MTL - Top Horror Novelist-Chapter 3

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Chi Yiyin was surprised at the beginning that the butler called everyone Miss, but when he saw that the vehicle the butler came to pick them up was a big carriage, he guessed what they were all playing. In fact, they are all 'sisters'.

He, the female student, Tong Yao, and the male player who temporarily changed into women's clothes on the train.

They are all "sisters".

Chi Yiyin didn't know who Tong Yao was playing. He only saw the envelope that the female student opened in a panic, but the similar identity was enough to disprove one of his two guesses.

And the coat he gave Tong Yao was not only to see that Tong Yao's character was good for him to collect information, but also to test her.

Tong Yao didn't deny it, but wrapped her coat tightly.

While this confirmed Chi Yiyin's guess, it also gave him new gains.

The envelopes of the others may be the same as his.

At the very least, he wasn't the only one at an information-gathering disadvantage. It seems that this can be used to win over other disadvantaged people.

Sometimes seemingly insignificant and harmless, but can have a great use, leverage strength.

Chi Yiyin thought in her heart, but the polite smile on her lips was still light and decent, as if she had already assumed the role of "Miss".

Only his fingers hanging by his side subconsciously made the movement of turning the pen while thinking.

And of all people, the steward knows best.

No matter how many people get off the bus, to him, each one is a "Miss".

Even the one with the broken foot.

Although the butler looked weird and intrusive, he dutifully put on the appearance of a butler in front of the eldest lady, and respectfully invited everyone to get on the carriage.

Although there are people in uniforms and passengers in the old-fashioned train station, in the eyes of the players, they are all faceless people. Their voices come from their faces without facial features, and their cold eyes are floating in the air, peeping at them maliciously. player.

These people's actions are also like puppets on strings, so stiff that they don't seem like living people.

The female student was trembling with fright, and instinctively wanted to get close to Chi Yiyin, but remembering how he could still laugh when he saw someone dying in front of him, he hesitated and dared not go forward.

Finally, she clenched the corner of her skirt, and cautiously leaned towards Tong Yao.

Tong Yao didn't refuse the female student's approach, but gave the newcomer a sympathetic look, pulled her to his side, and said in a low voice, "Are you a newcomer? Don't be afraid, come with me."

The female student looked at Tong Yao gratefully.

But not far away, Chi Yiyin and the bearded man glanced at the female student almost at the same time.

Chi Yiyin frowned, and put a bright red question mark behind the "inexperienced, naive" in the note in his mind to the female student.

The man wanted to say something, but was grabbed by his companion: "It's time for us to get in the car."

The old players who had already gotten into the car were indifferent to what was going on under the car. They were either fiddling with the things in their hands, talking to the air with a smile on their faces, or they were taking the time to close their eyes and rest their minds.

Seeing this, the player who was lying on the ground hugging his feet and howling, knew that no one would help him despite being terrified, so he could only crawl on the ground desperately, trying to get close to the carriage.

The butler drooped his eyelids and stood motionless under the carriage. He didn't respond to the screams and the blood that was dragging all over the floor.

Tong Yao looked at the player with a broken leg, and couldn't bear to step back a bit: "Get in the car first."

Before the player could thank Tong Yao, the butler who had been silent all this time stepped forward and stood in front of him.

The butler is not tall, dry and thin, holding the long gown like a skeleton.

But for the player crawling on the ground, the shadow cast by the butler was extremely tall and terrifying. When he raised his head and looked up, fear seized him firmly.

"Miss, why did you put yourself in such a mess?"

The butler looked the player up and down, as if he was picking on a piece of pork, his eyes were cold: "Do you still look like a member of the Ma family?"

The sudden turn of events by the housekeeper attracted everyone's attention, and they watched over him with open or dark eyes.

Tong Yao couldn't help but wanted to step forward to help the player, but before she made the move, she subconsciously glanced at Chi Yiyin next to her without knowing why.

Chi Yiyin lowered her eyelashes and looked at the housekeeper intently, but she didn't intend to step forward.

At that moment, Tong Yao suddenly remembered what Chi Yiyin had said in her ear when he put the coat on her.

