MTL - Transmigrating into a Demon Spirit to Blow up the Entire World-Chapter 106 The killer’s little koi

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Of course, Xiao Jinxi does not remember Arthur, his eyes wide open and his eyebrows raised: "Do you know me?"

"No," Arthur shook his head. "This is the first time I have seen you."

His gaze on the face of the teenager seemed to be sticky. He looked at the boy with a glance and almost eager to continue: "Arthur has seen you many times, and he has a deep memory, perhaps influenced by the hypocrite, I I really believe in love at first sight..."

This is a bit confusing, and it is not like a normal person to say that he is a hypocrite in this ridiculous tone. Arthur’s tail even trembled, and the tone was with a nervous excitement. “This feeling is really great, no wonder he is obsessed with you, it can make me excited and happy like never before...”

The facts are just as you think, the other party is indeed not the former Arthur, accurately speaking, he is his second personality.

The second personality took a deep breath and seemed to be easy to extricate himself from his excitement. He reached out to Xiaojin and introduced himself: "My name is Myers."

However, because of this short word, he looked a little, and then blocked Xiao Jinyu behind him, blocking his return to Myers.

In fact, Xiao Jinyu did not intend to reach back. His head was still fainted by the efficacy of the medicine, and when he fell down the ramp, he fell to the back of his head. While squatting on the faint forehead, he plucked his small head from his arm and turned to Miles: "I care what you call, you make me give me an injection and it hurts me. You better stay away from me or I will wash you."

Myers was a little discomforted by the obvious disgust in the juvenile look, and felt that the other side was so cute and tight. The key point of 裴冽 is on the word injection: "What did you give to 瞳瞳?!"

I was nervous enough to check the small koi all over the body, because the name Myers is not strange to 裴冽. - The other party can be said to be the only person in the organization who is comparable in strength, even more concealed and disguised.

Although he has done a lot of big cases that have been published in newspapers, he will never be found on his head. The reason why he did not stand in the top of the organization's strength assessment list is not the question of strength. He cannot control his emotions, nor is he satisfied with simple killing.

He is sometimes like a madman, killing people with mood and mood. The mood is good, the mission goal can be abandoned within a short distance, the mood is not good, the innocent passers-by and even the old woman can become his prey, and will be cruelly abused before death.

The killers rely on the information conveyed by the intelligence officers to perform their tasks, and it is difficult to meet other killers. Therefore, I have never seen Miles himself. At this moment, I only know the reason for the moodiness of the other party. The first thing I think is to protect Xiaojin from this mental illness.

Myers’s outstretched hand was there, and it took a long time to recover it. “It’s just an ordinary drug.”

His words were completely answered by Xiao Jinyu. I was afraid that the teenager would be more disgusted with himself. He added: "It will only make people sleepy or powerless for five or six hours without any other side effects."

He didn't trust him. He still expressed concern about the physical condition of Xiao Jinxi. He subconsciously clenched his gun. "Are you coming to the ‘General’ as a lobbyist?”

"He still doesn't deserve to be a lobbyist," Miles said with a clear disdain for the general. "--I came to give you a clear road. The 'General' is old, already It is not suitable to lead the entire organization. You don’t have an old saying in China. Good birds choose to live in wood. If you are willing to stand on my side, I am willing to split half of the management rights. What do you think?"

Myers still maintains a smile on his face, and looks generous and generous, like a missionary who wants to give others, but actually is the most vicious devil.

"I don't think so." He refused very simply. "I don't want to stand in the team. I don't want to be a dog who listens to people all my life."

Myers seems to have expected this answer early. He didn't change his face. He only raised his eyebrows. He said: "I think the word dog is good. Maybe you can play some games that dogs like. But I can. Not persuading you like f, I am telling you. If you don't want to-"

When the words were not finished, he suddenly murdered his steepness, his wrists were like a knife, and he cut his waist to the waist!

The unusually aggressive offensive caused the squatting side to flash sideways, but the other side rushed to the small koi next to him at an unimaginable speed at this time, pulling the boy's hand and slamming him on the ramp.

His goal was to start with a small koi.

After regretting the rush, he quickly caught up with the front and opened two shots at Myers, killing only the two remaining bullets.

