MTL - Top Horror Novelist-Chapter 223 (two)

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He can modify the subtle laws as he likes, so he doesn't mind using his power to make their lives more comfortable.

The yard is on the edge of the city, and it is quiet and leisurely enough. Even the wild roses that once bloomed in the yard were moved by Chi Yiyin.

This is effortless for the gods.

The neighbors in the neighborhood also instantly accepted the fact that they had been changed, and they were not surprised by their existence. When they passed by the door of Chi Yiyin's house, they would also boast that the roses bloomed really well, and chatted with Chi Yiyin and the others .

The days are leisurely and peaceful.

Chi Yiyin would sit on a chair next to the rose bushes, often frowning at the notebook and thinking hard for a long time, and then write a few lines with difficulty, cross out and rewrite.

Although he told everyone that he wanted to transform into a romance novelist, it was clear that, even for a god, writing a romance novel that satisfied him was difficult enough, which made him distressed.

Li Sijun saw Chi Yiyin's difficulty in his eyes, but he would not rush, and even when the editor called to inquire about the progress, he would cover Chi Yiyin without changing his face, and drew one after another for the editor. cake.

The editor said that he never thought in his entire life that he would be stuffed with dog food and cakes.

And when Chi Yiyin was working, Li Sijun would also set up an easel in the yard, and put down his paintbrush to Chi Yiyin who was contemplating among the flowers, carefully drawing the image of his lover on the paper. superior.

Although Li Sijun is no longer a god, his keenness for all skills has not faded, and he quickly mastered the skills of painting.

However, under his brush, Chi Yiyin will always be the only character.

Gu Xichao occasionally came to watch Li Sijun's paintings curiously, and then he was speechless to roll his eyes when he saw that Li Sijun's realistic paintings were all emotional and had no artistry at all.

Li Sijun didn't care, and said leisurely: "I'm just an ordinary person, I can only draw pictures, understand?"

"…don't know."

Gu Xichao put his head on one hand and smiled meaningfully: "However, I understand another thing. For example, your suicide, Li Sijun, do you really decide to die? With your feelings for Chi Yiyin, you will Are you willing to let him stay in the world alone, maybe even fall in love with other people or be approached by others?"

"With your possessiveness towards Chi Yiyin, you will be in a hurry if you don't see it for a second."

Gu Xichao said with a smile: "You are basically forcing Chi Yiyin to recognize his own intentions, and admit you too?"

Li Sijun didn't answer, but the smile on his lips deepened.

"The whole world is not as good as him."

Li Sijun said softly: "Isn't this something that has been determined for a long time?"

He put down his brush, stood up with a smile, and walked towards Chi Yiyin with his long legs.

Chi Yiyin, who was thinking hard, suddenly felt that the warm sunlight on his body was covered, and when he looked up, he saw Li Sijun leaning over, so he smiled and raised his head, allowing Li Sijun to kiss the corner of his eyes.

"Don't block my sunshine."

Chi Yiyin naturally pulled Li Sijun over, patted the place beside her, asked him to sit down, and then found a comfortable enough angle to lean against in his arms, as if she had done it a thousand times to get used to it.

Li Sijun was also happy to serve Chi Yiyin as a cushion, and he didn't think there was any problem at all.

—Is there anything happier than having your wife in your arms?

"Do not worry."

Li Sijun gently held Chi Yiyin's hand holding the pen, and whispered in his ear: "You can write slowly, after all, our story is very long, very long, and it will never end."

Chi Yiyin thought for a while, then decisively adopted Li Sijun's suggestion, put the notebook aside, and decided to enjoy the beautiful autumn scenery in the yard.

The scenery is rare, after all, autumn is only once a year.

He will only love one soul in his life. Whether it is seven days or eight thousand years, he treasures every day he spends with Li Sijun, and the scenery is different every day. Naturally, every day is unique and rare.

