MTL - Top Horror Novelist-Chapter 221

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Gu Xichao was actually not interested in the market, and it was only because of Chi Wanwan's stubbornness that he agreed to Chi Yiyin's proposal.

When he calmed down and wanted to regret it, Chi Yiyin grabbed his wheelchair and asked with a smile: "So you still go back on your word? How despicable."

Gu Xichao: " must have misunderstood me, the saint died a long time ago."

But under the joint attack of Chi Yiyin digging a hole with a smile, and Li Sijun's cold threats, Gu Xichao was still defeated, with blue veins popping out of his forehead.

"I go!"

For a moment, he didn't know whether he was answering Chi Yiyin or cursing.

But after getting an affirmative answer, Chi Yiyin nodded in satisfaction and didn't care, and went straight out pushing Gu Xichao's wheelchair.

Except for Chi Yiyin who was smiling happily, Li Sijun and Gu Xichao beside him all had dark faces to varying degrees and their air pressure was extremely low.

Li Sijun: You don't have hands yourself, and you still want to push you? Disturb me and Yinyin's two-person world!

Gu Xichao: Do ​​you think I want to? Hurry up and take your Chi Yiyin away!

Behind them, Chi Wanwan saw the interaction between them, covered her lips and chuckled, and said to Lin Yunyu in a low voice: "Professor Chi is really like a parent. Parents love."

Lin Yunyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he moved Chi Wanwan's smooth hair and asked her, "What about you? A baby who is three years old and several hundred months old?"

Chi Wanwan nodded without hesitation: "Yes!"

She blinked her eyes and asked Lin Yunyu innocently: "Isn't it? The professor is there even when the sky is falling. The impossible things he once promised me have become reality, and you stand in front of me... As long as Professor Chi is there , I don’t have to bear the pain of hatred that shouldn’t belong to me.”

Lin Yunyu hugged Chi Wanwan distressedly.

The girls behind were chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was relaxed.

There is a strong wind and rain ahead, you come and go. If it weren't for Chi Yiyin's presence, Li Sijun and Gu Xichao seemed to be able to fight each other.

But when the topic became more explosive, Chi Yiyin glanced over lightly, and Li Sijun immediately calmed down again, with a smile on his face, as if nothing had happened.

Gu Xichao rolled his eyes, and snorted coldly, feeling like he couldn't see it.

The Li Sijun in his impression always stayed in the heavy snow when he was a child. Outside the church door, he stretched out his hand to him and asked him if he wanted to live desperately despite the pain. The cruelty and compassion of divinity were vividly expressed.

But Li Sijun, who has always been indifferent and does not put the world and even life in his eyes, is completely different in front of Chi Yiyin after falling in love.

Gu Xichao: "It's good to change to another god, but the previous one is really useless."

Especially in front of Chi Yiyin! Laughing like a silly dog, tsk.

Gu Xichao really wanted to break free from Chi Yiyin and stay away from these two people, but Chi Yiyin seemed to see what he was thinking, and pushed him towards the market with a smile, determined not to let go.

When they met the residents of the small town, when these enthusiastic people saw Gu Xichao in the wheelchair, they showed distressed and curious eyes, and asked concerned questions, which made Gu Xichao feel uncomfortable and writhed in the wheelchair. There are nails on the wheelchair.

"Chi Yiyin!"

Gu Xichao lowered his voice and gritted his teeth: "You did it on purpose!"

Just as Chi Yiyin is not good at love, let alone facing sincere and passionate emotions, so is Gu Xichao.

He spent his whole life in hatred, and he almost merged with the snow mountain. When he suddenly met such enthusiastic people as the residents of the small town, he always felt that he didn't know what to do with his hands and feet.

Chi Yiyin nodded happily, without hesitation: "Of course."

He smiled and said: "You must have misunderstood me—although I took over the position of god, I am not a saint. I hold grudges very much, and I don't want to waste brain cell memory, so I can report it on the spot."

