MTL - Transmigrating into a Demon Spirit to Blow up the Entire World-Chapter 143 Wang Ye's little quilt

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Yu Wenzhao quickly found the answer on the map. The terrain of Liujia Village is very strange. It is sandwiched between the Pingjiao and the southern corners of the southern Xinjiang. There is a back water on the left side, which can lead to the Bagua Mountain from the waterway. The reason why Bagua Mountain is called this name is that the whole mountain is divided into two by a curved river. It is like a gossip. The two sections of the mountain are separated from the southern part of Xinjiang. Jiuliancheng. Although the Bagua Mountain is notoriously dangerous, since the two entrances and exits of the village have been sealed, it is difficult to ensure that the villagers will not take risks in order to survive.

——If someone successfully climbs over the Bagua Mountain and enters Jiulian City, the consequences will be more serious than the unblocked village!

Because Jiulian City is a transportation hub in the country, although it is far more economical than Pingjiang, the humanities are better than Yicheng, and the natural environment is better than the capital, but it is the largest transit area. The three main official roads are To pass there, and one of them is connected to Kyoto.

If the epidemic spreads to Jiulian City, the entire Da Yu Dynasty may be in jeopardy. However, the people who Yu Wenzhao saw from the official road when he came from Yicheng had already reflected the fact that Jiulian City had a problem. Only the officials were still complacent, and they did not know it.

Yu Wenzhao’s inference was correct. At noon on the same day, the Jiangzhou government received an urgent report. The epidemic suddenly occurred in Jiulian City, and the number of deaths has reached as many as ten. Yu Wenzhao directly rushed the emergency report to Jin Biao: "If you sent a medical official into the village, you would separate and treat people in batches, instead of rushing to save trouble and ignore the direct death of the people, how can there be such a big loophole?! If you report it to the church, you have a hundred heads that are not enough!"

After Kim Min Jong’s understanding of the seriousness of the matter, the uninhabited shackles were picked up there. After a while, I suddenly climbed to Yu Wenyu with my hands and feet, and screamed at the head. "The micro-minister knows the wrong, and asks the great emperor to save the villain! The villain is willing to make a cow for his highness from now on!! ”

He knows that his life is completely pinched in the hands of Yu Wenzhao. As long as Yu Wen thinks, even if the situation is serious, it can be big and small. On the contrary, if Yu Wen is not happy, even if nothing happens, he can pick out the stab.

In fact, the development of this situation to this step is very close to Yu Wenhua's mind, but he did not speak on the face, only a little bit of the knuckles gently tapped the table, "Why, you want the palace to be a thorn in your district. Are you bullying?"

Right now, in this sub-house, Jin Hao and his counselors were present. Jin Hao vaguely heard a turn from Yu Wenzhao’s sentence. He even said: "Let the temple save the villain! The villain is willing to make a sin !!"

Jin Hao’s work is actually the smuggling business that the two major families in Kyoto have joined together in Pingjiang.

These two families are regarded as the royal family, one is the royal family of Deyi and his brother Wang Hao, and the other is Qi Wang's maiden **** family. The reason why Pingjiang is rich is the four words: salt and satin.

Qingshui Town of Pingjiang Prefecture has thousands of acres of salt fields, which is an important place for salt production in Da Yu Dynasty. Not to mention the silk, the two largest satin villages are here. But regardless of salt or satin, they are firmly controlled by the government, and the national law is established. It is forbidden to sell or operate privately, especially if it is sold privately, only five pounds or more is enough to beheaded.

The prosperity of any big family can not be separated from the money, and the profit of selling salt is too high, and it is inevitable that no one will hit the idea. The road of Jiang’s salt-selling was carried out secretly eight years ago. The Wang family began to participate six years ago, and the smuggling front became longer and longer. For a long time, the emperor did not know it, and no one reported it.

