MTL - Transcending the Nine Heavens-v8 Chapter 894 Hey!

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The people on the cloud were shocked.

Suddenly sighed: "Hands! Kill the snow and tears! Kill the snow seven!"

Xue Xianer’s body trembled fiercely, and the pure smile was especially on the lips. The whole person suddenly flew up in the air, and the phoenix danced for nine days, ravaging the sentient beings, and rushing toward the snow and tears. Kill the move!

In the eyes of the face, the tears of the beads have already rolled down, but the shots are never merciless, and the recruits will kill!

The snow and tears of the cold saw a sigh, but also the full force!

The people on the cloud laughed happily and turned to rush to the snow seven. As soon as the palm of the hand turned into a thunder, it turned out that the snow was condensed into a huge palm, and it was suddenly covered!

The purpose of the people on the cloud is obvious. There are only snow and tears and snow in this place. As long as you can kill the snow seven before the snow and tears kill the snow fairy, then everything is in your own control, no matter whether you advance or retreat. There is full room for manoeuvre.

Although the strength of Xueqi can also enter the ranks of the nine emperors, but at most it is the last stream, which is much worse than that of the Eastern Queen. After this, it was seriously traumatized, and there was a heartache. The people on the cloud were confident and cleaned up. He never has to spend too much effort, too much time.

On the other hand, the snow and tears are cold, even if it is a full-fledged shot, but at the last minute, can you put down your heart and defend your own sister, but it is only between the two, this is not a lover's big tie? ? Your own advantage is still very obvious!

The people on the cloud are very confident, and they are calm and calm, and they are full of gas!

Snow seven is not a little bit stunned, shouting. The sword in his hand flashed a little cold, and then he even made a lightning bolt with the sword. Rush up!

This battle of dragons has finally broken out!

The people on the cloud don’t care about the situation of Xue Xianer’s side, just slamming the snow and hitting it, killing it!

The strength of Xueqi itself is more than the difference between the people on the cloud. At this moment, after the injury, the emotions are extremely excited and the mind is unstable. Only the heart of vengeance is not helpful, and it is forced by the people on the cloud to retreat, and there is almost no effort to fight back. There is a danger of falling!

Xue Xianer is dancing wildly, recruiting and killing, and the style is desperate!

In the mouth, it is like a fight: "Big brother! Kill me, kill me! Go save the seventh brother! Kill me soon!"

Snow tears at this time have been entangled almost to commit suicide!

A conscious. but. The body of the mind is completely unaffected by her own sister, a younger brother who is at risk and can die at any time.

If you want to save your younger brother, you must kill your sister as soon as possible. If you can't kill your sister as soon as possible, you will only see your brother fall.

If Xue Xianer is still a sacred sacred former, the snow and tears are cold at this moment or can still kill, but the person in front of him is the sister who restored his nature but was manipulated by the traitor. This killer can get it.

I have misunderstood my sister for millions of years. How can I kill her?

This kind of chaos is cruel and cruel. Let the generation of the East Emperor almost collapse, and the heart is chaotic. At the same time, he was completely unable to fight against the enemy. In the face of Xue Xianer’s desperate offensive, he was forced to fall behind.

"噗", the snow screamed, and then slammed back and forth, the clouds sneered, and refused to relax, speeding up the pursuit, the two palms repeatedly hit the palm of the snow seven.

In addition to the screams of the snow, the long sword also draws a long blood in the cloud, and the blood in his mouth is a fountain.

The snow and tears are eager to burn, and the hand of the Middle East is out of the sword. The lightning-like flying thorns on the clouds, the Jianguang is turned into an endless wind and thunder in the air, the wind and snow, wrapped in the sword light, together with the bang!

The people on the cloud saw the killing of the head, did not dare to scorn, the body was a strange retreat, kicked in the hilt, the East Emperor Jianzhu slid in a direction, and actually flew back. However, he has no time to chase after the snow seven!


