MTL - Transcending the Nine Heavens-v8 Chapter 922 The end of the proud world (full book!)

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"Since the daughter's life has chosen him, he will accompany him to the ends of the earth... This life is the only one. Even if he suffers a lot of hardships, even if he will be ruthlessly abandoned in the future, he will never regret it!"

"Hey, mother, daughter gave you a hoe!"

The purple evil spirits looked at the tombstone in love and slammed the head.

"Stupid." Chu Yang gently touched the waist of the purple evil: "I hurt you too late, how can you give you a lot of hardships, and there will be nothing to abandon ... you say so, in the elderly Is there a spirit in the sky, sad? I am too embarrassed!"

The purple evil affaired him with a glance, but gently leaned his soft body against him, his eyes staring blankly at the tombstone in front of him.

In the silence, the windless cloudless sky, without any warning, fluttered and drizzled with drizzle, bit by bit on the Chuyang and purple evil spirits, face, skin.

It is already in the late autumn season.

However, this raindrop has no coldness at all, but it is like the drizzle of spring, the sound is silent, and it is full of joy and joy. On the face, I only feel the warmth and comfort of spring.

It seems to be the distant spirit, using his true feelings, blessings, and soothing his daughter-in-law.

"Thank you for your mother!" The purple evil spirits trembled, and the heavy hoes were sobbing.

"Thank you for your father-in-law, mother-in-law!" Chu Yangzhuang re-enactment: "Please rest assured!"

Not far away, the brothers were quietly watching all the movements here.

In the eyes, all are moved, only moved.

Chu Yangyu supported the purple evil. The two returned to one side.

Snow and tears fluttered in white, and came forward. Looking at the tombstone of Zihao, staring for a long time, for a long time, I couldn’t say a word. After a long, long time, I was as struggling as saying: "Brothers..."

I only said these two words together, and I already had tears in my eyes, and I couldn’t speak; I was shaking, and I closed my eyes tightly. His face is facing the sky and his lips are tightly closed.

Two lines of clear eyes, slowly flowing from his eyes.

He bit his teeth, squatting on the ridge, and trying to restrain himself, don't cry.

He knows that there is a mouth at the moment. It’s just crying, and it’s hard to suppress yourself.

But the brothers certainly don't want to see me crying!

But I can't help it...

It’s been a long time, and the snow and tears suddenly screamed in the sky and shouted loudly: “My brother...”

Finally I couldn’t help it, or I burst into tears.

Silent in the sky. The wind is humming.

Everyone felt a burst of anger at the same time.

The two brothers who were shocked by the world finally stood up again today.

Just, one has been sleeping in the ground, and one has been exhausted. Aspirations to kill, no longer in the past.

The snow and tears are sitting in front of the purple tomb. For a long time, I have never said anything, like a wood sculpture.

Some people suggested that they should drink a glass of wine with their former brothers.

Snow and tears did not pay attention.

Still just sitting quietly, accompanying his brother, brother and sister.

Why do we need to drink wine with our brothers? Do you care about each other's heart?

I only need to stay with him here.

Brother, these years... Are you lonely?


Demon quietly stood in the distance, accompanied by the snow and tears, accompanied by half a month.

She didn't go forward, didn't talk, didn't even urge, just stayed so quietly...

In the farther place, I looked at the figure of the demon and the emperor, standing for a long time. After half a month, I finally sighed and sighed, and turned away.

It turned out that from beginning to end, I... never had hope...

So, I wish you happiness.

Zihao, I miss you too much;

However, today is doomed to be less than me.

Wait until the snow is cold and they are gone, I will come to see you again.

Snow tears, I also envy you.

But I won't fight you again.


Nine heavens, the general trend has been set.

The demon outside the world is already really killing!

Including those who have already sneaked into the hinterland of the scorpion, under the cover of the vast minds that Mo Tianji, AOXunyun, Xie Danqiong and others are now unimaginable, and the hands of the celestial planes, the hands of the celestial planes have played a more pretentious prestige. Yes, there is no such a magical ember that can be lucky to get out, but before and after the number of daylight scenes, the demon of the devil, do not destroy the cockroaches, at this point, the Tianzhu region is a magical creature!

The entire Nine-Heaven Scorpio is draped in red, cheering and celebrating, both to celebrate the destruction of the demon, and to celebrate the wedding that was disturbed by Joan’s throne.

The demon was destroyed, and the soldiers and horses of the great worlds began to return.

The nine brothers of the past and their bosses have already disappeared.