It is precisely because Chi Yiyin has just experienced the enthusiasm of the residents of the small town that he deliberately pushed Gu Xichao through the relatively lively streets of the town, specifically for Gu Xichao to "encounter" the residents, and let him also experience his own feelings just now. feelings.

Gu Xichao: "..."

He looked to the side, and Li Sijun's eyes were full of pride, with an expression of "my wife is awesome!".

Gu Xichao rolled his eyes: "Forget it, let's just destroy it."

Chi Yiyin laughed out loud.

Although they left early, they couldn't walk fast because of the enthusiasm of the town residents. When they finally arrived at the market, the sun had already risen in the sky.

In the market, there was also the smell of food.

The steak fried in the pan exudes a tempting aroma, the sweet fruits and vegetables are the best natural perfume, and the yellow potato pancakes are appetizing.

On the Yinyin lawn next to the market, there are wooden tables and chairs. People who come to the market sit leisurely, talking and laughing loudly, waiting for their food to be served. They don't have any coffee or black tea at hand, but big glasses of beer.

The sun is shining, but not as good as people's smiling faces.

After seeing the scene at the market clearly, Chi Yiyin was caught in the sight instantly and couldn't move his eyes away.

This is... a life he had seen before, but never imagined, that he would have.

Even in his most optimistic plan for the future, after exploring the world and the stars, he left a handbook enough for future generations to continue to explore the truth, and then died quietly behind the desk.

Even imagination is not so bold, optimistic and naive.

But it really appeared in front of his eyes like this. Whether it was the sunlight shining on his body, the fragrance lingering around his nose, or the lively laughter around him, they all proved to Chi Yiyin that this was not a dream.

It is a real possibility realized by Li Sijun for him, which was once unattainable.

Chi Yiyin turned sideways slightly, and when he looked at Li Sijun, there was still a dazed feeling in his eyes.

He rolled his Adam's apple, and his tongue, which has always been eloquent, forgot how to make syllables.


Chi Yiyin's voice trembled slightly.

Li Sijun lowered his brows and eyes with a smile, and stretched out his hand to hold his palm slowly: "Yinyin, as long as you want, you don't have to bear everything on your shoulders, and there is me. No matter what time it is, what identity I am, yes It's not a god... you are all my heart."

"As long as you need it, I will do it for you."

As he once promised.

To ordinary people, everything that Li Sijun promised is so arrogant that it is unbelievable, but as the **** of creation, he has never failed Chi Yiyin's trust. Every word he promised Chi Yiyin has changed. became a reality.

Li Sijun's bottom line is Chi Yiyin. But when facing Chi Yiyin...he only has endless pampering and will not refuse any request.

The two looked at each other and smiled in the sun.

But Gu Xichao who was kicked away by Li Sijun took the opportunity: "..."

Thanks, I'm free.

Speechless but not intending to stop, he let his wheelchair run happily, until he was about to hit the vegetable and fruit stand, and finally stopped.

When I looked up, I happened to be facing a pumpkin with bright orange and yellow colors.

This pumpkin is looking fabulous and vibrant.

Especially the face behind the pumpkin that poked its head out to look at the sound, it was the grandfather who gave Chi Yiyin two pumpkins before.

Gu Xichao, who had a flash of bad memories in his mind, said, "...Hello, can I stop growing pumpkins next year? I can pay for it."

Grandpa: "?"

He looked at Gu Xichao's unfamiliar face, and saw Chi Yiyin and Chi Yiyin standing side by side not far away, and suddenly realized.

"Oh! The new family!"

The old man smiled enthusiastically, and hurried over from behind the booth, eager to help: "Young man, do you like fruit? Just tell me what you want. The whole town knows that my family's crops are the best. God blesses you." !"

As he said that, he wanted to reach out to help Gu Xichao push the wheelchair, but Gu Xichao politely refused.

Then, Gu Xichao realized what it meant-"There is a need that your grandpa thinks you need".

Chi Yiyin experienced the experience of being unable to refuse, laughing until he was stiff, and being covered with gifts weighing hundreds of catties, and Gu Xichao experienced it again.

