MTL - Top Horror Novelist-Chapter 202

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Chu Yueli has calculated everything for Chi Yiyin, thinking that as long as all the extra time and space in the box garden are annihilated, and the power returns to the time and space where Chi Yiyin is present, the thorny road that Chi Yiyin is walking towards the **** can be smoothed.



The sharp tone is like a knife, cutting the night sky.

Even if there is only a short questioning tone, it is enough to make people chill all the way to the soul.

The player kneeling on the ground shrank instinctively, not daring to vent his breath.

Chi Yan sat high on the ruins, his bright red windbreaker hanging down beside him.

She tilted her head slightly, her steel blue eyes were cold, even with a faint smile on that handsome and sharp face, it couldn't make people feel warm at all.

"what did you just say?"

Chi Yan smiled and asked the player again.

In her half-smile voice, there was a cold killing intent.

The player trembled, and repeated: "Chu Yueli... the crazy lame next to Chi Yiyin is also here. He seems to be preparing to destroy this place. I saw him a little earlier."

He pointed to the foot of the mountain: "In the forest."

Chi Yan laughed softly. Although he didn't know Chi Yiyin's specific plan, he was not surprised by Chu Yueli's actions.

"It seems that I underestimated Chi Yiyin earlier."

She raised her eyebrows, looked sideways, and said meaningfully: "After all, he is also a little monster raised by me... How can there be no people around him who regard him as a god, or even make plans for themselves?"

Xiao Bingling lowered his head and stood beside Chi Yan, but didn't say a word.

Around them, Dayin Village has been completely turned into ruins. All the villagers including the witches have died. Even the trees in the mountains and forests have risen from the ground, the branches are scattered, and the ground is in a mess. Even a corner is enough to see How tragic was the battle before leaving here,

The massacre was almost one-sided. Neither the villagers nor the witches could fight back. They died without any struggle.

But this world remains motionless.

It didn't release the message of customs clearance just because of the destruction of Dayin Village and all the mountains and forests. Even though it dug three feet into the ground, searched all the corners, and got all the clues that could be obtained, there was no notification.

Like...a harbinger of failure.

Chi Yan had a panoramic view of everything, and nothing could block her perception. She knew exactly what everything in front of her represented.

But she didn't care, and didn't even move the corners of her eyes and brows a little.

Chi Yan took out the cigarette case from the windbreaker coat, and the blood-stained palms were clearly knuckles, making the already cold and pale skin more contrasting.

She took out a cigarette and put it between her lips, but she didn't light it. Instead, she raised her eyelashes and looked at the dark sky. Her eyes were as deep as a cold pool, as if she could look straight through the sky at the person hiding behind the curtain. system.

There was a soft sound of "啪!", and a little fire appeared among the dim ruins, and was blown out by the wind.

Chi Yan lowered his eyes, and saw the lighter stretched out in front of her, and Xiao Bingling who was holding the lighter and waiting quietly.

He was as quiet as Chi Yan looked at him every time these years, as if he was a robot who only knew how to accept instructions, and would only follow the orders given by his god, but would not have any extra emotions.

I don't know pain, I don't know fear. Even if he dies, he will perfectly fulfill God's instructions.

But this time, he messed up the most critical task.

Chi Yan looked down at Xiao Bingling calmly, as if he was observing and analyzing him, his gaze was like a scalpel, dissecting him precisely, and seeing clearly all the secrets that belonged to him.

She had a cigarette in her mouth, but she didn't accept the fire that Xiao Bingling handed over. Xiao Bingling also waited quietly, like a sculpture.

After a long time, Chi Yan finally leaned forward slightly, and the cigarette was slowly lit in the firelight.

Xiao Bingling breathed a sigh of relief.

Chi Yan laughed, "You want to kill Chi Yiyin."

His eyes widened instantly, and he looked at Chi Yan in shock, with secret fear hidden in his eyes.

"Even if you know who he is, and his word Chi, it comes from me."

She added another sentence in a relaxed tone, and there was even a smile in her magnetic voice.