—The housekeeper has requirements on the dress, which must match his identity.

She realized something, and followed Chi Yiyin's choice and retreated.

And the player who was crawling on the ground with a broken leg and covered in blood obviously didn't fit the "sister" setting.

The housekeeper looked down at the embarrassed player, snorted and said, "Miss, you also know that the most important thing for Mrs. Ma is the reputation and status of the Ma family. You have reached the age of marriage, how can you look like this?" Go back? If the master gets angry... heh."

"In our Ma family, even the carriages are gilded."

The butler glanced at the carriage behind him, and said with a half-smile: "Miss, please don't dirty the Ma family's carriage. I think you should find another way to go home."

As soon as the voice fell, two robust uniformed personnel came out of the station immediately.

The butler casually pointed to the player with a broken foot on the ground, and they walked directly towards the player, their footsteps so heavy that even the ground was trembling.

They have no face or voice, and they are even more ruthless. Like tool people without independent thinking, they immediately bent down to lift the player's arms from left to right, lifted him up like a chicken, and then dragged him He walked towards the outside of the station.

The player was so frightened that his teeth were chattering, he turned his head and looked back desperately, the voice of screaming for help was full of despair, and the begging eyes looking at everyone were like a deer who already knew he was going to die.

"Tong Yao, is it Tong Yao! Help me, please!"

"The gentleman next to me, save me, save me! Don't let them take me away! There's no such thing as outside the station, who doesn't know that there is nothing outside the dungeon location, and you will die if you go out!"

"Help me, I don't want to die!"

But Tong Yao himself was covered with blood, and he didn't meet the requirements of the housekeeper at all, so how dare he appear in front of the housekeeper.

She turned her head aside in embarrassment, holding back her tears and listening to the players' shouts getting further and further away, her shoulders trembled.

Even the player with the broken leg asked Chi Yiyin for help, but he didn't respond, he just watched indifferently. At this moment, he still caught the information that the other party spat out when he was panicking.

Except for the copy, there is nothing...

Chi Yiyin turned around and looked in the direction of the train.

So before the train enters the station, is the window full of mosaic-like color blocks?

Because there is no such thing as outside the train.

And Tong Yao, who was standing behind Chi Yiyin's side, was so flustered that he didn't dare to look at others, thinking that Chi Yiyin was looking at her, and kindly reminded her.

So she immediately tightened the long coat on her body, covering up the blood under the coat in a panic, not daring to take a step forward, lest the housekeeper also notice her problem.

It wasn't until this time that Tong Yao realized belatedly that Chi Yiyin gave her a coat, which obviously saved her life!

Tong Yao looked at Chi Yiyin with gratitude, and the previous fear of Chi Yiyin's crazy character had been suppressed. He only remembered that Chi Yiyin was the benefactor who saved her life, and she could not avenge her kindness.

The butler turned his gaze back, and looked at Tong Yao inch by inch, feeling full of oppression.

When he saw the **** footprints left by Tong Yao, he squinted his eyes, but didn't say anything, just snorted and stepped out of the way, making a "please" gesture with a fake smile: " It surprised the eldest lady, please get in the car."

Tong Yao breathed a sigh of relief, nodded quickly, and led the female student to the carriage together.

Only Chi Yiyin, who had been paying attention to the housekeeper, found that the housekeeper had clearly seen the flaws in Tong Yao's body, but ignored them as if he hadn't seen them.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the butler thoughtfully.

"I haven't asked you yet, what's your name?"

Tong Yao deliberately slowed down his pace, keeping the same pace as Chi Yiyin, and whispered: "Thank you for saving me this time, if you need my help, come to me anytime."

Chi Yiyin nodded casually. After seeing two deaths with his own eyes, his voice was still calm and clean: "Chi Yiyin."

But in the eyes of Tong Yao and others, this tranquility turned into the depth of still water, and the evaluation of Chi Yiyin in his heart rose again.

"By the way, Chi Yiyin, are you going to start the live broadcast after getting into the carriage, or do you plan to wait until the house?"