Chi Yiyin leaned against Li Sijun's arms, feeling the heat coming from behind her continuously, and in the warm and safe environment, she also gradually became sleepy, wanting to fall asleep little by little.

"Go to sleep."

Li Sijun held him in his firm arms, and gently covered him with a soft and warm blanket: "I'll be with you."

"En." Chi Yiyin responded in a low voice, sleeping on Li Sijun's neck, and the smile never fell from his lips.

On a red autumn day all over the mountains, this small courtyard is independent from the hustle and bustle, living a leisurely life at the pace of the gods.

After returning to reality, Ma Yuze was shocked and delighted by the modern society. Every day, she is passionately fighting for her career and wants to help more girls. Things that were regrettably not accomplished a hundred years ago have become reality in this era.

She rarely came back, and even when she came back, she just hurriedly picked up some changes of clothes and necessities, and then hurriedly bid farewell to Chi Yiyin.

Every time Chi Yiyin thinks of Ma Yuze and checks on her situation, she sees her rushing to the front line, in the mountains, in the village, in the city, wherever there is a need for help, she is there.

Ma Yuze seems to never tire, her energy and passion never run out.

Because she has lost it, she understands how precious it is to have time and opportunities to complete her vision, and she refuses to waste every minute of her God-given life.

As for Chi Wanwan and Lin Yunyu, like their peers, they gradually integrated into the city, completed the studies they failed to complete before, and made up for the regrets caused by pain and death back then.

Chi Yiyin supports all their decisions, as long as he is there, all sheltered lives can grow freely.

As for Gu Xichao, he also has his own career, and wants to change the world as much as possible from the perspective of human society, so that the world can be closer to his ideal.

In addition, he will also discuss with Chi Yiyin for a long time, constantly improve the rules of the new era, and become the biggest help for the gods.

After experiencing the twists and turns of almost destruction, the reality has settled down again, and people have gradually forgotten the strange things they had before, and resumed their peaceful daily life.

It's just that, when Chi Yiyin occasionally stopped on the street, he would also feel emotional.

"Probably people will never learn the lesson."

Gu Xichao asked: "Even so, are you still maintaining your original decision? You know, any time, as long as you think about it, destruction is just a thought of yours."

Chi Yiyin smiled and shook her head: "I said before, I will only be responsible for providing a livable world for life, and the rest is up to the people themselves. Their future is the result of their own choice, is it Good or bad is up to you.”

"The gods have changed, so the rules will always change. Isn't it?"

Chi Yiyin lowered her head and winked at Gu Xichao, and said with a smile, "I'm not Li. I have no expectations for human beings, so naturally I won't be disappointed. That's why the world is always safe and won't be destroyed because of my disappointment and anger."

Gu Xichao saw Li Sijun walking behind Chi Yiyin, with a smile in his eyes, but instead of reminding Chi Yiyin, he said, "So, are you saying that Li Sijun is a 'loving mother'? After all, the world is created by him." , for his own creation, he should have more expectations."

Chi Yiyin didn't notice the coming crisis at all, he spread his hands and said, "It can be said that this is also Li Zai's most failed choice among gods."

Gu Xichao smiled meaningfully, and drew out his voice: ", you don't like Li?"

Chi Yiyin wanted to correct Gu Xichao, saying that he did not approve of Li Sijun's previous choice, not that he had any opinion on Li Sijun himself.

Even if Chi Yiyin became a god, even fell in love with Li Sijun that he thought he would never do, and was inseparable from Li Sijun, but what he never changed was his calm and rational way of thinking. He knew very well that he loved Li Sijun, but that didn't mean he had to fully admit that Li Sijun was right.

However, before he could speak, he felt a familiar aura approaching behind him.

Strong arms stretched out and hugged his waist tightly.

"Yinyin just said that you don't like me?"

Li Sijun's deep and hoarse voice sounded in Chi Yiyin's ears, as mellow as wine.

Chi Yiyin: "..."