At this time, a black light flew far away, and the meteor generally joined the battlefield. A cold voice said: "The cloud man, the mountain river sword is shy and self-destructive because of you; the demon king hook is still alive!"

The black light flashed, and the demon king hooked up the sky nebula to cover the clouds.

Almost at the same time, there is a blue sword volley: "On the clouds, don't go!"

It was a strange young man and a demon heart who arrived at the same time.

When these two great emperors came at the same time, the battle suddenly turned sharply.

The people on the cloud shouted, but they didn’t take over the battle. They volleyed one after the other, and then they stepped on the air in two feet. They straight up and smirked: "I am a person on the cloud, and I am able to What am I?"

At this time, Xue Xianer issued a sharp and urging urge: "Not killing me!"

However, for a moment, the purple promise and other people in the back have also come one after another, and seeing this scene in front of them, they are all shocked and inexplicable.

The inexplicable look in the eyes of the cloud flashed, saying: "Go!"

Xue Xianer desperately attacked more than a dozen grandeurs, and then he pulled back and retired. The people on the cloud saw a sigh of relief, and the body flashed countless afterimages, aiming to meet Xue Xianer, as long as the two sides touched it, they could Going away in an instant, returning to a long-term situation of being chased!

Even after the opponent is the Eastern Queen, they are incompetent within a certain period of time.

However, at this moment, Xue Xianer’s mouth suddenly uttered a screaming scream: “Big Brother...”

The meaning of urging is obviously extreme, and almost the liver and intestines are also anxious.

Her straight legs were exposed to the air.

The meteor is usually flying.

The snow and tears of the cold made a whisper of almost exhaustive, catching up with lightning, and the two palms condensed the whole body, and violently said: "Don't go!"

Instead of letting his sister continue to be controlled by the traitor, it would be better to leave her now, even if the most extreme way is used - and this is the sister's last expectation.

Snow tears chilled in the heart, tears in the eyes, shot, all shot!

At the moment of the shot, I clearly felt my heart, and I was violently embarrassed.


Donghuang is full of blows!

The ultimate blow was gone, and the space all the way was broken. trembling!

A series of black holes in the space, appearing in the air, the white snow. Can't cover it up.

Xue Xianer is floating in the air and taking off the beautiful figure of the electric shot suddenly, and his face reveals a fascinating smile, but it is also a beautiful smile.

It turned out that the smile of the first beauty of the past scorpion was actually such a fascination!

The people on the cloud shouted: "Counter!"

Xue Xianer’s body screamed, and the light burst in his hand, and he slammed the snow and tears.

After the demon and others, they looked at the scene in front of them.

This is how the same thing?

Just now Xue Xianer clearly said that he gave up his resistance.

It seems as if I am willing to bear the full blow of the East Emperor. That is enough to destroy the blow of the fairy body of Xue Xianer. Why does she not resist? How can this be? !

After the scream of the Holy King, it was only as if the dream was awake and began to fight back!

Why are these successive changes? What does it mean?

Isn’t Snow Fairy knowing the counterattack? Do you have to remind the Holy King to know? Is this too bad?

Say. Her rushed counterattack, how can I get the full blow from the East Emperor?

Before, she had had time to prepare, but it seemed to be willing to bear. In a flash. But why is it rushing to fight back?

In the hearts of the people, there have been countless questions in the blink of an eye. I can’t figure it out, I don’t understand...

Just as everyone was full of suspicions, the air had already rang loudly!

When it was said that it was too late, Xue Xianer’s counterattack was countered with the Emperor’s ultimate blow!

One is full of force, one is rushing to meet, and the two people's cultivation is still quite different. The consequences can be imagined.

A terrible. The whole body of Xue Xianer flies high and flies away in the air like a drifting leaf.

helpless. And powerless.

In the place where her figure flies, the bright red sky in the mouth will brighten the falling snow.



Two loud gongs rang at the same time, and the clouds in the air rushed over to the other side with the snow and tears on the ground. Although Purple Promise and others do not know, they also follow instinctively, whether it is to encircle the cloud, or to help the East Emperor, everyone in action.