Tong Yao persuaded with concern: "This is the last appearance of [Dear Home] before it is completely destroyed. The attention is very high, and the points and rewards it brings are very considerable. If you choose the privacy mode to close the live broadcast, the loss will be 100% too big."

Tong Yao couldn't imagine that Chi Yiyin didn't understand everything she said.

But he didn't show it, he just chose an ambiguous answer that wouldn't reveal himself: "It depends on your mood."

But Chi Yiyin had already thought that when the system appeared before, he did mention the novice live broadcast room and briefly described the situation in the live broadcast room.

If you will be connected to the live broadcast hall...

He looked thoughtfully at the players on the carriage talking into the air, and knew that they were broadcasting live in their respective live broadcast rooms, and the purpose should be the reward that Tong Yao said.

Chi Yiyin raised his eyebrows with interest, and asked in his mind: [System, how to open the live broadcast room? 】

The system immediately responded to him: [Number Z1001 survivor, I am glad to see that you successfully triggered the novice live broadcast room, congratulations. 】

The mechanical voice said congratulations one by one, not only without any joy, but instead seemed to be talking ironically.

However, the system is not ambiguous about the rewards that should be paid.

In the next second, Chi Yiyin felt that there was a sudden extra weight in his suit pocket.

He reached out and touched his pocket calmly, and the touch after he took it felt like a pocket watch.

[After the survivors get the novice live broadcast room, they must activate the live broadcast room in a copy, otherwise they will permanently lose the live broadcast room authority, and cannot gain points, rewards, and audience reminders through the live broadcast room. 】

[Survivor, what you see is the controller of the live broadcast room. According to the characteristics of each survivor, the corresponding shape will be automatically generated. Through it, you can freely set up and explore the live room - but according to the death rate of newcomers, it is recommended that you temporarily save the initial settings, I sincerely hope you can survive. 】

The system asked in a straight line, as if it was really a conscientious guide for newcomers: [Do you need me to help you open the live broadcast room for the first time? 】

Chi Yiyin thought for a while, then nodded happily: [Open. 】

【receive. Live broadcast room: Newcomer, officially opened in the dungeon [Dear Home], automatically connected to the free area...automatically set the initial value...currently the number of viewers is 0, survivors please continue to work hard. 】

After the system's voice disappeared from his mind, Chi Yiyin held the pocket watch in his hand and became familiar with it by touch.

His steps are slow and graceful, as if there is nothing worth worrying about, even if the world falls apart, his calmness cannot be broken.

In order to seize the time, Tong Yao chatted with Chi Yiyin before getting into the car, and followed his pace, walking beside him.

But at this moment, another figure came obliquely from behind, knocked Tong Yao away and squeezed into the carriage in front.

Out of the corner of Chi Yiyin's eyes, she caught the movement, and immediately looked up, and saw a burly figure wrapped in a long women's dress.


The corners of Chi Yiyin's eyes twitched, and he silently looked away.

He never thought that a man disguised as a woman would be such an eye-catching scene.

The one who jumped in front of them and rushed to get on the carriage was the male player who had quarreled with Tong Yao on the train before.

The male player held up the hem of his skirt, and when he passed by Tong Yao, he said in a low voice with disdain: "I know you like to cuddle together, but you shouldn't be bound to such an unknown person, right?"

The male player glanced at Chi Yiyin, and looked contemptuously: "Don't you think that this way you can pass the dungeon smoothly? You are still naive as always, Tong Yao. In the future, you will realize that there are no companions in the game field, only competitor."

"I'll give you a piece of advice, stay away from this bitch's jerky little boy, or you won't know how you died, heh."

The male player sneered and walked towards the carriage: "If you want to hug your thigh, you don't choose a good one. Do you really think that guy is a character?"

Tong Yao turned his nose in anger and wanted to rush up immediately.

But Chi Yiyin blocked him.

He stood with the backlight, looked at the back of the male player with dim eyes, but smiled with his lips curled up, and said to Tong Yao: "It's the first time I've seen someone who can be so ugly in a skirt—do you think it's like A fat turkey is getting into the wagon."

