MTL - Top Horror Novelist-Chapter 8

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Chi Yiyin has now reached a cooperation with the female ghost Ma Yuze, and if he wants to meet the cooperation partner, he has to turn around and look at the female ghost behind him.

But as soon as he moved, the long hair immediately wrapped around his neck.

"What are you doing?" the female ghost asked vigilantly.

Long, gloomy hair curled around Chi Yiyin's neck, threatening to strangle him to death at any time.

Chi Yiyin immediately spread his hands to show the female ghost that he was harmless.

"Since you are already a partner, you must give me the minimum trust."

Chi Yiyin's voice sounded helpless and tolerant, full of sincerity. Most importantly, he gave very good reasons: "You can doubt my character and identity at will, but now, we are a community of interests, and if you want to leave, so do I."

"I'm not going to capsize my boat and throw myself overboard, that would be unwise."

He smiled and said, "You can rest assured about this."

The female ghost seemed to be persuaded by Chi Yiyin, and after a while, she let go of her long hair.

But she insisted on staying behind Chi Yiyin, not allowing Chi Yiyin to see her appearance.

"As long as you see me, I will kill you."

The female ghost said viciously: "Even if it is from the mirror or the reflection."

[Survivor Z1001 adds an additional rule: there is a ghost behind you, shh... don't look back, you will die~]

Chi Yiyin raised his eyebrows and agreed, but he was puzzled by the reason for the female ghost's request.

Because he answered the question on the card correctly, the system showed him part of the truth, allowing him to see the scene of the eldest lady in front of the old house.

Although the system maliciously did not provide more clues, it deliberately created a sense of tension that the player had worked so hard to get useless information, trying to put pressure on the player and let fear and anger overwhelm the player.

But when it met Chi Yiyin, the system was winking at the blind man.

For him, there is no useless intelligence.

At the very least, he has already learned that the young lady's appearance and conversation skills are both good.

Among the reasons that Chi Yiyin could think of, the most common one was appearance. Ugly, or hideous, so you don't want others to see her?

But before Chi Yiyin could confirm his conjecture with the female ghost, he suddenly heard a shrill scream full of fear.

What followed was a system announcement.

[Survivor Xiao Jia died. The cause of death was "as the eldest lady of the Ma family, her demeanor was too inappropriate", and the handler: the housekeeper. 】

【warn! Since one survivor died after entering the dungeon, the survival time of the dungeon was reduced by one day. Current remaining time, 143:00:01]

Before Chi Yiyin could figure out what happened behind the scream, he was attracted by the system's announcement.

One person died. Reduced by one day.

This is equivalent to the system giving a reason belatedly, so that players who already doubted each other had to unite.

Their interests began to bind. Even if they wanted to pass the dungeon alone, they had to consider that at least three of the nine survived before they could pass the level.

This psychological warfare...

Even if Chi Yiyin didn't see those old players with his own eyes, he knew that they must have been disgusted by the system as if they had eaten flies.

But at the same time, Chi Yiyin also noticed an abnormality in the countdown time.

To be precise, there were only eight people who entered the mansion, and the ninth person was the player with the broken leg, who had already been thrown out by the butler at the train station.

Chi Yiyin originally thought that the player would surely die, but didn't he?

He was a little surprised, and couldn't help but think of the fog outside the house, which can kill horses and corrode vehicles. No one can survive in the fog, but judging from the situation of the player with a broken leg, isn't it?

The copy must be hiding something.

Speaking of which, after the female ghost threatened to kill him, the system immediately issued a notice of rules, which was equivalent to official verified news.

But when the fog killed the horse, the system didn't say anything... So, it's a cover-up?

That's right, the fact that the fog is corrosive is something that players have guessed themselves, and no one has ever said it—it's just a hint, and it's your own business to guess wrong.

The dungeon wants them to think that the only place where they can explore the truth of the dungeon is the mansion. After losing Gushu Town, the map that can be searched has shrunk by more than half in an instant, and perhaps the key truth is hidden behind the fog.

It seems that he is going to visit Gushu Town tonight.

Chi Yiyin laughed happily, because the copy was actually leaked by the system equivalent to the alliance.

—Although the system itself did not expect that Chi Yiyin would see so many things in just an announcement.

"Are you kidding me?"

The female ghost's cold voice twitched nervously, and her long hair had spread to Chi Yiyin's shoulders.

"No, I just think that the butler should die soon."

Chi Yiyin didn't tell the truth about her thoughts. Instead, she unabashedly spoke ill of another NPC in front of the NPC: "Without him, the air in Ma's house would be quite fresh."

The female ghost was stunned, and the long hair spreading in the boudoir and the air froze.

The barrage was shocked!

[What is this brother doing! Even if you are handsome, you can't talk nonsense! ]

[Sure enough, he is still a newcomer, so he committed a big taboo. If you don't know the relationship between NPCs, you can say bad things. What if the two of them have a relationship that you don't know? ]

[Even the rookies played well. Where did you think the screams just now came from? It wasn't that other players also encountered female ghosts. Old players are dead, newcomers are alive, tsk tsk tsk this comparison. ]

Xiao Jia, who was declared dead, was an old player. When he died, he was looking for the secret room of the Ma family couple in the mansion.

