MTL - Transmigrating into a Demon Spirit to Blow up the Entire World-Chapter 151 The Emperor's Little Phoenix 3

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Little Phoenix didn't understand the reason why the sting was relieved, but the whole body was obviously much easier than before, and even some wisdom could be divided into pain to speak. The little words implied a bit of uneasiness in the expectation: ", when I broke the shell, did I become the phoenix you said?"

The uneasiness has further deepened the distress of winning.

Because the other party did not have to understand this kind of uneasiness, and did not have to endure the pain at the moment. He is born with a phoenix that is uniquely high and never has to worry about anything. If it weren't for his stupidity and selfishness in the past, Xiao Feng would not choose to jump off the abyss and would not experience any reincarnation and rebirth.

There are many shortcomings of the demon emperor. For example, since most of the skeptical skins are counted in countless calculations, the advantages are relatively poor. In his few advantages, in addition to the beneficiary and emotional specificity, there is a mistake.

He has enough reason to recognize that doing something wrong is doing something wrong, and explaining or making up is actually superfluous. It will not be like some people trying to find excuses to evade cover-ups, and it will not be like those who make a stick to a sweet date, constantly emphasizing how much effort and strength they have to pay for the sweet date.

Because the other party didn't need to be a good one, the date that he compensated was sweet again, and he couldn't turn things back and forth, and put the cart before the horse.

"Yes," Yu wins his efforts to suppress the sourness of his heart and replies: "You will become the unique and beautiful little phoenix in the four worlds."

The man’s voice is low and powerful, and he will be convinced that he is telling the truth. Little Phoenix indefinitely settled down, and the pain in his body seemed to be less than fear. It tried to stick to it until the sense of restraint on the body became smaller and smaller, and the stinging disappeared completely.

The eggshell finally cracked.

The sound of a slamming sound, the slight cracking sound fell in the ear of the ear, but it was magnified a hundred times at a time, and the hand that stopped the blood of the heart was stopped, and it was difficult to hide the eggshell, and even the subconsciously held the breath. Soon, a small part of the shell fell off, revealing a little fluff.

The eggshell continues to split and detach, until the creatures inside are completely revealed.

This is a young, fiery red phoenix.

The body is as fat as the egg shape, and it looks like the adult version of the Phoenix, but it is very similar to the newborn chicken. Only the tail feathers are slightly longer than the chickens. The hair is not the yellow color of the chicken, but the warm red. There is only a circle of chicks on the mouth.

The soft red fluff is bright and lively, and the fluffy tip seems to be dyed with dazzling gold, although there is no beauty and beauty of the adult phoenix in it, but the pompon-like body, tender cockroaches and claws. Bright, translucent light golden eyes, every place is cute.


The young phoenix subconsciously issued the first scream of Fengsheng, although the sound is not very high, but it is like a melodious hole, and like Kunshan jade, it is very beautiful. With the deterrent power in the blood, the enchanting palace in the middle of the night and even the demon of the whole demon world and the birds of the whole four worlds are shaken by this sound.

At the same time, in the other side of the underworld, the Lord of the Underworld, who is retreating, suddenly opened his eyes.

The dark red pupils seem to be deeper and deeper. In the perennial dark space of no jail, it seems like two clusters of slowly swaying fires that guide the sentient beings to Purgatory. The empty meditation immediately stood up and looked in the direction of Fengming. The deep bottom of the scorpion was clear and heavy, but in the sinking, it slowly became soft and soft.

Until now, the Phoenix is ​​truly a rebirth.

The young phoenix that has just broken the shell is full of vitality and exploration desire. It is also necessary to tentatively use the mouth to lick a few shells. When you hear the sound, you need to be more novel. The broken eggshell still exudes a faint radiance, and after the little phoenix scented, it smelled a tempting food.

The stomach could not help but send out a reminder of hunger. It licked the big round eyes and couldn't help but eat a scented eggshell.

The bright big eyes suddenly became brighter.

I only think that the eggshell is fragrant, crisp and delicious, and it contains a lot of spiritual power. It won't hurt the tenderness because it is too hard. After the victory has returned to the gods, Xiaofeng has swallowed all the eggshells in front of him, and the warm feeling quickly rose from the stomach, letting it float the wings.