Chi Yiyin didn't deliberately lower his voice. The male player in front obviously heard it. He almost slipped and fell. He wanted to hold on to the car door but was in vain. Instead, he got stuck in the car door with a "Boom!" superior.

Tong Yao was dumbfounded.

That big bright pink skirt wraps around the male player. At first glance, it looks like a pink turkey ball...

"Pfft ha ha ha ha."

Tong Yao couldn't hold it back, and was so teased that he flung himself back and forth with laughter.

The male player was uncomfortable wearing a skirt, but now he looks so funny, Chi Yiyin's words were like a slap on his face, and Tong Yao's smile made the male player blush completely .

His appearance is so ridiculous that other players are also amused, but he can only be in a dilemma because the skirt is stuck on the car door like a clown.

Also because of this clown, people in the live broadcast hall began to click in curiously, and then they were amused and laughed.

[Hahahaha this pink is too coquettish, a bright pink fleshy ball. ]

[what? Is it a rookie studio? The grade is so low. ]

[It seems that the anchor doesn't look like a newcomer, he's too steady, could it be some old monster coming back again? ]

In Chi Yiyin's mind, the situation in the live broadcast room was also broadcast in real time.

[The current number of viewers is 19, and the number of followers is 2. Survivors, please make persistent efforts. 】

And surprises?

Chi Yiyin raised his eyebrows, walked over with his long legs, grabbed the male player by his skirt and threw him off the carriage.

With a sound of "Boom!", the male player was almost smashed into pieces, grinning and screaming in pain.

Chi Yiyin turned around, looked down at the male player and said, "I know I have no strength, so I want to rely on such a small trick? If anyone is going to die here, it will only be you—you should be more powerful than anyone else." Are you aware of the danger of this dungeon?"

"Oh yes, sorry I forgot."

His polite smile is impeccable: "If the customs clearance condition is to be incompetent, then you must be ranked first."


The male player's expression changed drastically, he pointed at Chi Yiyin and wanted to continue scolding.

But Chi Yiyin had already turned his gaze back, the smile on his face disappeared in an instant, and it was chillingly cold.

The male player accidentally met Chi Yiyin's eyes, and immediately trembled in shock, and shut his mouth instinctively for survival.

He felt that at that moment, he saw countless ghosts dancing wildly behind Chi Yiyin, and when Chi Yiyin, who was standing between the light and the dark, looked at him, his eyes were like looking at a dead thing , cold and no temperature.

Yes, is it an illusion?

When the male player hesitated, Chi Yiyin had already calmly got into the car.

It seems that the **** on the side of the road is not worthy of him to take another look, and it should be taken for granted.

Tong Yao suddenly felt annoyed, rolled his eyes and muttered in a low voice: "What kind of **** information has to be bought with so many points, and the result is to wear women's clothes to get close to the role of 'sister'? Bah!"

Chi Yiyin glanced at Tong Yao, surprised that she seemed to know a lot about the game field, but at the same time, she was also very satisfied with this walking information provider, and he saved her in vain.

After all the players got into the carriage, the butler immediately closed the door, followed by a metallic sound.

Chi Yiyin found out that the butler took out a heavy iron lock and locked the car door from the outside, and seeing the butler's expression, he thought it was a very normal thing.

Who would treat Miss like this, afraid that Miss would run away?

Chi Yiyin was thoughtful.

The carriage started to run slowly, and the carriage began to bump.

The male player, who had just been humiliated in front of everyone, is now huddled in a corner into a bright pink fleshy ball, refusing to face anyone, and he is the farthest away from Chi Yiyin.

It seems that in the short term, Chi Yiyin will become his psychological shadow.

Some of the other players focused on running their own live broadcast rooms, while the female students who were newcomers stuck close to Tong Yao like a frightened bird.

Another young man who was obviously a newcomer, after seeing other people's deaths, his mental state became worse, and now he was grinning stupidly in a daze while sitting in the car, with saliva flowing down the corner of his mouth without knowing it.

It seems that the collapse is not far away.

