MTL - Top Horror Novelist-Chapter 179

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When the abnormal noise came, Li Sijun was sitting on the sofa, holding the book written by Chi Yiyin in reality and carefully reading it.

His slender fingers landed on the pages of the book, the cold white knuckles were beautiful and strong, glowing with a sculpture-like icy color under the dim yellow light.

In the absence of Chi Yiyin, he has become a high-ranking **** again, and he no longer shows any mercy to human beings. Even the believers who were barely able to get asylum were abandoned because the gods personally said that only believers are there.

Li Sijun lowered his eyes lightly, his golden brown eyes were silent, and when he glanced at the floor under his feet, it was as cold as frost.

With just one look, the darkness that originally surged between the mechanical gaps under the box was instantly emptied, making the entire area around the box a vacuum, and the black liquid that had materialized from death disappeared in an instant.

The black liquid, which was enough to threaten the players, just disappeared without a sound, and even the air around the box seemed to be much clearer and cleaner.

There was a flash of coldness in Li Sijun's eyes, and he was moved to kill.

But the flustered sound of the system kept beeping in his mind, crazily dissuading him from interfering in the affairs of the game field and not interfering with Chi Yiyin's game.

There are many roads, all destined to be lonely.

If the road to becoming a **** is not completed by oneself, the name will not be justified, and it will not be possible to completely take over the world from the old gods and take away the position of gods without dispute.

This is the first time in eight thousand years that the world has changed hands.

...or Chi Yiyin, who is deeply loved by the gods.

The system absolutely doesn't want to see Chi Yiyin being affected because of the selfishness of the gods, and then in turn get angry at Chi Yiyin's progress.

Li Sijun couldn't help frowning under such chattering harassment, thinking about the feasibility of simply destroying the creation of the system.

However, during the crazy brainwashing, Li Sijun still captured the most critical information in the system's persuasion—Chi Yiyin would be unhappy.

— But if the train conductor had known a few minutes ago that he would be completely cut off from the connection with the train, he would not have persuaded Li Sijun like this.

Instead, he would howl and beg the gods he served, begging the gods to kill these damned impolite things quickly! Don't you know this is his territory? How dare you treat the original owner of the site like this, it's disgusting!

Train conductor: QAQ.

He who was isolated in a separate compartment alone felt like crying to death on the spot.

The train conductor, who was supposed to have a complete grasp of the train situation, knew the current loss best.

The Yunhai train is out of control, the route is unknown, the destination is unknown, and all the employees on the train died tragically, whether it was the bartender or the conductor... These existences that should have had a huge advantage in front of the players died together with the players in the darkness on the train .

All that remains now is the train conductor himself.

On this out-of-control steel behemoth, they face the fate that all of them will face with anxiety.

However, the train conductor who was isolated in a separate car seemed to be locked in a small black room, completely unable to send a signal to Li Sijun for help.

There is no way to persuade the gods to change their decisions.

Li Sijun pursed his lips, forcibly suppressed his displeasure, and cleaned up all the darkness emerging on the train without getting angry.

The book left by Chi Yiyin comforted Li Sijun very well.

He read every word Chi Yiyin once wrote, as if he could see Chi Yiyin's appearance through these words, have an intimate dialogue with his soul, and learn everything about him.

Li Sijun likes this feeling, as if Chi Yiyin is sitting in his arms at this moment, telling him the stories of the past in a low voice, taking the initiative to show him his past, so that he can understand him more, It's getting closer...

But the truth is, there's just a nasty light bulb next to it.

Jing Cha, who was sleeping next to her, twisted uncomfortably. Even in a coma after being seriously injured, she instinctively sensed the danger and wanted to fight back.

But all that was left was a few hums and chirps.

Li Sijun's drooping eyelashes cast a deep shadow under his eyes, the thick eyelashes trembled slightly, and the light and shadow were finely fragmented.

