MTL - Transcending the Nine Heavens-v8 Chapter 862 Ask an official to do [tenth! 】

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Snow tears frown and said: "Oh?"

"Then... it’s a coincidence that the original Qingyi Tiandi Mo Qingqing passed here, and immediately shot... The Holy Snow Fairy... The body was destroyed..."

The prime minister said while stuttering. The curse in my heart... Who is this who is giving me this news?

Beneficial Benedict had a long delay, and then rushed to report the news, but first listened to a story told by the Emperor of the East...

The real problem is that... After listening to this story, the news that I just got is as uncomfortable as a bomb in my mouth.

It’s hard to finish, and the prime minister’s mood is low, waiting for the reaction of His Majesty the Emperor.

"This kind of result is also good." Snow tears cold and sighed for a long time, then silenced, said: "More ... she has a avatar, can not die at a time ... and then, even if it is strange I killed her, but she also deserved her sin, retribution to the eyes, can I still go to find a strange green for her revenge? The Emperor can not even have this concept of right and wrong, I think more!"

Yan Xiang breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Your majesty is wise, and the court is dull."

The moment the East Emperor was silent, the prime minister was almost sweaty!

Fortunately, the reaction of His Majesty the Emperor was not so intense.

"Oh? Right, how can a strange youth suddenly appear in that place?" Snow tears and then asked strangely.

"This... I don't know." I am also very confused.

At this moment, I heard the guards whispering outside the door: "Under the beginning of the squad, the original Qing dynasty Tiandi is in the middle of the Qing dynasty, and he is looking outside."

Upon hearing this sentence, the four people here were stunned at the same time.

The strange green suddenly came. Come to see the snow and tears? What do you want to do?

In particular, the prime minister and the generals of the Blues are even more ridiculous. They even feel that the world is really wonderful: this product has just killed the body of the younger sister, and then. Just to see this brother, here are still two brothers...

This is this... really...

Cattle fork...

At this moment, the two pillars of Donghuangtian are the three words, exactly the same.

"Come please!" said the snow and tears.

No matter what, it’s a stranger. All are VIPs.

"Snow brother." Mo Qingqing outside the East Emperor Palace, holding hands.

This former generation of Emperor, at this moment, is a plain service, Tsing Yi fluttering, there is a very detached meaning.

So dressed up, I can see that there is a bit of envy in the heart of the snow and tears.

I saw the snow tears coming out. Mo Qingqing smiled and handed: "I was so troubled that Lao Xue brother personally greeted, and I was afraid to be a stranger. I was so frightened, hahaha..."

"It’s rare to visit a stranger from afar. It’s true that the Emperor’s Tianpeng is shining.” Snow tears greeted the enthusiasm and greeted him. He said a few words, "I don’t know, the stranger is here, what is it?" ?"

"Without him. It was just a small brother's addiction. I came to Xue brother to ask for a big official to do it." Mo Qingqing smiled slightly and said: "Please Xue brother, appoint me as the emperor of the East Emperor Tianmao... How? ”

"Cough and cough..." When the sentence came out, Donghuang Snow Tears and Cold, together with a great general, coughed up.

The prime minister and the generals of the blues really dreamed of not dreaming, and they would say such a sentence.

This is too direct, too unobstructed, too embarrassing? !

A generation of Emperor, even if it was only the former Emperor and the Emperor, but it is absolutely impossible to go to the other side. Asked what to be the Marshal of Marshal!

However, Mo Qingqing did this.

And it’s so calm, so blatant.

Just in front of the East Emperor, just in front of the snow and tears!

The East Emperor Snow was cold and staring at the strange green, and the two stared at each other for a long time. Half a word.

Snow tears suddenly smiled easily and easily.

"Mom brother." Snow tears cold smile: "According to the truth, everyone brothers for so many years, you put forward such a request for degrading and expensive, I have no possibility of not allowing. Just... now this situation, but not ""

The strange green face did not change, and Shen Sheng asked: "Oh? Why not?"

Snow tears and laughed happily: "Because the stranger came to it, it was just a coincidence. Just a moment ago, I was just in the hands of the Blue Sky Bridge, and I took the position of the Marshal of the Eastern Emperor Tianmao in my own hands."

Snow tears and laughed: "But if the brother does not mind taking another step, I can appoint you as the deputy of the East Emperor Tianmao! How?"

Mo Qingqing heard a bit of mistakes, pointing at the snow and tears, haha ​​laughed: "Well, you are a tearful snow, actually took the lead, I am one step, good, good, good, repair for me, no you are high, my mind is not as deep as you, It’s worth it to be a deputy, and the deputy is the deputy! I’m also a deputy.”

