MTL - Transmigrating into a Demon Spirit to Blow up the Entire World-Chapter 117 Xueba's small table pet 11

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Sinking was also in a hurry to find out that he succeeded in getting rid of the hand that Gu Qiange clung to, and entered the mobile phone, and felt that he had the ability to freely enter and exit from the mobile phone.

Time has passed for so many years, today's mobile phone is not the previous one, but it still has the previous table pet software, and because of the upgrade of the indulgent fever, the past empty environment has a lot of furnishings, there is a A small bed that looks comfortable, a desk chair, and warm carpets and small lamps.

Gu Qiange is a program-compatible software developed for the purpose of Shen Yu, and applied for a patent, which can help the table pet program to run stably in the new mobile phone. Despite this, the old mobile phone is still in good condition with the baby, and it has been repaired twice with enough money to buy several mobile phones.

Xueba adults are afraid that his little guy will recognize the phone like a child, but he obviously has to worry about it. The little person on the screen doesn’t ask any questions about the phone model, but the self-research has been around. New small table and small chair.

Gu Qiange has prayed for countless times before God can let his little guy return to his mobile phone, but now that the other party can become a living real person, who is willing to face the process that can't be touched, Gu Qiange immediately Then he said, "Oh, come out."

After studying the desk, Shen Yu rushed to the soft cot and rolled on the bed. "No."

The cot was as comfortable as he had imagined. The villain sat on the mattress and bounced, satisfied with the big eyes, and was affected by the sleepy sleep. He couldn’t help but yawn with the quilt. The sound became a bit ambiguous, and it sounded softer than usual: "...the nest is not with the metamorphosis of the mud, you send me home and I play rough."

Gu Qiange is so easy to get people away, how can I send it back, some helpless and a little funny looking at the little guy in the phone asked: "How am I abnormal?"

The small popularity of the little hand is a few pieces: "You can kiss your mouth casually, but also bite my finger with your teeth, and there are so many metamorphosis videos in the computer..."

Gu Qiange knows that it is still related to those videos of the year. I feel that this matter can't be completely erased for a lifetime. Because it is the appearance of the q version, the teenager is not angry or cute, Gu Qiange's heart is a jump, suddenly bowed down to the phone screen and directly confessed: "Hey, I like you."

Successfully ruined the sinking of serious crimes.

His current body proportion is only one-twentieth of Gu Qiange's, so when he looks up, he looks at the man's narrow and long phoenix eyes that are the same as his entire face. The deep black scorpion is sure to look at him, pupil. The whole picture reflects his figure and reflects the moving focus and persistence.

I haven’t officially talked about the love of the tyrants, but the skills are full. If you don’t speak, you’ve got an amazing start.

"I like you, the biggest fortune in my life is to meet you."

"Because I like you, I can't help but kiss you."

"My whole heart is full of your name, and I have been thinking of you for the years that you have disappeared."

"I only have one of you in my eyes, no one but you, even if you hate me."


It turns out that once the old virgin is serious, it will be awkward than the **** who has long been in love. What's more, Gu Qiange's face value is absolutely up to standard, with a handsome face solemnly saying such a deep affectionate speech, even if it is a A passer-by who doesn't know can't help but move, so that he has no idea what to say except for staying with him and watching him.

While staying, there was a blush that slowly climbed up his white and tender earlobe.

This blush has made Gu Qiange feel satisfied, not willing to push people too tightly, and then change the posture from serious to easy, and deliberately some unreasonable tone with aggrieved tone: "How does the baby ignore me? I said so much, have you been touched?"

The villain is still staying. "I have seen even my father-in-law, I wouldn’t have been so worried about it."

Finally switched from dull to fried hair: "...who is your father-in-law? Don't shout!"

"I'm sorry I shouted wrong," Gu Qiange said, changing the mistake. "It's not a father-in-law, it's a father-in-law."

The villain turned his head and ignored him, and the blush had spread to the side face unconsciously. From the perspective of Gu Qiange, I saw that the white complexion was extremely attractive, like a powdery cake with honey, so that he could not wait to take the other person out of the phone and go up and down.

Fortunately, the phone came in at this time, interrupting the imagination of Gu Qiange, the body began to vibrate, the villain on the screen immediately felt that the entire floor was shaking, and because it was not stable, it was planted.

The body instantly became the shape of the limbs, and even the buns face licked and put on the sheets, leaving only the little buttocks exposed. What's more important is that the mattress is too soft. He struggled with two small short hands and failed to succeed. It was like a small turtle that could only be retracted into the shell.