After Chi Yiyin left, the players also dispersed, some went to check the escape route, and some went to find the treasure.

Xiao Jia is the latter.

He entered the dungeon because he heard from the black market that the boss of the dungeon will take out the most valuable things as customs clearance rewards.

Do you still need to think about it? It must be the gold, silver and jewels that the master of the Ma family brought out from the palace during the chaos in the legend hidden in the dungeon!

The money obtained in the dungeon can also be spent outside the dungeon. If he gets that huge amount of wealth, he doesn’t have to risk death to pass the dungeon. He can live the life of a rich man in the rest area hehehe…

Thinking about the future, Xiao Jia couldn't help laughing strangely.

Therefore, he failed to notice that when he walked under the porch, a strand of long black hair that was as smooth as water slipped down from the porch and fluttered in the wind.

The long hair quickly spread on the ground like a snake, and it slid towards Xiao Jia from behind silently, and then... grabbed his ankle violently.

Xiao Jia froze instantly.

He felt a hand grabbing his foot, the touch was extremely cold and soft, like a creature without bones, with a slightly sticky feeling, which made his skin crawl all over in an instant.

He tried to calm his breathing, and slowly looked down.

Xiao Jia thought that the ghost was behind him or on the ground, but as soon as he lowered his head, before he had time to see what was pulling his ankle, he suddenly met a pale, cold, dead face.

A woman should have a good face, but her bloodshot eyes made her look extremely terrifying, and only her lips were bright red on her pale face. She stared at Xiao Jia with hatred in her eyes.

The most important thing is... that dead face actually grew on Xiao Jia's own clothes!

Xiao Jia was quite frightened, but the woman's face stretched from the clothes like a soft snake and swam towards him.

Under that face was not a neck, but a long strip of skin-colored flesh, as if Xiao Jia's own flesh had turned into this fleshy snake.

A tearing pain came from his chest, and Xiao Jia felt that someone had torn him in half, and his heart was gripped by cold hands.

At the same time, a cold breath came from his ears, and a palm with bright red nails touched his shoulder. A dense sense of touch came, as if thousands of ants were gnawing at his skin.

Just when Xiao Jia instinctively opened his mouth and yelled out of fear, Dead Face found the right moment and quickly rushed towards Xiao Jia's mouth and even throat.

The pain of suffocation came, and he was so choked that he rolled his eyes and wept, but in the blur, he still saw clearly what rushed into his mouth.

...It was clearly the long hair that had been stuffed into his stomach.

Immediately, Xiao Jia was completely rolled into a ball by the long hair, and fell to the ground without moving.

In the dead silence, the bamboo forest beside the veranda swayed, and a slender figure in a long gown walked out of the darkness slowly.

The butler looked at the ball made of long hair, and snorted in an indifferent way: "Miss Ma's, how can you have disheveled hair, be careful not to get married."

He raised his head, looked at the sky and muttered to himself: "Are you so impatient to see Mrs. Madam? That's right, it's been a while since I saw you."

As he said that, the housekeeper let out a strange laugh, which was especially piercing in the dead silence: "It's time to call the eldest lady and the ladies and masters, oh yes, the kitchen has to start preparing. Five o'clock, five o'clock on time for dinner."

The huge black hair mass suddenly collapsed, turning into black water as thick as asphalt, slowly spreading on the ground.

A complete face fell into the black water, hollow and lifeless.

...It was Xiao Jia's face.

When the steward spoke of the kitchen, a few servants in aprons came out of the darkness with buckets in hand, and silently and quickly cleaned up the pool of black water.

And one of the servants saw the face, he bent down, and grabbed the face with his big hand.

Flesh surged on the servant's face without facial features.

[The butler invites all young ladies and young masters to a banquet to reunite with the master and his wife. Survivors are requested to arrive at the banquet living room on time at 5 o'clock, and they will not wait after the time. 】

5 o'clock?

Chi Yiyin immediately lowered his head and glanced at his watch. It is now 4:54, which means it only takes 6 minutes to reach the banquet hall?

The strict time requirements in the dungeon were witnessed by all players. The tragic situation of the two people who didn't get off the train in time is deeply imprinted in everyone's heart. This is the end of overtime.

What Tong Yao said is right, even if the system is insidious and cunning, it is best to follow the rules in the dungeon. Although there is a risk of death if you follow the rules, but if you don't follow the rules... you will definitely die.

But the problem is that the notice only mentioned the name, but didn't mention the specific location at all, and there was no map. This was extremely unfriendly to Chi Yiyin who was not yet familiar with the mansion.

Especially now that he is in the eldest lady's boudoir, in the most remote corner of the mansion, even if he knows the exact location, he is very nervous about time. Running at the fastest speed, 6 minutes may be enough.

Chi Yiyin's heartstrings tensed immediately, and she immediately walked towards the gate of the courtyard with her long legs.

But with a "bang!", the door slammed shut in front of him, and the sound of locking the door sounded from outside.

At the same time, a cold and strange voice sounded from behind Chi Yiyin.

"Miss, where are you going in such a hurry?"

Read The Mage of Eternity