Snow tears smashed over his shoulder and smiled: "I am afraid I don't mind being a deputy, I see you... even if it is a small pawn, you will do it. Destroy the battle of the devil, do a little **** and As a deputy coach, the marshal is nothing but a contribution to the Scorpio, but it is a name!"

Unfamiliar, laughing and laughing, apparently did not mind whether he was a marshal, a deputy, or even a pawn.

Everyone is an old friend of millions of years. What the other person thinks, as long as it is not deliberately concealed, can be said at a glance, in one sentence, it is enough to explain too many things.

The desire of the youth is very simple, that is, I hope to go to the Battlefield of Zilong, and fight with the Tianmo.

However, Mo Qingqing knows himself, with his own commanding ability, if it is only to be a small pawn, it is a pity that it is too much to be used!

Since it is a decisive battle, then you should use your ability and combat power to the extreme!

At this time, I really don't care about my face.

How can we maximize efficiency? This is the question that the king needs to consider.

The snow and tears, when the first sentence of the strange green mouth, said that he had his intentions.

However, the people of the army in this battle are not the blue sky bridge, but the snow and tears of the cold, the ability of the strange green or the blue sky bridge, naturally is the position of the Grand Marshal, but now the replacement of the soldiers The snow and tears are cold, that is two different things.

Snow and tears invites Mo Qingqing to serve as his deputy. It is not only the request for the participation of the Qing Dynasty, but also the hope of having a green helper to make up for his own shortcomings. The snow and tears are also the art of war, but his years as emperors are real. It’s been a long time, and I’m used to doing it. I’m not used to hearing the words of the ear. In fact, there is no one in Donghuangtian who dares to say anything to him, but on the battlefield, a moment’s negligence may cause comprehensive Sexual defeat, and the arrival of the strange green, but for the snow and tears to form the best complement!

If you are a young and handsome, you have the same concerns. When you are together, it is the combination of the two, to make up for each other's shortcomings, remind each other, and be foolproof.

Behind him, both the prime minister and the generals of the blue are happy.

This is really the great aid that fell in the sky!

Mo Qingqing laughed without a must, waved his hand and said: "Since I am a deputy, I have to have some strength. Come outside, listen to the arrangements of the emperor, enter the various armies, what to do. What to do."

As he waved his hand and tens of thousands of troops stationed in the sky, the sound of "哗" fell.

This army is a direct force of the youth, and the most loyal subordinate of his years.

At the beginning, the arrogant cloud occupied the Qing Dynasty and climbed to the position of the Emperor.

Mo Qingqing once personally bitterly helped the sinful cloud to keep people. Most of the masters of the Qing Dynasty have stayed, but only these tens of thousands of people are dying and will not stay in Qinglantian. Evil cloud effectiveness!

"We are the people of Qingqing Tiandi who are strangers, always forever! They will never be the people of evil clouds, and they will not die!" These people's attitudes are determined.

If we don't let us follow, we would rather kill ourselves and die, and we will never switch to the second master!

Repeatedly persuaded to be ineffective, and in desperation, they had to leave these people to leave the Qing Dynasty.

In addition to being a loyal loyalty to these young people, each of them is a master of the hand. Any one has at least the strength above the Holy Position. If the former youth is really dying with the sinful evil, there is no need for anything else. These people help, even if they can't decide the arrogant cloud itself, the seniors of the arrogant cloud are estimated to have fallen the same numbers as this class. This is the most conservative estimate!

The overall strength and comprehensive quality of these people can be seen!

"So many loyal subordinates..." Snow tears long sigh: "You generals, brothers, you are here, not my subordinates, everyone from this moment, is a war brother! Go out together! Demon! Together with the purple sky! This is the purpose of everyone!"

"To go out together! Destroy the devil together! Together with the purple scorpion! Fight for the common purpose!" All the singers of the Qing dynasty shouted and shouted!

Originally for the arrival of this, everyone still has a lot of scruples in mind. Everyone is an outsider for Donghuangtian. The number is so big. Everyone’s strength is not bad. It’s rushing to come, the host is a bit precautionary. Concerns are all reasonable.

In particular... According to legend, we are still a rival to the Emperor of Heaven and the East Emperor... Although I don’t know if this is a matter of fact, this rumor has been heard by everyone.

But with the export of this sentence by the East Emperor, all concerns, all doubts, in a flash, disappeared!

"After the war, everyone can leave freely!" Snow tears coldly said: "But, Laozi ugly said in front, whoever left before, did not come to drink my drink, the emperor will travel all over the world, but also to him Come out and sip directly with the wine! Laozi said that it is enough to see who dares to try Laozi’s wine enough, enough enough!”


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