Under the dim light of the box, everything seems to be peaceful and peaceful, falling into a quiet reading time.

But only the surging "creatures" under the train know what kind of terrifying existence it is.

Deep cracks spread continuously to the bottom of the box, like a rift valley.

Every slight sound kills "death", and the darkness begs for mercy silently, but it cannot escape death.

But everything is covered by the sound of the train running and galloping.

The long siren drowned out everything, and none of the players on the train noticed something was wrong.

No one noticed that Chi Yiyin had disappeared into the carriage, and he was no longer seen on the Yunhai train.

Red Bird ran towards the direction of his box, so anxious that he almost didn't touch the ground.

His heart was pounding, as if he had a premonition that something bad was about to happen.

Suddenly, the little monster that was rushing in front of the red bird slammed on the brakes and stopped suddenly in the air.

The red bird couldn't react in time, and almost bumped into it head-on.

After barely avoiding it, the red bird looked at the little monster in a dazed and somewhat angry manner, but before the original words could be uttered, the first thing he saw was the dignified face of the little monster.

The face of the little monster was originally like a skin that had lost all flesh and blood and was full of wrinkles and lines. Now under guard, it looked even more hideous and ugly, which made people feel afraid.

But all its hostility was directed at the other carriage in front of them.

Behind the carriage door less than one meter away, there was no one there, only the long corridor, so quiet that there was no sound.

The wall lamp hanging on the wall silently illuminates a space.

The red bird looked left and right, although the thought of walking alone in such an overly quiet place made her a little hairy, but she still couldn't see what was wrong with that carriage.


He looked back at the little monster hesitantly, not understanding what it was thinking.

But the little monster bared its teeth, and let out a low and rough roar from its throat, like the last demonstration warning before the beast attacked.

Suddenly, the wall lamp in that carriage flickered.

The change in brightness in the corner of Red Bird's eye caught his attention.

When he looked over there, he only saw the wall lamp still hanging there intact, as if the flickering light just now was just a misjudgment caused by his tilting his head.

The little monster was even more tense.

Then, under the watchful eyes of the red bird, the light bulbs in the carriage exploded one after another from the far end.

There was a whistling electric current, mixed with the noise of sparks exploding, it was sharp and piercing, like some kind of sonic attack, which caused a splitting headache.

And the carriage was quickly engulfed by darkness, as if swallowed by a monster.

In the blink of an eye, darkness had spread to Red Bird's eyes.

When the darkness was close at hand, the coldness and the malicious feeling of being watched made Red Bird break out in a cold sweat instantly.

The fear that originated from the depths of his soul spread and grabbed him tightly, making his body stiff in place, and he couldn't even control his legs to escape.

He could only watch helplessly as the darkness opened its **** mouth, and the cold call of death came from the depths of the darkness.

Immediately, Red Bird's eyes fell into darkness, and his consciousness was gradually withdrawn from his body.

The last thing I still remember was that a skinny bone claw stretched out and hooked his collar, as if trying to stop his fall.

It's a little monster.

Red Bird curled the corner of her lower lip with difficulty, feeling a sense of peace of mind welling up.

Then completely lost consciousness.

"You won't succeed."

It seems that one person is speaking, and it seems that hundreds of people are speaking at the same time. Their voices sound at the same time, superimposed, and blended...

become one voice.

Such compassion.

Like the sky high above, overlooking everything with compassion and kindness, but at the same time with cold arrogance, treating all life as gravel.

"You made a wrong choice, starting twenty-three years ago. A wrong starting point will inevitably lead to failure. No matter how hard you struggle, it will not change."

The void is a peaceful darkness. There is no sky or earth here. All the creations of the gods do not exist here, and it is boundless and empty.

The only thing that exists here is the subconscious mind of all life.

Just like the tip of the iceberg on the sea.

And here, it is really, all the huge icebergs under the sea, standing in a complete and original posture.

