MTL - Transcending the Nine Heavens-v8 Chapter 920 Proud World Finale (1)

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In the latest of the Devil camp, the first wave of action is another kind of demon group - the devil!

The different demons of the demon can fly in the sky, which is specially used for ground operations, but it is also different from the vast number of ordinary devils. The ordinary demon is just a group of cannon fodders that win in numbers. The devil is the trump card army of ground operations.

The devils are huge and powerful, and any one of the demons has at least a heavenly strength. However, if they compete with the Scorpio ordinary masters, they must win the devil, and the devil is not only powerful but also powerful. There is another advantage, that is, the strength of the body is abnormal, the sword of the ordinary sword is strong, it is difficult to hurt, and you want to break its defense, at least to compare the battlefield magic, to force a small level or more.

The Emperor of the Devil is now fighting for the enemy, but he has made great efforts and great capital, and he intends to accomplish his work.

A piece of black pressure, strange shape, in order to be safe, in addition to sending out the demon army, and this time there are countless monsters accompanying, also appeared in the demon camp.

Because of this battle, the Eight Diagrams of the Big Eight Snakes, in his battle, under his strong pressure, many monsters on the local side of the demon, even though they are reluctant, they have no choice but to join the battle of the demon side. This time, in cooperation with the demon army, the power will increase.

Speaking of the monsters of the Tianmo native, it is really worthy of a "weird" word. It is really strange, strange, strange, and strange, but it is because the local gods, the living environment is bad, it is difficult to get good mountains and water, in this atmosphere, I want to survive. It is a strange thing to be able to adapt to the environment by yourself.

. However, the survival of the fittest and the survival of the fittest, the ability to occupy a living place in the home of the demon, such as the poor living environment, an essential feature is tough, the power of the myriad monsters, and the devil One trump card on one side, this battle must not be underestimated!

Seeing that the demon has an action. There is also a horn on the side of the Nine Heavens.

A shout, suddenly the sky between the heavens and the earth!

"No harm under the knife! There is no death!"

Dong Wushou personally led the Zhongjitian army to welcome him. The innocent emperor personally went out and seduce the pro, this has great encouragement for the morale of the Zhongjitian warrior!

Everyone is full of blood and morale.

Dong did not hurt and ink tears a heavenly emperor. One day later, it was the best empress and husband and wife couples who had been mingling with Zihao couples in the past. The two were far ahead, and they were the first to be seen. Yaoyao was in the distance!

Dong has no ink knife in his hand, and he has a lot of arrogance. Suddenly burst out.

Everyone has a feeling that there is a rush in front of him, maybe even he can’t even notice the thousands of horses behind him! It’s just that he is a man who is destined to be insurmountable!

Blocked, attracted, everything in sight. All attention!

Behind him, Li Xiongtu looks complicated. Finally, I sighed.

He can feel it, and now Dong is harmless, and it has gone far beyond what he can understand!

For Li Xiongtu, Dong Wu's injury has always been his goal of chasing, and he is also the driving force for his brave improvement!

Before this, although Dong is not strong, it is far stronger than Li Xiong. There is almost no comparability between the two. However, Li Xiong has already felt that one thing is that Dong Wu is not a bottleneck. This bottleneck is not It is the bottleneck of Dong Wu's own injury, but it belongs to the limitation of the whole world of the nine heavens. Under this restriction, no one can go any further. For example, people on the cloud have been on the peak for a long time, but they have been unable to break through the restrictions. further.

Therefore, Li Xiong has not been desperate, and feels that he and Dong are not hurt, or really not very far. But as long as you work hard enough, one day, you can go hand in hand with Dong, and even win.

All along, catching up with the Dong has no injury, defeating Dong without injury, knife and defeating Dong is not hurt, is Li Xiongtu's greatest wish! It is also his lifelong pursuit.

But now, at this moment, here and now, he has such a feeling: no matter how hard you try, it is a luxury to want to catch up with Dong!

