.

Therefore, when they see sky, they feel that their souls are stabbed.

A lot of people want to kill sky even though he never did anything wrong.

Under the double crisis of the dungeon and the players, Sky not only has no complaints, but even worked harder to temper his body and strength, allowing him to grow at a rapid pace.

Even such a difficult predicament did not make him give up the goodwill in his heart, or even once the players felt resentful.

He just accepted these calmly, and actively looked for a way out of the predicament, using the crisis as the driving force to move forward, which made him become stronger quickly, and even became a high-level player.

— as a living example, severely slapped in the faces of many people.

No matter what Sky encounters, he will accept it calmly with a smile.

Even those who wanted to kill him would be persuaded by him, like those on the edge of a cliff, reaching out to those who attacked him, and pulling them with a smile.

The saint's reputation gradually became louder, and some people called him the Buddha.

No matter what kind of title it is, it faithfully reflects the impression Sky left on everyone.

Such a conspicuous name naturally entered Chi Yan's field of vision, and the system has been paying close attention to this outlier among players.

Even when the train conductor was still in the system, he added Sky's name into the database, and while paying special attention to his movements, he carefully analyzed the possibility that Sky could become a candidate for a god, or even a new god.

Chi Yan also made a similar judgment.

Before the time came and Chi Yiyin failed to enter the game field, the backup tool that Chi Yi prepared for himself was sky.

She believed that Sky would definitely be noticed by the world consciousness, and would most likely be used as the next puppet by the world consciousness.

What the world consciousness can use will naturally help Chi Yan.

Chi Yan, who was deeply humiliated by the experience of being manipulated by the world consciousness, was very happy to see the collapse or anger of the world consciousness.

Going against it and interfering with its plan, even if it is not good for her, she is willing to do it.

Therefore, it was rare for Chi Yan to leave, took the initiative to enter the dungeon, met with Sky, and completed his evaluation in secret.

It's just that, unfortunately, in Chi Yan's view, sky does not have the possibility to become a new god.

—Different from her use and fear of Chi Yiyin.

Sky can be used as a short-term tool, but it cannot compete with her, or even become her competitor.

Because sky's kindness is not the kindness that persists after seeing through all the filth and darkness in the world, understanding how bad human nature is and how cruel the world is.

Perhaps for ordinary players, sky is good enough to hold its own.

But from Chi Yan's height, there is only disappointment.

She had already come to a conclusion at that time, thinking that Sky's kindness was too fragile and would be destroyed by a storm.

Like a seabird that has lost its nest, circling and unable to return home, and finally drowning in the ocean.

The gods protect the world and life.

— But if he can't even save himself, how can he save others?

The facts also confirmed Chi Yan's conclusion.

Now, she met Sky for the second time, but such a huge change has already taken place.

The person who used to stick to kindness the most, but plunged into the deepest darkness and became a member of death.

Those malice that he suppressed are now counterattacking swiftly and fiercely in a more dangerous way, threatening and irresistible.

Even the sky itself...

Can no longer be separated from death.

He is one with death.

Chi Yan raised his eyes slightly, his steel blue eyes stared indifferently at Sky who was standing not far away, and then slowly uttered a title.

"grim Reaper."

Among the twenty-two titles of the Awakened, it is the most special title that has never officially appeared.

For a long time, several special titles have disappeared like stones and never surfaced.

Some players even speculated whether these titles belonged to the game field itself and were not open to players.

In other words, there will be no awakened person with the corresponding title.

This guess was broken for the first time in [City of Death Knell].

Repeatedly accumulating tens of thousands of deaths, he finally shaped the "God of Death", allowing this awakened person who had never appeared before to appear in everyone's field of vision.

It also attracted Chi Yan's attention.

"At that time in Tangjia City, the "Reaper" who appeared in front of Chi Yiyin was you now, right?"

Although it was a question, Chi Yan's tone was affirmative.

"Tangjia City is a sufficiently special city. It is not just a city, but an aggregation of all the time and space of the past and the future. Eight thousand years of time have been compressed in the same second, and the vast and boundless world collapsed into built a city."

"This has long been the particularity of Tangjia City, and it has also made every brick and tile there a superimposed and compressed appearance of time and space."

Chi Yan stared deeply at sky and said, "Including you."