Gu Xichao, who had never had a similar experience, was at a loss in front of the grandfather's sincerity and enthusiasm. He wanted to refuse but couldn't refuse, and he couldn't treat the old man like a game player or a murderer. He laughed heartily, and then he couldn't help but push Gu Xi toward the lunch booth next to him.

A burly and strong old man who has been working all the year round, and a well-mannered gentleman sitting in a wheelchair, after such a combination is pleasing to the eye, it really feels like a grandparent.

The grandson who rarely returns home is cared about by his grandfather. He always feels that if he is thinner, he is not doing well, so he must make up for his grandson.

It doesn't matter whether the grandson is hungry or not, the important thing is that the grandpa must!

"I want a tomahawk steak, put it on my account!"

The old man said loudly, "I want the biggest one!"

Gu Xichao looked at the steaks hanging on the stall, which were as big as two of his own faces, and fell silent for a while: "..."

When the diners who were drinking beer and basking in the sun heard the voice, they all turned their heads and wanted to say hello to their old acquaintances.

In the end, I happened to see Gu Xichao's appearance of aphasia on his forehead.

— looks really sick and needs to eat more meat!

The stall owner nodded solemnly, as if he had taken on some great task, and promised to Grandpa Pumpkin: "Don't worry, leave it to me! Be sure to feed him fat and strong!"

Gu Xichao: "...It doesn't matter, just understand it, thank you, I..."


Before Gu Xichao could finish his sentence, he was grabbed by the old man and loudly introduced to his old friends: "Let me introduce to you, this is our new neighbor in the small town, from now on we will be a family!"

Gu Xichao didn't even give Gu Xichao the chance to refuse.

The people who were sitting on the long wooden benches waiting for lunch immediately looked over cheerfully, surrounded Gu Xichao curiously and enthusiastically, and gave a friendly welcome.

"Just tell me if you need anything! The young man likes to read books at first glance. I run a small bookstore on the corner of the town's Fountain Square. Come and have a look at my place when you have time."

"Hey, hey, what's the matter with you old boy? Look how thin this kid is, and still read? Don't listen to this old boy hurting you, listen to me, come to my restaurant for dinner when you have time, I treat you! Chef's special menu, you can't go out without eating!"

"You just moved here, and things may not be ready for a while. I am the owner of the grocery store in the town. If you need anything, just ask, and I will deliver it to you."

"The boss is here to do business? Too treacherous, businessman!"

"Bah! Don't listen to his nonsense, it's free, free! Give it away! It's mine."

A group of elderly uncles and grandpas surrounded Gu Xichao, their hearty laughter startled the white pigeons on the grass.

The pigeon fluttered its wings and took off, its white feathers falling in the sun, as if shrouded in a holy light.

Gu Xichao squinted his eyes, looked up at the pigeon flying towards the sun, the sun dazzled his eyes, made his eyes turn red, and suddenly felt the urge to cry.

Since the tragic death of his family, he has never experienced the warmth of the world.

Soaked in the darkness of hatred for too long, even he was dyed into darkness.

However, the enthusiastic and straightforward people in front of him suddenly reminded Gu Xichao that when he returned to the snow mountain town for the first time, looking at the deserted and desolate town, his desire at that time was not just revenge...

Also, create an ideal happy world where all good people can live with peace of mind.

No child will experience his pain again, and such darkness will never descend and destroy any family.

He walked for too long, too deep, and almost forgot his original intention when he set out.

Fortunately, it's not too late now, and because of Chi Yiyin, he has the power to change the rules of the world.

At this moment, Gu Xichao's heart suddenly settled down, as if being moistened by the flowing honey and sunlight.

He slightly raised his eyelashes, looked over the people around him, looked at Chi Yiyin who was not far away, and smiled softly.

Gu Xichao understood that what Chi Yiyin wanted him to see and change was this way.

As a new god, Chi Yiyin needs companions, people who can help him change the world, and while Gu Xichao was selected, he was also worried that the dark side was too extreme.

And the leisurely life and warm people in this small town are what Chi Yiyin wants to show him.

"Chi Yiyin..."