The distance between each other is completely out of reach, or the difference in the level of the plane. The two are essentially different!

This kind of specific feeling of change in quantity and quality makes him unintentional.

From now on today and now, it is actually a real death. Li Xiong plans to catch up with Dong’s heart.

"Maybe one day, I can climb the peak, and even the peak can still catch up... But when I catch up, he is no longer in this world... Going to the wider world, I am finally Inability to catch up to his side, the knife is the peak, only Dong is not hurt!"

"In this nine-fold heaven and earth, it is definitely impossible to catch up with him..." Li Xiongtu strode forward and started to charge toward the demon. In his heart, he was ups and downs, but there was a clear idea. Rise up: "It turns out that under this starry sky, there are really more advanced levels..."

At this time, there was one on the opposite side, and the fierce voice sounded: "I am the Lord of the Devil! Tanaka hook! Who is coming, report it!"

Dong did not hurt and shouted, shouting: "Your ancestor, I am Dong no harm! Come here, let me see your dog's head! You are the dog in the field!"

Tanaka hooked furious: "Hey! I am Tanaka hook, not a dog!"

"Whatever he said, even the sentence will not say, saying that you are a dog to bury the dog!" Dong said without a slap in the face, suddenly a knife fell, the original sharp knife has been hidden, suddenly between the occasional Surging out, this knife has a length of up to a hundred feet, and it overflows with golden color.

This sudden knife, as if to be the blue sky, also split into two halves.

The Tanaka hook hook was so shocked that he was so stunned that he had made a scream and shouted. In the hands of a hook illusion of countless huangguang desperately welcoming, hoping to escape the dead; but the reality is really cruel. After the "when" sound, the hook was in contact with the knife, and the sound was broken into two pieces. Immediately after the knife is broken, the rest is not lost. The path has fallen directly from the forehead, from head to neck to chest to abdomen to the end. The whole body is directly split into two longitudinal halves. Very quite symmetrical!

The body is instantly annihilated, and the soul of a hook is isolated from the body and wants to escape. Then renewed the machine, but that road was immediately swayed by the golden knives on Dong's wounded knife. It was actually absorbed by the body of the hook and turned into a cloud of smoke!

A demon king, the master of the devil, is under the knife of Dong. Even if one of the tricks is not finished, it will be completely destroyed.

Dong did not hurt a long knife and shouted: "The Lord of the Earth and the Devil? But this is really a waste that is not as good as a dog! Kill!"

After all, I took the lead and rushed into the enemy. Kill the ring again and kill the devil.

Behind him, in the middle of the day, a million soldiers and horses, seeing the Emperor of the day, a move to destroy the devil, the rest of the soul. It is more devastating and rushing into the land of the demon group; the momentum is more exciting. In a wild gesture like crazy, rushed into the devil group!

The moment of the king of the demons is dying, and the demons are simply unable to believe the facts of the horror in front of them. They are falling into disappointment and are nowhere to be. It was a mess of chaos, but suddenly encountered such a powerful attack of horses and horses, even if their own strength is tyrannical, but they have no fighting hearts, only to save the whole body and retreat, fled and fled, the battle collapsed, really is the soldiers There is no room for recovery in the defeat of the mountain!

In all fairness, Zhongjitian’s army to go to war is certainly the most elite army in the middle of the sky, but the real strength may not be on the top of the demon army. If the two sides are on the right side, it must be the middle pole. The wind is falling.

However, the situation at this time was special. The Lord of the Devils was defeated in the hands of the Emperor in the midst of the Great Heaven. This result was too unexpected and shocking.

The Lord will die so suddenly, and the devils will not be timid, and their great masters will not be the enemies of others. On their own weight, it is estimated that people can blow their own breath, this life, can not escape? !

Dong did not hurt the ink tears couples and two people to take advantage of the enemy, all the enemy masters exposed in the eyes of the two, all destroyed and the general loss was completely destroyed!