But Xiao Bingling's mind was blank, he didn't know how Chi Yan knew about it, and he didn't know how to answer it.

He opened his mouth, but only whispered, "President."

As usual every time.

As the smoke drifted away, Chi Yan raised his head, his slender and powerful arms supported the bricks and stones of the ruins, and looked up at the sky, as if he had no sense of the emotions of his closest subordinates, who could even be called companions.

But after a while, she smiled lightly and asked, "Why, do you think he's not qualified?"

Xiao Bingling wanted to answer "yes".

He wanted to say that Chi Yan was the only one who was qualified to become the new god's shelter world and who could go to the deepest and highest temple. Anything else is just a stumbling block that needs to be removed.

Even if Chi Yiyin comes from Chi Yan, it is no exception.

But Chi Yan's next words made Xiao Bingling terrified.

"So, in order to kill Chi Yiyin, you failed the task I gave you."

Chi Yan tilted his head, looked sideways at Xiao Bingling, the gaze cast by those steel blue eyes was so cold, even if she was still smiling, she couldn't bring any warmth to those eyes.

"The last and most important task."

Chi Yan's voice was deliberately soft: "I trust you and think that you are enough to be my shadow, and help me deal with the system behind me when I am confronted with world consciousness."

"But the system's knife came from behind me."

Chi Yan's voice was not heavy, and there wasn't even any anger or condemnation in it, it just stated a fact calmly and calmly.

But it was enough to make Xiao Bingling deeply afraid and blame himself.


He bowed down, guilty and dared not look up at Chi Yan: "I'm sorry. I will do everything possible to make up for my mistakes and get your plan back on track."

Chi Yan casually crushed the cigarette between his fingers: "No need."

"The new system will choose to stand on Chi Yiyin's side, and I didn't count it. It's not your fault. My plan has loopholes, and I didn't discover it myself."

She found it interesting, and chuckled: "In my plan, Chi Yiyin and Li Sijun... have become the biggest variables in this chess game, uncontrollable and unpredictable."

"However, it is not for nothing to go this trip."

Chi Yan glanced down at the player kneeling on the ground, and then quickly and easily jumped down from the ruins. The Yin Hong windbreaker rolled up behind her, and she landed firmly on the ground, crushing the corpse under her feet.

The sound of bones breaking made the player's heart tremble. Even though he thought he had gotten used to all this in the game field for twelve years, he still couldn't help turning his head away, not daring to look at Chi Yan.

Chi Yan looked around, and a new plan was quickly formed and perfected in his heart.

It was her mistake that she didn't notice Chu Yueli's existence.

She underestimated Chu Yueli's ability, and she did not expect that Chu Yueli's belief in Chi Yiyin would drive him crazy enough to take back the book written by Chi Yiyin, use it to establish a box garden, and even eradicate every one of them for him. Unnecessary time and space.

Chi Yan and Xiao Bingling were not the only ones who entered the Little Garden.

There are also some people who were originally put into the Yunhai train by Chi Yan as pawns.

Although those people are not well-known in the game field, they have been hiding in the darkness like ghosts without a name, but they are all powerful people one by one.

Players with insufficient levels are not even qualified to know their existence. Even Red Bird had only vaguely guessed the general abilities of this group of people, but had no way of ascertaining their specific identities and appearances.

This is the authority and power from Chi Yan's "half god", which is enough to kill the entire game field.

But unfortunately, that **** has always stood in the highest position. Even if she entered the temple, she didn't get the chance to kill him.

Thinking of the conversation with Li Sijun in the temple, Chi Yan couldn't help but snorted coldly, and his eyes sank.

She originally asked Xiao Bingling to take care of the new system that was hijacked by her and obtain all the information in the database. She wanted to use this to gain full control of the game field and force Li Sijun to surrender the divine power.

During this period, she hunted down the world consciousness, and wanted to obtain the same level as the gods by killing the world consciousness, so that she could kill the gods.