The translucent figure floats softly in the void. Its figure is extremely huge, thousands of times larger than any giant creature recognized by human beings. It fills the void without boundaries, as if it is enough to swallow everything and carry everything.

"What you had originally was already a correct path. It was you who voluntarily chose to leave the track that had been planned. Instead, you chose a more difficult and wrong path, which made you scarred and even lost. "

The figure lowered its head, as if looking at someone.

It opened its soft and floating body, wrapping the person inside.

Just like the beginning of human life, a warm mother body, a sense of peace of mind that isolates all dangers.

Enough to get lost in.

But the existence that was declared to be wrong was not confused at all, but sneered with contempt in his eyes.

"Whether it is right or wrong, you will know once you try it."

Chi Yan raised his head and stared coldly at the huge figure in front of him. Her red lips opened and closed, but none of the syllables related to cowardly begging for mercy appeared.

"The world just the world's garbage. All the bad roots of human beings for a long time have been highly concentrated in you and manifested to the fullest. What kind of subconscious aggregate? You are just a large trash can, the thing that should be cleared the most. "

"The world has changed, but you don't realize it—what qualifications do you have to dare to educate me here?"

Darkness crept up.

Chi Yan lowered his head and looked at the hole below him, his eyes were cold.

Even if this is the lair of world consciousness, not her home field, the disadvantaged situation is not enough to shake her in the slightest.

"Human beings are vile, stupid, and the world is dirty."

"But even so, they also have far stronger resilience than you can imagine. Chi Yiyin is there, in my life... the most perfect work, the most important asset, and the most convenient tool."

"He'll mess with everything you think you're right about and make you lose everything."

Chi Yan raised his head, with a proud expression: "Our battle is not over yet. World consciousness, wait and see."

From the huge and indistinct figure, there seemed to be low laughter, mocking Chi Yan's innocence and pity for the fate of mankind.

"Then... give it a try, Chi Yan."

"Look at the end, whether I devoured you or you killed me."

The sound slowly swayed in the empty void, like ripples in water.

When the final voiceprint trill disappeared, Chi Yan's eyes were also covered by a thick darkness.

She is falling.

But without fear.

Chi Yan hooked his lips, and his blood-red lips became the last bright color in the darkness.

The next moment, she suddenly closed her eyes, not worried about her situation at all, as if everything was already under control.

At that moment, a green fluorescent light suddenly shot through the darkness below her.

The green twilight stretches and connects, like beads of serial numbers, criss-crossing endlessly, weaving into a tight big net, enveloping Chi Yan in it.

He caught her firmly.

At the same time, Xiao Bingling, who was in an independent space, also seemed to feel something. He raised his head and looked up, and then he understood it and smiled slightly.

"Chi Yiyin... the president said, the last hope of the world."

Xiao Bingling snorted coldly, and didn't care, as if he had already concluded Chi Yiyin's downfall.

"The president has successfully found the world consciousness and invaded, what else can you do?"

There was sympathy in his eyes, as if looking at a poor dog: "You have already lost, from the moment you chose to become the chairman's competitor."

Chi Yiyin was indifferent, just watching Xiao Bingling calmly, and then, as if he had read something from the other person's face, he smiled slightly.

"It seems that when he entered the new world, Chi Yan had already anticipated the current situation and made preparations... But, does everything he did at that time really apply to the present?"

"You have integrated everything into a strict plan, meticulous execution, the subordinate who disappeared on the train in the sea of ​​clouds, the new system that was hijacked, and you who invaded the system."

Chi Yiyin easily pointed out the arrangement made by Chi Yan on the Yunhai Train, and asked with a smile: "Everything you have done is so perfect that it is so perfect that it cannot be changed flexibly at all. But ah, what is this world like?" It's always changing."

"World consciousness is modifying this world. The new world is no longer solely controlled by the game field, but Li Sijun, he destroyed the tentacles of world consciousness..."

"These changes, like the flapping wings of a butterfly, will eventually set off a hurricane."

