MTL - Transcending the Nine Heavens-v8 Chapter 856 The East Emperor's Bureau [fourth more! 】

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Before Chu Yang, I have always wondered that my strength is not inferior to that of the East Emperor. I feel that I am already behind the demon, but after the demon can entangle the Holy King for quite some time, but when it is my turn, if it is not nine Tianshen Gong, nine Dantians, and the Nine Robbery Swords are supplemented. It is not the opponent of the Holy King. These are all the magical effects of air transport blessing.

Mo light danced and squinted and asked: "In this way... Is it true that the Holy King does not only need to change his evil spirits, but is it really invincible?"

This sentence made everyone laugh.

"Jiangshan is easy to change, the nature is difficult to move!" Chu Yang smiled: "He wants to get the blessing of this power, the first step is to first abolish all his own true spirits ... You said he can be willing? !"

Everyone laughed all at once.

But think about it, but it is also true.

Since the Holy King has come to this step, even if he knows that he is returning to the shore, he will not be able to look back again, because his first step has already gone wrong. It is not something he can do from scratch.

To do those things with a sinister attitude, do not feel guilty, but once you repent, it is only the condemnation of conscience, you can also kill himself...

"So his bad, it can only be bad. Because his bad, has reached the point where he can't look back." Chu Yang sighed, remembering that the book he got from the strange palace had In a word, it is called 'putting down the butcher's knife and setting it up as a Buddha'.

This sentence is probably even a cruel wicked person. As long as the murderous butcher's knife is put down, it can become a "Buddha", a transcendental existence!

But after that sentence. There is another comment, but the mysterious person wrote it by himself. That sentence is: the butcher knife that can be put down is definitely not the real butcher! The real butcher's knife can't be put down.

Comment on this sentence. Chu Yang deeply agrees!

The wicked is the wicked, and wherever there is no more murder, it is no longer the truth of the wicked!

The march of this road was exceptionally calm and abnormally stable.

Along the way, you can occasionally see the master of the Emperor's Day recovering the embers of the Holy Palace. A small battle. Every time Chu Yang meets, he will order the army to stop and watch the battle for a while.

Then when I come back, there will always be some sighs.

Arrows and others also sighed.

"These are really many of these people." Arrow God sighed and sighed: "It’s just above this road. We have seen that there is no real spirit after death... It’s quite a lot. Not to mention this. The coverage of the second killing is all the ten heavens and the earth of the entire Nine Heavens... How many will there be..."

"Yes, if it is calculated according to the proportions that we have seen so far. The faster the nine-day Scorpio slaughter the Holy Palace, the faster the recovery of the sacred priests will be. The reason is that all the forces of the entire Nine Heavens are killing the Holy Spirit. The actually equal to all the forces of the entire Nine Heavens, all of which are sending strength to the Holy King and recovering the wound..."

"This martial art, it is really evil to the point of horrible!" Purple evil hate said.

"So this time, the Holy Palace has not organized any counter-attacks of a decent scale... In fact, this is also the saintly deliberate laissez-faire." Chu Yangdao: "The psychology of this kind of person is absolutely no loss. I would rather Destroy the world, but I also want to take revenge! Lose the world and benefit one person, as long as it is in my favor, how can the world be destroyed? Conversely, if I don't exist, the world will be long-lasting, and I will benefit!"

Arrows and others waited and smiled.

Yes, the person on the cloud is such a person, a complete private desire.

Anyway. Now the presence of the masters of the Holy Palace in various places, for the people on the cloud, is already optional. If you want to kill, then you will kill. It’s better to kill it all...just now I need this energy to heal...

"Once the people on the cloud recover, it will inevitably bring another hurricane..." Chu Yang sighed.

It’s just that Chu Yang sighs and sighs, but there is not much worry.

During this time, the brothers also made great strides in their strength, especially after they found their own ‘Avenue’.

Even if it is the weakest, facing the holy priest alone, you can't beat it, and you can't escape it.

What's more, now the holy prince, there is no big killer in the hands of the mountain river sword, and the strength is invisible in the invisible!

The front is the elf's forest.

At this time, Chu Yang unexpectedly got the news from the Tianji Intelligence Department.

"East Emperor Snow tears cold, on the way back to the East Emperor, laying a trap to lure the enemy, tempting the remnants of the Holy Palace to retaliate. Sure enough, when returning to the East Emperor, encounter the remnants of the Holy Palace ambush. The soldiers, there are Donghuangtian The prime minister, the snow seven, the emperor himself, and the Donghuangtian are more elite... and the side of the holy palace is played by the saint himself, leading the remaining masters to more than 300 people... the two sides fought one battle, and eventually the two lose, except the holy After the injury, the rest of the Holy Palace masters who participated in the campaign were all overwhelmed. In the case of Donghuangtian, the squad was seriously injured, the snow was seriously injured, the emperor was slightly injured, and several others were sharp and degraded."