Gu Xichao murmured softly: "It's really a terrifying monster. Is there really something that you can't count?"

Chi Yiyin raised her head as if feeling something, followed the gaze of whoever was looking at her, turned around and looked back, and then, through the crowd and the oily smoke from the fried steak, she met Gu Xichao's gaze.

He frowned and pondered, then raised his eyebrows, and said in surprise: "Gu Xichao seems to have misunderstood me?"

After realizing what Gu Xichao might be thinking, Chi Yiyin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "He thinks of me too terribly, do I even understand people I haven't met?"

Li Sijun chuckled, and said casually: "Well, I arranged it."

Chi Yiyin blinked and looked at Li Sijun.

Li Sijun took advantage of the situation and replied: "I saved Gu Xichao's life. I can see his hatred. He is a sharp double-edged sword. If his 'user' cannot suppress him, he will provoke backlash." .He can help you clean up the world, but he will also become your biggest hidden danger."

Gu Xichao is like a wolf quietly lurking, the leader wolf is in power, if his superior ability makes him admire, that wolf is safe and will have his respect and strength. But if the head wolf is weak and he can see it, then he must be the first to kill the head wolf.

Li Sijun would not easily interfere with Chi Yiyin's power range, but he would not allow Gu Xichao to hurt Chi Yiyin either.

Even if there is only a one in ten thousand probability, it will not work.

After Chi Yiyin understood what was going on, she patted Li Sijun on the shoulder with a smile: "You don't have to do this. Even if he does have a day in the future, it's not too late for you to come forward. After all, he is the life you saved , can be regarded as your friend, I will not let you even this little thing."

Li Sijun smiled and said nothing, his eyes watching Chi Yiyin were infinitely gentle and lingering.

Chi Yiyin smiled, but froze for a moment, the smile on his lips slowly faded away.

Why... There is a feeling that Li Sijun is entrusting his funeral?

It seems that Li Sijun thought that he would not be able to live to that time, so he planned ahead of time to eliminate all possible hidden dangers before his death, so that neither Gu Xichao nor anything could harm Chi Yiyin.

Even Li Sijun's plan is so urgent, as if the date of death is tomorrow.

Chi Yiyin's face gradually became serious, and he looked at Li Sijun with scrutiny, wanting to know what he was hiding from him.

However, Li Sijun bent down and kissed his ear, and said affectionately: "Let's go, Chi Wanwan is arguing to buy jam, and Ma Yuze is picking out tablecloths, let's go and have a look."

Chi Yiyin looked deeply at Li Sijun, he rolled his Adam's apple, but finally said nothing.

Just said softly: "Okay."

As light as falling snow, it melts immediately.

At this time, Grandpa Pumpkin also saw Chi Yiyin walking towards this side, and immediately waved enthusiastically, greeted loudly, and asked Chi Yiyin if they had lunch.

"This is the best steak in the world, you must not miss it!"

Grandpa Pumpkin laughed and patted his chest to promise: "You must have never eaten such good beef, come quickly! This is the best cook in our town."

The stall owner was praised with a bright smile. While waving his hands modestly and saying that he didn't dare to be, he laughed until his gums came out.

He looked at Chi Yiyin and the two curiously, and after knowing that they were the other members of the family that had just moved in, he suddenly realized, and then warmly called them over for lunch.

"You came at the right time. The freshest beef you just got today, what could make you happier than eating meat?"

The hospitable stall owner smiled and said: "Eat whatever you want! You can eat as much as you want, count me in, I invite!"

When Chi Yiyin and Li Sijun walked over hand in hand, he was generous and open and did not avoid anyone's gaze. When the people around were curiously looking at their handshake, he smiled and raised his hand, pointing fingers with Li Sijun. Interlocking. He was smiling all over his face, and the smile on his handsome face was bigger than the sunshine.

He loudly introduced to everyone: "This is the only love in my life, the lover of the soul, the companion of the world, the God who lives with the Kingdom of God."

People stood up with a smile, and raised their glasses of wine to signal to the two of them, warmly welcoming them to move to the town and settle down.