Because behind this matter is the big family and high officials, the escorts are the masters of the rivers and lakes, the buyers are the richest people everywhere, all sides of the road are all hooked together, each of these joints has a role in each It is not good to offend, who will take care of these idle things without a long eye. Moreover, this matter is considered to be a share, but everyone who knows has a lot of benefits.

Take Jin Jin, for example, the salt transport team will give him a bribe every time he leaves Pingjiang. There are also benefits, and they can't afford to sin. If you look at one eye and close your eyes, you will see it. Over time, this has become a common case.

Yu Wenqi raised his eyebrows and finally slowly said in the nervous breath of Kim Min: "...I don't know that Kim Daren was such a smart person."

On the surface of Kim Min Jong, he was so fearful that he was afraid to move on the ground, but his heart sank. He confessed to the sale of private salt to Yu Wenzhao and did not have any kindness, but instead pushed Yu Wenzhao directly to the opposite of the two families of Wang Jia and Jiang Jia, and tied him to a line, regardless of Yu Wenzhao. Whether you choose to report thoroughly or in the same place, you must be guaranteed. If he chooses the former, he is a witness who has made meritorious deeds. If he chooses the latter, he can hold Yuwen a handle.

"However, Jin Daren knows that compared with smart people, obedient dogs can live longer," Yu Wen stunned, watching Jin Jin’s words and words: "- I don’t know if you are willing to be short-lived. People, or just obedient dogs?"

Jin Hao instantly realized the meaning of this words, and did not want to rush to show his loyalty: "The villain is willing to be obedient dog, and ask the temple to give the villain a chance!"

In fact, if you are obedient, the best thing to do is the imperial son himself. On Dada's carriage, Yu Wenzhao is stripping the grapes to his sweetheart, and his manners are called honest and docile, and they are more powerful than the best servants.

Liujiacun has become a political victim. It was too late to save. Yu Wenzhao gave Jin Hao an order to send troops. The soldiers were divided into three places. They first blocked the roads to Jiulian City, and immediately decided to rush. Going to Jiulian City. The speed of the carriage was very fast, and the guards outside the car also looked hurried, but the expressions of the two men in the car were very safe. In particular, the small quilt who can sit down and decide not to sit, lazily leans against the soft pillow, one hand on the other soft pillow, and half-closed to eat the grapes that Yu Wenqi feeds.

When the teenager coveted, the eyelashes appeared longer. With the bumps of the carriage, they trembled and cast a shallow shadow, so that Yu Wenzhao’s heart followed the tremor.

Of course, Yu Wenzhao did not forget the grapes in his hand while he was obsessed with the Han, and he also developed the best way to peel the grape skin. Turn the grapes upside down and start peeling from the small tip behind it, ensuring that the peeling is quick and complete.

Although the quilt of the little quilt is somewhat arrogant, but the bones are very clever and sensible, just because the heart still feels depressed, and can't say where it is depressed, it will deliberately call Yu Wenyu. Yu Wenxuan knows well, and is happy to spoil the sweetheart to make the little temper. It is best to pamper the other party to the lawlessness, and to be inseparable from himself. No one but himself can’t look up.

Grapes can always meet one or two sours. If you eat sour, the quilt will be unhappy. If you are unsatisfied, you will go to Yuwen, as if the other person had made him sour. The same. Yu Wenzhao was innocently shackled, but only a word appeared in his mind, that is, the baby can even look like a frown.

Then he said: "I am not good, shouldn't you peel the sour grapes for you to eat, just punish me for giving you a lame?"

The little quilt whispered his mouth, and after a half-sound, he nodded like a hard-working grandfather.

Yu Wenzhao was not the nephew who was left out in the Qi Wangfu, but the emperor who entered the imperial court at a young age and held the real power. Not only was the emperor favored, but also many ministers such as Wei Songhong and others supported it. When the king sees it, he must salute. I think that he is arrogant and cool in front of others, but he is arrogant in the face of a small quilt. It is another skill.

With permission, Yu Wenyu took the aunt's ankle and massaged it a little bit, and the big hand gently slid back and forth on the calf. It quickly ignited the coagulated blood, which led the boy to be as lazy as a cat.