First, the generals of the demon, the generals of the marshals were slain one by one, and then they became the heads of the tens of thousands of troops. Occasionally they slaughtered them immediately. It is the ordinary master hidden in the team!

Under the current strength of Dong Wu's injury, under the sensory sense of the mind, no matter how hidden these gods are, there is no point in meaning. At a glance, all are clear and clear!

Even if you don't have to blow, one eye will pass, you will be able to kill a demon!

Such a battle is really easy and unprofitable.

Of course, in the minds of the ordinary soldiers of the Nine Heavens, in addition to feeling invincible and invincible, the other ‘easy’ feelings are not much appreciated.

Even though the demon squad has already been Bingkui, this is still a battle of destiny!

Both sides have casualties. Under one contact, there have been countless broken limbs and thrown on the ground.

In the middle of the sky, the soldiers still feel the hardships of the demon gods, the strength of their flesh, and the sharp and tenacious dying of the dying.

Even though the demon wars collapsed, the war is even more lacking, but the self-rescue instinct of people at the moment of life and death can still make the devils react quite counter-attacks, especially when the mid-day soldiers are killed, the end of their lives. The most deadly counterattack of the demons has followed, and almost every killing of a landlord will be accompanied by a middle pole soldier or wounded or killed or killed...

But even so, when you defeat the enemy, the pleasure of self-confidence and satisfaction in your heart is even more than two.

Except for Dong Wushou and others, no one knows that if Dong Wushou and others did not kill the demons of the demon, or even the generals of the demon in the army, the current casualties, Will be promoted to a shocking number!

At the moment, the current truth of the battle is almost equal to Dong’s injury. He has already smashed more than 90% of his own pressure!

Since ancient times, such a battle. It’s never been there before.

This is exactly the corresponding method that Chu Yang and others have discussed!

After this war, all the combatants. Anyone who goes alive will become a hero of the Nine Heavens!

And such a heroic concept and appeal will be lastingly preserved in the Nine Heavens.

At the very least, it can last for a long period of time.

These people will become the spiritual pillar of the Nine Heavens.

This will be Chu Yang, they are the last force for the world.

Although this will certainly be accompanied by sacrifices, many sacrifices. However, compared to the original sacrifice of the entire battle, it has already been reduced too many million times!

The situation of the war is obvious. Before and after the scene of a meal, the demons army has already been unable to support it. Even the escape spirit has begun to appear. The Anbei ruler can not help but frown. Since then, he refused to let the situation continue to deteriorate. There was an imperial order to pass down. The other side of the savage army fought from the side and rushed to the battlefield.

The Inflammatory Army is another powerful race in the extraterrestrial demons, and their movements are obvious. The help of the devils, the intention to save the situation of the devil's all-out defeat, to bring order out of chaos, and even counterattack in the extreme heaven and army, turn defeat into victory.

However, their movements can not escape the calculations of the Mo Tianji but at this moment. The flag of the Chinese army at the location of Mo Tianji was shaken, and Gu alone screamed. The tides of the Great Western Heavens generally rushed out and intercepted the army of the evil spirits.

Gu alone, single and single sword, the sword is one, the black dragon sword is like a black dragon, and the most embarrassing sword light flashes in the air!

And this incredibly sturdy sword light, the general light of the evil army!


This battle has been going on for a whole day and a night, all day and night.

The people of the worlds of the Nine Heavens and Scorpio are in the turn of the horses. On the opposite side, the eight tribes and the World of Warcraft troops in the field are also taking turns, and the killings are so terrible that the blood flows into the river!

It was not until the early morning of the second day that the two sides had their own troops.

However, the momentum is greatly different.

On the side of the Nine Heavens, it is said that it is proud to be proud of the victory, and the Tianmo is full of silence. Even the devil's Emperor Anbei ruled the adults, but also shocked to say nothing.