They didn't even participate in the celebration feast, they disappeared without a trace.

After so many years of experience, I must talk to the boss.

We don't need any celebration feast; as long as our brothers can get together, then every day is a celebration feast for us.


"I have to go." After half a month, Jian Ling offered a greeting to Chu Yang.

"You have to go? This is the time to come back?" Chu Yang some disappointment: "I still want to... we can continue to be together, together in the world, the beginning of the heart..."

"I believe that there must be opportunities to work together again." Jian Ling is full of emotions and looks at Chu Yang: "My life, the real brother, only Chu Yang. I also want to be with the brothers, never separate, first heart No change. But when we are together, it is not good for each other's avenues... At that time, we must have a chance to meet again, and don't leave it for the next time to meet again."

"And I can still see you at any time. As long as you think, or I think." Sword spirit smiled.

"Alright." Chu Yang is also a person who can afford to let go, a free and easy smile: "In this case, when you come back, we have to be drunk!",

Sword spirit smiled: "Okay! Let's just say it! But this time not only I have to go. There is one, I have to take it away."

His gaze. Looking at the black mist around Chu Yang: "The soul of the catastrophe, you go with me. In which place, you can really find your way!"

The catastrophe is overwhelming: "Really?" Looking at Chu Yang, I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed: "This... I have some reluctance..."

Chu Yang smiled and said: "Is there anything you can't bear? Didn't we both say it? Just see each other and see you again. I hope that when you see you again, you have found your own way. Right, you have reshaped the body. After that, be sure to let me see. I still don't know what you look like!"

In the laughter, the spirit of the sword and the spirit of the catastrophe stepped out. Before going out, the sword spirit suddenly turned back and looked at Chu Yang: "Yes, I know your heart. There is always one thing that can't be put down, or, no, Even saying... a heart disease."

Chu Yang nodded: "I understand."

Sword Spirit Road: "That person asked me to bring you a sentence."

Chu Yangdao: "What?"

Sword Spirit Road: "The man told me to tell you. That is your son! It’s just your son, it’s really a bad thing!"

After that, Jian Ling laughed. Not waiting for Chu Yang to return, she has already taken the catastrophe and went out.

In the air, Jinfeng spread his wings, Fengming was nine heavy, and Qingyue was incomparable. In an instant, the sky is flashing, and a sword has disappeared.

Chu Yang smashed. It’s a dumbfounding: “The original person... there’s also a mistake. I thought it was this thing... I’ve said that I’ve never thought of this as a thing... that’s my son. This is questionable... Hey, I have been hanging in my heart, it is actually another thing..."

Unfortunately, this sword spirit has already left.

Chu Yang also only fell and sighed, wanting to ask no way.

It’s true that being a man can’t be too arrogant. I wanted to come together with one idea, to cherish each other and solve the problem directly. I didn’t expect it to be lost.

The unraveling of the unraveling, but already solved, but was thrown back...

What is this what he is called, it really seems to be trampled by countless grass mud horses!


The whole day of the smoky day is going up and down, and it is in the process of reconstruction.

Almost all the elves of the elves are here to help rebuild. Even the rarities of the Fountain of Life are almost as devoid of the cost. For more than a million years, the sable sky has been devastated, and the geology has been seriously damaged. The gods of the Fountain of Life are hard to recover... But with the great help of the elves, there is ample spring of life, and the whole purple sky slowly becomes green and full of vitality...

However, during this time, Chu Yang and others have become idle.

In addition to drinking, every day, you are playing around and enjoying yourself.

Play is a play, but there is no beauty to play on the side, how can you really enjoy it?

Purple evil spirits and Mo light dance are different from a certain throne, and they are too busy. I don’t see people every day.

This situation makes Chu Yuzuo full of heart is not good!

What is this called?

My brother, I have never been with my wife since I married my daughter-in-law.

I didn’t get married before, but I could pull my little hand occasionally, and I’m a little waist-shouldered. Now I can do it well, I can’t see it directly.

Finally this day.

The elves tell the purple evil, and the fountain of life is used up...

If you want to continue the reconstruction project, you must send someone back to the Elf Forest.

How far is it to return to the elf of the elf? how long?

How can we wait for the purple evils to rebuild the purple sky?

In a hurry, the purple evil spirits and Mo light dances are coming to Chuyang.

"You said to me, how is the spring of life gone? What is going on? Is it the ghost you made, the elf emperor!" The purple evil feelings frowning, the sound is very strong, and the one who sent the teacher to ask for sin!

