MTL - Transcendent Dawn-Chapter 854 Scientific research

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For the Federation, justice and evil are not important.

Whether it can be'controlled' is the key.

At a critical moment, even if you pray to the evil **** for strength, it's all right.

Baird came to an underground laboratory.

Here is not only heavily guarded outside, but also an Extraordinary squad based in the Federation.

Almost every once in a while, death row prisoners who have destroyed their archives are moved here for consumption as various ‘materials’.

If everything here is exposed, the Federation will undoubtedly be a major earthquake, and countless people will step down.

Walking on the corridor full of various runes, even Baird couldn't help feeling depressed.


He came to a monitoring room and asked.

"We have arranged for criminals to pray for certain evil gods, but none of them responded..."

A person like a scientist shook his head: "Or...just contact, it will be contaminated, there is no valuable information..."

Along with his words, several figures of experimental objects appeared on the display.

Some were tied to the bed with their eyes closed, struggling constantly, as if they were having a nightmare that they couldn't wake up.

Some used their teeth to bite their wrists, depicting various symbols of unknown meaning, turning the prison cells into **** graffiti rooms.

What's more, it has simply been'destroyed', and even the screens are banned from playing because the'pollution level' is too high to be isolated.

"Turing Arthas!"

The scientist in the white coat repeated the name: "The word Turing...seems to be a taboo in occult...Even the "Moon Hidden", the evil **** who always likes to record knowledge, refuses to talk to us. communicate with……"

"Not only the righteous gods, but even the evil gods?"

Baird murmured, "...what the **** is that person?"

"Speaking of this, a batch of the latest data has already been transferred in. Do you need to see it?"

The scientist lifted his glasses and opened a video.

At the beginning of the picture is the city of Poseiro that has become a vast swamp!

In the suburbs, tens of thousands of troops have assembled, and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft flew in the sky from time to time.

The only advantage of the second generation of ‘anthropomorphic golems’ is that they have replaced the original human beings as soldiers, and there is no need to let the flesh and blood on top at this time.

"Another temptation?"

Baird muttered to himself, his eyes fixed on the screen.

The next moment, accompanied by the sound of commands.

A large number of robotic soldiers rushed into the area of ​​Poseiro City.

Tanks roared, rocket car barrels roared one after another, and it seemed that the entire city of Poseiro would be cleaned up with artillery fire.

Boom! Boom!

A series of explosions swept across the city.

The sea and soil were blown into the sky together, and huge pits appeared on the ground.

It can be said that in today's city, even if good luck is not bombed, the ensuing fire waves and oxygen evaporation can take the life of anyone, even a low-level Beyonder!

After the artillery fire washed the ground, it was an army of robots that knew no fear and absolutely obeyed orders.

They rushed into the city, looking for Turing Alsace's trail.

‘Can it succeed? ’

Baird knew in his heart that the chance was not great, but he still began to pray, hoping for a miracle to happen.

The next moment, his eyes widened.

One after another, the robots knelt directly to the ground, as if a mountain was pressing on their bodies!

A fighter plane seemed to lose power and fell straight from the air.

"This is...gravity?"

Baird murmured.

"Well...According to calculations, the gravity parameters of that urban area have changed..."

When the commentator next to him said this, his voice was trembling.

Immediately, the lens became a snowflake.

Although Baird knew that at the same time the army was dispatched, there must be an Extraordinary squad carrying out a raid.

But the opponent's fate is no longer known.

"This video is not meaningless, at least we know... Ordinary physical attacks are meaningless to that person..."

Baird sighed, and his expression instantly turned firm: "But... if you want to destroy the world, unless you step on my corpse!"

"The entire Federation, all humans, are working hard to stop him!"

The scientist next to him helped his glasses: "This is really ironic. He alone attracted the Mars at the bottom of the Federation that was about to explode."

Although he is a researcher, he is also aware of the series of disturbances outside.

But now, the parties who had originally contradicted had no choice but to switch their guns to the outside world.


deep sea.

On the azure sea level, a research ship is sailing.

"Star of Hope, please reply when you receive it!"

Captain's room, contact the radio station.

"This is the Star of Hope. As a research ship, we hope to contribute our strength to the world, over!"

After speaking, Harlan, the great explorer, archaeologist, and senior federal scientist, put down the intercom and walked out of the cabin.

"Here... is the origin of the world, and the deep sea below is the Devil's Great Ditch!"

He stared at the sea and the ropes that were being stowed away, with flames burning in his eyes: "The history of the lost civilization, the origin of Extraordinaries...maybe useful to today's Federation."

Harlan is not only a scientist on the surface, but also a very high-level Extraordinary in the dark.

He is very clear about what is happening in the Federation, but here is the goal he has pursued throughout his life.

"If you can unearth ancient power, maybe you can deal with that person."

Harlan thought to himself.

Soon after, the cables were all taken back, and a diver came to the deck.

She opened the mask and revealed a face with blue eyes and an extremely beautiful face.

"The bottom is very deep, even if I use my extraordinary ability, I can't dive to the end..."

The female diver regretfully said: "But I found this..."

She took out a clay tablet full of shells and seaweed.

"This is... mudboard? Impossible... How can such a material be preserved in the deep sea to this day? It contains mysterious power?" Harlan pulled the seaweed away and fell into a state of confusion.

" you see... the strokes on this are obviously an ancient text that we haven't discovered before."

The female diver pointed to the relatively clear scratches and said: "Professor... you succeeded, we really found the legacy of the "Ancient Thulhu Mythical Age"...


Harlan was a little excited, but also a little sorry.

The excitement is naturally that I have completed my goal, but unfortunately I only found a clay tablet. I don't know if it will be useful for today's Federation.

"Thanks for your hard work."

He hurriedly took photos of the clay tablet, photographed the mysterious text on it without landing, and was ready to decipher it immediately.

If it is for a simple scholar to do this, it may be difficult.

But there are many extraordinary people on their ship, who can quickly accelerate the progress of scientific research.