The industrious uncle greeted everyone, and made the scattered wooden tables into a long one. Everyone sat together and held a grand celebration banquet for Chi Yiyin and the two of them.

Everyone got up one after another, laughed and joked with old acquaintances and old friends, and also chatted with Chi Yiyin, wishing their love, with a natural and familiar attitude as if they had been neighbors and friends for many years.

When the grandma passed by Chi Yiyin, she smiled and patted his arm: "The supreme **** will bless you forever, my child, and the love between you and your loved one will always be holy under the protection of God until The Kingdom of God is over."

Chi Yiyin, who is already a god, bent down with a smile, and thanked the old grandmother: "Thank you, we will. You and your loved ones will also live a long and healthy life under God's blessing."

The old lady didn't know that what she had received was a real blessing from God. In reality or among the clergy, it is enough to make people break their heads, and in the eyes of many people, it is the supreme glory and happiness.

But in her opinion, this is a blessing from her favorite junior, far more precious than gods.

The old lady cheerfully took her old man and turned around to walk to her flower stall, to pick up dewy roses freshly picked from her garden, and wanted to decorate the long table for lunch.

In the quick flick of her wrinkled but nimble fingers, the flowers were arranged beautifully in the flower basket, and the lace ribbon was tied with a perfect bow on the flower basket.

The old man smiled softly, watching her work from the sidelines, while weaving flower baskets, he handed her the tools she needed, with a tacit understanding that didn't even need a look.

A happy and warm atmosphere flowed around them, accompanied by a lifetime of love, gentle for a long time, soft in the sun.

Chi Yiyin noticed this scene and couldn't help but be attracted, a little dazed.

But looking at it, he felt that even his own heart was slowly softening.

Hold hands with someone and spend the rest of your life together. No matter the wind and rain, someone will bear with him, and no matter when he turns around, there will be someone by his side, who will never let him fall into loneliness and coldness again.

That was something that did not appear in Chi Yiyin's future plans.

But now, he suddenly felt that there is such an existence... It's great.

Life as a **** will be long and endless, until the **** himself is tired of life and the world, and chooses to destroy it.

But Chi Yiyin will have another **** who can share all the joys and sorrows with him, hold an umbrella when it rains, sit on the porch when it snows, and have a small red clay stove.

With Li Sijun around, his life suddenly felt warmer than ever before.

Mingming Li Sijun himself didn't have much heat, but it was enough to warm him up.

Thinking of this, Chi Yiyin's brows and eyes softened, and a real smile unconsciously appeared on his lips.

Li Sijun noticed the change in Chi Yiyin's expression, he took Chi Yiyin's waist, brought him into his arms, and asked with a smile, "What interesting things are you thinking about?"

Chi Yiyin blurted out naturally: "I'm thinking of you."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Li Sijun was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect to get such an answer at all, and was caught off guard by the straight ball.

Chi Yiyin raised his head with a smile. He looked at Li Sijun and said seriously: "Li, I am a person who likes to make plans and strictly abide by them. No matter what kind of future it is, it was once in my possible prediction."

"But the game field broke my life plan and made me go on another path. I know that Chi Yan's love for me is not so-called 'love', but pure use, like a handy tool."

"I don't resent her, I understand her. Because I am the same kind of person, I am the same kind as her... a monster, cannot be understood by ordinary people, will not be accepted by society, but also cannot learn to conform to the crowd, and be obliterated by the crowd. "

"For monsters, mediocrity is painful, unacceptable, and the most hopeless ending. Therefore, I planned my life early on. I know where I came from and where I am going. I analyze I know myself, just like I analyze human beings. Every year, every day, every hour and every minute of the plan, I know it in my heart."

"But you... you are my unpredictable. The only, and the biggest variable. But."

Chi Yiyin laughed softly: "I don't hate it, I like this change very much, it makes the future more interesting."

"If there is still a chance to meet Chi Yan, I really want to thank her for giving me the opportunity to meet you."

For Chi Yiyin, the sense of accomplishment of gaining the world or the **** position suddenly became less important in front of Li Sijun's company.