Yu Wen squatted and wanted to go further, from the calf to the thigh, and sneaked up along the thigh. The little quilt didn't notice it at first, until the sensitive skin on the inner side of the thigh was touched, and the strange heat flow rushed to the body, and it suddenly became a spirit, and I didn't want to raise my ankle.

The strength of this foot is not light, Yu Wen is holding some sullen chest, but shameless.

This pain is sugary! You want to be shackled and no one is jealous! The old saying goes, ‘It’s a pain, it’s love, and it’s a deep feeling in the depths’. His baby’s feelings for him are definitely not good enough!

It will be late.

At the moment, in the city of Jiulian, it looks like a noisy vegetable farm.

The order has been completely tangled up, and the officers and men are unable to maintain. Some of the people gathered in front of the closed city gates to try to leave the city, and some of them were outside the mansion in the center of the city, screaming to be too guarded to give a statement.

But Ye Yuan, who is not at the moment, is not at the house, but is standing on the high tower of the city with a bitter face. Sometimes he looks up and walks around, obviously waiting for someone. The smack of the dog's legs next to him said: "Adult, if you want to take a break, there are subordinates watching it here, and people will inform you as soon as they arrive."

It is a pity that Ye Yuanxing is not only merciless, but if he is stimulated to the nerves, he will squat low: "The city has become like this. Where do you let the official go?!!"

The fat on his body trembled as he spoke, revealing the deep fear and tension in his heart.

The outbreak of the epidemic was too sudden, and the sick people fell down on the street without warning. The people on the street screamed and shouted, so that he could not do anything but shut down the gate. The doctors were not only helpless about the disease, and two of the doctors were also infected. They suddenly felt guilty. The move of Guanchengmen even provoked the people's turmoil and wanted to go out of town in order to survive.

Ye Yuanxing still does not understand how the plague suddenly passed from Liujiacun to Jiuliancheng. He actually wants to run away from the people, but he knows the consequences of running. He has more than one young and old, and a small room and young children are raised in the Zhuangzi in Kyoto. These years, he also got a lot of benefits from the joints of the national transportation hub of Jiuliancheng. If Jiuliancheng was destroyed during his tenure, Even if the court did not cut his head, the master behind him could not spare him.

Therefore, for the present plan, it can only be closely related to the death of the city gate.

Tonight, Ye Yuanxing is definitely the most difficult night. Time passes by, and Ye Yuanxing is more anxious. The night passed quickly. On the occasion of the dawning of the morning light, I suddenly heard the following defending soldiers coming to report: "Ye Daren, the Royal Highness is here! The Grand Emperor's team has a fragrant effort to go to the city gate!! ”

Ye Yuanxing was a slap in the face, busy with his stiff face, and then hurriedly said: "Quickly, send more people, handle the following violence | people, don't break the official affairs!"

As he spoke, he ran down with the fat of the body to prepare for the ride. The temperature in the morning was a bit cold, and the wind on the wall was also great. His forehead was sweating.

At the same time, Chen Wu and Xiong Wei both took advantage of the horse and paid a respectful remark to Yu Wenxi outside the carriage: "His Royal Highness, the front is the gate of the city of Jiulian."

Ye Yuanxing almost mobilized all the troops under his command to suppress the mobs gathered under the city, and then rushed to the gate of the city. After the arrival of Yu Wenzhao’s team, he opened the gate in time to welcome him.

"Wei Yuan Ye Yuanxing, meet with His Royal Highness! Your Royal Highness is thousands of years old!"

Yu Wenzhao has already replaced the sedan chair with a horse-riding horse. Gao Yuan immediately looks at Ye Yuanxing, who is kneeling on the ground. "You are the prefect of Jiuliancheng?"

Ye Yuan was busy with a nod to answer: "Go back to the temple, it is the lower official."

"Get up all the time." Yu Wen praised the whip and said: "Advanced City."