Xue Xianer’s petite body fell to the ground, and the snow on the ground was already thick. Her body slid through the snow and slipped forward.

Snow tears arrived at the first time, holding her body in her arms, tears falling down.

In the air, the people on the cloud did not dare to come down. The strong enemy on the ground stood alone. Once they went down, they were afraid that they would never be able to go. In the air, there is always the initiative.

But he did not leave, but looked at it anxiously. Watching the snow fairy in the snow and tears.

A little further away, the seriously injured snow seven coughed blood while struggling to rush and rushed over, and the strange green hurriedly supported him, could not help but be surprised.

Snow Seven is now hurt both inside and outside, and the weight of the injury is almost close to the point where the oil is running out, but still running so hard, why?

Xue Xianer opened his eyes with difficulty. The first thing he saw was the anxious and awkward eyes of his older brother. Among them, there was a long-lost, pity of the ones who belonged to the close relatives.

She was seriously injured and she smiled gratifiedly, pouting, like a little girl who spoiled her brother, tearful voice: "Brother... I hurt."

"Hey, my brother will help you... I won't hurt." Snow tears and tears splashed, reaching out to help her sister with her arms, gently letting her lean in her arms, lest she hurt her somewhere.

The long-term memory of the blockade of the heart suddenly restarted at this time. For a time, the snow and tears were cold and the liver was inseparable.

I remember many years ago, when I was still young, my sister was still young, only two or three years old, like a pink doll with powder makeup, running around in the yard.

Occasionally, a big horse fell and he helped.

At that time, my sister always held herself in tears, and spoiled and said: "Brother... I hurt so much..."

I always say, "Hey, my brother will help you, it will not hurt..."

Now, at this moment, it’s like a childhood reappear...

Snow tears and cold heart are also infinite desire: this is a child, my sister, just fell, oh, just fine, it will not hurt...

Xue Xianer satisfied with a smile, pure smile is really like a child, arched his head in the snow and tears. Exclaimed: "Good happiness..."

So happy.

Just got this simple word, but it completely tears the heart of the snow and tears.

How heavy it was to hit it yourself. I know it well.

How painful Xue Xianer should be now, and I can understand it myself.

But she, this stupid girl, in her arms like a little girl who is not awkward, smirked and said: "Good happiness..."

"Fairy!" Snow and tears hugged her tightly: "I'm sorry... you don't hurt? Pain out when you hurt..."

"I don't hurt, I really don't hurt at all..." Xue Xianer greedily breathed the breath of the snow and tears, begged: "I have not had such happiness for more than a million years... Big Brother. You Let me hold it for a while..."

The snow and tears trembled, and the voice choked: "Well, Big Brother lets you hold. When do you want to hold it, when will you hold it!"

Xue Xianer snorted and closed her eyes, but it whispered: "Clouds... I am dying... Let me go... let me go..."

In the air.

The clouds are staring at the snow fairy in the snow and tears. It is snow everywhere. The snow in the sky is still awkward; today's Xue Xianer, like the fairy in the snow when I first met, is quiet, quiet, simple, spotless...

He gritted his teeth and finally spit out a deep breath, his hands clasped. Quietly released.

A little glimpse of the aura, flashed a moment. Quietly returned to the body of Xue Xianer.

The people on the cloud sighed and sighed deeply, exhaling deeply.

Fairy, I really like you.

But people like me shouldn't have love or love.

If you are still healthy, I will keep you going like this...

But now that you are about to let go, I will certainly meet your last request.

Xue Xianer also vomited a deep breath, laughing like a little girl: "Big brother, I really didn't expect that I could still be in your arms, be held by you, and I will not be thin in the sky..."

Snow tears are like a knife.

What should I do?

For so many years, so many wrong things have been made by her own hands. All the bad names are her back;

However, today I know that my sister can’t be the master!

All things are controlled by one hand.

But who cares about this throughout the Nine Heavens?

They only know that Xue Xianer has made it all.