The bullets quickly and fiercely broke, and Miles did not hide. He slammed down and only avoided the heart that was enough to die.

I didn’t expect Miles to be unwilling to let go of the small koi.

The firepower of close-range shooting is more powerful than the long-range shooting. The bullet penetrates the chest from his back almost. One of them runs through the liver, and the blood rushes out like a fountain, so that the dark windbreaker on his body is wet. Large pieces, and dripping down the floor, the lips also overflowed with a blood line, and the thick sputum of the small koi brain is more uncomfortable.

Myers is not hiding, but he has arrived at the door of the cabin. The position under his feet is high and narrow. If he wants to catch bullets, he will stop. He chose not to hesitate to move on, and he took the small koi into the cabin.

The driver of the driver started the engine in time as early as possible, and the gangway was automatically retracted, and the entire aircraft began to speed the taxi in the next second. When the pupil suddenly shrank, the moment the door was closed, he grabbed the floor with his hand and leaped up with his powerful arm.

The small kosher’s faint brain was also awake at this time, and immediately took Myers off with the infuriating, but the arm suddenly became weak and weak, and Miles actually pressed his back neck tightly. Put his lips on the two gunshot wounds that penetrated into the chest.

The healing skill was started again. At the same time that Myers was 'resurrected with blood,' the vitality of Xiaojin's body was lost at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

In fact, Myers is also gambling.

Although he witnessed the process of Xiaojin's healing his shoulders, he couldn't believe anyone in this kind of thing. When the gunshot wounds magically healed after being kissed by Xiaojin, he was very knowledgeable. Si was also surprised to breathe a stagnation, and even did not notice the small pale face and the weak body of Xiao Jinyu.

Myers’ injury is actually very serious. Although the two shots didn’t hit the heart, they were all in the key. The heavier the injury, the more spiritual power the small koi consumes, and the use of skills in a short period of time has made him overdraft until the station is unstable.

The healing process of just three seconds seems to be a century after the cockroaches, and the eyes are red with instant eyes, and the lions whose voices are overwhelming and out of control: "Let him go!!"

Instead, Myers reached out and threatened to wipe the blood from the lips of the Koi.

Because he knows that he can't move, he can't shake. There were two top killers in the plane. The one on the right quickly took the gun and reached the sly temple. The one on the left was on the back of the small koi. The bullets have been used up.

The blood on the lips adds a thrilling color to the juvenile white to almost transparent face. The slightly eyebrows and the twitching long eyelashes are more pampered with beauty and fragility. Myers’s heart beats. I couldn't help but change my hand into a tongue, and I couldn't control myself.

The more kissed, the more fascinated, it seems that I tasted something delicious and tightly sucked it. Xiaojin swayed his head and tried to avoid it, but because of the weakness of his hands and feet, it was pressed tightly by Miles, and he could only make a shallow, low-lying Light nasal sound. Myers' heartbeat jumped faster and faster with the unimagined love and obsession, and even wanted to swallow the whole person into the belly.

The embarrassing emotions are on the verge of collapse due to this scene.

Xiao Jinyu is his life, and his lifeline is now being bullied by other men in his hands. He is trapped in his arms and forcibly kissed. He clearly knows that he is close at hand but can’t do anything. This scene is even a weak ordinary person. It is difficult to accept. The green muscles of the body swelled, and the chest violently fluctuated with the breath, with the blood splashed on the side of the face, like a stunned Rakshasa.

Then, despite the danger of being killed, the bow flashed, and the hand of the left-hand killer pointing to the small koi was broken with a thunder!

His speed was spurred to the limit, so fast that the two killers did not react. The man’s gun fell, and then he turned to the right man’s temple, acting like a spring-loaded launcher. It is fast and simply.

Just listening to the wind and the whistling, the power contained inside seems to be enough to open the stone, the other side was stumped. However, the whistling sound of the bullets followed the boxing wind and almost synchronized with it.

It was Meers who shot.

The situation is a thousand, but it’s too late to hide. What's more, Myers's shooting method is no less than awkward, aiming at his heart with extraordinary precision!

A slamming shot was spread throughout the cabin, but it was safe and sound.

It was Xiao Jinyu who used his strength to pounce on him when he was shooting a gun. The bullet did not enter the teenager's left shoulder for the next second, and the pain spread all over the body, causing him to hurt even the sound could not be released.