I won know that the eggshells of the birds and birds can be eaten, but I don’t know if the little phoenix will eat more and will not indigest. During the hesitation, I saw that the little phoenix that licked the mouth quickly ate another piece, and sat down with a small sigh.

"Oh, can't eat any more."

The win-win finally couldn’t help but speak out, and the idea was moved, and the remaining pieces of eggshells were all collected into their storage space and became their exclusive collection.

The collection of the demon emperor has finally changed from one to two, and the other precious collection of his life is the tail feather of the phoenix godjun. The beautiful colors and patterns are gorgeous, and they are still flowing. The dust of the fairy spirit, the feather tip seems to have countless tiny golden awns shining.

The delicious ones disappeared at once, and the little phoenix couldn’t help but look up and play with big eyes and small eyes. Binoculars to the visual, the heart of the win is inexplicably excited, and then reached out, gently to the little Phoenix Road: "Hey, come to me."

Xiaofeng and Guanyin looked at each other for a while, then a small ‘啾~’, a tail ignoring him, turned his head and tied his head into the quilt.

- This phoenix is ​​too tired to sleep.

The phoenix that screamed and said that he slept on sleep, floated and smiled, and gently helped it to put this strange sleeping position on the tail. When he met the gods on the head, the other party was on the verge of adulthood. He had seen the elegant and gorgeous phoenix. He had seen the mighty phoenix, but he was the first to see the young and lovely phoenix. The satisfaction of the heart could not be used. Language description.

The outside is still dark night, but before dawn, the tiredness caused by the consumption of blood is also on the brain of winning, and then lie down and sleep with the little phoenix.

This night, one person and one phoenix were all very sweet, especially win-win, and got the first good sleep in the millennium until the dawn did not wake up.

Little Phoenix just woke up in the light of the day, first stumbled straight and two small claws stretched out, then stood up and shaken the fluff of the body, finally patted the small wings, stumbled Fly out.

Its wings have not grown, it is extremely unstable, and it has no skill to fly high. At most, it has a high tree-like appearance, and it suddenly flicks up and down, and it has not been successful for several times. On the tree, I was deeply moved by the servants who saw it.

When I won, I found out that I had not seen the little phoenix around me, knowing that it would not be a problem, or couldn’t help but panic, and immediately went out to find it.

The little phoenix that just flew up the tree was standing on the thickest paulownia in the courtyard.

The red fluffs are facing the sun and look as if they will shine. The leaves of the phoenix tree were huge and luxuriant. The little phoenix took a long time to find out the perfect shape. Then he licked his head and began to open the leaves with cockroaches until the leaves were pulled out.

The hole was round, with a head and a short tail that didn't grow, how to look like it. Xiaofeng is very satisfied with this abstract masterpiece. He is about to take the work down and bring it to win and appreciate it. However, some small claws that can't bear the weight of the body start to tremble because of standing for too long. Planted from the tree.

Winning and seeing the little phoenix fell to the ground, the heart suddenly tightened, and hurriedly raised his hand to release a piece of infuriating, helping him to make a buffer. Little Phoenix was not injured under the help of the infuriating, and soon stood up and shook his hair, and then slammed his wings and tried to fly back to the tree.

Unfortunately, this time I can't succeed in trying.

After a long period of tossing, Xiaofeng was tired, and finally gave up the test flight. He was picked up and put in the clothes and took the breakfast in the dining room.

The collar of the robes worn by the Emperor of the Emperor today is relatively loose. The little phoenix is ​​small, so it will slide down uncontrollably as he walks. Until finally, the whole body slides into the placket.

The sight in front of me was suddenly blocked by the clothes. The little phoenix immediately became unhappy. She began to climb up and down with her hands and feet. The two small claws tried to hook the clothes, and the two little wings struggled, and they were busy. For a long time, I finally managed to re-emerge.

In order to prevent myself from slipping in again, it continued to climb after the clothes were laid, and climbed to the shoulders of Win. Then find a suitable place to relax in the nest, leisurely look around the environment and scenery.