No matter how difficult this road is, the goal seems to be an unattainable joke, but Chi Yan never gave up for a moment, one step at a time, walking steadily and firmly towards the goal.

It's just a pity that Chi Yan miscalculated the position of the new system, and losing the authority of the new system made it difficult for her to move forward in Xiaoting.

She used all her strength to fight desperately against the world consciousness.

Although the world consciousness was severely damaged, it still allowed it to scatter itself before the fatal blow and become a scattered consciousness again, scattered and penetrated into every inch of air, thus escaping Chi Yan's killing.

And those Chi Yan's subordinates, although they also successfully entered Xiaotian, most of them fell into other time and space, and she could perceive that those people were dying one by one.

Just when Chu Yueli killed all time and space.

Time and space, and all the life in it, seemed to be stuffed into a large meat grinder, and did not survive.

In front of Chi Yan, there was only a messy remnant of the battlefield.

None of what she really wanted was in her hands.

"It seems that I haven't paid attention to the little monster for too long."

Chi Yan smiled lowly, as if talking to himself: "I didn't even know, so he became a novelist, using his awakened power to write stories and create his own world."

But now, the stories in Chi Yiyin's book have materialized into a small world.

This small closed box garden is like a seed buried deep in the ground, which proves that Chi Yiyin has such strength.

And one day in the future, when the time comes, it will break through the ground and grow, take root and sprout, replace the old world, and become the foundation for Chi Yiyin to become a new god.

"I've made myself an enemy."

Chi Yan smiled when he said this.

Those steel blue eyes that were always indifferent and rational were full of appreciation.

"An enemy who is good enough to stand in front of me."

Even though Chi Yan initially dragged Chi Yiyin into the game field with the intention of using him as her own tool, but now things backfired, and she was not disappointed at all, but an unexpected surprise.

A clever enemy is better than a harmless stupid pig.

"Let's go."

Chi Yan glanced behind him, raised his chin, and motioned to Xiao Bingling: "Go and see how far our little monster has grown."

"And world awareness..."

A cold light flashed across her eyes.

The previous miss did not make her depressed. It only aroused her deeper desire to win.

"I also want to say goodbye to our old friends who left without saying goodbye."

"Isn't it?"

And this time...she won't allow the world consciousness to escape again.

The bright red windbreaker fluttered in the wind, becoming the only bright color in the dark forest.

Xiao Bingling silently followed behind Chi Yan, walked deeper into the mountain forest, and disappeared in the ruined Dayin Village.

And it wasn't until Chi Yan left for a long time that the player who knelt on the ground and didn't dare to show his breath dared to tremblingly look up and look around to confirm whether Chi Yan had really left.

Then, ignoring the dirt on the ground, he slumped and sat on the ground with his feet limp, heaved a long sigh of relief, and the palms covering his heart were still trembling uncontrollably.

That one is the rumored chairman...

The player recalls the conversation he just heard and feels himself in a trance for a moment.

Chi Yiyin, who was unknown at the beginning and looked down upon by everyone, but finally cleared all obstacles and opened a new world, turned out to be the blood of the president. This is really... a monster! A family of monsters!

But even if Chi Yan has left, the players dare not stay here for long.

When his trembling legs could stand up again, he staggered towards the outside of Dayin Village, holding on to the ruins next to him.

He knew very well that he couldn't stay here.

In particular, he is not an awakener, but just a high-level player who relied on his brain to get to the present. He entered the new world by chance and came to the present by chance...but without a companion, the current situation is so dangerous.

The player has seen Chu Yueli's figure before, and saw with his own eyes how the **** who was despised by others destroyed time and space like a god-killing descendant.

He would have died because of this, but the existence of Chi Yan and world consciousness supported this time and space, so that Chu Yueli failed to destroy this place, allowing him to regain his life.

And because he had seen Chu Yueli do things, he took it as a certificate of honor and exchanged his life with Chi Yan.

But now, even if Chi Yan and Chu Yueli spared his life, it was still dangerous for him to walk alone in the mountains and forests without a companion to rely on.