The sly brain and consciousness were blank for a moment when the small koi was shot, and then I held the back of Xiaojin's back. The opening of the cymbal: "... eh?"

The first thing I got was the sticky blood, which was shocking and constantly surging. Xiaojin’s pale face was almost transparent because of blood loss. He squatted in his arms and gasped for a few times before he was forced to come over. He said to the subconscious: “Pain...”

And my heart is going to hurt.

The man’s straight back bends down like an unbearable pressure, holding his baby’s incoherent words: “Hey, I’m not afraid...”

"... um, I am not afraid," Xiao Jinyu answered very obediently, but the pain was too strong, and the heart was bursting into the air, letting him shed tears in an uncontrolled manner, whispering: "呜Oh, it hurts, it hurts..."


The little waterdrops lingered on the back of the hand, but it seemed to be a corrosive sulfuric acid that melted through his heart without mercy.

Xiao Jinxi forgot his passive skills, so he did not know that the more he shed tears, the weaker his body would be. The rain that had stopped outside was coming down again, and it was very big. He trembled with a voice and tried to comfort him: "Don’t cry, don’t cry..."

Xiao Jinyu really didn't cry. Because he quickly lost his pain, and the idea of ​​thirsty occupies the whole brain, making him want to close his heavy eyelids.

"Baby, hold on, can't sleep..."

I was nervous and worried that I couldn’t breathe. A heart-breaking pain got into his mind, as if I heard the sound of a boulder crushing on my chest. “He has to stop bleeding and heal,” there is no medicine or medical treatment on the plane. bandage?!"

The latter sentence naturally asked Myers, and then he looked up and hurriedly spoke to Miles, and used the word for help. "Save him, save him, I can dispose of it with you..."

There are some simple hemostatic drugs on the plane, but there is no scalpel for taking bullets. Fortunately, the bullets penetrated directly from the shoulders of Xiaojin, and there is no need to dig up the wounds to find bullets to make the boy hurt again.

Myers is also worried about the injury of Xiaojin, but he is even more anxious to grab people back.

The shackles of the smugglers eventually made Miles stunned, and the small koi was subconsciously struggling when he was hugged by Miles, but the action was very weak because of the injury, and the uneasily whispered: "Hey, hehe... ..."

The hand that is still **** can't help but clench and want to grab something, but only one empty. A pain that could tear his flesh rushed out of the chest, slamming back and forth, and dug a large hole in his chest. In the process of Xiaojin’s struggle, there was a lot of blood coming out. The white sweater worn on the upper body was almost red, and Myers was both anxious and worried. His eyes began to change constantly, as if two characters were pulling. Fight for the body.

However, when he was on the front, he fixed himself to the evil eyes. He even pointed the gun in his hand to the neck of the boy in his arms. "I advise you not to move."

You can only stop. He knew how fast Myers shot, and he didn't dare to gamble whether such a madman would open. The two injured killers also quickly got up and re-armed.

auzw.comThe small koi is weak enough to barely maintain the person's body. A scale faints in the eye, and the legs also have the sign of becoming a fishtail, but still struggles in Myers' arms. Intermittently use the last strength to whisper the name of the sly, like a proud and uneasy kitten, to be treated by the trusted owner.

The entire mouth is biting and bleeding, but a pair of black scorpions are a little bit calmer, but behind the calm is the madness of destroying the earth.

Then turned around and suddenly jumped to the cab!

No one thought that he would give up the Koi and turn around, but he changed his face in the next second. Just listening to the cab, there was a beeping sound in the cabin, and the aircraft that had been lifted began to shake and bump.

——There was a clean and neat twist on the driver’s neck, and at the same time smashed the aircraft’s central control panel and putter, and the action was fast and embarrassing.

The plane quickly began to get out of control. It was almost a blink of an eye. It was too late to say a word and lost in the heavy rain.

The two killers rushed to the cab to try to remedy, and they couldn’t take care of it. Only Miles was screaming at him and staring at him. "You are crazy?! If you crash, you will dead!"

It’s really crazy.

And he is even more mad than the real madman Miles. He is desperate at the moment, but the twilight is more calm, saying: "It doesn't matter, you all give him a funeral."