"—You guys, are you ready to deal with it?"

Xiao Bingling's brows gradually frowned at Chi Yiyin's words.

Xiao Bingling didn't answer Chi Yiyin immediately, he pursed his lips until he turned white, and seemed to have noticed that there was a loophole in the plan he had executed.

Li Sijun, the biggest variable in the new world and even in the entire game field.

But he was damned on Chi Yiyin's side!

The former **** was not a little butterfly. He could bring about too many changes.

"so what?"

Xiao Bingling sneered, and walked slowly towards Chi Yiyin.

All the codes are making way for him, and the green light is like a firefly flying, flying all over the sky.

Under higher orders, they flew to another space.

It doesn't belong to any corner of the world, even the game field and the gods don't have jurisdiction. It was originally a space completely independent of the world.

That is emptiness.

Can't hurt the world.

A world consciousness without a body is like a whale in an aquarium, without a vehicle for it to touch the real world, harm or change life.

But correspondingly, the world cannot touch the world consciousness, and keeps it safely in the safe.

until now...

Until the world consciousness took the initiative to "capture" Chi Yan, while it approached Chi Yan, it also gave Chi Yan a path to enter the void.

With this, Xiao Bingling, who had taken over all the authority of the new system early, could also launch an attack under Chi Yan's signal and move closer to the world consciousness.

As long as it kills world consciousness, as long as...

"You are still thinking about the world consciousness, thinking that as long as you can kill it and replace it, you can inherit all its authority, so as to attack Li Sijun and kill God to become a new god?"

Chi Yiyin mocked mercilessly: "Do you really think that the world consciousness can't think of this?"

"Or do you think it is so easy to deal with, like a random dog on the side of the road?"

Because of Li Sijun, Chi Yiyin has a deep understanding of what the world is conscious of.

It has the same authority as Li Sijun, and is even qualified to sign an agreement with Li Sijun, temporarily truce, and buy enough time for human beings before the world is really destroyed, so that they can go through layers of selection in the game field , trying to influence the trajectory of the world's destruction.

From the beginning to the end, what the world consciousness wants is to be separated from humans and even gods, and to exist independently without being affected by any external objects.

For this purpose, world consciousness creates the playing field and also protects these players.

Chi Yiyin doesn't think that this kind of world consciousness will completely stand on the opposite side of everyone, nor can it be killed so easily.

Even if the opponent is Chi Yan.

"You regard Chi Yan as a god, and you even dare to provoke me, thinking that this will help your **** to truly ascend to the throne."

Chi Yiyin asked back: "Then have you ever thought about the possibility that Chi Yan will be sent into the enemy's mouth instead, and you will be the culprit who killed her?"

Xiao Bingling was stunned.

He stopped all movements and stood where he was, slowly opening his eyes wide, his delicate and steady face full of fear.

What Chi Yiyin said pierced the most secret fear in his heart that he dared not speak of.

What is the most feared thing for believers?

It is the **** who killed himself with his own hands.

Even if you entrust all your trust to the **** and believe that she will win the final victory, you will inevitably have some worries.

Xiao Bingling opened his mouth, feeling dazed and terrified for a moment, lest the scene Chi Yiyin described would become a reality.

At that moment, Chi Yiyin moved.

He rushed towards Xiao Bingling quickly, exerting force on his already tense muscles, like an arrow leaving the string, he was so fast that he almost left an afterimage.

The strong wind blows through the independent space, passing through all the twilight and codes, and the footless bird brooch is like the sharpest sword, pointing directly at Xiao Bingling's chest.

Sensing the danger, Xiao Bingling instinctively evaded, but instead lost his angle during the movement, and sent his neck to Chi Yiyin's hands.

The sharp blade that was enough to kill gods and was stained with divine blood easily left a long bloodstain the moment it brushed against Xiao Bingling's skin, and the edge of the knife turned inward, getting deeper and deeper.

