MTL - Transcending the Nine Heavens-v8 Chapter 846 Retribution is not good!

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"I killed my father, do you feel very cool? Hahaha..." The cloud said despicablely: "I am not afraid to tell you, in fact, I feel very cool, he brought me to this world, I sent He left the world, isn't this the best reward?! Isn't this the end of my endowment for him?"

The demon turned his head in disgust.

The people sipped a sigh of relief.

The words "endowing to the end of the old age" can actually explain this way... This is really the world's greatest, and there are many wonderful things every year, not as good as this year.

In the face of this shameless remarks, it is also the mouth of the sage of the Supreme King who has been the first person in the world for millions of years. Everyone feels particularly intolerable!

"You even dare to kill your own father, you are willing to kill! And the killing is all innocent..." In the eyes of the snow and tears, there is a strong sadness, whispered: "That's no wonder, you will kill yourself." The man will engulf the property of the person who is as important to you as you are... Hey... You are a garbage in the clouds, it is a complete garbage!!"

The people on the cloud frowned and said: "What are you talking about?"

The snow and tears are cold and cold, and said: "I said... you are a complete out-of-the-box garbage!"

The people on the cloud laughed.

"Garbage? In this world, who is not rubbish?" The cloud man laughed: "Who isn't growing up from a garbage? It's like you, like Chuyang. At the beginning, it wasn't just a garbage." Or just cockroaches!"

"But even if you grow up to the present, it is still rubbish. You are always a garbage in this world!" The tears of the snow are a little blue.

The snow and tears at the moment, think of your own Xue family!

It is because of this person in front of me. The smoke disappears! But this person is actually such a despicable person!

My father, brother, family, little girl...

Have been ruined by this person for a lifetime!

The anger in the heart of the snow and tears is really unparalleled!

Suddenly Jianguang flashed: "Cloud people. Today you and I will fight you to die!"

The people on the cloud shunned away, and the girl smiled and said: "You seem to hate me very much? Well? Why? I killed your family, humiliated your sister? Snow tears. I never understand, you have been with me. Right, what is my hatred with you?"

The snow is tearful and chilly, and the chest is ups and downs. But still self-talking: "I asked you. What happened in the first days?"

The people on the cloud laughed: "Why don't you know why? You have been there many times. At the beginning, Zihao threatened me so many times. That bastard, can I threaten him? Actually threaten me not to enter the snow. Home!! Actually threatened me not to marry Snow Fairy! Actually threatened me to kill me... Hahaha... Can he kill me? In the end, isn’t it dead by me?”

He smirked happily: "I gave a subtotal, let Zihao's confession die, and death is not eye-catching!" He shouted in the sky: "In the Nine Heavens. No one can threaten me! No! No, not in the future There will be no! You are snow and tears. You are demon, you Chu, and you, you must die! One can't live!"

He screamed in the sky and was crazy.

Eyes, unscrupulously become cruel, tyrannical, faintly shining black light. But he is clearly a happy laughing, yes, he has nothing to do with everything he does, only happy!

The snow and tears calm down and calm down: "Are you a little subtotal?"

St. Jun’s rushing gasps, smirked and said: “Yes... At the beginning, your repairs have reached the bottleneck state, and you can’t break through for a long time. Then, you didn’t get a book of sorrows, but this cheat is a good thing, yes. Your chance to break through the bottleneck, right? Then you start to retreat... and close it, you can't get out, even if you interrupt it midway, it's impossible, isn't it?? Hahaha..."

The snow and tears are cold and cold: "You..."

Shengjun’s screaming laughter, front and back: “The cheats are what I gave you! The inside of the ban is naturally set by me! Hahaha... Snow and tears, do you think you found the ancient ruins? You really thought you The luck is so good? Hahaha... It’s so funny! Don’t be a king, hahahaha...”

Snow tears face iron blue!

It turned out that the retreat of his own year was a conspiracy of the Holy King!

"After you got the law of the sky, I immediately informed the outside world of the demon, Ziyan and Zihao completely lost the help of the outside world..." Shengjun Yunshang people have no scruples at the moment, everything has been said .

These are obviously the pleasing things that he did in his life, and he has been buried in his heart. I already feel that I have to go crazy. Such a proud thing, no one actually shared...

Isn't it a pearl cast? Jinyi night trip?

Nowadays, all your identity and secrets have been exposed, and then concealed, it does not make sense. What's more, after today, my own sage, I am afraid that the nine-day scorpio will become a street mouse, everyone shouts.

I want to say it again, I am afraid that there is no chance.