Myers tasted the horror of fear, but not for his own life, but for the boy in his arms. This kind of fear made him want to smash the corpse, while the fuselage slammed, the people and things in the cabin lost weight, and the cabin smelled of pungent smoke. The aircraft began to fly backwards or even speed up, and the overload generated far exceeded the maximum overload that the body can withstand.

The structure of the body has thus ruptured, and the huge roaring sounds both the tympanic membranes of both ears. The process of falling was not remembered. I only knew that I finally regained my small koi in my arms. The body flew straight from the crack under the action of flow rate and pressure, and fell into the deep and cold sea.

San Francisco is an island surrounded by the sea on three sides. When the plane was smashed, the cockroaches actually figured that they were flying over the sea at the moment. He did not consider whether he could live or not. He only thought that if the young man was a koi demon, he would survive if he returned to the water he loved.

I can open my eyes again in a short coma and find myself lying in the sea intact.

Half of the body is immersed in the water, and the other half is on the beach, and the wave of ups and downs continues to move forward. At the same time, a scream came from the ear. I saw a young woman through a blurred vision, probably an ordinary person living or playing along the coast, and hurriedly asked him if he had anything.

The brain has not been awake for a while, and it is quickly supported by the killer's instinctive body reaction. The subconscious mutter said: "You saved me? Have you seen it?"

The soaked clothes are full of his body contours, and the tiny morning light is projected on the angular side of the face, making the look of the cockroach more handsome and dazzling. The young girl can’t help but look red, The sentence is.

I have recovered my clear eyes but looked down at my waist and arms.

There was no trace of wounds on his body. Even the burns on the back of his hand disappeared without a trace. The person who saved him did not think about him except Xiao Jin. Reluctantly endured the pain of the heart, and stood up without saying a word, straight into the sea.

"Where are you going?" The young girl was busy with it, and stopped because of the sea. She could only ask aloud: "Is there something important to fall into the sea?"

His heart fell into the sea, along with the only person he loved in his life.

I sneaked into the bottom of the water again and again, trying to find the figure of a small koi. The girl still stood in the distance and shouted: "Hey, you are coming back, things are important even if they are important!"

She even lie on her face with righteous words: "Your life is saved by me, so you are not allowed to go to death!"

I know that the other party is just a passerby who just passed, but she has no trouble to disassemble her poor lies. Even if the passers-by are incomparably detailed in the whole process of the incident, even if the expression of incomparable movement is the same, it is only a superficial movement. After all, they are just irrelevant people, and they can never truly understand the mood of the parties.

That kind of pain to the mood of wanting to die.

After a few hours, I was completely exhausted and eventually ran ashore to the beach. The time is almost noon, the sky is clear, the place is bright, and his eyes are dull. The whole person is like the heavy shadow on the back of the sun, and it seems to be stuck in hell.

This sparsely populated coastal town has added a new resident from this day.

His appearance is tall and handsome, his character is like an autistic geek, he almost does not talk to people, and he does not make any contact with people. He will only drive the yacht to the sea day after day, and then sneak into the water to find his little squid. .

It’s been almost a year since this day’s blink of an eye.

He has almost searched all the nearby seas, and can be used as the first ocean of hundreds of millions of square kilometers. Its area is too big, even if it is a lifetime, it can only find one ten thousandth of it.

That night, the endless gray and cold rain, the blasting sound and the broken plane wreck, the pale to the transparent face and the long hair scattered in the water, as well as the thick and **** suffocating and the endless ocean. All kinds of fragmentary pieces make up the nightmare that can't be undone, so that there is nowhere to escape in the middle of the night when you can't sleep.

When it rains, it is even more distressing to turn around and think about whether his little koi is crying. Perhaps it was accidentally slammed and touched, perhaps because of the loss of memory and helpless fear, holding a tail and secretly shed tears. But he couldn't do anything but stand in the rain, but he felt that the wind was everywhere.

Time has been unconscious for a full year, and the culprit of the year reappeared in front of you at this time. The appearance of a serious illness on his face, pale and thin to almost off-type, seems to be a problem with his legs, walking very slowly, accompanied by nurses and bodyguards.

You can intuitively recognize that the person in front of you is Arthur and not Miles.