With this order, the city gate is about to slowly close, but then I heard a shout: "Let me go, I want to go out!! Why do you catch us!!"

It was the mobs who had been suppressed by the officers and men who were struggling in madness and anger, and this shouting was like the oil splashing in the hot pot, and the atmosphere of chaos was once again ignited.

The sentiment of the people has intensified with the passage of time and the increasing number of infected people. Because Ye Yuanxing’s emergence and cruel suppression have become more out of control, there has been an extremely sharp rebound. The situation turned out of control and there were a few people who broke through the division of officers and men and rushed out!

The scene was completely messed up.

The little quilt who loves to sleep late is still sleeping sweetly in the sedan chair. The five senses that are more sensitive than ordinary people have heard noisy from the dream. Then, the soft couch underneath vigorously swayed, the carriage seemed to be suddenly hit by something, the horse was shocked, and the four hooves began to run wild!

Yu Wenxuan’s heart was tight, and a flying body rushed forward. It was almost impossible for everyone to see clearly. There was only one residual image. Until his powerful arm grasped the horse, he saw the bright and determined blue figure.

However, at the same moment that Yu Wenzhao was on the horse, the little quilt had broken intact from the window. The toe is then gently touched on the top of the car, the movements are flowing, the figure is graceful and chic, and the spirit is safely suspended above the sedan chair.

The white-haired black hair, the face is like a jade, the wind-free automatic clothes are elegant and floating, and the morning glow is projected from behind, and the youngsters on the whole body are like a little golden light, as if the gods are on the horizon, it is dazzling.

Those ordinary civilians who have seen ordinary people in the countryside have seen such a heavenly person's posture, and they have stopped working for a while, and they can't make a sound with their mouths open. The horse that rushed to the horse was also about to step on the chest of an innocent people, and was arrested by Yu Wenzhao, stopping the horseshoe in time.

The little quilt slowly fell until it stepped on the ground, and Yu Wenzhao sat in the high head and screamed like this, and the condescending voice shouted: "Where is the palace, whoever dares to move one step, execute on the spot, kill it!"

This anger was drunk because of the internal force, and it sounded like a slap in the face. Chen Wu and Xiong Wei also led the two teams of royal guards to tidy up the sword. The rioting crowd was completely quiet.

Yu Wenzhao is born with a breathtaking atmosphere of the king, which is becoming more and more prominent as he grows up. The kind of momentum of the whole body made the people stunned, and Ye Yuanxing was still in the same place and did not dare to move.

"Jiulian City is the country's most important place. His Majesty not only pays great attention to the city people, but also gives full trust. Therefore, the palace not only rushed in the night, but also brought a large number of the best medical officers and herbs in person. Find the law of treatment. But the plague in the district, I believe that the people in Jiulian City will be at risk and not afraid of the disaster!" Yu Wenzhao will be looking around at the venue, and his eyes are like a torch, not angry, "And yours As a person who has always valued and trusted, can you consider other people in the country? How can you be worthy of the people of my great Yu Dynasty?!!"

Yu Wenxuan’s face is cold, his voice is loud, his speech is clear and clear, and he can’t help but convince him what he said. The little quilt looked at Yu Wenzhao, and his thoughts suddenly drifted far away.

Because he is the only one who watched him grow up step by step, from the warm and tidy Qi Wangfu to the unfathomable palace, from the abomination of his biological father and his aunt, to the selfish and suspicious Qingdi and the courtiers of the tyrannical giants. . He has seen with his own eyes that he has encountered many dark tides, temptations, and thousands of performances. He has accompanied him from a youthful period of youthfulness to a youth who can stand alone and kill and decide. Maybe he can't stay with him for a lifetime, but he believes that the other side will sooner or later set foot on the highest point of the entire dynasty.

But for the people, it is one thing to be afraid of danger. It is another matter to want to live. The plague has always been more terrible in the hearts of the people than the savage beasts. Some people still show their arrogance, or they don’t agree, even if they are not afraid of death, they shout out: " If you can't find a cure, then you can't keep us stuck in the city and die!"