So everyone in the impetuous palace saw their cold and powerful demon emperor's shoulders licking a soft and cute little red chicken, eagerly looking around with a pair of big eyes, chubby head still Stand with a very stiff hair, as it looks at the movements.

Fortunately, Little Phoenix doesn't know the thoughts of everyone. Otherwise, it will be very serious. It is a small face with a milky voice that emphasizes that he is not a chicken, but the most beautiful phoenix.

Little Phoenix is ​​still not flying high, but the demon emperor can. In order to make Xiaofeng happy, Xiaoying actually showed the prototype that was not easily exposed in front of others. It was only for the little Phoenix with the nature and love to fly to experience the feeling of traveling in the sky in advance. It was really difficult for Dad.

This one-child activity has only become one of the favorite of Xiaofeng, and it has been smashed to make the win again.

"... win, win, fly high..."

Winning the effort to resist the attack of the little milk sound, said: "You have to eat the rice."

Xiaofeng was very embarrassed to eat the rice, even the vegetable porridge that he did not like to eat was eaten, and then looked forward to staring at the win, and the wet eyes were focused and bright. Hey won his hand and took it over and kissed his little head. "Well, take you to fly high."

Xiaohuang is obviously very happy, and he took the initiative to use his head to win the chin. He said: "...well, riding a big bird, flying high..."

The prototype of Winning is not a bird, but a snake. It is almost exactly the same as the animal shape in the world of small peach blossoms. Its sound is like a dragonfly, its body is slender, its shape is like a snake and has four wings, and the dark jade-like scales are covered with luxurious and low-key cold mans.

It can be found in the shallow cognition of young cubs, but all things with long wings are birds. The win does not correct the idea of ​​the little phoenix, because the name of the big bird seems to be better than the big snake. The shameless demon and even the dark fantasy can imagine that the little phoenix that grew up one day can be shy. The blushing face, or the queen's imposing manner, pushed him down and took the initiative to ride the 'big bird'.

This scene is not too good for the brain.

Yan wins and then holds the little Phoenix to stand up, and then jumps out of the house and reaches the top of the highest level. The impetuous palace was originally suspended in the air, and then the triumphant jump was followed by a glimpse of the vast valley of the demon valley.


The figure of the man slammed into the prototype of the snake in midair, and the next moment was stretched to the point where it could not be seen. The huge snake body can cover almost half of the mountain peak. The same huge bone wing can prevent the Buddha from covering the sky. When the fan is moving, it shoots a thousand layers of fog, and the clouds flow in the sky.

The whole demon valley has become foggy, and at the same time, a strong wind has been rolled up in the valley.

The forests that grow into pieces are squeaking with the wind, like a vast green wave. Teng Snake waved his wings and hovered over the endless forest, and then, when he hovered to a certain height, suddenly rushed straight up.

- Swing up 90,000 miles!

The snake snake quickly travels through the endless clouds, and the posture is just like a dragon. No one knows that on his huge body, at the dead hole in his back neck, he sits on a small red hair group that is firmly guarded by the erect scales.

The newborn baby phoenix is ​​too small compared to the adult rattlesnake, even more than a scale on the back neck, but the combination of the two is not against the contrary, but there is a kind of incomprehensible match. The little phoenix riding a snake can not stimulate the excitement, just like playing a roller coaster. When suddenly speeding up or rolling, it will send out a nervous and happy tender tweet.

The cries were swallowed up by the wind almost instantly, but the snakes caught the ear in an unbeatable way, and felt unsatisfied with his happiness.

After all, I have been a fox dad in the reincarnation. I won this time when I was a Phoenix dad. I also know how to make a living. In addition to accompanying me, I will tell the story before going to bed when Xiao Phoenix refuses to sleep.

"...It closes its eyes and floats in the depths of the white clouds. It is surrounded by soft clouds, and it is slowly lifted up. It is like drifting in the warm sea water and drifting gently into the distance..."

While talking about this, Xiaofeng’s eyelids were gently covered by the palm of his hand. The line of sight suddenly became dark, and the man’s low voice became clearer. The warm hand of a man is like the soft cloud or sea water he told in the story, so that the little phoenix can not help but slow down and the body gradually relaxes.