Also, Xuejia! Your own Snow family! Hey, mother, grandfather, grandma, uncle...etc. How many relatives, how do you explain?

"I want to marry my mother..." Xue Xianer's eyes looked at the snow and tears with anxiety: "Big brother... You said I can find them? You said, will you forgive me?"

Snow tears cold mouth open mouth, look up to the sky, greet the dense snow of the sky, feel the dripping chill on the face, gently nod, the snow melted into water on his face, and fell with tears.

"I was originally, I didn't have a face to see my mother... I originally wanted you to crush me, the soul flies, and disappears forever between the heavens and the earth..." Xue Xianer suddenly smiled: "But now I change my mind." I am going to see my mother, I am going to repent of my mother, I am kneeling in front of them, living in the world, and apologizing to them..."

Speaking of this, she raised her face proudly, with a look of waiting for the praised Jiao Yan, proudly said: "Because, I am the daughter of the Xue family, the snow family, made a mistake, we must recognize! Take it!"

"Never escape!" Xue Xianer smashed his head and said: "Big brother, this is what you taught me."

Snow tears a heart broken into pieces, sobbing and said: "Yes, the people of the snow family, made a mistake, we must admit, we must bear! Never escape!"

"Big Brother, Fairy..." Snow Seven finally came, squatting, coming to the front of the snow and tears, and fell down, but hurriedly asked: "How is Fairy?"

"Seven brothers..." Xue Xianer’s mouth was flat, like a little girl who had been wronged and suddenly saw her loved ones, and she was about to cry.

The Seven Brothers still care about me.

Millions of years of negative experience have been erased. Now, although Xue Xianer knows the mistakes she has made, countless big mistakes have already been made, but now the mood is like more than one million years ago, the ten The seven or eight-year-old girl is no different.

"Fairy, the seventh brother is here, right here." Snow seven came up, both hands rubbed on his clothes, wiping off blood. Carefully grasped the hand of Xue Xianer.

His internal organs are like the pain of turning over the river, but his face is not careless. Consolation said: "The Seven Brothers are here... Fairy, today our family is reunited, no longer separated..."

"A family reunion, no longer separated..." muttered and said this sentence, Xue Xianer suddenly burst into tears, trembling, only crying out of breath: "Where is there any face?" A reunion... If it really can be a family reunion. Even if I am going to smash the bones and smash the bones for ten million times, I am happy... I only want to see a girl when I am reunited, I want to apologize to them. ”

Snow seven and snow tears trembled and burst into tears.

"This is not your fault, little girl." Snow tears said hard, he can only comfort his dying sister.

Yes. If it is its origin. Or if it wasn't the fault of Xue Xianer, he was controlled from the beginning, from the girlish age of the cardamom, and was controlled from the best age.

Everything has nothing to do with her nature! Everything has nothing to do with her heart and purpose!

However, all the things are indeed made in her hands...

Things have already been finalized. Even if it is not from the heart, nature, and intentions!

"It's our fault." Snow seven infinite self-blame: "Why didn't we see it... Why didn't we kill the beasts of the clouds in the past, why... We would be so negligent? Let us love Sister. Suffering from such suffering, even misunderstanding for more than a million years..."

Xue Xianer’s eyes were full of light, and it seemed to emit a radiant glow. She said softly: "Big brother, brother, let me go, then take a few steps back... I want to say a few words to him. ""

Who is "he", snow and tears and snow seven are naturally well known.

The expressions on both sides of the face are somewhat contradictory.

However, the two struggled for a moment, or they chose to follow the sister's meaning in unison. This may be the last wish of the younger sister.

The two released the snow fairy, the snow and tears helped the snow seven, slowly receding. Although the figure is constantly retreating, the eyes of the two have been locked in the sister, and there is no moment left.

Xue Xianer’s body lies flat on the snow, and the snow is flying in the sky.

Her eyes are shining, and at this moment she is full of dreamy colors, muttering: "Clouds..."

In the air, the body of the saint trembled abruptly, looking down.