There is only one thought in the player's mind - hurry up, hurry up, get out of here, use the fastest speed to find other people, and join the scholars and others.

But just when he was about to walk out of Dayin Village, he suddenly felt a chill in his ankle, as if something was holding his leg.

The player trembled instinctively, and the coldness spread all the way to the depths of his soul.

He stiffened his neck, and slowly, slowly lowered his head.

Then he saw the rotten skull half-hidden under the soil layer, staring at him with dark eye sockets, as if asking——Where do you want to go?

Cold sweat broke out from the player's back in an instant. He was so shocked that he quickly kicked off the hand bone that was holding his ankle, and ran out desperately.

However, in the darkness, figures rose from the ground, appearing in the thick fog, shadowy, ghostly smiles.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Stay here, right here."

"Like all of us. Those who died in Dayin Village will never leave their souls."

"President, where are we going next?"

Xiao Bingling lowered his hands and asked, "I've looked for it, but Chi Yiyin is not here. Perhaps, as the person said just now, the appearance and disappearance of Chu Yueli means that there is not only one time and space here, but multiple nested worlds."

"But I know people like Chu Yueli."

Xiao Bingling paused, and said softly: "We are...a kind of people. We will do everything for our own gods, and give up everything, including life."

"Since Chu Yueli regards Chi Yiyin as a god, here, except for the place where Chi Yiyin is located and the time and space that exists because of you, all other time and space should have been destroyed."

"It just pointed us in the right direction."

Xiao Bingling bowed and asked, "Would you like to look for Chi Yiyin?"

Before Chi Yan could answer, there was a sudden scream in the forest behind them.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah-!!"

Birds startled.

But the screams stopped abruptly in the middle.

It was like being bitten through the throat by a beast.

Chi Yan was not surprised by this, she just glanced at the forest behind her indifferently, and then looked away.

The mountains trembled beneath her feet, the earth cracked, and the sky was like a faded curtain, peeling off in patches.

The destruction of heaven and earth.


Chi Yan hooked his lips, and chuckled softly: "Since Li Sijun thinks that Chi Yiyin is qualified to kill him and become a new god..."

"Then I have to meet Li Sijun and tell him personally how wrong he is."

She strode forward with her long legs and walked towards the shaking and collapsing leylines first.

The mountains are crumbling, the sky is falling.

But Chi Yan showed no fear.

She walked in the collapsing world, just like walking in her country, like walking on flat ground.

Xiao Bingling followed suit.

"But before that... there is one other thing to do."

The moment Chi Yan's figure disappeared in this time and space, the whole time and space collapsed like a building whose load-bearing columns were removed.

Annihilated into a dead darkness.

"Looking at Qin Da's attitude, since he dared to deceive all the villagers and fabricate the current situation of the witch, it is enough to show that he is very clear that it is difficult for other villagers to find the witch and verify his words."

"After all, in this kind of village where belief is the most important thing, when you want to fabricate lies about belief, it is best to ensure that your lies will not be exposed from the beginning."

Chi Yiyin chuckled, and said: "Qin Da also knew that he came to me to discuss cooperation. He was very clear-headed that his lie could not continue. If the witch did not appear in front of everyone as scheduled on the day of the sacrifice, his lie It will be self-defeating and usher in the angry backlash of the villagers."

"He wants to use me to ensure his retreat, using 'Grandma Qin's junior'. At least he has a brain."

Monkey: "...Why do you still sound a little appreciative of him?"

It pointed to the narrow road that gradually disappeared behind it speechlessly, and said, "Didn't you hear the voice in the village just now? Qin Da just pushed the pot on you. He wants to use you to attract the hatred of the villagers, you Still appreciate him?"

The ministers are about to die in battle, how can the queen surrender to the enemy first?

Chi Yiyin blinked innocently, not feeling that there was anything wrong with her attitude.

"Stupidity is more terrifying than evil, isn't it?"

He smiled and nodded lightly, this time without concealing his appreciation, so that the monkey could clearly see his attitude: "Incompetent kindness is useless, no matter good or evil, stupidity is absolutely unbearable."