"It seems that the other side is actually prepared for the battle. Moreover, the strength is far more than ours." The Eight Great Snakes are somewhat interested in this situation, saying: "Safety, if not, we will only withdraw temporarily." Although the environment is bad, but the victory is stable, I believe that the space can be maintained for a while, Zi Yantian is still in our hands, it is still possible to be safe. If you continue to fight like this, I am afraid that your demon family, It is necessary to completely annihilate the world..."

Anbei ruler nodded silently. The uncomfortable feeling in this moment is truly unparalleled.

The status quo is of course the same, but being poked in person is another thing, it is too sad to be too depressed and too tired!

When I first arrived, I was full of confidence and confidence. I felt that everything was in my hands. I won the prize. I know that I got here, but I ran into a horrible fact that I could not believe in dreaming!

The people on the cloud are dead.

However, the strength of the current peak of the nine-day Scorpio has actually surpassed the people on the cloud!

Even more than just one!

Is this not a player?

In particular, this battle station is still the whole of its own race, and it is all out of the nest!

In the face of such combat power, such a victory, even more sincere, makes him more difficult to accept.

However, if you don't accept it, you have to accept it. The cruel facts are in front of you.

Hard to support? Then it’s really only the whole army is gone!

Although there is no real opponent in front of the opponent, but the Anbei ruler has been able to see that the other young players who played the other side, any one, is stronger than their own, or a lot stronger!

Even if it is a big surprise, the shots, at most, can only be topped!

If you want to be an enemy, then you are almost looking for death... Even the hope of escape is very embarrassing.

In the face of such a powerful enemy, Anbei ruler is full of frustration, no more fighting spirit.

I thought this time must win, only to take down the enemy, take over the entire day, sit in the world.

But never imagined... I still underestimated my opponent.

"It is also said that ... the entire population of Jiuzhong Tianzhu has a population of no less than 100 billion, and it can be compared with the number of billions of people in the Tianmo area.... It’s nothing more than a glimpse of the mass extinction! "Anbei ruler made a look depressed, and was about to order a return."

Suddenly, however, at this time, the sky suddenly slammed a little!

It seems that something huge has happened.

The entire sky, at this moment, began to appear violently shaking, and a group of purple suddenly emerged, rising into the sky, filled the entire sky.

It seems that there is a huge impact!

This sudden change, even Chu Yang and others are inexplicable.

Because, the entire Nine Heavens, regardless of the geographical boundaries, all areas of the Alpine Plains Lake Wave Canyon, all at the same time earthquake! Especially on the side of Zi Yantian, it is the most shocking. In the tens of thousands of miles of the region, almost all the mountains have undergone different degrees of cracking!

These stone-shattering, the violent changes in the heavens and the earth have made everyone shocked and incomprehensible. I don’t understand at all. What happened in the end? How can there be such a big move!


In the camp of the demon side!

Anbei ruler and the eight odd snakes tremble at the same time, spurting out a blood!

A demon and a snake are opposite each other, and they all see the endless panic in the other's eyes.

And with an unspeakable desperation!

Because there is only one situation that allows the two of them to vomit blood at the same time when they are not hurt: that is, they have problems with the origin of the gods who live on the planet.

However, there is only one situation that can make their souls and souls completely collapsed! - That is, the planet exploded!

The space has collapsed!

In other words, it is... the base camp of the demon outside the domain, now completely non-existent!

The fact that was originally expected, but it happened at the moment when it was decided to withdraw.

This change will undoubtedly make things even more real!

Also let a demon and a snake at the same time unlimited despair!

Going forward, you can’t get through.

According to the current situation, it is directly equal to finding death before rushing forward!

Since you can't move forward, you have to go backwards, but now it has become nowhere to go!

Because the back road is cut off!


Three years of pride in the world, millions of brothers fighting the wind;

Take off a sword and go to the dust, the rivers and lakes will pass the sword soul!


<Please ask my brothers and sisters to pay attention to my public, micro, and letter; open the mobile public platform and search for ‘Winling the World’ to find me. The new book and the rumored news will be there, and I will tell you the first time. >