It's over, the vinegar jar is overturned.

He glanced at Gu Xichao, who was smiling happily, and realized that he had been tricked by Gu Xichao a little. Although it wasn't fatal, but... his waist was crippled tonight.

Chi Yiyin turned around in Li Sijun's arms with difficulty, then reached out to pat Li Sijun's hair and back, trying to comfort him.

"How come? You heard it wrong. What I said was that I didn't like your attitude towards human beings before. It's not that I didn't like you."

Under Li Sijun's aggressive eyes, Chi Yiyin tried to save himself: "I like you the most."

Chi Yiyin racked his brains, and almost said all the love words he could say, his voice was hoarse, and then he reluctantly coaxed Li Sijun, and they went home contentedly holding hands.

But even so, at night, he did not escape the jealousy from Li Sijun.

After not sleeping all night, when Chi Yiyin was woken up by the sun the next morning, she even really thought about whether the world should be destroyed or the sun should be thrown away.

But after seeing Gu Xichao as the culprit, Chi Yiyin changed his mind again - why not just throw Gu Xichao away.

Gu Xichao raised his head and laughed loudly, feeling that he had finally managed to win a round from the young couple who was throwing dog food every day.

But soon he stopped laughing.

Chi Yiyin threw him into the game field, in the name of supervising the work of the guidance system, which can better serve the players, increase the pass rate, and allow them to return to reality from the game field.

Gu Xichao who was suddenly forced to work overtime: "..."

Gu Xichao, who was always free, suddenly understood what it meant to offend his immediate boss.

The system looked at Gu Xichao sympathetically, and persuaded him to think about it: [It is said that the first generation system also provoked the two gods, Chi Yiyin and Li Sijun, every day, but the first generation system is still alive and well after retirement. You can too. 】

Gu Xichao: " can shut up if you don't know how to comfort me."

Besides, even if the poor monkey system is still alive, is it living a comfortable life?

Because of Chi Yiyin's words, the system becomes a monkey when it has an entity. But because monkeys are a bit strange as pets in reality, Chi Yiyin thought about it, and after taking the monkey system out, he changed its image again.

However, because the monkey system hesitated when deciding on its new image, its image after the change was not so fixed.

— Just change the image once a month.

This month it's a chubby orange cat, next month it's a short-legged corgi, maybe even a big cat or a panda...

The monkey system almost cried.

However, Chi Yiyin, who originally wanted to correct this problem, also noticed the interestingness of this change in the following days, so he ignored the system's crying request, smiled and let it change and appreciate it. The ever-changing system.

Monkey System: Tong Sheng suggested that it is better to offend Li Sijun than Chi Yiyin... Everyone with the surname Chi is a big devil! You believe me!

And this also caused the neighbors in the neighborhood to always see different pets appearing from Chi Yiyin's house, and sometimes the pets would not be seen for a long time.

The neighbors asked enthusiastically and curiously, but Chi Yiyin smiled and said nothing, and looked back at the large golden gradient hidden behind the rose bushes.

A system that cannot see people: 嘻QAQ. ,

And in the cafe on the corner, the woman sitting behind the table was wearing a long black windbreaker and a black hat, which concealed all her appearance, quietly watching the excitement and leisure in the small courtyard here.

She saw the leisurely daily life of Chi Yiyin and Li Sijun, especially the warm smile on Chi Yiyin's face, which made her stunned for a long time.

Until another figure stood behind her.

"President, do you want to go forward?"

Whether in the game field or in reality, Xiao Bingling always followed his beliefs.

Under the black wide-brimmed hat, Chi Yan had a complex expression, and slowly shook his head: "...forget it."

For Chi Yan, there would never be an answer like "forget it" in her dictionary. But now, seeing that Chi Yiyin's control over the world is becoming more and more mature, she gradually understands that she has lost to Chi Yiyin.

Lost completely, without any chance of comeback.