Monkey: ...I always feel familiar with what you said, and I feel that I have heard it before another big devil.

The monkey who thought he could escape Chi Yan's shadow without being a system, at that moment, remembered the fear brought by Chi Yan again.

Monkey: "...You guys with the surname Chi can't be offended."

Chi Yiyin spread his hands, looking innocent under the monkey's condemning gaze.

While stupid enemies make him a lot easier, it's more fun when the opponent is smart.

On the way to find the location of the witch, Chi Yiyin has heard the noise in the village and knows what happened in the village.

Regarding the death of Qin Da's family members, his first object of suspicion was the sorceress, and the subsequent consideration was the yellow rat woman of the Qin family who had met once in the village at the foot of the mountain.

After all, according to Qin Dakou, Po Qin's death was not simple.

As a capable person who served Wutong God, Qin Po's death was by no means the end. Even if she came back from the coffin and personally avenged her own death, Chi Yiyin would not be surprised.

However, although Chi Yiyin had someone to suspect, it did not prevent him from appreciating Qin Da's behavior of pushing the blame on him.

— How to quickly gather the power of the group?

Give them a common enemy.

Whenever Qin Da dared to tell the truth, saying that it was likely because of what he did to the witch that caused the disaster and the death of his family, or identifying any villager in the village, he might push himself into a more dangerous abyss.

However, identifying Chi Yiyin was different.

an enemy.

It will only make the villagers share the same hatred and surround Qin Da more closely, making his power and influence more consolidated, and responding to every call.

Chi Yiyin chuckled, and suddenly felt that returning to Dayin Village again was not so difficult to accept.

"How about writing a sequel after you leave?"

He even smiled and asked the ghost of the professor beside him: "Write our experience this time as a new story."

The professor nodded: "Yes, yes, but you are in danger now, do you still have the energy to write?"

The professor was skeptical: "Xiaochi, this is not outside, not a place we are familiar with. The playground you mentioned is too weird. It will be difficult to leave alive this time."

He was very worried about his last closed disciple: "I'm already dead anyway, and it doesn't matter if I die again. The places I've been to and the stories I've read with you over the years are enough for me. But you …You are still alive, you are still so young, you cannot die here."

As he said that, the professor glanced at Li Sijun with worry in his eyes: "Besides, you still have a lover."

Even if he didn't say it out loud, the professor had already made up his mind after confirming the situation around him.

Once there is danger, the professor will risk his life in exchange for Chi Yiyin's.

But after Chi Yiyin heard the professor's worry, he glanced at Li Sijun beside him with a half-smile.

He stretched out his hand, slowly grasped Li Sijun's palm, slid down the other's palm, interlocking his fingers.

Li Sijun slowly opened his eyes wide, looking back at Chi Yiyin in surprise, he did not expect that his voice would swear their relationship without any cover in front of the professor who was regarded as an elder.

His eyes sparkled, with broken gold floating shadows, full of smiles, and his love for Chi Yiyin could hardly be restrained from gushing out.

Chi Yiyin understood the emotion in Li Sijun's eyes.

He blinked at Li Sijun, tacitly confirming each other's thoughts.

"Don't worry, teacher."

Chi Yiyin looked at the professor again with a smile, raised his arm and raised the palm he held with Li Sijun, and said: "For him, I have the minimum confidence to say that he will never let me die in his hands." before."

The professor was surprised and looked at Li Sijun with hesitation.

Even though he had already learned about Li Sijun's identity from Chi Yiyin, when it came to the students he valued, he still didn't dare to relax easily, so he just handed Chi Yiyin over to Li Sijun, and he will be at ease. The lives of the students are left to others to protect.

Worrying like an old father.

Watching Monkey: This professor is more like Chi Yiyin's parent than the Great Demon King Chi...

And Chi Yiyin looked back at Li Sijun, and confirmed to him with a smile: "Am I right, Li?"

The swaying waves in Li Sijun's eyes reflected Chi Yiyin's appearance, his heart was full, and he was the only one.