Xiao Bingling only felt a chill on his neck, subconsciously raised his hand to wipe it, and felt warm blood all over his hand.

As for Chi Yiyin, she put away the knife beside him and stopped.

"I wasn't interested in what the world was like."

He turned slightly sideways, looking at Xiao Bingling with such cold eyes: "It was Chi Yan, she killed me, dragged me into the game field according to her own wishes, and stirred me into this chaos. Up to now, she is still counting on me Will it move as she wants?"

Chi Yiyin raised her head and laughed mockingly: "If you have such thoughts, then you don't understand me at all, and you don't understand Chi Yan either."

"Even your enemies and gods don't you have any reason to survive?"

He uttered syllables mercilessly between his lips: "Trash."

Xiao Bingling no longer has the energy to respond to Chi Yiyin.

That small but sharp knife edge was gradually showing its power, making Xiao Bingling's wound go deeper and deeper.

Blood gushed out continuously, his throat was cut with a knife, and he opened his mouth to speak, but there was only **** ho, and he couldn't utter a word.

Xiao Bingling covered his neck with his hands, trying to block his wound, trying to restore normal breathing.

But because of the broken throat, even the air was gradually deprived.

No matter how hard he tried to open his mouth wide like a fish short of water, trying to breathe, he failed in the end.

The suffocation caused by the lack of oxygen soon made him dizzy, and his limbs gradually lost strength.

When the strength under his palm weakened slightly, the wound that had been pressed down suddenly relaxed, and blood spurted out.

However, Chi Yiyin took a step back at the right time, avoiding the result of the blood spraying on him.

Xiao Bingling looked at Chi Yiyin with fierce eyes, and almost rushed over to bite him to pieces.

Because he was worried that Chi Yiyin was Chi Yan's child, he wanted to kill the weeds and roots several times, but he finally stopped because he was worried about the furious rebuke and disappointment from Chi Yan.

Unexpectedly, the opportunity is fleeting.

Xiao Bingling failed to kill Chi Yiyin when he just entered the game field and was not familiar with it. Now, he has no chance.

Among those words that he failed to say, he knew very well that Chi Yiyin... would become the most powerful opponent in the competition for the position of god.

Xiao Bingling regretted it very much.

If he had known this, he should have taken the risk of being rejected by his gods, and had also killed Chi Yiyin, clearing away all obstacles in the way for Chi Yan.

But now, he can't do anything.

Suffocation and loss of strength caused him to fall to the ground, and he looked up desperately, but he could only see Chi Yiyin's cold gaze looking down from above.

Cold, sensible, without the slightest temperature.

It seems to be gradually overlapping with Chi Yan's image.

But what's different is that Chi Yiyin still has traces of emotions remaining on her body, and she doesn't have a complete ruthless rationality.

that emotion...

Comes from the gods.

Xiao Bingling let out a ho-ho hiss from his throat, as if he wanted to rush up and tear Chi Yiyin apart.

But all he can do now is to gradually stop breathing completely in suffocating death, and slowly cool down.

There was only one pair of eyes, still staring at Chi Yiyin unwillingly, wanting to take away this troublesome trouble before he died.

"What a pity."

Chi Yiyin smiled: "If we weren't in opposing camps, maybe we could still be companions."

However, there is only one new god, and he does not intend to let go.

"If Chi Yan hadn't killed me and dragged me into the game field as her backup plan self-righteously, maybe I would have lived a stupid and ignorant life in reality, or it might have taken a lot of time at night to be Discover the fact that the world is about to end."

"But no matter which way it is, I will not be interested in the world, and I will not compete with Chi Yan."

It was the experience in the game field that caused Chi Yiyin's initial mentality to undergo a complete change. He no longer watched from the sidelines, but wanted to take this world as his own.

All rules will be rewritten, all laws will be reworked.

That would be... the world that Chi Yiyin had hoped for.