In the snow, Xue Xianer lie quietly on the snow, like a fairy in the snow; at this moment, the people on the cloud suddenly feel that their hearts are very soft.

It seems that I saw the little Snow Princess who was ashamed of herself.

It’s just that smile, it’s already making you dream, it’s hard to forget...

Xue Xianer’s eyes looked at the almost blurred silhouette in the air, and the corners of his mouth slowly revealed a bitter smile. At this moment, her eyes were gradually dissipating, and she could not see the matter.

But the people on the cloud have never come down.

Just standing on top, did not leave the distance.

Being able to be far away is already the limit that people in the cloud can do. The place where Xue Xianer is located is almost a dead place for the people on the cloud. I am really alive, I am afraid that I will live. Dangerous.

"Clouds..." Xue Xianer is calling softly. The beautiful voice contains infinite memories and memories, and whispers: "I just want to say a word... I regret to marry you, did So many wrong things... but you know... until now, I have never regretted loving you..."

"I know now, I love the wrong person... I hate you, hate you for nothing... but still don't regret having loved you... woman's heart, woman's feelings... really weird..."

In midair, the body of the cloud suddenly trembled fiercely.

His whole person trembled, like a sly, and suddenly it was a tears of madness. He leaned his face to the sky, silently groaning, and suddenly a scream of screaming, whirlwind, crazy long Whispering, madly rushing toward the distance of the heavens and the earth.

The speed at which he rushes at this moment is far beyond what can be understood by someone at the place.

He greeted the wind, facing the heavy snow, and the whistling sound passed like a nine-day mad dragon. His people disappeared completely in an instant.

The first person of the Scorpio, at this moment. Inspired all his life potential, rushing at the speed!

The speed of this moment, it is said that snow and tears can not catch up. I am afraid that even if Chu Yang is fully urging the death of the whole world, why not... still have to be followed.

Only his voice came from the distant snow, mixed with the pain of tearing heart.

"Fairy, my life, I can't help you!"

At this moment, no one is catching up.

But everyone knows one thing, then the people on the cloud have actually burned their own life potential, and it is already at the end of the tough. When I catch up with the people on the cloud again. It is definitely his death.

Xue Xianer lay quietly, slightly sideways, obsessively looking at the direction of the clouds. In the alum, with a smile, two drops of tears, falling from the sky. Falling on her transparent face of white jade.

That is the tears of people on the cloud!

Her cherished hand stroking. Mutter: "I hate you... I love you!"

Snow tears and snow seven slowly approached, worriedly watching Xue Xianer.

"Big brother... Don't say that the value is not worth it, right?" Xue Xianer smiled quietly: "I know it's not worth it, and I know it's wrong. In fact, I hate him very crazy, but I really Love him very much. Love from the bottom of my heart..."

"Women are so strange..." This is the second time that Xue Xianer issued such a sigh, saying: "Hate. There can be reason, there is no reason to hate; but love... there is really no reason... Big Brother... forgive your disappointing sister..."

"I understand... I know... I forgive you..." The snow shed a long sigh.

Xue Xianer is on the cloud, and he is not as good as himself and the stranger...

Knowing that the Iraqis have been married, or not changing their original intentions.

This is itself an irrational act.

Love, if it can be controlled by reason, then it is not the so-called love.

However, after all, I am not as hard as my sister's life... I have been controlled by my loved one for a lifetime, and I am still infatuated by death - what a heartbreaking thing!

I have given you all the love, no regrets, but you use my love for you to achieve all your despicable purposes...

Xue Xianer’s bright eyes looked at the snow and tears, saying: “Big brother, smash my shrine, kill my dantian, keep me a little spirit... I’m going to see my mother...”

Snow and tears smashed into a huge earthquake, and screamed at the same time as Snow Seven: "No!"

Snow tears trembling: "You are my sister! Who dares to hurt you, this is the world, who dares to hurt you! I do not allow you to die! Absolutely not allowed!"

He spoke eloquently and categorically, even if he was an enemy of the world, he did not hesitate to resign.