Li Sijun slowly clenched Chi Yiyin's hand, his voice was deep and magnetic, but there was a gentle smile, like the patience and love for carefully caring for porcelain.

"Beyond my death, you will have everything. Including this world...and me."

The last few syllables are very light, very light.

No one heard it except the monkey.

It raised its head and looked at Li Sijun with a complicated expression. As a subordinate and tool of the gods, it knows better than anyone else what the promise of the gods represents.

Corresponding price...

The monkey moved its mouth, trying to say something.

But Li Sijun's handsome face, which had never been warm before meeting Chi Yiyin, is now filled with a gentle smile, which is the warmth and love from the depths of the soul, which cannot even be restrained.

The **** who was once aloof, but now his heart and eyes are filled with another person.

Looking at such a god, the monkey finally sighed silently, turned around slumped and lowered his shoulders, angrily not wanting to look at Chi Yiyin and Li Sijun.

Relying on its thin and flexible body after becoming an animal, it ran down the stone steps quickly on all fours, heading straight into the darkness deeper underground.

"There's nothing below, it's safe."

After a while, the monkey's muffled voice echoed back from the depths: "Come down, there is air, I can breathe, and I can see the door. But it's locked, and I can't push it open."

Monkey: That's how it works, especially free! I can do whatever I want, such as being a guinea pig to test the poison on my boss and his wife.

Chi Yiyin blinked, gestured to Li Sijun with his eyes, and asked the monkey if he was crazy?

Li Sijun shrugged: Probably because he was too stupid.

However, as the monkey's move to explore the way first, it still provided Chi Yiyin with convenience, allowing him to confirm that he had indeed found the right place without wasting time.

When going to Dayin Village in reality, Chi Yiyin noticed the huge underground space hidden in the village.

It's just that there was no Qin Da at that time, and there were no two witches who were related to each other, so the witch Chi Yiyin saw was in her original residence, and there was no chance for him to go to the underground space to take a look.

However, this did not prevent him from immediately thinking of the underground space after seeing Qin Da's intentions.

To be able to hide people without being easily broken into by the villagers, and to discover Qin Da's hidden secrets... In the closed-off Dayin Village, there are not many places that can meet these conditions.

Secret underground spaces are almost the only option.

Chi Yiyin held up the flashlight that came along from the villager's house halfway, and barely illuminated the dark space in front of him, step by step down the dilapidated steps covered with moss and dust.

A thick layer of dust accumulated on the steps. As the two walked, the dust flew under the light of the flashlight. It was so thick that Chi Yiyin choked and coughed. Even his eyes felt uncomfortable and he couldn't see clearly.

He had to cover his mouth and nose, barely able to see the steps under his feet through the dust flying all over the sky.

Li Sijun reached out his hand just in time, and gently covered Chi Yiyin's eyes.

"Don't worry, leave it to me." He said in Chi Yiyin's ear.

The magnetic deep voice carries a dependable sense of reassurance.

No one can harm his little disciples from under his protection.

Chi Yiyin froze for a moment, but after a short hesitation, she let go of her perception. It was rare to have such a cute side, and was led by Li Sijun, and walked down the steps step by step.

And Li Sijun whispered in his ear about the surrounding environment and changes, no matter what kind of details, he could not escape his eyes, no matter how big or small.

Chi Yiyin also hesitated and stiffened from the very beginning, but gradually let go, and trustingly handed over all the observation tasks to Li Sijun, who supported his arm, and followed his voice to raise his legs and settle down.

Li Sijun touched Chi Yiyin's thigh lightly, and he took a step. When the direction and height changed, Li Sijun used his long legs to touch his legs and feet, and led him down together.

Just as Li Sijun promised him, he didn't fall or get injured at all.

The smile on Chi Yiyin's lips gradually deepened.

It is not easy for Chi Yiyin to trust others.

He can easily tell anyone that I trust you, but that is just a lie used to manipulate other people's minds and make them use him for his own use, and it does not represent his true thoughts.

