MTL - Transcending the Nine Heavens-v8 Chapter 912 Time to create a hero!

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Everyone fixed their eyes and looked at them carefully. It turned out that their eyes were out of order, but there were other changes!

The change is actually very simple. There are more than a dozen figures between myself and those magic soldiers. I just realized that these people are moving too fast and have exceeded their visual sensing limits. Now they can Perceived, but because the impact of their influence is too big, each of them swayed the chilling sword air knife, forming a field of death, the vacuum of life.

And they are also rushing forward...

Although the number of people who rushed up to the devil is still numerous, it has not kept up with the speed of killing these people!

Each of these people is responsible for the distance of about a hundred feet wide in front of them. Although they have only a dozen people in total, they have completely cut off the battlefield!

Everyone is the mainstay of this battle.

Everyone is rushing forward in a crazy way, rushing forward and killing!

If it is only this, it will be a blessing. The trend that really makes the purple scorpion resounding, there are many people who waved like the eccentric things of the sable, like a princess, desperately squatting down. Going down... a glimpse of a large piece of the devil became a meatloaf.

What does this mean?

There are so many special weapons like the sables of the sables, there are actually five or six or eighty eight? How can it be so much?

Yes, it is so much!

"It's too fierce... It's too fierce..." Which white-haired old man of the Ziyan remnant pouted and looked at the battlefield farther and farther. Even the wounds on the body have forgotten the treatment: "This is really fierce... those are seals! The seal that represents the authority of the Emperor! How can there be so many seals, and at the same time appear in the purple sky... Is it the Scorpio? The nine emperors have all come after one? This is not the case. How can this seal be printed?!"

Next to one person sucking cold air, half shocked, half hurts: "I am afraid this is the case... You look closely over there, the seals on the other side seem to be 'only my emperor'; and On the other side, the woman’s no need to ask is definitely the demon’s squatting... and here’s here...”

"Since the nine emperors came at the same time, we are purple, and we are saved. Purple is really expected to be heavy..."

"The Emperor's Emperor's offensive is fierce. But it is difficult to attack in a series. The one that really forms the strongest lethality is the one who is the scorpion. You see the most murder in the middle is him... This is really... incredible... ...he is the son-in-law of our purple sky..."

The white-haired old man has tears in his eyes: "The son-in-law of our goddess Ziyan... We are the daughter-in-law of the Purple Emperor, who saved us..."

The remnants of the sables burst into tears and were moved to nothing.

The East Queen’s demon in battle is so clear and clear, even in such a fierce and brutal battle, it is also an unobstructed view. It was a moment of silence.

This is too much, we are all desperate here, but you are only thankful to the daughter-in-law of Zi Yantian... The feelings are all busy.

Since the arrival of Chu Yang and others, the already purple and evil emotions that have been exhausted are particularly difficult to adjust, and the body has already fired and rushed into the air. I hugged Mo Dance.

"How are you? Light dance?" Purple evil gasping, asked with concern.

Only she knows that this battle can be held until the arrival of Chu Yang and others.

It’s just a light dance, at the most critical moment. In one fell swoop, the magical demon was defeated, and the most crucial opportunity for the two defense mountain defense lines was won!

In this battle. Mo light dance desperately to come back, get involved in the battlefield, the total battle, there are only a few tricks!

But she did her best to overdraw the nine-day dance she was desperately trying to do, but it completely rewrote the battle!

But because of the nine-day dance, the purple evil is more anxious,

Among the people in the audience, the most understanding of the nine-day dance, the most understanding of the situation of Mo light dance at this moment is nothing more than purple evil.

The purple evil spirits are really a little scared. When the mother was degraded because of the limit of launching the nine-day dance, the practice of Mo-light dance at this moment must be far better than the mother’s, but the ultimate consumption of the nine-day dance is in the end, no one knows, even if As for the point of the commandment, excessive consumption of its own source is still a great hidden danger. In view of this, how is the purple evil feeling not urgent!

Mo lightly danced and trembled, said: "Sister is relieved, I am fine, but the effect is too strong, I need to take a break for a while..."

Mo light dances on the mouth is easy, but the actual is not even able to lift up, can see where the overdraft has gone.

Purple evil sentiment out of a super nine heavy Dan, stuffed into the lips of Mo light dance.

For Jiuyang, the effect of Super Jiuzhong Dan is relatively inferior. It takes fifteen to regain all strength. Although Mo Qingwu is quite similar to the realm of Chuyang, it is at least slightly worse, but it is not as good as Chuyang has nine Dantians. Super Jiuzhong Dan can't reply too much, but it can also recover 20% of the strength, and the level of strength reaches the point above the peak of the saint. As long as there is a resurgence of embers, the speed of pure vitality is extremely rapid, Mo light dance clothes After the next super nine-denotan, but for a moment, it recovered 30% of its own strength.

When Chu Yang came forward, he actually saw that Mo Guangwu was strong and weak, but at that time, he did not allow Chu Yang to stop and care about Mo-light dance. He could only choose to replace the purple evil spirits to take care of them. Mo light dance, even though this practice has been a great selfishness...

However, if Chu Yang really stopped to take care of Mo Qingwu, his influence as the identity of Qiong Yu’s throne was unpredictable. So when he came, he sent a purple affair and pointed out this.

Purple evil is waiting to explain the difficulties of Chu Yang with Mo Qingwu. Mo light dance but sincerely said: "I understand, this does not need to say more, Chu Yang has his responsibility, if we can not understand him a little, how to get it ..."

The purple evil spirit nodded silently, and some self-deprecating smiles said: "No wonder Chu Yang has never wanted to be a hero... When a hero, it is indeed a lot of concern, rather than being a true gentleman, it is better to be a real villain, put everything On the bright side, as long as you have a clear conscience, it is a pity that even though Chu Yang still has such a mentality, it is still pushed to the throne of the hero! It is really helpless. The situation creates a hero, the ancient language does not deceive me!"

Mo light dance gentle smile: "Zi sister, don't you hope that your own Lang Jun is a big hero? I am so delicate, isn't it good now, just wait for a moment to adjust the interest rate, then you can Shooting the enemy!"

The two women looked at each other and laughed.

This book is the common expectation of all women in the world. The purple evil spirits and the mo light dances are extraordinary, but they are incompetent...

Although Lang Jun is perfect enough, he still can't help but hope that he can be more perfect... This is the most typical mentality of the world's women who are not tired of dressing up their own men...

(It turns out that I am going to buy clothes myself, turn in front of me and ask me: Is this good to see? That is not good? Now it is constantly buying clothes for me, one by one, let me change in front of her: Put on this and let me see it. I don’t want to wear it. Let me see it, I can’t see it... I’m helpless. Of course, I’m actually showing off... oh... Of course, who dares to say: That’s the explanation. You are not perfect in the eyes of the wind... I will kill him!)

Read The Duke's Passion