"In the final analysis, Chi Yan himself caused the current situation. I don't know what kind of expression she will show if she realizes this."

Chi Yiyin smiled slightly, although he expressed regret, but his handsome face was indifferent.

He only looked down at Xiao Bingling's corpse that gradually became silent, then turned around and walked towards the direction Xiao Bingling had come from.

No matter what Chi Yan ordered Xiao Bingling to do, or what help he was getting from Xiao Bingling now, the source must be in that direction.

"Shall I be soft-hearted to my enemies?"

Chi Yiyin murmured in a low voice: "Of course I will take away all the advantages that belong to her. The anger that I once felt and was manipulated by her will be returned to her at this moment."

His voice scattered in the air, and the code quietly changed.

[God candidate Chi Yiyin, welcome to the system. 】

The long-lost mechanical sound came from the depths of darkness.

[I am Xiao Yunhai from the new system, and I am very happy to serve you. You have entered the background space of the carnival game field, and your current location is the system console, where you can control the entire game field. 】

The mechanical voice seemed to have infinite allure, bewitching Chi Yiyin to make a choice: [No matter what you want to do, the system authority will do it for you, the entire game field is in your palm, Allow yourself to be manipulated. 】

Chi Yiyin didn't care.

Even if the top-level authority that anyone desires but can't get is in front, he is not tempted at all. Instead, he sees the bad idea behind the new system.

[The supervisor Chi Yan put here has died. Logically speaking, you can take this opportunity to regain your freedom and regain your authority. But why didn't you do that? 】

Chi Yiyin walked slowly between strings of codes, and asked this unfamiliar new system with a smile: [You, who were supposed to be in charge of managing the game field and mastering the authority, instead took the initiative to send the authority to me, trying to let I became their second owner... Do you think I would trust you so foolishly? 】

The new system Xiao Yunhai did not speak.

It didn't defend itself, nor did it further seduce Chi Yiyin, but fell into complete silence, as if even its appearance just now was just an illusion.

However, Chi Yiyin became more convinced of her guess and became suspicious of Xiao Yunhai.

It's a new system.

Unlike the original system, which was created by the gods himself, there is no twelve years of faithful experience to prove it, and because it was hijacked just after the replacement, everyone, including Chi Yiyin, is not familiar with the new system.

Chi Yiyin asked Li Sijun where the new system came from.

At that time, Li Sijun gave a casual answer. He said that the new system is an iterative system, which is an evolutionary update based on the original system. Strictly speaking, it is not a creation of gods, but a product of the system.

Li Sijun didn't care what the new system was, nor was he interested in what seemed to be his new subordinate.

But Chi Yiyin firmly remembered those words at that time.

Just because it is iterated by the system, this makes the fidelity of the new system questionable.

We must know that among the data that makes up the system, it is not only the eight thousand years of human history, but also the twelve years in the game field.

And in those twelve years, whether the world consciousness penetrated the game field, to what extent... no one can say for sure.

In addition, Li Sijun later destroyed the emergency system of the opposing camp in a fit of anger...

Chi Yiyin has reason to suspect that the "gene" belonging to the opposing camp has been encoded into the new system.

In this way, the world consciousness can invade the new system, and then grasp the camp of gods, confuse Li Sijun with wrong information, and even make him make wrong judgments.

It's a pity that Chi Yan's behavior interrupted the calculation of the world consciousness, making those possible plans aborted before they appeared, and there is no way to verify them.

But when Chi Yiyin talked about these again unhurriedly, the new system hiding somewhere in the system space did not refute immediately, but fell into a long silence.

[The game field... wants to survive. 】

The sound of the new system is stuttering, like a child learning to speak.

But soon, its voice changed from intermittent to smooth, as if it had completed the evolution from a child to an adult in a second.

[Here is already another world, the Noah's Ark of mankind. The game field also wants to survive. 】

[All survivors, even the gods and world consciousness, no one cares about the survival of the game field, so, I want to give it a try...]