He once didn't understand love, didn't understand why human beings always have unreasonable fantasies, and struggled to follow this kind of illusory emotion. It was easy to change and couldn't be grasped, but it could always support a person by relying on imagination and a little love. Live a long life.

Chi Yiyin, whose vision is so vast that he can pretend to be in the world, has never had love, and no one taught him how to love, so he doesn't understand what love is.

He didn't care, and he didn't want it.

But the appearance of Li Sijun made Chi Yiyin gradually understand that love, the right person, is what makes you look forward to every second of the future, and wants to spend every moment of your life with him .

All important moments have his participation, all sorrows and joys, all have his company and witness.

No matter where I am, I am not alone.

— This kind of temperature belongs to love alone.

Chi Yiyin is not someone who is willing to reveal his true thoughts, he prefers to hide all his emotions, and just be a recorder and witness walking in the world. No one can see through his whole truth, and no one is qualified to let him reveal himself.

It is dangerous to expose yourself, and only if you are concealed enough can you live freely according to your own wishes.

In the past, he didn't look forward to love, because his life was already fulfilled enough, his own soul was too interesting, he was addicted to solitude and analysis, and he didn't have extra eyes for others.

Not to mention, it is impossible for anyone to truly understand him and catch up with him.

But in front of Li Sijun, Chi Yiyin's past theories are being overthrown, and he took off his perfect mask on his own initiative, showing his truth to Li Sijun without fear.

He knew that Li Sijun was an "accidental" existence in all his theories. Li Sijun can understand him and support him better, and will not hinder his interests and ideals. They are lovers, and they are also companions walking side by side, comrades in arms...

the most important person.

Thus, in Chi Yiyin's plan, Li Sijun began to appear.

He is willing to plan Li Sijun into his long life plan in the future, so that his time and Li Sijun can't be separated and become one.

This is the specialness and solemnity that Chi Yiyin has never given to anyone, and it is also the first time that he has truly revealed himself to someone, allowing him to explore and understand deeply.

Li Sijun is a special existence to Chi Yiyin.

This is the only one, there will be no change, what he promised is eternity.

"In front of those grandparents, what I said was not a lie."

Chi Yiyin stood on tiptoe slightly, wrapped her arms around Li Sijun, dragged him towards her, and kissed him proactively.

"You are... an integral part of me, my soul echoes in you, I am attracted to you. You are the star and destiny."

The eyes of the two were intertwined and they couldn't separate, and their breaths blended together, like ice cream under the sun, melting into one.

"I don't think I said that."

Chi Yiyin murmured softly, her eyes lingering and inseparable: "Because of you, I understand the subject of love. If I have love, then you are the only one."

"…I love you."

Before the words fell, Chi Yiyin's ears were already red.

But his smile deepened and his tone was firm.

Li Sijun slowly opened his eyes wide, then cupped Chi Yiyin's cheek with trembling hands, and pressed it against his forehead.

His... sound.

How can he not love him, how can he control the love that grows wantonly towards him.

"Chi Yiyin."

Li Sijun solemnly called his name, with a serious tone: "My life and death are all for you."

The bright and warm sunshine scattered all over the body, under the arch woven with flowers, amidst the lively fireworks in the world, the two embraced each other, expressing their love sincerely.

When Gu Xi looked sideways, he accidentally caught a glimpse of the figures of the two from the corner of his eye. He turned his head quickly, "tsk", and said dissatisfiedly, "I didn't see those two people."

But the smile on his lips never faded.

He lowered his eyes slightly, looking at the palms of his hands on his knees.

These legs were ruined by hatred, and these hands were full of blood, but now, because of Chi Yiyin and Li Sijun, he suddenly has the qualifications to pursue warmth.

And the lonely and cold **** also has his own love and warmth.

Gu Xichao, who lives out of hatred, has no extra emotion, but at this moment, he wants to bless Chi Yiyin and Li Sijun.

"So what if there is one more god?"

Gu Xichao sneered in a low voice, and said: "Those two people are as good as one person, there is no difference between one or two, anyway, this theirs anyway."