"Oh, I won’t see anyone when I married my daughter-in-law. I haven’t asked what is going on. You have to come to the teacher to ask for sin and be aggressive. Let’s talk about it...” Chu Yuzuo snorted and said: Come, grandmother, or come with your husband first, I will do the most important thing and say something else..."

Purple evil feelings see someone so lazy, can not help but anger.

Who is the big purple sister? It’s a sly character that doesn’t work in a word. If you don’t say anything, you can play with the North and the South!

However, the next moment, when the eyes were dark, when they were bright again, they found that they had already arrived in the nine-robbery space of Chuyang.

Now the Chu Royal seat is now cultivated, and it can be called the king between the four wives. Although the two women also have the horror cultivation above the peak, they are still too late to resist. I was caught by him!

"You...what do you want to do? You don't want to be mad, I want to call..." The purple evil blushes and slams his feet: "There is still waiting for the spring of life... fast... oh..."

The voice has not fallen, but it has been blocked by Chu Yang with a small mouth of the cherry, only to hear the voice of the man in the ear: "What is it called, I see what you call... silly girl, how is the spring of life? No... This is the Elf Emperor who told them to lie to you... Now they are working hard outside, we also need to do some work. Work hard..."

The purple evil sentiment was flushed, and Mo light danced on the side of the "Yeah" and smacked his face. He only felt that the whole body had started to burn.

" bastard..." The purple evil spirits were soft and weak, and the face was like a fire.

"The **** is so dark..." Chu Yuzuo said: "I am not only a jerk, I am still a rogue, I am hooligan to you. Hey, you call, you are called, oh, even if you If you break your throat, there will be no one to care about you. You will be guilty of you. It is a reasonable and legal drop..."

The purple evil screamed, but I didn't know where it was touched, and it was softer.

Mo light dance was shocked and stunned, and he turned away to escape from the disaster. Panic said: "There is a lot of work there, I got to supervise..."

But it was caught by Chu Yang. Ruan said: "Why are you busy? Where is the situation here, chick, you don't want to run... During this time, the two of you discussed and hid me, thinking that I don't know... I don't teach today. I will teach you, in the future, in this Chu family, how is the status of my family leader still a little bit majestic... Hey, hey... beautiful, this big satyr is coming..."

Immediately, it was a slap in the face, struggling, and then...

Keke... omitting eight million words here...

It’s really eight million words. Someone is really strong now. Even with that one, it’s very strong, and it’s been so long. It’s really worth describing. Eight million have to say less!


Nine Heavens is still a nine-day sky.

However, when the emperor reigned, it became a short fifty years.

In the past 50 years, Jiuzhong Tianzhu has developed rapidly.

Even the purple days that were previously in the barren land have now become towns and cities, and there is a lot of prosperity.

On this day, Qiong’s royal family Chu Yang felt something and suddenly summoned the brothers to discuss matters.

After discussing the matter, it was on the same day.

Innocent Emperor, Lonely Emperor, Qionghua Emperor, Shenlong Emperor, Heavenly Emperor...etc., they all resigned to their position as the Emperor of Heaven, and Zen gave it to others. Then, these dozens of people disappeared from the Nine Heavens at the same time, and disappeared. And their wives and children, family members, don't doubt, for more than 50 years, no children have gotten it...

No one knows where they went.

Someone found the valley where the emperor and the demon lived in seclusion. I hope to ask about it, but the two fairy monks also don’t know where they are going.

Chu Yang, purple evil feelings, Mo light dance, iron fills the sky, Wu Qianqian, Gu alone, Gu Miaoling, Mo Tianji, Chu Leer; Dong Wuju, ink tears, Tan Yi, Xie Danfeng, Ji Mo, Hu Yanao Wave, Rock Enemy, Yan Niang; Xie Danqiong, Mrs. Mei, proud evil cloud...

No one has ever seen these legendary figures.

The entire Nine Heavens began to book and pass on their achievements.

Then, in the continuous accumulation of information, and the Tianji Intelligence Department intentionally leaked some news of the year... The world finally began to understand the bits and pieces of these legends from all aspects...

It turned out that these great emperors, and Chu Yuzuo...originally...originally...

It is a legend!

It’s a legend!

It is a myth at all!

All those who know their life stories have said this without exception...

Jiuzhong Tianzhu, a whole mountain range, was joined by three hundred saints and peaked, and became a magnificent stone monument that can be destroyed without being destroyed!

If you want to destroy this stone, unless the power of this person exceeds the sum of the power of the three hundred saints.