"You are the triggerer of [City of Death Knell], the first and last explorer. You have been trapped in the alleys of Tangjia City for three years. Countless players who fell into Tangjia City are all in the small gap between time and space. Meet you in the alley."

"Distress, rescue, hate, death. Repeated thousands of times."

"Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. You start to question the kindness you have always adhered to, shake your beliefs, and allow evil to take advantage of it."

Chi Yan raised his head and said, "After Chi Yiyin left Tangjia City with you, that city was destroyed—or rather, it disappeared."

"With all the death and sin in the city."

However, the world is conserved.

Death is not a drop of water, it does not evaporate out of thin air.

Thousands of deaths in Tangjia City, the sins condensed after eight thousand years of time and space compression, will always have a place to go.

And its best choice is Sky, which has such a deep bond with Tangjia City.

Therefore, Chi Yan concluded that Tangjia City has always been there.

When the death knell strikes, the door to a new world opens.

The old playground was not saved.

That decadent city of sin was condensed on Sky alone, following his soul, they left the original dungeon and entered the new world.

"Look, sky."

Chi Yan smiled softly, with a magnetic and cold voice: "When you firmly believe that everything will be ready to go without haze, your fate is already doomed. It was not you who triggered Tangjia City, but the death knell chose you."

"Death chose you."

Hiding in the dark, dying silently, he has already seen through Sky's life, seen his fragility through his strength and tenacity, and took advantage of the opportunity to plant the seeds of parasites early.

Until the right time came, Sky collapsed amidst tens of thousands of deaths, and darkness naturally entered his soul.

But now, when the world consciousness tried to get close to Chi Yiyin but failed, and instead angered Li Sijun, after losing its strength under the wrath of the gods, it turned its attention to sky.

Both Chi Yan and Chi Yiyin's manipulations have become empty talk, and the world consciousness has to adjust its plan and stop contacting overly domineering beings, so as not to disrupt its own plan.

And Sky, which is strong on the outside and capable on the inside, has become the best choice for world awareness.

It looks so powerful, but it is actually a castle in the air, and the foundation has already been eaten away by insects and ants.

The perfect puppet, it will not cause any resistance if it is discarded after use, and it is an easy-to-manipulate tool.

Chi Yan looked at sky, but was looking through him at the world consciousness behind him.

She knew very well that Sky had already died in the abyss of death, or even earlier, in the alleys of Tangjia City.

Skye, whom Chi Yiyin met and rescued, has only a human-like skin left.

What is here now is the puppet on the string in the hands of the world consciousness.

"Since we are old acquaintances, why talk through a layer of skin?"

Chi Yan bent her bright red lips, and her tone was so relaxed, as if she was just an old friend who had reunited after a long absence: "Aren't you going to catch up with the old friend?"

"I haven't seen you in twelve years, don't you miss me? Miss the times we spent together—world awareness."

After Chi Yan's words fell, the air seemed to solidify into a sharp blade, and the carriage was like a battlefield, full of dangers.

The world above the sea of ​​clouds...has been rewritten.

Powered by Chi Yan.

Her power used to come from world consciousness, but now, it has become a sharp blade pointing to world consciousness in her hands.

Ridiculous to ironic.

Sky raised his eyelashes, his handsome brows and eyes were calm, as if he had been sanctified as a god, and nothing could disturb his calm state of mind.

Unfortunately, there is only one skin.

His eyes were already empty, and when he looked inside, there was nothing left.

Sky's soul is no longer here.

Instead, there is world awareness.

It looked deeply at Chi Yan through sky's eyes, with regret in his eyes.

This was once a dark chess piece laid by it, and it should have been the most powerful puppet.

It's a pity that Chi Yan is too strong.

As a result, it got rid of the string, gained self-awareness, and even interfered with its great plan in turn, making the space for its survival and activities constantly compressed, and reduced to the current embarrassing situation.

The world consciousness sighed softly, and said in a skyy voice: "You are right, Chi Yan—or in other words, the existence that was closest to the new god."

"It's a pity that the time I spent with you failed to make you trust me, and also put our great plan on hold, allowing the gods to continue to breathe for twelve years."

"It was a mistake, a lapse because of our infighting differences."

The world consciousness is manipulating sky, and slowly stretches out his hand to Chi Yan, smiling and making an invitation gesture: "Would you like to correct this mistake with me? The opportunities we missed can still be made up for, and the world is at the critical moment of life and death. Don't you want to save the world that raised you?"