Even if Chi Yiyin really trusted Chu Yueli, Hongniao and Jingcha, that trust was not that deep.

The only person he trusts completely without any defenses is himself.

But now, Chi Yiyin's vision has been deprived, and he can't see anything in front of his eyes, only Li Sijun's warm palm gently covers his vision, and he breathes in Li Sijun's palm.

It's not that bad to lose the senses, but become miraculous because of Li Sijun's existence.

They were so close, far beyond the safety zone that Chi Yiyin had set for him, making Li Sijun the only person Chi Yiyin allowed to be so close to him.

Chi Yiyin trembled her eyelashes, which were thick and slender like a small fan. across Li Sijun's palm.

His voice trembled for a moment, and his breathing was unsteady.

Where Chi Yiyin couldn't see, Li Sijun's eyes gradually darkened, his Adam's apple rolled, and his eyes were full of deep love when he looked at Chi Yiyin.

Even, if it wasn't for world awareness and systematic obstruction, reason would have told Li Sijun that he had to let Chi Yiyin go through the test by himself... Li Sijun even impulsively wanted to take out all of himself and send it to the In Chi Yiyin's hands.

Including his world and **** position.

If it is his voice, then there is nothing he cannot bestow.

Li Sijun sighed silently, with smiles on his eyes and brows.

His tall and strong body was bigger than Chi Yiyin's, and when he wrapped Chi Yiyin in his arms with his arms, he wrapped him completely in his arms.

It seems that the gap that has been missing has finally been filled.

From the moment the world was created, the **** who has been lonely and existed alone for eight thousand years... finally has his own love and soul.

The name is Chi Yiyin.

The monkey waiting at the bottom silently raised his hand to cover his eyes, pretending to be dead and not seeing.

"Be careful."

Li Sijun supported Chi Yiyin in a deep voice: "The steps are broken, don't step on them."

Chi Yiyin followed Li Sijun's voice, but frowned: "It's a bit strange."

The breath he exhaled when he spoke fell into Li Sijun's palm: "According to what you told me, it is not consistent with Qin Da's actions I thought before."

Although the heavy dust made Chi Yiyin unable to open his eyes and could only be told by Li Sijun, he still found that the steps leading to the underground space were different from his previous assumptions from the details that were told. There are discrepancies.

If Qin Da hid the sorceress underground, it was because of a guilty conscience, or to convince the villagers that he was really communicating with the sorceress, and Qin Da should also visit the sorceress from time to time.

Confirming that she has been underground all this time and has not escaped is also to know the progress of the sacrifice, so that she will not be ignorant when asked by the villagers.

The thick dust on the steps has become the best record and keeper of these traces.

According to what Li Sijun said, there is only a row of downward footprints on the steps, a one-way line, and there is no trace of returning.

And judging from the size of the footprints, it was not left by Qin Da, but more like that of a witch.

The footprints were already very light, and they were covered by new dust, even if Li Sijun hadn't looked at them, those footprints would have almost disappeared.

"It's not that Qin Da sent the sorceress down, it's been a long time. It's more like the sorceress went down by herself a long time ago, and Qin Da never checked in the future."

Chi Yiyin frowned, feeling weird: "But according to the tradition of Dayin Village, the sacrifice must be presided over by a witch. At least the witch was still there during the last sacrifice."

Of course, after the sacrifice, there is no certainty.

But Qin Da has never been here... Did he guess wrong? It's not that Qin Da is not good for the witch, so he is not guilty and has not come to see her.

Or is it simply that Qin Da doesn't know where the witch is? But if that's the case, could it be that the sorceress ran underground to hide herself?

Who is she hiding from?

An answer was ready to come out in Chi Yiyin's heart.

Mother Qin.

In Qin Dakou, the sister who died because of the witch.

Li Sijun held Chi Yiyin's hand and reminded, "We're here."

Chi Yiyin slowly opened his eyes, and saw the open door hidden deep in the ground.

The ferocious beast on it screamed and wanted to come out.

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