Just today, all of them have been said, and if you say it again, you will be happy! Let your own proud things, let others know, especially to see their regretful expression, it is the most anticipated of the Holy King!

He really didn't disappoint!

"...I told the extraterrestrial demon, Zishentian has no wood... oh...and here is the best place for them... If you succeed, the other worlds of Scorpio will not unite, and those outside the realm Sure enough, I sent troops and encroached on Zixiaotian!"

The face of Zhongzheng Pinghe, who has always been acting on the cloud, is full of extreme evil, insidious and poisonous.

"Then, at the time of the war, I personally rushed to Zixiaotian, telling Zihao a major message, that is, the invasion of the extraterrestrial demon, is to want a decisive battle, to dominate the entire nine-day Scorpio; and I am nine heavens, Actively prepare for the battle... Once the time is right, start a decisive battle with the Devil! Just... Before the time is ripe, you need Purple to stick!"

The words of the Holy King let everyone sigh for it.

With Zihao’s heroism, after learning about such a thing, how can he take a step back? Destined to stick to the last moment!

But when he finally understood that it was all time for the saints, everything was late.

Even if you want to retire, you can't retreat.

Because, there are so many brothers, the war died in Zixiaotian!

Just because he believes in the words of the villain, even if he has the ability to get away from it, he will never be alone. Therefore, the tragedy of the Purple Emperor is so destined. At that time, it was impossible to change.

Internal food and grass, no support outside!

"Then, during that time, all the worlds were in a mess, and the chaos reached the point where the people were not happy. Do you think that those are accidental? Hahaha... That’s all caused by this holy prince!"

"Zihao really is amazing!" Shengjun smiled: "I originally thought that it would take only one year at most, and Zixiaotian would have fallen all over the world, but I did not expect that Zihao actually lived for six years. Almost, you will be able to hold your snow and tears closed... but you still haven’t come out, you still can’t catch up!”

St. Jun haha ​​laughed: "Are you not a friend of Zihao Babai? You are not a good brother who has committed each other's lives? Why is your brother dead, but I have not seen you? Snow tears, hahahaha... You even hate me, How can you even hate me? For millions of years, you want to kill me all the time, but have you done it? Maybe today is the day you are closest to the goal, but it depends on many outsiders. Is it your skill to do it?!"

"Your brother's hatred, you remember, but you are destined to report, can never report!" St. Jun's laughter, like a sharp awl, pierced into the heart of the snow and tears!

My brother's hatred!

Not reported for millions of years!

Now the truth is clear.

The snow and tears filled with sly eyes and looked at the purple evil.

The eyes of the Holy King also looked at the past. He couldn't figure out why Snow Tear was so embarrassed to look at this girl.

Purple evil said: "Snow uncle does not have to blame! My father died to protect Ziyantian, where is his territory, his responsibility. I can feel that my father's war, to death still There is no regrets! For the purple sky, his old man is worth it! As for Xue Bobo, he has not been able to go there, but he can only blame the people on the cloud. The trick is too mean, the culprit is the cloud, only He is a despicable villain, this piece of rubbish, you have nothing to do with Xue Bobo!"

"The brotherhood between Xue Bobo and my father, Guangzhao Sun and Moon, no one can change!" said the purple evil spirits.

The tears of the snow and tears trembled. For a time, the heart was hot and hot, and almost tears flashed.

Suddenly, the holy prince suddenly snarled, like a ghostly look at the purple evil: ", are the daughter of Zihao?"

Suddenly I felt confused in my mind!

I really didn't think of dreaming. At the beginning, Ziyantian was completely annihilated, and the whole territory fell. But Zizi Tiandi Zihao, actually left a daughter?

"Tell you to know!" After the demon, he was so disgusted with the people on the cloud: "The child in front of you is the purple pipa, the daughter of Ling Feiping's sister, and the only one who stayed in this world.嫡系血脉! Heaven is always good and good, but will never bless you like a beast!"

"You were the first to kill the Ziyan Emperor's family. Now, the daughter of Zixiao Emperor's eyes witnessed your ruin, but it is also a natural cycle, retribution is not good!" After the demon said coldly: "This also proves that the cloud, you The road has come to an end, today, when you pay back the blood debt! The people on the cloud, let's just let it go!"


<I always thought that the August 1st comrades party. I didn't expect the brothers to set the party until Saturday today... I was mad at me... I hurry. Look back at the situation code word at night...

Everyone forgive me... there is no way. If you don't break out today, you will slap me a meal, but if I don't want to be killed...> (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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