But the words of world awareness did not impress Chi Yan.

On the contrary, Chi Yan's steel blue eyes suddenly darkened, like deep and cold sea water, enough to swallow any prey.

The train conductor next to him shivered from the sudden drop in temperature in the carriage. Under the suddenly tense atmosphere, he silently shrank himself into a ball.

He didn't care about the image anymore, he hugged his legs with his hands, trying to become a colorful ball in the corner of the sofa, trying to make himself disappear in the eyes of Chi Yan and the world consciousness.

Train conductor: I can’t beat it, I can’t beat any of them... Sky or death is okay, world consciousness—is that something on the same level as me :)

In the silent confrontation, the power of the collision dissipated circle by circle.

All the items in the carriage exploded suddenly, and the sounds of "Bang!" and "Bang!" were heard endlessly.

When the sound finally stopped, the entire carriage became empty, without any extra items, not even the sofa under the conductor's seat.

It seemed to be a piece of pure white here.

Just like Tong Yao once saw.

It's just that this place is full of death, resentment, anger, despair... All negative emotions are mixed here, brought back from the abyss of death to the present world by sky, and reappeared on the train that should symbolize the beauty of the sea of ​​clouds.

And try to trap Chi Yan.

It's a pity that Chi Yan has never been a docile character who just sits and waits to die.

"You're right about one thing."

For the first time, she admitted the world consciousness: "I was indeed only one step away from the **** position."

"Then, I voluntarily gave up the **** position that was close at hand."

Sky frowned.

The world consciousness controlling this body noticed that something was wrong. Chi Yan was definitely not a character who would take the initiative to bow his head. The sudden gesture of goodwill only indicated a more terrifying danger.

Chi Yan slowly stood up from the air where there was no sofa, and stared coldly at the world consciousness.

"Because at that time, even if I get the **** position, I am not an independent thinking individual, but just your sad puppet."

"That was the greatest humiliation to me, and I remember it to this day, and I dare not forget it."

"However, after twelve years, I have another chance to face the gods."

Chi Yan lowered his eyes slightly, looking at his slowly stretched palm.

Underneath the abyss of death, she was once so close to the god.

close at hand.

It seems that as long as she stretches out her hand, she can easily kill the gods and get the **** position.


Li Sijun let her know the ending of her failure to continue because of her suicide twelve years ago.


Even if it seems so far away, it is far away in the sky and out of reach.

Even, Li Sijun could kill her directly at that time, so as to avoid future troubles forever.

If it was Chi Yan, she would do that.

But inexplicably, Li Sijun let her go, and even gave her a suggestion, telling her that if she wanted to get the **** position, she had to stand at the same height as him. That's the only way to get close to him.

Kill him.

-Killing God!

Chi Yan slowly clenched his hands tightly into a fist, so hard that his nails cut through his palm, and blood dripped along the texture of his skin.

There was determination in the steel blue eyes.

"Look, you came just in time."

Chi Yan smiled: "When I met Sky for the first time, I already knew that you would be eyeing this unique soul. But what I didn't expect was that you would be so selfless and dedicated , even took the initiative to bring opportunities for my enemy."

"You brought what I needed most - world awareness."

She tilted her head and reached out her hand to the world consciousness: "Want to help me? Let's fulfill our wish again."

The world consciousness looked at Chi Yan vigilantly, and did not hold her hand hastily.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. For a person like Chi Yan who hates being manipulated, it would be fine if he didn't kill it on the spot. How could he invite him?

Chi Yan's beautiful and slender palm hovered in the air. She didn't look uncomfortable, but slowly withdrew her hand, anticipating the current situation long ago.

"I have a proposal."

She smiled and said, "From Li Sijun."

World consciousness frowned.

"As you can see, my second plan to kill God also ended in failure. However, I got a clue that I succeeded in killing God the third time."

Chi Yan stared at the world consciousness with good eyes.

Under her will, changes began to take place in the surrounding carriages.

Both wind and light have been rewritten.

The air became a weapon of fear, and every ray of light gradually solidified.

The light that shone into the car window turned into thousands of sharp spears, pointing directly at the world consciousness from all directions, trapping him in it, unable to move.

"I need a qualification, a qualification that can stand in front of a god, have an equal dialogue with him, and kill him."

"And it just so happens that you have what I need."