Even this life was left by Chi Yiyin.

More like a memory of failure.

Chi Yan was deprived of all the power of the demigod. In terms of power, she is just an ordinary person.

Intellectually, though, she never stopped thinking.

After opening his eyes, he found that he had returned to reality from the game field and became an ordinary person. After thinking for a while, Chi Yan understood everything, and then quickly led Xiao Bingling to start from scratch in human society and form a Gather your own power.

Being able to find Chi Yiyin's location is also because of Chi Yan's newly formed power.

She is destined to be unable to stop thinking, and will never be able to become an ordinary person and live a stable and happy life in the eyes of ordinary people.

Chi Yan wanted to take away the **** position from Chi Yiyin's hands, but now, when she stood in front of Chi Yiyin, watched his actions, and felt how his divine power increased, she suddenly understood that she was really lost.

The world and life recognize Chi Yiyin, rely on and admire him, he is closely connected with the world, like the root system of a tree, deeply rooted into the earth.

Chi Yi can't have any chance to win the world from Chi Yiyin.

She thought she would be very uncomfortable and unable to accept her failure. But at this moment she realized that she was relieved.

Since Chi Yiyin is stronger and more qualified than herself, her failure is not wronged.

Losing to someone stronger is an honor, not a humiliation.

Chi Yan stood up with a smile, turned and left without looking back.

She also completely let go of the time about the game field.

Her last words to Chi Yiyin were scattered in the wind.

I wish Chi Yiyin and Li Sijun... happiness.

Chi Yan has never had any emotion, nor does he yearn for it. But if she defeats her powerful **** and has her own love, her little monster, decides to be with Li Sijun...

Then she will bless them.


"President, where are we going next?" Xiao Bingling chased after him.

Chi Yan's footsteps paused, and then a smile appeared on his lips: "Of course—to change the world."

"He changed everything from the world level and brought a new era. For me, there is still human society to explore. As long as I am alive, I will never stop."

The two figures, one in front of the other, gradually drifted away.

Chi Yiyin slowly raised her head and looked towards the distance at the corner with a complicated expression.

As a god, the world is under his control, so what can be hidden from him?

He just didn't expect that Chi Yan didn't attack him, but blessed him instead.

Just like an ordinary mother and child, the mother wishes the child happiness.

This is the warmth that Chi Yiyin has never imagined nor possessed. But...not too bad.

Chi Yiyin turned around with a smile, packed up all the memories about Chi Yan and sent them to the highest place of the memory palace to lock them up, never to recall them again.


Li Sijun, who just came out of the room, was a little surprised when he sensed Chi Yiyin rushing over and hugging his waist.

He quickly put down the things in his hand, and hugged Chi Yiyin back: "What's the matter? Yinyin, are you unhappy?"

Chi Yiyin buried herself deeply in Li Sijun's arms, and shook her head lightly.

He let Li Sijun's temperature and smell wrap him up, and in his lover's arms, he gradually relaxed and let go of everything.

He used to be alone, walked a long, long way, step by step into people's field of vision, whether in reality or in the game field, he has become accustomed to defense and loneliness.

But because of Li Sijun, he knew that he would never be alone.

No matter where he goes, Li Sijun will always be by his side, tolerant and loving everything about him.

"Li, let's go on a trip."

Chi Yiyin raised her head from Li Sijun's arms, and said with a smile, "Go and see for yourself, this brand new world."

This world that was rescued from the destined destruction belonged to him.

Li Sijun smiled and raised his hand, brushing the broken hair by Chi Yiyin's ear.

He didn't ask Chi Yiyin who he saw just now, and why he didn't kill Chi Yan. He smiled softly and said softly, "Okay."

No matter what Chi Yiyin said, Li Sijun would never refuse him.

He loves him more than the world and himself.

Chi Yiyin has always acted resolutely. After making the decision to travel around the world, he and Li Sijun immediately went to the airport, booked a flight ticket to wherever they wanted, and started their world tour without even bringing a salute.

