MTL - Transmigrating into a Demon Spirit to Blow up the Entire World-Chapter 12 Marvellous little mirror 12

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Today, several of the subordinates of the meeting were confidant. They all knew Xu Junyi. When Han won the gun, they voluntarily withdrew. Only the adjutant Yang Senyu did not leave, looking at Shen Shen’s secret voice. No wonder.

What Yang Senyu said is not appearance, but sex. The juvenile is obviously a look of incomprehensibility. The men who have been on the battlefield have experienced too much blood and killing. The only thing that can’t be stopped is this innocence.

It is said that women love jealousy. In fact, men are more jealous, and they have to eat human life. The indulgent smile has made Han Ying’s vinegar out of control. Xu Junyi has watched it again and climbed up to use Western style. The courtesy reached out and said, "I am very glad to meet you..."

Out of courtesy, Shen Yu also reached out and prepared to return, but only halfway through it, Han won and went back. Han Ying is like a male lion who has been invaded by the territory. It seems to be biting at any time. He gives a cold warning to Xu Junyan. "...I don't like what others are doing."

Xu Junyi is also a veteran of love. It can be seen that although Han Han’s possessiveness and love for Shen Yu is very strong, Shen Yu has no equal love for Han Win. He can’t help but smile: “Do not worry, I don't like to move other people's things. But there are always a lot of people to grab the treasures without the Lord, right?"

Xu Junyi and Han Ying are two extreme types of cold and hot, and Han Sheng’s strangers are not different. Xu Junyi has always been familiar with himself. He is extravagant and even sloppy, the overall image is tall and handsome, full of vitality and enthusiasm.

However, these two contrasting people are the only ones who can reciprocate their backs. They may not be apparent on the surface, but their private tacit understanding and friendship are quite profound. It is precisely because of this that Xu Jun dare to tell Han Han about this kind of provocative words, and rushed to fight before he completely turned his face. "I got the train at 10 o'clock last night, I haven't eaten since I got on the bus. Starved to death, is there any food to eat?"

The place for lunch is set at Huixiang Building. The restaurant is not only a dish, but also because it has the function of a theater. There is a small table in the building. There will be a drama at the meal on the 2,463rd day of the week.

When Shen Jingang entered, he felt a whole ancient meaning, because it was completely wooden style in the Qingming period. The huge pillars and beams made the skeleton, the windows on all sides were bright, and the second was the exquisite carving and decoration. Then I heard the tune of the oh yeah, and it was the singer.

Han Ying took Shen Yu directly to the independent detachment on the second floor. Looking down at the stage, he was able to eat well without being disturbed, and he could score the singers of the singers.

Xiao Er finished the dishes, and also sent a small altar of special yellow wine. The wine is just warm, sweet and sweet, and poured into the bowl, suddenly filled with rich mellow. The sinking wrinkled little nose sucked, and before he drank his face, he had already produced a thin red.

"What happened to you in the end?" Han win knows that Xu Junyi can't run without reason. He said directly: "If it's because of what you've got, just roll it, I won't take it for you."

"Hey, you are a heart-wrenching man." Xu Junyi pointed to the words of Han Yingxue’s downstairs singer and deliberately accused him of a sentence, and then picked up the chopsticks while holding the dish and said: "...Huizhou is now In the youth student movement, the students in the city did not go to class to disturb the people on the street, and they were forced to deal with it by the old man, which was a headache."

Han Win did not answer, and Xu Junyi continued to complain: "There are a few students who still have backgrounds. Before I sent people to expel, I accidentally killed some of them. Now I am more troubled. I can’t beat them. I also advised not to go in, but I couldn’t get away with it. I also wanted to be crusted by the literati newspaper and used by the old man. I simply couldn’t see it as a net."

Xu Junxi said, tearing his mouth like a smile, lazy disdain has been written on his face.

Because in his opinion, the student movement is completely a farce of the clown, only the power can make the truth, and nothing else is vain. What democracy and freedom, probably only those who drink a little ink will be self-righteous readers will be out of life for these light words, stupid not to be used as a gun.

The ideas of Han Win and Xu Junyi are exactly the same at this point, but his disdain is to Xu Jun. In Han Ying, it seems that the student movement is very good. It is that people will have weaknesses. They will buy a few students to let them fight for themselves, and they will split in a few days. There is also a more convenient way to pressure the professor. Although the young people can't listen to the advice, the professors are all adults who are dragging their families. Let the professors issue a statement saying that if the students don't go to class, they will all resign, there must be When some students who are thirsty for school return to school, the student movement will gradually step down, and will automatically succumb to it over time.

Unrest, coups, and wars, Han Win is actually not in the eye, because they are simple and rude, easy to control, there will always be solutions.

Only people's hearts, complex and changeable, make people unpredictable.

Han Han and Xu Junyi talked about things that they couldn’t understand and didn’t want to understand. They put all their attention on the stage. This play is sung in the West Chamber. It was not long before it started. The Hua Dan, who played Cui Wei, has not yet appeared. I only saw Zhang Sheng singing a tune.

The song has a lingering rhythm, and the voice turns around. Although the lyrics are slightly embarrassing in Shen Yu, this unique Chinese ancient rhyme has its own unique beauty.

The more he listened, the more serious he listened. He unconsciously picked up the wine bowl and sent it to his mouth. Not only did he not know how to drink a small bowl of rice wine, but he was still immersed in it until he was half-finished.

This half-fold drama happened to end when Zhang Sheng was separated from Cui Wei because he was admitted to Beijing. He couldn’t help but feel sad. Han Han and Xu Junyi, who had finished talking about things, had already put their gaze on the sinking body. I saw the juvenile clever holding the bowl to watch the drama, focusing on what is going on in the big things, and the serious little appearance seems to take the whole The world's gold and silver treasures are piled up in front of him and can't change him back. The white jade-like delicate face is lined with antique railings and the surrounding paintings, and the end is the quiet of the years, which invisibly constitutes the most stable and nostalgic picture.

Xu Junyi could not help but ask: "Do you like to listen to the drama?"

"... ah?" Shen Yu was just picking himself up from the play. He turned his head and looked at the water with his faded water.

Even watching a West Chamber can be touched with sadness. Xu Jun looked at Shen Yu, repeated the question again, and smiled very gently. Nowadays, this world is full of disenchantment, messy and scary, bandit robbers, slums, and military powers occupying the entire country. Such exquisite and slender little things are born in this troubled world.

The most troubled times are opportunistic.

Everyone is an ambitious beast, stepping on the body step by step to achieve their goals. Han Ying has the brain to have the ability, and Xu Junyi’s means are not low, but they have their own skills.

In fact, Shen Yan did not cry, but his eyes were born with a little bit of water, and did not pay attention to drink a little wine, began to gradually get some drunk. Xu Junyi continued to smile and said to Shen Yan: "If you like to listen to the drama, there are several kinds of folk operas on my side, which can keep you happy. There is a saying how to come and know the beginning of the Jun. The old man returned, I met you today, I feel that it is just the same,... Just ask me to go to Huizhou with me for a few days?"

The first reaction to sinking is naturally rejected, but I just heard the good feeling reminder that Xu Junyi’s good feelings have increased by 5 points, and hesitated because he wanted to complete the task.

Read The Duke's Passion