MTL - Top Horror Novelist-Chapter 194 (two)

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We must find a place to shelter from the rain and eat as soon as possible.

Besides, there didn't seem to be any other light around the mountain forest. If you went in other directions, it wouldn't necessarily have a better result than continuing to walk into the deserted village.

This is a difficult decision, and the ruts are like a miracle in their eyes at this time!

The players cheered softly, and the cold and hungry people regained their energy and followed the rutted route.

Fortunately, because of the rain, the land was muddy, and the ruts were deep, they didn't have to worry about losing their way.

At the end of the rut, they saw a vehicle parked outside a certain house.

And the light from that family's yard.

They were so excited that they were trembling: "We found it, we actually found it!"

The players couldn't help but cheer in their hearts when they thought of the food and the added physical strength they would get.

But even so, they did not completely lose their vigilance, but let the people whose physical strength had already shown signs of decline hide behind, and a few armed players who could still support the physical strength took the lead and knocked on the door.

But the scholar circled the car twice, looked down at the contents of the car through the window, and slowly revealed doubts.

He always felt that something was wrong.

For example, the thing thrown on the back seat of this car looks like Red Bird's clothes.

Could it be... Red Bird and Chi Yiyin are here?

Before the scholar came to a conclusion, the player over there had already opened the door.

The heavy iron door made a grinding sound and slowly opened amidst the heavy rain.

In an instant, the light behind the door tilted out, covering everyone who was cold and hungry outside the door.

But before they showed joy, they saw clearly the person standing in the light behind the door.

That face is clearly...

Chu Yueli.

Some players still don't understand what's going on, but those players who saw Chu Yueli condescendingly and indifferently glance at the moment when time and space were destroyed, felt like falling into an ice cave.

One second, from heaven to hell.

Are they... throwing themselves into a trap?

When Chu Yueli saw the person outside the door, he raised his eyebrows and looked surprised.

"You guys are still alive?"

He was laughing: "It seems that it is better than I expected."

The rest of the players were half a beat slower, and they also began to understand what was going on, and looked at Chu Yueli with anger in their eyes.

Someone wanted to rush forward to ask Chu Yueli why he did this, but was stopped by the people next to him.

"That's, that's a pure madman."

The person next to him chattered his teeth and lowered his voice, "The Hanged Man...a sinister and ominous existence."

Chu Yueli heard it, but didn't move, just turned to the man with a smile.

"Well, I am indeed the Hanged Man."

"My god... the most faithful believer."

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