Anyway, the two of them, a new **** and an old god, luggage or other substances don't need to be considered at all for them.

The only thing to consider is whether you are happy.

Chi Yiyin, who used to study both the world and human beings, is the first time to travel so relaxed. Compared with people, he began to pay attention to the scenery, every minute he spent with Li Sijun, and even more Li Sijun himself.

They will leave their footprints on every inch of the world, feel the four seasons and time, and say good morning to each other with a smile in the morning light.

There will still be turmoil in the world, but for Chi Yiyin, his subject has changed. In his life... no, in the birth of God, another figure has been included in the plan.

Chi Yiyin would always introduce Li Sijun by his side to everyone with a smile, and he said to everyone: "My beloved soul, Li Sijun."

Li Sijun would hug him into his arms with a smile, kiss his lover in a place where no one was around, and express his surging love while whispering tenderly.

Their footsteps will never stop, just as the world will always go on, the sun rises and the moon sets, they have each other.

Their stories will never end.

The love lasts and spreads to eternity.

Even at the end of time and space.

The author has something to say:

So far, this article is all over. Thank you to all the genuine little cuties for your company all the time. I am so lucky to be able to spend a pleasant time with you. I wish all genuine cuties safe and healthy, everything goes as they wish, dreams come true, and they become who they want to be, always gentle and firm.

Looking forward to meeting you next time, Chirp~

New article "Infinite Anomaly Investigator"

Qi Xingye felt himself being entangled.

At first it was the phantom of a female ghost in the mirror, the shadow of a frantic tree turned into a roaring monster, and the sound of footsteps following closely behind when walking at night. But every time he tried to check, there was nothing.

In the middle of the night, he woke up from the cold, only to find that the monster was in his bed. When he turned his head, the ghost outside the window stared at him silently and smiled sinisterly.

At dawn, he found gnawed remains, human bones and... gruesome and weird corpses in his home.

And only he can see it.

Qi Xingye found a master, who sincerely advised him to see a doctor.

Him: "...I'm not mentally ill!"

There was a knock on the door.

The tall man in a black uniform blended into the night, looking down like a mountain, he appeared in front of Qi Xingye with a fully armed team.

"Shang Nanming, Anomalous Investigation Bureau, your house has been polluted by cracks, please move out immediately."

Qi Xingye was dumbfounded: "...then where do I live?"

What is more terrifying than being coveted by monsters? It's poverty, it's sleeping on the street.

But even more confused than Qi Xingye were the investigators who rushed in as if they were facing a big enemy.

In the corner of the house, the monster was bundled into rice dumplings and trembling, crying like seeing a relative when seeing the investigator.

While they were terrified and kept away from the praying night, they tried their best to get into the investigator's arms, refusing to let go, begging the investigator to save them.

The investigators were silent and looked at Qi Xing Ye in unison.

Qi Xingye scratched his face in embarrassment: "Then is this house still mine?"

He is as sincere as a little white flower: "Sleeping on the street will catch a cold, I refuse!"

Shang Nanming: "..."

"Are you interested in coming to the Bureau of Investigation as a consultant?"

As the head of the Abnormality Investigation Bureau, Shang Nanming has seen too many human beings who have been polluted and alienated into monsters, and even the investigators cannot escape a miserable and terrifying death in the end.

However, he met a pure white and firm soul, which cannot be polluted and will always remain sane.

It was so powerful and bright that he couldn't take his eyes off it.

"If the investigator is destined to be accompanied by death, then meeting you is a gift from death to me."

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-10-3023:56:43~2022-10-3123:57:41~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 30 bottles of lama932, aaaa; 22 bottles of Shui Yanxue; 20 bottles of Jile Acridine; 11 bottles of Xingyue Cocoa; 1 bottle of Yuandan All Gonghe and Sunday Kitten;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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