No player cares about a person who is destined to die. At most, he laments that this dungeon is as dangerous as the rumors say.

After Tong Yao laughed, he became worried as the dungeon started.

Sitting next to Chi Yiyin, she lowered her voice and expressed that she wanted to add his contact information and chat in private.

Chi Yiyin saw her uneasiness, so under the guidance of the novice in the system, he took out the communication terminal equipped for each player.

Tong Yao, who already regarded Chi Yiyin as the backbone, also explained to him the truth about herself and this game field under his intentional guidance.

Tong Yao can be regarded as a survivor of the carnival game field for many years. Although he is not comparable to the real boss, he survived by being cautious and trying his best to report to the group for warmth.

Because of this, she memorizes the rules of the game field thoroughly, and strives to find a way to survive from the rules. Not only does she have a precious title of "intermediate intelligence expert", but she can also be called a living instructions.

After she was unlucky enough to be randomly assigned to [Dear Home], she immediately looked up all the information related to this dungeon in the live broadcast hall.

But the result surprised her.

As for [Dear Home], an E-level dungeon that no one has cleared for twelve years, she certainly knows its bad name.

The copy of the game field is generally divided into A to F, and the difficulty is weakened in turn.

Level A is the difficulty of hell, and often there is no return, and the whole army is wiped out. Only the survivors in the top 100 leaderboards of the game field will leave in order to clear the game field, or choose to challenge A-level for high rewards.

But unfortunately, it has been twelve years since the carnival game field, but no one has opened it.

A level is already so scary, not to mention the four S level anomalies [world dungeon] that will be automatically triggered after clearing level A.

No one knew what those four mysterious S-rank dungeons were, they had been hidden in the dark.

The only information available is—

Want to leave the game field and return to reality?

Go and clear the S-level [World Dungeon].

At that time, whether it is a healthy body, a prominent status, countless treasures and honors, they will all be presented to you.

The winner's reward is the whole world.

However, when Tong Yao saw this description of S-level while collecting information, he smiled and threw it aside after being shocked. She thought it was a player who had stayed for too long who was driven crazy to have such an unrealistic idea.

What a world, it's ridiculous.

And the F-level dungeon is commonly known as the rookie bureau.

From the real world, rookies who are pulled into the game field because of dying, vegetative state, obsession, or because they are cursed or have too many sins are usually matched to F-level rookie rounds.

There, they can trigger the system smoothly, learn about the game field step by step, pass the newcomer protection period, and increase the probability of surviving.

But there are also many newcomers who will randomly fall into the copy that starts running at that moment after entering the game field.

Without novice guidance, these newcomers can't even figure out the status quo. If you can't guess the keyword of the game field, you can't trigger the system, and newcomers can't get the ID number and the many permissions in the game field.

In this case, the probability of death of newcomers is as high as 99.9%.

The other players joked that they didn't know whether these rookies who fell into other levels of dungeons had multiple sins or were cursed by the whole world.

And the remaining 0.1% of legends belonged to a female player many years ago, and now she has already reached the top of the game field.

There are rumors that she is preparing to attack the S-level dungeon, and she is considered the most likely person in history to break through the game field.

Therefore, there is also a joke among the players, "If a newcomer does not go to the novice game, he is either unlucky or god".

Speaking of this, Chi Yiyin looked at the news on her mobile phone and couldn't help but pause.

His luck is really unlucky as always, tsk.

In order to show his sincerity, Tong Yao still introduced him without saying anything, without realizing that Chi Yiyin, whom he regarded as a hidden boss, was a newcomer.

It never occurred to her that this young man who seemed to be more skilled than the old players, calm and steady without any flaws, knew nothing about the game field before.

However, the reason why [Dear Home] is so vicious is not just because no one has cleared it so far.

It's because of the players who entered this one survived.

This is only an E-level copy, and the story background is very simple.

In that era a hundred years ago, in Gushu Town, which was located on the outskirts of a prosperous metropolis, there lived a well-known wealthy businessman, the Ma family.

In order to follow the trend, the Ma family sent their eldest daughter to Shanghai to study and receive a new type of education. Suddenly one day, the Ma family and his wife called their daughter home urgently.