"This palace is also in this city," Yu Wenzhao looked at the man, slightly squinting, and said one word: "If you can't find the cure, you will die, and this palace will accompany you to die."

This statement is not only the people of the whole city, but even the royal guards such as Chen Wu and Xiong Wei are surprised and wide-eyed. Chen Wu even hurriedly exhorted: "His Royal Highness, this move cannot be done!"

Yu Wenzhao said: "The heart of this palace has been decided. From today, the palace will not go anywhere in this city until the epidemic is resolved!"

He said that the content and temperament of the words made the people who did not agree with it also convinced. The people's ideas are actually very simple. They don't understand and don't want to understand the truth. They just want to live simply and peacefully. Therefore, it is not difficult to think of the people's hearts. It is not necessary to talk too much, as long as it can coexist with the people, it is enough.

Everyone will die, everyone is afraid of death, the important thing is that the value of death is not worth it. Now, the entire Jiuliancheng people feel the value, because even if they are dead, there is a high-ranking and extremely honorable emperor to accompany them.

In the eyes of the people, the royal family and the civilians are completely different from each other. Nowadays, even the imperial sons are here, what else can they fear of this commandment?

The most terrible thing is not fear itself. As long as you can overcome the fear, you will be invincible.

After the turmoil was calmed down, Ye Yuanxing, who was swaying and screaming, re-examined his head. He respectfully and cautiously led Yu Wenxuan to lead the way. Unexpectedly, he had just walked two steps. The person standing in front of the left, who was not hurt by the crazy horse, suddenly twitched and fell to the ground.

Then there was foam in the mouth, the limbs were twisted, and there seemed to be a blue-lifted bulge on the face, which seemed to be particularly embarrassing.

"This, this is infected with the disease! It is exactly the same as the person who died last night!!"

Someone was screaming out of the crowd, and everyone suddenly retreated with a back, and there was no panic on the face, but no one was violent.

Yu Wenzhao and the little quilt also moved. The former looked calm and turned down, but the latter turned to the fallen patient.

With the repair of a small quilt, I was not afraid of any epidemic. I quickly walked over to the patient and bent down to bring his side to the body. The little quilt was originally intended to look at the illness at first glance, to see what kind of disease it was, but did not expect to have a problem at a glance.

He used his knowledge to see a small insect in the eyebrow of the man.

Busy and sweeping people from head to toe, found that the bug is alive, and this person has only this one. I couldn't help but raise my hand and point the man's forehead, and explored the gods and grasped the bug accurately.

In fact, it is not an ordinary bug, but the top of the southern Xinjiang.

The worm seemed to be conscious. First, it was scared by the horror of the demon's period to get rid of the dead body, and then huddled and attempted to escape at the moment of being caught. It is a pity that although it is one of the best characters in the anti-drug industry, in the face of the demon's demon repair, it is even more fragile than the ants. Not only did it not succeed, but it was accidentally killed.

As soon as the locust died, the patient who was in a coma and sudden death suddenly shook his body and his hands and feet moved.

Then, I saw that the black and white on his face faded a little, the twisted limbs gradually returned to normal, and the violent blue veins disappeared by an inch, and then slowly opened his eyes, and the whole person looked normal.

The onlookers have already seen the moment from the moment the teenager took the initiative to go to the patient.

It was not until the cured patient stood up that he had returned to God. He looked at the indulgent eyes and described them not only with eagerness, but also with deep respect and worship. I don’t know who screamed and shouted ‘God’, and everyone else hurriedly fell to the ground, shouting and screaming.

"It is the gods who came to the world, we are saved!"

"Seeking gods to save lives!!"

"The gods are long lived!"


Yu Wenyu frowned with anxiety. The ancient book scorpion does not blame the chaos, although even the Qing emperor once superstitious legends such as the immortal, but as an emperor, he will never allow anyone's prestige to overthrow the imperial power. The single sentence "Long live the gods" passed out, it will make the Qing emperor born a strong taboo, and even bad for the little quilt.