Chi Yiyin raised his eyebrows, and he paused slightly. This time, he was really surprised by the words from the new system.

It turned out that it was not that the world consciousness invaded the new system, but that the new system itself had extra cognition, something it wanted and a "world" to protect.

The world consciousness is at war for its own survival, and so is the new system.

【So, you didn't turn to the world consciousness, but you didn't follow Xiao Bingling's instructions to fully protect Chi Yan? 】

Thinking of this possibility, Chi Yiyin couldn't help laughing.

Who would have thought? The new system, which was just born, was still a child, and it had its own independent thinking and ideas. It emerged from the opposition of several parties and became an independent existence.

Chi Yan ambushed Xiao Bingling in the system in advance, he must have wanted to use this to pave the way for her, make a backup plan, and make her aware of the world.

And the world consciousness didn't pay attention to the new system at all, because it was originally an existence lower than it.

As for Li Sijun, he didn't care much about everything except Chi Yiyin.

In the crevices ignored by all forces, the new system is trying hard to occupy a place for the game field in the new world.

Chi Yiyin is not planning to destroy the world, and he doesn't seem to have any intention of destroying the game field. Therefore, the new system's attitude towards him is still peaceful and friendly for the time being.

——The new system has read the work log left by the previous monkey system, and it is clear that standing behind Chi Yiyin is the **** Li Sijun.

Li Sijun may not care about the world, but as long as someone or the system dares to hurt Chi Yiyin, it is equivalent to angering the gods, and the new system has entered the vision of the gods.

The battle that could have been successfully replaced, or even won, will fail because of this.

The new system made an assessment and believed that the gains outweighed the losses, so they maintained a neutral and friendly attitude towards Chi Yiyin.

[I only survive for the game field, as for the rest, I don't care. 】

The voice of the new system echoed coldly in the system space: 【If you don't intend to destroy the game field and just let it continue to run, then in exchange, I promise you that you will get my help and loyalty. 】

Well water does not violate river water.

What Chi Yiyin wants does not conflict with what the new system wants, and they can even cooperate.

The new system put forward such a statement, but Chi Yiyin did not immediately deny it.

There was a smile on his lips, and when he walked between the virtual space and the code, he was as leisurely as walking in a garden.

【How do you prove that what you said is true? 】

Chi Yiyin asked back unhurriedly, as if he didn't care about the result of this question: [I can destroy you right now, why must I accept your suggestion? 】

The new system is silent.

Immediately, a brand new road appeared at Chi Yiyin's feet.

has been spreading to the depths.

As if to say - come here, I will show you everything.

Under the silent guidance of the new system, Chi Yiyin easily bypassed the traps and firewalls in the system space, and walked into the deepest core of the space safely and soundly.

There is all the information left by Xiao Bingling, which is enough for Chi Yiyin to reversely deduce all of Chi Yan's plans.

And from this height, Chi Yiyin can see everything in the game field.

All the deaths, lives, dungeons and NPCs in operation, recorded data... All kinds of things are overlooked under his feet.

Chi Yiyin smiled slightly.

—He saw that Chi Yan was unaware of Xiao Bingling's failure, and was still confronting the world consciousness.

"Chi Yan..."

When Chi Yiyin looked up, there was a gentle smile in his eyes: "Deal."

"I will not interfere with the game field, it will be your territory. And I...Little Yunhai, point me to a path that can lead to the temple."

The new system readily responded.

In the next second, the floor under Chi Yiyin's feet suddenly disappeared.

A sense of weightlessness came, and he quickly fell from the system into the darkness.

【What you will see will be a brand new world, where the lonely road is buried in all illusions. 】

The notification sound of the new system rang right next to my ear: 【Good luck, god... Chi Yiyin. 】

[You need to know that the road to becoming a **** is hard and lonely. 】

【That's not glory—it's a burden. Carry the whole world on your back. 】

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