And such a person is destined to never appear in this world.

The name of this stone tablet is called: Royal quotation!

Chu Yuzuo is in his life. Anything that has been said has been collected. Pick some of the classic sentences and sculpt them for worship by future generations.

In the process of collecting, including everyone who saw this stone monument, they are sincerely aware of the most important and indispensable words in the legend of Chu Yuzuo’s life.


"What is the brother? Brother is not! Brother is brother!"

"I hope. When I was at the peak, my brother was there too. I will not be lonely. I also hope that when my brother is at the peak, I will not let him be lonely."

"My brother and I, no matter what heights we go, will not be too high!"

"I hope to fight with my brother to create a glory. I want to fight the legend of the ages. I hope that if it is thousands of years later, we can become legends, I hope, I have you in the legend; if you become a legend, then I hope, There is me in your legend!"

"Because we are brothers!"

"I will live up to my life. Brothers!"

"Do not live up to life, brothers!"


After another few decades, Chu Yang and others quietly returned to Jiuzhong Tianzhu. Except for meeting friends who are familiar with each other, no one else knows. The hero of the year has actually returned. Rehearsing this land.

However, all those who have a relationship with Chu Yuzu and these great emperors...

But after they came back this time, the disappearance of all the way disappeared...

Well, it should not be all.

Because there is still one person who has not disappeared.

Just now, everyone does not know that there is such a person, the only one who is exceptional...

It was not until a few years later that Jiuzhong Tianzhu had another turmoil.

Under the universal sky, when a doomsday catastrophe that swept through the ten heavens and the earth was formed, finally there was a man who stood up and smashed the catastrophe.

The catastrophe of the Nine Heavens was settled, and this person, with its undisputed strength, embarked on the time when no one could be recognized as the seat of the throne.

All the talents know; this new iron throne; actually it was the son of Chu Yuzuo!


Time flies, there is no trace, time and fingers, I have long known how many years have passed.

Chu Yang and others have become a space-time passenger in the universe. Sometimes people get together, sometimes they are scattered in their own homes, and they do their own thing...

If you miss each other, a thought spreads everywhere, and everyone gathers again.

For everyone, this is easy.

In this long period of time, the cultivation of the people has gradually risen up and down, gradually reaching a realm that can not be understood by practitioners...

However, Chu Yang and others have always believed in one sentence: the endless road!

We only need to go forward!

Keep moving forward!

We don't need to think about our goals.

The realm we can't understand does not mean that the predecessors can't understand it, and it doesn't mean that the future generations can't understand it!

Until one day, Mo-light dance was on the trip, and the accident started a battle with a mysterious monster. The Star Dream Light Knife fluttered at random, and even a hundred stars in the sky were smashed...

At this time, everyone really realized that their own cultivation has already reached a point...


Another day, Chu Yang took his wife to a planet that had never been seen before.

It is a blue planet!


Chu Yang has never been here, but inexplicably feels that here, as if familiar, it seems that this is his own home... that feeling.

So I just stayed here.

This residence is a scene of decades.

until one day……

Chu Yang, who was fishing at the beach, suddenly felt a strange wave of volatility. When he turned around and saw it, he saw a young man in white. He actually stood behind him and looked at himself with a slanting eye. "Hey, boy, you are Don't you want to fight with me?"

This sudden arrival guy, long and handsome, is unbelievable, can be said to be a rare beauty in the world, but it is the face of evil, full of evil, from the inside out there is a feeling of impossibility!

Chu Yang did not hesitate, not surprised, calmly smile, slowly pull out the sword: "This war, I have waited for a long time, and have been waiting for you for a long time."

The white young man laughed wildly and said: "Since it has been waiting for a long time. What are you waiting for? Come and let me teach you lessons! Let's go to heaven. Let you know what is heaven and earth, people are there..."

The voice has not fallen, the two have already gone to nine days.

Chu Yang Liang Jian said: "Please!"

I really don't know how many years, Chu Yang has never reappeared the nine robbery swords, and the long-lost nine robbery swords reappeared.

However, I have not waited until the nine robbery swords reappear, and strictly speaking, the moment when Chuyang’s voice has not yet fallen. The white youth has launched an offensive, which is actually a sneak attack.

Chu Yang turned his head out and angered: "I am going to you, who is a level repairer, actually playing a sneak attack, you still have to face it..." This is really incredible. This guy's cultivation is clear and unpredictable, and he is fighting against it. It’s all about losing more and more, so a powerful guy actually uses a sneak attack on himself...