But the eldest daughter who returned home couldn't adapt to the old-fashioned habits of the family, so she had frictions and quarrels with her three younger siblings. The mother's persuasion was fruitless, and she shed tears all day long. The father also sighed because of the endless quarrels at home. Go out to do business all day to escape.

This makes the home cloudy and there is no peaceful day.

The contradictions between the four children became more and more serious, and finally the brothers fought against each other and killed each other.

When the sick mother heard the voice and walked out of the door, what she saw were four corpses lying in a pool of blood with grim faces. She was stimulated, went completely crazy, followed her four children, and hanged herself on the chandelier in the hall.

At dawn, when the businessman's father returned home, he opened the door and saw his wife's feet dangling in the air.

And... there were corpses strewn all over the ground, which had been completely cooled.

The player plays the role of the sister who has just returned to Ma's house.

Through the information prompts in the initial card and the dungeon, the players believe that the key to clearing the level of this dungeon is the father who is the head of the Ma family, also known as the dungeon boss.

As long as the father's wish is fulfilled and the family is happy and happy, this instance can be cleared.

But the players soon discover that no matter what they do, they won't be able to bring the family back together. In the end, the elder sister will either be killed by her siblings, or she will commit suicide by jumping off a building.

Some players even triggered the most tragic ending. After the crazy father killed the whole family, he killed half of the town.

Everyone couldn't figure out what was wrong with this noisy home all day long, and it would become what it is today.

This dungeon has also been suspended for twelve years and has become a death legend in the E-level dungeon.

For many experienced veteran players, even if there is no way to pass the level, they can use points or props to forcibly leave the instance.

Although he didn't get the dungeon reward and got a lot of points, he was still alive after all.

But the problem is, even if these players return to the game field, they will all die from ghosts one by one in less than a few months, and their deaths are miserable.

When the player died for no reason at first, everyone was in panic.

It was later discovered that these dead people all had one thing in common, that is, they had all participated in the instance [Dear Home].

From that day on, [Dear Home] became notorious, and the players' faces changed when they heard about it. As a result, no one dared to choose this dungeon for a long time.

Therefore, the game field also issued an announcement that the copy of [Dear Home] will be run for the last time, and will be completely closed from then on.

If anyone can clear the level in [Dear Home] for the last time, then all the property and props in the entire dungeon, and even the dungeon itself can be given to the clearer.

Because of this announcement, most of the game field became restless.

All the players who have the strength and confidence, changed their previous detours, and chose this dungeon voluntarily. They are gearing up for the too generous rewards, and they want to fight with their lives.

Tong Yao knew the news, but she was not tempted at all, she just wanted to continue to live.

Unexpectedly, she who had chosen other dungeons was randomly thrown into this dungeon by the system.

I'm really afraid of something.

Tong Yao couldn't help but smile wryly, feeling that he was also quite unlucky.

She now just hopes that she can go back safely.

If it's Chi Yiyin... Maybe there's still a chance?

Tong Yao looked at the calm Chi Yiyin, his eyes slowly lit up.

The carriage drove on the bumpy road, and outside the shaking windows were faces without facial features. Everything in Gushu Town was like melted blocks of color, and it was impossible to tell who was who.

Those faceless people looked in the direction of the carriage, and grinned silently at them all the way to their ears.

The female student turned pale with fright after just one glance, and quickly retreated to Tong Yao's side.

And the carriage finally stopped, and a small sound came from outside.

The car door was opened, and the butler asked everyone to get out of the car with a half-smile: "Miss, you're home, come quickly, the lady and the young master are waiting for you at home. It's been a long time, they should be getting impatient."

Looking forward to your sister coming home, but impatient younger siblings?

Chi Yiyin chuckled and raised her eyes, looking outside the carriage.

An imposing old Hui-style house, black and white, clean and quiet, like a landscape painting.

But when it stood in the silent mist, all the faceless people looked at the old house, all its beauty...

It all became weird.

It seems that they are not going home, but are actively walking into the grave of death.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes