MTL - Transmigrated into the Film Emperor’s Death-Seeking Fiance-Chapter 268 Extra 77

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268 Fanwai: Wei Lan (August 8)

Fanwai: Wei Lan (four or eight)

As soon as Wei Lan returned to school the next day, his roommate ran to him with his mobile phone and shouted, "Shit, Wei Lan, you want to be red."

Wei Lan was confused, "Speak human."

"Look." The roommate showed him a Weibo search on the phone interface.

Wei Lan looked at them one by one and still didn't understand, "What does it have to do with me?"

"This!" The roommate clicked into the entry [Student of someone else's house] in the 8th place and handed the phone to Wei Lan. Wei Lan glanced at it and instantly understood.

When he was singing that day, a student from the audience recorded a video and posted it on Weibo, with the words: Top Ten Singer Contest on Campus, freshman, a handsome student, singing well, and a lot of money at home. She is also very cute, and hates that she is about to graduate!

Afterwards, I do n’t know why this Weibo was seen by a big v, and reposted comments: Other schoolmates, envy. This reposted Weibo instantly caught the attention of passers-by, and the amount of comments and reposts suddenly increased. Seeing this, other big v also reposted this video.

Wei Lan ’s face was put there, and she was born with a good voice. She clicked into the video to see the passerby who was just looking at her face. After hearing him singing, she was surprised to find that he really sang really well, plus he The teenager's mood, which could not be masked, instantly surprised many passers-by. Hot search ranks higher and higher.

"It's so handsome !!! It's really a schoolboy from someone else's house, it's also a campus singer contest, our school doesn't have such a handsome schoolboy."

"My husband's young girl's heart, what is this fairy brother, don't you sing, brother, my sister can't stand it."

"IMHO, this singing skill hangs on many online singers."

"Student doesn't seem to be studying music, I don't know what it is."

"Ahhhhh, it's from our school. I've seen it. The real person is really super handsome. It's very famous right after entering school. It's a new generation of characters." @Infinite Haowen, all in Jamie

"Don't go upstairs, say a little more."

However, the alumni were already busy sending WeChat to tell their little friends that the boys in their school were hot search, and there was no time to ask her passersby friends.

@Finity 好 文, all in Jamie

Wei Lan, squinting at her award, was picked up by netizens from other school's Weibo, shouting "So cute", "Student is so funny", "I ’m so sincere and not pretending to be my love" Helplessly helped the amount of help, for fear of the next step, his own Weibo will be cut out.

He returned the phone to his roommate and made a phone call out of the classroom.

"Hey," Lin Xize opened his eyes stupidly, watching the caller ID on his mobile phone unbelievably. "Brother, are you looking for me?"

"Lin Xize, I remember your family has something to do with the entertainment industry, right?"

"Well, why, brother, do you want to enter the entertainment industry?" Lin Xize sat up from the bed, "does your brother agree?"

"What do you think, look at Weibo Hot Search ..." Wei Lan looked at Weibo, "My mother, why is this still rising to sixth, Hot search sixth, someone's schoolmate that , You quickly find a way to find someone to withdraw it. "

"Why?" Lin Xize was curious. "What happened to the schoolmates in other people's homes, and what is it to you? You?"

"Otherwise, is it you?" Wei Lan felt that Lin Xize must not be awake, otherwise he couldn't be so stupid, "You leave it hanging again, it will rise to the top three in a while, my Weibo was picked out, you Just wait for my brother to find you. "

"Ok, ok, rest assured, give me ten minutes, no, five minutes, I'll contact you, rest assured."

"Then I hung up."

"Don't brother, I've done you a favor, shouldn't you show it?"

"What do you want me to say?" Wei Lan was curious.

Lin Xize said, "Look, my brother and I are one year old. Every day you call your brother is your brother, you call me Lin Xize, and you call me a brother."

Wei Lan: ...

"Brother, Lin Xize asked me to call him brother." Wei Lan intentionally said.

Lin Xize woke up instantly, "Sister, brother Wei Lan, you are not righteous, why did you bring a complaint, you are going to kill me." Lin Xize said, and responded again, "No, if your brother is here, where are you You can call me yourself, you lied to me! "

"Lin Xize, there are only four minutes left in your five minutes, three points fifty-nine, three points fifty-eight, three points ..."

"Okay, don't count down, I'll go to the contact person, I'm afraid of you." Lin Xize said, hung up the phone, while calling his assistant to explain the situation, while wondering what Wei Lan did Why are you still on hot search?

Wei Lan took a mobile phone and waited for a few minutes. Then, within a few minutes, he heard his roommate surprised to send him a micro-channel: Wei Lan, your Weibo was hotly searched.

At the same time, he also received a WeChat from Lin Xize: It's done, but your brother is still singing as good as ever.

Wei Lan replied to him: For your praise of me, I will not tell my brother that you still have a secret in your heart that you want to be my brother.

Lin Xize: ... I don't mean I don't talk nonsense

Wei Lan sent him an expression "Do you think I would believe it?" And started fighting with Lin Xize.

His hot search rose quickly and quickly withdrawn. The forum's crowd-eating crowd was still screaming, and saw that the hot search was gone. One or two were asking what was going on?

"I didn't give money, and now I have to pay for the hot search. He is an amateur and does not give money, so that he can stay there." Someone speculated.

There was a rush in the post, one after another feeling the spicy chicken Weibo, our elementary school brother was too pitiful.

And Wei Lan, Wei Lan is concentrating on listening, preparing for the upcoming final exams.

Wei Lan didn't tell this to Wei Xun because she felt it was unnecessary. Wei Xun always does not pay attention to entertainment gossip, so he does not know. Without his knowledge, his younger brother has already gone on a hot search.

This weekend, according to Wei Lan's previous rules, he and Wei Xun are going back to Weiyi and Weiyicheng. Wei Xun came to pick him up. Wei Lan sat in the co-pilot and Wei Xun said that he would review at home in the next two days. Wei Xun asked, "Do you need my help?"

"No need," Wei Lan said, "I can do it myself. But you can help me with the answer, every time I do, I want to rest, I don't want to answer at all."

"Okay," Wei Xun answered.

Wei Wei knew that they were coming over, and specially asked the aunt to make a few more dishes that Wei Xun and Wei Lan liked to eat. Wei Weicheng was late because of something to do, and several people waited until he came back to have dinner. .

Wei Yan and Wei Lan have a good relationship. While sandwiching dishes for him, he asked him about his recent studies and life. Wei Lan was not hesitant. From the school class, they talked about their singing competition. That time at school. With emotion, she clamped a rib to prepare for Wei Lan's bowl, but ran into Wei chopsticks, which just served Wei Lan with vegetables, and both of them choked for a moment.

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Wei's house is a round dining table. Wei Lan is on the left hand side and Wei Xun is on the right hand side. Both of them knew about Wei Lan's picky eating problems, so when Wei Lan was a child, he always kept vegetables in his bowl. Later, Wei Lan grew up. The two of them still kept the habit, but they didn't expect it, but they ran into it while pinching vegetables.

Wei Yi smiled, put the dishes in Wei Lan's bowl, and Wei Xun also put them in. Wei Lan looked at himself for a long time, but was still full of vegetables, and he said why he felt he couldn't eat all the time! Good guy, it turned out that both of them were clamping him!

Wei Lan was worried, and then heard Wei Weicheng say, "Xiao Lan is really the most popular person in the family."

Wei Lan immediately thought of a solution. He got up and took the dishes that Wei Xun and Wei Wei had just given him in the bowl. He picked the top and put it in the Wei Weicheng bowl. "No, no, Dad is hard. Dad, you eat . "

Inexplicably added food and called his father's Weicheng: ...

There was a moment of awkward Wei Yan: ...

Wei Lan clipped a spare rib for Wei Wei and Wei Xun, and then returned to his seat. "Well, now we are the most popular people in the family. Let's eat."

Weicheng City: ...

Wei Wei: ...

Wei Xun: ...

Finally, Wei Xun calmly picked up the ribs that Wei Lan put in his bowl and ate quietly.

Wei Wei didn't hold back, and smiled down, only Wei Weicheng was a bit subtle. He felt that the child Wei Lan was really not like the Wei family, neither of them was like Wei!

Wei Xun and Wei Lan spent two days at Wei Wei's home in Weicheng. Most of the time, Wei Xun and Wei Lan stayed together. Wei Xun was responsible for supervising Wei Lan's review and Wei Lan was responsible for accompanying Wei Xun's office. Occasionally, Wei Xun also talks to Wei Weicheng to talk about something and tell him what he has been busy with recently.

Wei Weicheng was a little surprised that he really convinced Wei Ming and asked Wei Ming to give him some of his rights. "What did you tell him? He was willing to believe you."

Of course, Wei Xun would not tell Wei Weicheng what he gave Wei Ming, but said, "He doesn't believe me, but he loves Wei Lan."

Either Wei Ming or Wei Wei, they agreed to his request only because they wanted to give Wei Lan a clean life, just like him, but it had nothing to do with trust or trust in him, just because they loved Wei Lan. .

"Then he is not afraid that you will own things that belong to Wei Lan."

Wei Xun looked at Wei Chengcheng and said indifferently: "The ones that belong to Wei Lan will always be hiss. I won't take them, and I won't allow others to take them."

He had a calm tone, and said to him wisely and clearly in front of Wei Weicheng, "Although I don't know if you and Aunt Wei Wei will have children again, but don't touch things belonging to Xiao Lan."

Wei Weicheng sighed, "You think about it a lot, Xiao Yan said, her favorite is Wei Lan, so everything about her belongs to Wei Lan, no matter her family, nor her motherly love, she won't Go and share it with others. "

"That's best."

Wei Weicheng looked at him, "I always knew that you liked Wei Lan quite, but I didn't expect it to be more than I thought. Wei Xun, I always thought that you would not have too much affection."

Wei Xun didn't speak, he really didn't, he just gave Wei Lan the only ones he had.

On Monday, Wei Xun drove Wei Lan back to school, and Wei Lan told him before getting out of the car, "We are early in the morning today. I go home by myself. You don't need to pick me up and go straight home after work."

"Okay," Wei Xun answered.

Wei Lan thought for a while and said, "Or should I go to the company and wait for you to get off work?"

"No, you go home."

"That way, bye." Wei Lan said and got out of the car.

He has only two classes today, one at nine in the morning and one at two in the afternoon. Wei Lan had a class at nine in the morning, went to the library for a while, and went to the cafeteria for lunch with her roommates.

He just participated in the Top Ten Singer Contest on the campus, and somehow became a hot search. It was the time when the popularity was the highest, and the girls who had liked him since the first grade were even more impressed by him at this time. As soon as Wei Lan and his roommates sat down, several girls were carrying their plates and asked if anyone was opposite him.

Seeing this, Wei Lan's roommates wanted to laugh and were embarrassed, so they could only stun, and watched the nose and the nose.

Wei Lan shook her head, and the girl sat down opposite him, trying to talk to him.

Wei Lan really hasn't learned anything about the relationship between men and women, so he can't appreciate the joy of being talked by girls, but feels a little embarrassed. After rejecting the girls' invitation to add WeChat, he got up and left the cafeteria. Wei Lan sighed and didn't understand how to go to college. One or two were so anxious to fall in love? Can't you study well first!

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