This is really the size of the world, no wonder, there is nothing really unexpected.

"Cut, but when you can save some strength, you can save a little bit." The face of the white youth is not a little embarrassed at all, and he is stunned by the evil spirits: "In this world, only one point is the most important. You know that What?"

Chu Yang asked: "What is it? I rely on it, you attack again!"

"噗", the buttocks actually stumbled.

It turned out that this guy deliberately used words to attract Chu Yang's attention. But there was another sneak attack; a avatar directly slammed into the Chu Yang **** from the back with a thunder.

This foot is really embarrassing, directly Chu Yang to go out tens of thousands of miles!

It’s been too long. Chu Yang has been invincible for too long, it has been too long and not so long!

Still in the toss, the white youth has already caught up and sneered: "The most important thing is... I want to be cool!"

"..." Rao is the cultivation of Chu Yang. It has reached the point where the universe will not be moved in front of the eyes. At this moment, it can't help but be speechless. He said with a grin: "If that's the case, then let's officially start playing!"

Speaking of a clapping, said: "Brothers, everyone is working together! Hey, hey! Turn him over and make it hard!"

Under a command, Gu alone, Dong, no injury, talk, Mo Tianji, Xie Danqiong, arrogant, evil, cloud, ink, nowhere... The brigade suddenly flashed from the void, and all the hellish greetings did not hit one, and directly began the siege!

No, it is a coffer!

The white-dressed youth was not shocked and shouted. "I have a grass! Chu Yang, you are really not kind, screaming that I sneaked, and I have laid a strong ambush lineup here, you have to face no... ”

Chu Yang smiled and said: "The most important thing in this world is... I want to be cool."

The white-haired youth heard a sigh of relief and suddenly laughed: "You are learning fast! Counting you!"

As soon as he looked up, the momentum of the world slammed out of him and looked up. He couldn't say it for a lifetime: "Chuyang, you remember! Laozi is Jun Moxie!"

This kind of overwhelming momentum of ancient and modern, so that everyone is a shock!

In the long life, I have never seen a second person who can have this kind of momentum!

For a time, he was so embarrassed that he could not even shoot.

At this moment, a person smiled and suddenly appeared in front of the monarch, suddenly exclaimed, and his face was over-shocked.

Jun Moxie also felt strange and asked: "What happened?"

The man was shocked and asked: "Do you think I am handsome?"

Jun Moxie lived and said: "What?"

Tan Yi continued to persevere and asked: "Do you look at me, is it handsome?"

Jun Moxie frowned, angered: "Go on the side!"

When I was furious, I continued to be shocked and asked: "Do you think that I am handsome and handsome? In the end, handsome and handsome? You said by conscience that I am handsome and handsome? Is it very handsome? You talk, you said that I am handsome and handsome?..."

Jun Mo's eyebrows twitched, and in a moment it was a bit messy.

Chu Yang and others suddenly fell to the west.

Talking about this goods, actually at this critical moment, unexpectedly broke the deadlock!

Just listening to it in a short period of time, talking about it has been unreasonable to ask questions and go out three or four hundred sentences: "... In the end, handsome and handsome? You said by your conscience... You touch your chest... You say me In the end, handsome and handsome..."

Jun Moxie stunned for a long while, and sighed in the sky: "... my god...".

In an instant, a generation of evil lords, the evil monarchs who have never lost in the world, can’t do anything about this shameless person.

Talk about it is still chattering: "You said that I am handsome and not handsome? And slow... You have to fight with us, but you must first explain the white, I am handsome or not handsome? Do not run... I am handsome or not handsome... I am more handsome than I have just been... You talk, don’t run... Stop! You give me a stop..."

(The whole book is over!)


Proud of three years, there are tears in laughter.

Proud to work for three years, work side by side;

I do not know what to say. It is three o'clock in the morning.

Knock the last string of ellipsis. My heart seems to be suddenly empty...

I love the world! Everyone in the world of love! ... I am reluctant to end.

I typed the words "the whole book is finished"; I even had a strong impulse: erase these three words, I will continue to write down! Write another one million, write another five million, and then write eight million...


The mood is very messy.

At the moment of writing, one stretched out, and the thermos next to it exploded.

Not hot, but I didn't move, just sit here.

Thinking: I want to break out! I still have to grab the monthly ticket! Chu Yuzuo, still Chu Yu seat! Mo Tianji, still Mo Tianji! Mo light dance, still no light dance...

I have a few days off, then I have finished writing this testimonial... I am in a very messy mood, I am very uncomfortable...


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