Xue Xianer looked at her brother with an unusual satisfaction, happy smile, enjoying the long-lost warmth, and gently said: "Big brother, don't deceive yourself, do you think I can still live?"

Snow tears and snow stayed in the woods for seven days. For the sake of the younger sister, even if they dared to be enemies with the people of the world, they did not have the means to return to life and restore their sister's vitality.

"Even if I can continue to live, then what can you do? Live forever in pain regret it?!"

"I know that as long as I can live, my two brothers will surely save me, even if they will be enemies with the world! You will do it too!" Xue Xianer's eyes are getting brighter and brighter, that is a kind of pride. and pride: "I believe my brother can do it."

"But I'm alive, really boring, gone past, the gathering mood."

"Love is gone, hate is long-lasting. I don't want this kind of life!"

"So many mistakes, there must always be someone to take responsibility." Xue Xianer looked at her big brother: "I am a snow family... the snow family never evade responsibility."

The body of the snow and tears trembled fiercely.

"And, Big Brother... You know, with my cultivation, even now that I have reached such a point, if I want to destroy the shrine myself and smash Dan Tian, ​​I can do it if I work hard."

"I just want to steal a lazy... I want my big brother, give me a hand." Snow fairy smiled softly: "That's it."

"Because you are my big brother. You sent me to see my mother, and sent me to marry, it is the same..." Xue Xianer urged: "Big brother..."

Snow and tears stand in the cold, like mud-carved wood, no expression, no words.

"I love beauty, to die or to love... If I do it myself, I must blow my own body, so it is not good to see, it is too ugly." Xue Xianer pleaded: "Big brother, you are perfect." This is the little girl, this life, the last one, asking you to do something for me."

Snow and tears sighed in the sky.

"Xuejiazu training..." Xue Xianer screamed; "Sheng Xue family, dead and Xue family..."

Snow tears burst into tears.

"Big Brother, Seven Brothers, don't be sad for me. I am going to see my mother. I am going to reunite with them. Do you have anything to bring to them?" Xue Xianer asked softly.

"Tell aunt, we want them to forgive you... Fairy is always their most beloved daughter and our most beloved sister... We are hurting her."

"Telling my mother, this is our fault; we are not able to protect our sister..."

Snow tears and snow seven weeping.

Xue Xianer lay quietly, smiling happily: "I have tried my best to protect my brother until I die. I am very happy and very happy..."


In the snow, the snow and tears rushed to the wind. The tears fell and fell on the face, melting and melting again.

Behind him is a coffin made of black ice.

Xue Xianer lay quietly inside, his face still self-confident, and there was a sweet smile on his face.

However, the whole person has no chance.

"Big Brother, if you have the opportunity, ask me about the people on the cloud, he was the year... really loved me?"

This is the last sentence of my sister.

"I am carrying you, ask him!" Snow tears in the heart of the blood: "He will, I will carry you back to our graves of Xuejiazu. I will be buried with you and let you reunite."

"Fairy, you are forever, my good sister."

"If there is an afterlife, you must be my sister again. At that time, I will definitely protect you."

"I will kill the people on the cloud, and I will not object to you."

"This is a mysterious ice jade, it can protect your most cherished face; never rot. My sister loves beauty, of course, I don't want to make myself a bunch of white bones..."

"Fairy... I will avenge you."

The cold wind is like a knife, but the snow and tears are cold in the heart, a burst of heat, a burst of sorrow, a sorrow...

Snow seven was sullen, and followed closely after the snow and tears. He did not say a word along the way. When he was on the road, his eyes stared at the mysterious ice jade for a long time.

He has been looking forward for a long time, the next time the sister can come out from the inside, once again sweetly smiled and called himself: "Seven brothers..."

Also, today she just recognized herself, and she screamed with a deep surprise and a lot of surprises: "Seven brother, you are the seventh brother!"

"You are my seventh brother! You are!"


<A chapter of the liver and intestines, can not be decomposed. Only three more in one. > (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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