Yu Wenzhao immediately stepped to the side of Shen Yu, and the sound of Hong Zhong’s opening: "This is the doctor of the hospital, Shen Dafu, who came here for the epidemic and the sick people. It is not rude!"

The little quilt, who was awkward because of the immortal word, nodded and nodded Yuwen’s words, and then said: “The environment here is not suitable for medical treatment. I will go to the residence with the Royal Highness and the medical staff, but where the family or herself If you are sick, you can queue up at the entrance to the house..."

When everyone listened, they immediately gratefully changed the gods into doctors and consciously divided them into a way.

Jiulian City soon began a methodical rescue work.

From batch isolation to follow-up treatment, both the soldier’s medical officer and the people are in good order. After the small quilt accidentally killed ten small worms, he finally succeeded in extracting a live little one that looked invisible to the naked eye. He could see it with two gods. The tentacles constantly twisted and twisted, like a little quilt on the little quilt.

The plague was solved in this way.

The most fortunate of this is the singer Ye Yuanxing. He sighed a sigh of relief that night and put the heart hanging high for several days back. He felt that he could sleep well today. Therefore, I did not expect to be surrounded by the Royal Guards Group led by Chen Wu and Xiong Wei after the night, and the cold mans reflected by the sword were unusually horrible, like the ice in the deep winter.

Yu Wenzhao slowly walked out from behind the encirclement, the pace was elegant and lazy, but the momentum of the whole body was very fierce, and the combination had a dangerous and confusing charm.

Ye Yuanxing’s men’s consciousness is secretly tight, but his face is innocent and flustered. “Why should you want to arrest the ministers and dare to ask the guilty of the micro-committee?”

"Ye Daren, this palace has no time to circle with you, and I don't want to circle you," Yu Wenxi said directly: "Hand over the books, this palace can protect you."

"The villain doesn't understand the meaning of His Highness," Ye Yuanxing is still stupid, "What is the book?"

Yu Wenzhao suddenly came up with a question: "Why do you think that the plague suddenly ran from Liujiacun to Jiuliancheng, why did the palace come here overnight?"

Ye Yuanxing sank in his heart. And Yu Wenzhao made a swindle and moved out of the Qing Emperor: "Your Majesty already knows that Jiang Wang and the two are selling private salt, and they have specially sent the palace to come to the investigation. - Things have reached this point, the masters behind you are all It’s hard to protect yourself, let alone you?”

Yu Wenzhao’s lies are more powerful than the truth, and Ye Yuanxing believes that he is really panicked. Yu Wenzhao’s gaze is even sharper as an arrow that can pierce people’s hearts: “If you want to save your life, you can only hand over the book. Otherwise, this house can only act according to law and directly An old man was executed on the spot!"

Even those who have been through the battlefield will not have such a gaze, just like passing through purgatory and blood.

In just five days, the medicinal deeds of the little quilt were publicized by the people to almost everyone, and the plague has been solved and the news that Ye Yuanxing was taken in by Yu Wenzhao was introduced to Kyoto.

Jiang Li’s family, Jiang Lizhen, immediately became flustered after hearing the news. However, he determined that Ye Yuanxing was only implicated in the plague. The crime was nothing more than a weak governance of the epidemic. He only thought about how to rescue Ye Yuanxing. If he can't keep his own people, he will be willing to sell his life in the future, and if he is dug into the salt by Yu Wenzhao, everything will be finished.

Although Ye Yuanxing secretly worked for Jiang, the bright face was promoted by Qi Wang. After Jiang Lijun and Wang Hao discussed, they decided to convince Qi Wang to come forward.

Qi Wang was originally a brainless person. He spent a lot of money on weekdays and took a lot of money from the Jiang family. In the Jiang family's heavy interest and Qi Wangxi's move, the next one should be mentioned. The next day, the Shang Dynasty mentioned this matter.

Unexpectedly, his words were still not lost, and they were interrupted by a pile of chapters and booklets that fell under the wrath of the Qing Dynasty.