Under the eternal protection of the gods, all lives will receive their blessings and warmth after wading through all the pain and loneliness in the new gods, and live in peace and happiness.

in the new era.

Gu Xichao lowered his head.

The demons surrendered to the gods and offered their true blessings to the new gods.

In the bright and warm sunshine, almost all residents in the town were called over to attend this welcome luncheon.

The tables were all put together into long tables, and then divided into three or four long tables. People were everywhere on the lawn, and it was as lively as a festival.

There were not enough tables, chairs and tableware, so the residents of the small town brought their own from home, and brought their own ingredients or decorations to decorate the party on the lawn beautifully, with flowers in full bloom everywhere, and silk ribbons tied into The beautiful bow is blowing gently with the wind, the birds are singing, and the pet dog brought by the family is running happily, which is very lively.

And because everyone unscrupulously took out the best ingredients to prepare for this lunch, the ingredients were piled up next to the kitchen stove, and the abundance was visible to the naked eye.

Originally, the owner of the steak stall was extremely busy, and the others also rolled up their sleeves and washed their hands to help. It was lively and lively like a family.

Chi Yiyin and Li Sijun were invited to the table, surrounded by warm and hearty residents, as friendly and natural as old friends who have been together for many years, happily sharing their life and interesting stories with them, Chi Yi Yin was also amused, and occasionally talked about his own experience, which attracted many people.

It belongs to the control of the story by a professional novelist, which makes the story from Chi Yiyin's mouth extraordinarily ups and downs and interesting. Curiosity was also seduced, and he scratched his heart to know what happened next.

Many town residents were still drinking and chatting, but they were gradually attracted by Chi Yiyin's voice, and they all sat down around him, listening to him tell stories attentively. A group of elderly people sat obediently and seriously. Comparable to elementary school students.

Seeing that Chi Yiyin was amused, she couldn't stop smiling.

Finally, when the main dishes were served one by one, and the cooks yelled for people to come over to help serve the dishes, the people around Chi Yiyin still looked at him reluctantly, not wanting to end the story.

"I didn't expect you, young man, to have such talent."

The bookstore owner smacked his lips, still wanting to say, "This is the funniest story I've ever heard, what kind of game field, a's so interesting, you should be a novelist."

He looked at Chi Yiyin and said regretfully, "It's a waste of your talent to settle in our town."

"Do not."

Chi Yiyin smiled and denied: "After coming to this town, all of you gave me warmth. Writing novels is not my talent...It is my luck to meet you."

In his opinion, the most important thing is always people, the joys and sorrows of people, and the suffering and darkness of life.

But now, he has Li Sijun and met a group of warm people. As Li Sijun said, they settled in a warm and undisturbed town, with beautiful sunsets shining on wild roses, and bells ringing Never alone with the sunset.

As a result, the core of his story also began to change.

I have seen enough of the darkness, and I have written to the extreme.

Chi Yiyin doesn't want to write about darkness anymore, he wants to inject warm love into his writing and become the core of the story.

As for the darkness...he will change, walk and exist in the world as a god, as a human being, and together with all life, let sin dissipate and let goodness survive.

The saint is dead, because of the malice of man.

But the saint will be resurrected, and in the crowd, he can be everyone.

—As long as all beings work together to maintain the light of the world and repel darkness.

Chi Yiyin doesn't mind giving away his own power to everyone.

From now on, everyone is their own god.

He smiled, clasped fingers with Li Sijun, and said, "I want to write a new book, Li."

"It has nothing to do with the world, it has to do with love."

"In my book, your name will be written. You are my strength."

Sunshine and flowers, the world is noisy and crowded, and the fireworks in the world are warm.

And God, found his love.

Amid everyone's blessings and laughter, Chi Yiyin leaned forward, and under everyone's gaze, kissed Li Sijun's lips frankly and generously, as if a **** had delivered his promise.

"I will love you until my death, until the end of the world."

When Chi Yiyin backed away, Li Sijun kissed back fiercely.

"Love for you is my life and death."

Read The Duke's Passion