Gu Qiang couldn't help but want to laugh, but he also knew that if he laughed at the moment, he would definitely annoy the other person. He could only use his fist to hold his fist against his lips and try to suppress his laughter. It’s Gu Qiange’s assistant who called, but at the moment, for Gu Qiange, Tian Tian’s heart is the biggest, and everything has to wait for him to successfully pull the little guy out of the phone, and then lift another Only ready to hang up the phone.

Unexpectedly, the little guy had the function of answering the phone by himself. First, he chose to answer it. The assistant’s voice came from inside: “The director said that you will go back to the institute to discuss the work in the afternoon. Now the staff is basically in place. When are you coming over?"

There is only one project in the research institute of Gu Qiange, which is the holographic game technology developed by him. Zhou Assistant has been with Gu Qiange for half a year. He has a certain understanding of his style of work. He is serious and punctual. He does not do leisurely entertainment on weekdays. He is busy and quarrels, so he makes a due diligence call to determine the time. The title of scientists is actually very demanding, because they are all hard-working factions. They are not high-educated or have published several well-known papers. If they do not make breakthrough inventions and contributions in this field, they can only be called ordinary. Scientific worker. Gu Qiange was named as a scientist at such a young age. It is definitely worthy of being sought after, and everyone has no doubt that he is a creature and loves research and is willing to pay for all the genius.

I don't know that all his motivation and starting point are just to sink. Now that the other party has returned to the side, the rest of the matter has immediately relegated to second place. Gu Qiange looked at the hour hand on the watch and quickly pointed to three o'clock. He counted the ride and answered the assistant. "I have something to do here. It is estimated that I will postpone it until four o'clock, but if I still haven't arrived at four o'clock, Just cancel it directly and inform everyone to change to tomorrow morning."

Although Zhou Assistant is a bit curious about what exactly affects the time concept of Gu Qiange, he is still very serious: "Okay, received."

"Why are you delaying?" Shen Yan naturally listened to the contents of the phone clearly, and could not help but worry about the opening after the phone hangs up: "The people in your research institute are definitely very powerful researchers, you are fine. If you want to go, don't let everyone wait in vain..."

In fact, the project has entered the implementation stage. Gu Qiange will not perform his duties even if they are not in the public. Moreover, the entire institute from the core technology to the funds are all Gu Qiange, even if one day is empty, no staff feels wrong. Gu Qiange deliberately said: "I don't want everyone to wait, but my baby is not willing to come out when I am born, and I don't want to worry about him. I don't want to talk about anything, let alone a meeting."

He is completely slamming and trying to use the game bin to lure each other: "Right, there is a new and improved version of the holographic game bin, the world is unique, do you want to experience it?"

Shen Yu finally came out of the mobile phone under the soft and hard application of Gu Qiange.

After thinking about it, I left the mobile phone and returned to reality with the normal person's body shape, but I forgot that the mobile phone was taken by Gu Qiange. The next second after I came out, I fell into the arms of Gu Qiange. in.

Still falling down in a face-to-face squat posture, the upper body squatted on the chest of the other side like a puppy, and the round buttocks of the small buttocks arched. Gu Qiange's wish for Wen Xiang Yun Yu was full of care, did not dare to shamelessly touch the butt, only by the name of the person to correct the two-handedly held the elegant waist. This is the turn of the schoolmaster, the earlobe is red, fascinated by the soft touch, and afraid of pinching his waist with one arm.

There was no traffic jam at this point, so they arrived at the institute at half past three. There are not many people who want to participate in the work seminar. There are only ten assistants. Gu Qiange took the time to bring the indulgence to the game bin. He patiently told him how to use it. Drop glasses.

The researchers who are present in IQs are higher than ordinary people. They all say that IQ is often low in emotional intelligence, but most of them are just because he doesn't want to deal with you. If they meet what they want to care about, they are more transparent than anyone else. Immediately, someone guessed what was going on at the moment.

- Their directors are actually in love, the object of love is still a teenager?

I couldn't help but look through the glass wall. I saw that the teenager really looked very good, and the clean and clever look looked like it.

After Gu Qiange finished the usage, he stood up and said: "If you are bored, you should play here for a while," and bend down to gently help the teenager to lift the hair on the brow to the side, and the lips close to his ear. The low voice is like a pulling string. "Why wait for me, I will be back soon."

Hehehe, this move is the tone of this voice, it is definitely a kind of wood in the ‘撩大全’, don’t think that their researchers don’t even watch Weibo or visit the forum! Suddenly someone vomited in his heart. - Gu, you are the leader of young scientists, you can't waste your time studying the skills. You must know that there are many important things in life besides your wife. For example, we have a serious one to open next!

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