Chi Yan smiled, and made a cold and polite request: "So, can I ask you to die?"

"Then, transfer your qualifications to me."

As the voice fell, there was a sudden change in the carriage.

Chi Yan was so fast that he left a long afterimage in the air and disappeared in place.

There was an air-shattering explosion, and one after another the car windows burst.

Amidst the noisy and piercing bang, Chi Yan's eyes were like lightning, pointing directly at the consciousness of the world.


The collision of forces was deafening.

The entire Yunhai train was trembling, and the conductors standing silently in the corridor were also swaying from side to side in this creeping earthquake-like vibration, losing control of their stature.

With that carriage as the center, the power shock wave covered the entire Yunhai train, and the momentum was as huge as a sleeping dragon waking up, shocking and frightening.

Not only the conductors realized that there was a change on the train, but even the players who were resting and sleeping in the boxes were awakened one after another.

Many people didn't even have time to put on their clothes, so they ran over staggeringly and opened the door, looking out in shock.

"What's going on? What happened here?"

But the conductor who was questioned remained silent and did not respond.

They cannot lie.

Therefore, when they have no authority to know what happened, and are as confused as the players, and don't know what happened, the only thing they can do is to remain silent.

Waiting for an order from the train conductor, waiting for a higher authority to process.

But unfortunately, the train conductor, who was expected by all the conductors, was trying his best to roll himself into a ball, and rolled awkwardly towards the corner, trying to escape the world consciousness and the demigod's fight.

Train conductor: QAQ I must have a grudge against Chi! You're going to fight—you'd better say it beforehand! Wouldn't I be able to avoid it in advance?

Why is he a worker... ah no, a worker, he has to be involved in this kind of thing!

However, no one heard the silent but heart-piercing cry of the conductor.

The silent response of the conductors made the players uneasy. The sense of security they had just obtained in the box disappeared, and they all became vigilant again. They walked out of the box one by one, and walked quickly in the compartment despite the routine advice of the conductors. Walk around and look around.

And Chi Yiyin, who was in the red bird box, had already noticed the vibration under his feet.

"I've only heard of earthquakes, but never knew that there are still earthquakes in the sky?"

Chi Yiyin pondered, looking at Red Bird with serious eyes: "It seems that something happened on this train that even the train conductor can't control."

Unless it is beyond the authority of the train conductor, such an accident involving the entire train should not occur.

But for the conductor of the system that used to be governed by the camp of gods, what can be beyond the authority?

—God, and world consciousness.

Only these two Supremes exist, which are higher than the system authority.

And Li Sijun was in his box, he would not have done such a thing without telling him.

Chi Yiyin still has some trust in Li Sijun.

the rest...

"The emergence of world consciousness?"

Chi Yiyin raised his eyebrows, a little surprised: "I thought it would only hide in the dark, using players as pawns, and would not dare to face Li Sijun head-on."

Just like the temptation to win him over.

What, then, lures world-consciousness like cheese lures mice?

The smile on Chi Yiyin's lips deepened, and her eyes were full of interest.

He got up and was about to leave the box, but he still turned his head and waved to Red Bird, beckoning him to come along.

"Come on, go watch the world-conscious joke."

Red Bird: "?"

"What are you talking about? Are we in the same copy? World awareness...what is this all about!"

But despite being surprised, Red Bird's body still followed Chi Yiyin obediently, walked out of the room with him, and prepared to move towards the strongest power center along the vibration.

After seeing Chi Yiyin, the conductor in the corridor did not stop him. Instead, he bowed slightly and silently pushed him aside.

Chi Yiyin was puzzled, but saw the door of her box opened from the inside, and Li Sijun pushed the door open and appeared.

"Yinyin? Are you hurt?"

Li Sijun walked quickly to Chi Yiyin's side, quickly checked his body with his palm, and after confirming that there were no wounds, he could feel relieved.

But as soon as he looked up, he saw Chi Yiyin's handsome face that was gradually turning red.

Li Sijun raised his eyebrows, and immediately understood, a smile appeared on his lips.

Chi Yiyin: "..."

He patted Li Sijun's hand away, and turned his head to look at Red Bird as if nothing had happened: "Did you find anything in the box? What about Xiaochi, why didn't you bring it out?"

Red Bird: "?"

"I'm 100% sure you're not talking to me - so why are you talking to me!"

The boss is staring at him to death!

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