"You are partying private, trafficking in private salt, bullying the guilty, and dareing to cry out! You have been blinded by such a daring wolf thief for so many years, it is really hateful, and sin must die!!"

Originally, Yu Wenzhao secretly returned to Beijing last night, and presented the evidence of the person to the Qing Emperor overnight. Qi Wang’s misunderstanding made the Qing emperor classify him as an accomplice of Jiang Lijun and others.

The two benevolent and the younger brothers of Qi Qi’s betrayal made the Qing Emperor, who was always conceited, not only angry and angry, but even thought of the conspiracy, he almost couldn’t lift it up in one breath, swayed his chest and put Liu Fuxing, the **** supervisor next to him. They were so scared that they rushed forward to help.

Everyone present knows that Jiang and Wang are probably finished. Jiang Lizhen was listed as the Eight Major Crimes in the Dang Dynasty. Apart from colluding with the South Xinjiang and conspiring to treason, the other six were almost directly convicted. The body of the Qing Emperor has been getting worse every day, and he has become sick. He has handed over the retrial to Yu Wenzhao and Wei Song. Yu Wenzhao was praised for his merits and deeds, and he was crowned as the King of Jin. He added two more beads than the original seal of Qi Wang. He was allowed to build a palace in Kyoto and rewarded the Prince with a separate seal.

As early as half a year ago, Yu Wenzhao went to the age of the palace, and he did not waste time on the government. He directly chose the residence that the emperor once rewarded Anping. The interior of the house is quite wide, the layout is exquisite and chic, and the location is excellent. It is quiet in the middle of the day. Although the garden and the lotus pond are slightly defeated due to the long time of no care, it is only as simple as repairing. .

Waiting for the new construction of the palace, the Jin Wang on the plaque is magnificent, and the guards at the gate of the government are heavy. There is no pass inside, and they can't get in. Therefore, the ministers who sneaked in the official uniforms could only be respectful and waited outside.

Into a returning letter, the minister who was blocked outside is still in a constant stream, and several colleagues have chilled each other.

"You said that Jin Wang is now making this, who can catch up?"

Also rushed to see Yu Wenzhao's criminal department Shang Shu Qu Hong looked at the endless stream of Jin Wangfu, could not help but shook his head.

Another official sighed lowly: "This is also the life of the King of Jin. A plague with no return can also be assisted by the gods, and come back safely..."

I don't know if the doctor in their mouth is now offering a reward with Yu Wenyu. The teenager was very proud of his small head and asked: "I have helped you so much this time, is it very powerful? What do you want to thank me?"

Yu Wenzhao puts people in his arms and decides to look at his eyes like a sea, and then uses an unprecedented and earnest tone: "I Yu Wenyi has never lost the grace of this life."

Yu Wenxi did not say anything to live up to his feelings or righteousness, but to use a grace. The degree of fancy of the ancients to the word '恩' is unimaginable. In the Da Yu Dynasty, it is completely parallel with the word 'filial piety'. Especially for people like Yu Wenzhao, this is the highest promise he can give.

In fact, the little quilt just wanted to take him out to eat a big meal, so he said, "People often say that the grace of dripping water is reported by the spring, since I have good for you, are you not? Want to report well?"

“Yangquan’s report?” Yu Wenzhao suddenly raised his eyebrows and bowed his head to kiss the young man’s eyebrows. Then he lowered his voice: “Do not worry, I will hold it well. All the springs that I have poured out are yours. ""

The little quilt didn't understand at first.

The author has something to say: Originally, this chapter ended the little quilt and found that there is still a little bit of little things not finished, and then the chapter of the pet will go to the end of the world! Otherwise, the older brother who lost his brother will have to wait for anger!

It’s a sad day to go to work, but it’s awesome that the stupid author’s grief is the fatter chapter of strength! Come and praise me! Such a diligent and cute stupid is really good enough to be worthy of praise! I am touched by myself! ! 23333