"At present, the East Emperor has returned to Donghuangtian safely, and announced that he respects Chuyang and is the seat of the Nine Heavens!"

This news makes everyone shocked. However, Chu Yang and others who know the inside story feel that their hearts are boring, and a deep sense of sorrow has arisen from their hearts.

This sorrow and sorrow is not for myself, but for the East Emperor and Snow Seven.

"This battle..." Chu Yang sighed: "I don't know... In the heart of the East Emperor and Snow Seven, what kind of taste is it... With the power of the East Emperor, the repair of the East Emperor and the Snow Seven, If it is a full-force war, I believe that the Queen's Snow Fairy can't fall back. But the end result is a heavy snow injury, the East Emperor is slightly injured, and Xue Xianer is the only survivor in this campaign, and fled... ”

"If there is nothing strange about it, no one will believe it."

Chu Yang smiled bitterly.

"Strange things? Is it that there is another flaw in this campaign?" The Elves and the Five Gods are very puzzled about Chu Yang’s remarks. It’s obviously a big win, and it’s not right.

"It's not awkward. I just decided that... the Holy Ghost will eventually be able to escape. It must be that the East Emperor deliberately let it go..." Chu Yang sighed leisurely.

"It's good. With the snow and tears of the old man, and the understanding of them, since the trap has already been laid, waiting for the arrival of the enemy, and like the snow seven, the superpower of the nine emperors has been aided, that is With complete confidence, how could it let Xue Xianer escape? Even the snow seven was seriously injured!"

"What the **** are you talking about?" Arrow God wondered: "How can I not understand a word?"

Chu Yang looked a little lonely, said: "Of course you can't understand, even, even the sacred snow fairy who escaped the sorrow, most of them don't understand, the snow and tears that fully occupy the upper hand, how can such a coma, or I am glad that I am lucky..."

He sighed deeply: "Because, after the holy snow fairy, in addition to the world's first beauty in the world, is the sister of the East Emperor..."

"Ah!!~~~" This news is really extremely explosive!

Even with the level of cultivation at the peak of the arrow god, millions of years of spiritual cultivation, suddenly heard the news, it is also helpless to be shocked, stunned!

"This matter, or the true identity of the Emperor, Xue Xianer does not know itself. The Saint Junyun will not know. Otherwise, in this more than one million years, it is only because of this relationship. Snow tears are afraid that I don’t know how many times I have died...” Chu Yang said faintly.

This sentence is true when it is true.

Snow tears, no matter what the idea has been, has not recognized each other, has not exposed their identity, but there must be one reason: once this identity is exposed, the relationship between each other is clear.

Then, the Holy King will come out of the air to make a chance to freeze the snow!

As for Xue Xianer... A woman who doesn’t care even her own biological father, how can she care about the life and death of her own brother! ?

This time the trap, ambush, presumably for the East Emperor, is also a heartbreak.

In fact, this battle, as Chu Yang guessed.

This time, the decisive battle made the East Emperor really hurt, especially the heartache.

The current East Emperor is silent.

His silence comes from two sentences.

Two people from different positions, one sentence per person.

The prime minister was seriously injured. After returning to Donghuangtian, he once asked his own question: "Your Majesty... This time, the ministers are somewhat puzzled, and you are deliberately indulging in the future, and indulging them to leave... Is it for long lines and big fish?"

This is a temptation of prime minister.

The snow and tears calmed down and did not give an answer.

Looking at the good brothers, good men, and good courtiers who have been loyal to their lives for a lifetime, they have no words at all.

In fact, there is no need to answer.

Because, even the prime minister who asked this sentence, I know that this guess is absolutely unreliable.

Now the Holy Palace, all the subordinates of the Holy King have been completely disintegrated. Where is the ‘big fish’ to catch? So, what is the reason for the Emperor of the East to marry Xue Xianer?

There is another sentence, it is from Xue Xianer - "Snow and tears, you let me go today, I will not be grateful to you! You ruin my couple's life, this hatred is different! I will ask you one day, I want you I am dying under my hands, and I will never be supernatural!"

The snow and tears lingered to the window and sighed deeply.

"You are a soft heart!" On the one hand, the scarred snow on the body screamed: "The so-called East Emperor, actually such an indecisive person, I really misread you!"


Read The Duke's Passion