The other party then opened: "... Myers is dead. Accurately, it is completely gone from the crash."

Although Miles was a killer, Arthur was an Air Force and naturally understood how to save himself after the crash. He drifted in the Pacific Ocean for nearly three days, and finally waited for the rescue with the hidden signal launching device in his watch, but his legs were seriously injured. He was re-standing after a full year of treatment, and he could no longer recover as long as he could. .

The second personality that has plagued him for more than 20 years has finally disappeared on his own, at the cost of losing his heart and love. This result is equally uncomfortable. The sense of guilt is mixed with the pain of loss, which makes Arthur insomnia all day. The whole world seems to be faint, losing the color and luster that it should have, leaving only the empty ash.

Miles has disappeared, Arthur has almost become a waste, and he finally did not kill Arthur's life, nor did he take any revenge against him.

Because he knows that living is sometimes more painful than death.

And this world is so unpredictable, unexpected surprises, and surprises are often too late.

This day is just an ordinary Wednesday afternoon, and he is looking for his little koi in the deep potential water. He saw the other side when he was about to rise to the surface.

Everything is like the first encounter. While other fish are fleeing, the golden little koi with a rounded small head and gorgeous tail fins swims toward him, and comes to the face of the cockroach, with curiosity and He has big eyes and small eyes.

His world is back.

Everything around him seemed to disappear, leaving only a quiet and silent gaze. He tried to suppress the trepidation of the heart and shivered his hand to the small koi. The small koi was tentative in his hand. I touched it and then spit out a series of small bubbles to him cheerfully.

"Hey...". Oo...○°o. ...


拢 The small squid that spits bubbles into the palm of your hand, the water vapor in your eyes is silently integrated into the sea.

Then he took his baby and slammed it out.

The small koi, which was transferred to the crystal aquarium, sat in a beautiful tank and sat in a circle. It was a big tail and quietly asleep.裴冽 裴冽 裴冽 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依

Unfortunately, Xiao Jinxi did not eat.

Because it has never changed its shape, even the shape of the mermaid did not appear. It has been sleeping in the original shape, and occasionally does not move honestly, replaced with the strange sleeping position that turned over the little belly, and then flew a small pectoral fin to bring himself back.

I know that Xiao Jin's body may still be a little empty, and it takes time to recover. Although he feels worried, but a heart has been put into practice, can not be arrogant patience and other small Koi to get better, even if he does not feel bitter in his life.

The food is also more careful, and insists that the small koi likes to eat it every day, waiting for the day when the small koi comes out.

Until the sixth day, I heard the sound of water from the courtyard in the kitchen, and the hand of the soup suddenly stopped. Immediately, I walked to the yard, and the steps went faster and faster, and I was born with strong tension.

Then I saw a teenager swimming in the pool in the form of a mermaid.

I don't know how the little guy ran out of the bedroom. The ground was wet and watery. I only think that there seems to be a fresh fragrance in the air. I will rub my hands on the clothes, then stretch my arms and look at the boy with deep eyes: "瞳瞳乖Come swim and eat."

Xiaojin’s look back on some guards, and he did not move.

The cockroach with open arms also patiently waited by the pool, motionless.

In the early summer, the soft light came to one person and one fish. The small Koi took a moment, and the alert in the eyes finally disappeared without a trace, and he made up his mind to swim.

The faster you travel, the little Koi himself does not know what he is anxious. Then the big tail made a little effort, and the body jumped straight into the water.

Hey -

The sound of breaking water sounded, and the boy was then firmly caught by the man. His head was pressed tightly on the man's chest, his ear was against his heart, and he heard a heartbeat, plop, and plop.

The mermaid who had just swelled in the arms and had just got out of the water, kissed him on the forehead and said, "Look at the baby."

The boy smelled the familiar taste of him, and some shyly closed his eyes, but the golden tail of the tail was secretly tilted behind him.

"……who are you?"

The young man sat on the scented fish ball face and asked his head, and the clear and pleasant voice, like the warm water, seemed to wash away all the scars accumulated in the old age.

"Well, I am your husband."

The author has something to say: The next chapter is a new world of Meng Meng, the background will start from the campus, this week is hardworking, tomorrow will be more lengthy to compensate everyone, love you! ! Don't leave me a message, ask for power?

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