"Floating and floating, it also heard the faint voice coming from the ear, like a scorpio, listening to it, I felt calm in my heart, could not help but slowly close my eyes..."

This adaptation of the Little Dragon Fish Adventures was a good help to sleep, and the little Phoenix rushed to sleep, and raised a sense of security. After a while, Xiaofeng finally fell into a sweet dream and slowly fell asleep.

He won the hand and gently removed it, and carefully pulled out the right wing of the little phoenix under his body, lest it sleep for a long time, and he would not give himself blood.

Xiaofeng was not awakened by its movements. He still slept very well. The posture was called a four-pronged, and the pointed pimple was slightly open. He also licked his mouth like a dream.

Yu wins the little phoenix's sleeping face, and quietly watched it for a long time, could not help but stretch out his finger and gently touched its velvety belly.

Perhaps it was a careless feeling. In the dream, I felt that the little phoenix, who was disturbed by sleep, took a small dissatisfaction and took a small wing, trying to get rid of the bad guy who dared to disturb it. But it was so fragrant that it slept, only symbolically moved twice, and then went to sleep again.

After sleeping until the middle of the night, Xiaofeng faintly felt a little cold, so he kicked the small claws and closed his eyes and then smashed and climbed. Until I climbed between the chest and the quilt that won, I went there to continue to sleep.

The next morning, the win was provoked by the voice of the little phoenix. The little phoenix, who woke up, got out of the quilt and stood on his chest.


The scream of the phoenix is ​​naturally better than any bird. This kind of wake-up service makes you feel satisfied with 犴win, and wakes up but deliberately stays there. So Xiaofeng continued to scream with the scorpion, and he smashed his stomach from the chest that won.

Winning finally couldn’t help but sit up, Xiaofeng saw him wake up, and immediately rushed into his arms with a small wing, like a vibrating bullet that was shot out, then raised his head with sparkling eyes. To see him.


--hungry! Have to eat! After dinner, fly high!

The demon emperor suddenly felt a little headache.

Of course, even a headache is sweet. And the pay will surely be rewarded, and the phoenix, which is difficult to be pleased with, is now close to the unimaginable level, and fully accepts his closeness and caress. I remember that when I broke the shell, I won the hand to Xiaofeng. It still ignored it. Now that the win-win has reached out, Xiaofeng will take the initiative to skip it and enjoy the warmth from his fingertips.

The growth rate of the baby has always been very fast, but for a month's effort, the tail feathers of the little phoenix have grown a little. The red feathers are filled with colorful dark lines. Although it is still a prototype, it can clearly see the beautiful appearance in the future.

The characteristics of the scent of the phoenix became more and more prominent. The little phoenix especially liked the tail feather that he had grown up, and even the food was cautious, lest there were debris or stains falling on it. If there is a piece of food that accidentally sticks to the fluff, it will be finished immediately after the meal is not eaten. If it is okay on weekdays, the tail should be combed four or five times.

The flying level of Xiaofeng has become more stable. Now it is easy to fly on the phoenix tree, running around in the dense branches, looking far away like a red velvet ball.

But it quickly encountered the first anecdote in Fengsheng, in the process of drilling the branches, the rounded body was stuck in the middle of the tree.

After the demon world affairs were dealt with, the first time I came to find the little Phoenix's win, I saw that it was stuck in the tree's small butt, and I couldn't help but laugh.

There are actually birds that don't come up and down the tree, and they are still the phoenix of the king of birds. I am afraid that no one will believe when I go out. I loved the face of Xiaohuang, and I felt very embarrassed. After I heard the laughter of winning, I was even more blushing, struggling to fight with wings. I saw the fluffy tail feathers of the new grow up, and the wet little eyes were so cute that the demon emperor felt that he had been attacked.

He won the blank of the brain that was sprouted, and in the moment of his blank, Xiaofeng was under a rush, and he earned hard from the branches.

These sycamores that have been transplanted to the demon world are not ordinary phoenixes, but bathed in Xianli. They not only contain aura, but also are extremely hard. The small phoenix is ​​so indiscriminate, it also scratches the branches and also scratches them. The tail, the new tail feathers have fallen off several.

This is the first time that Xiaofeng felt pain after breaking the shell.

When the pain came to the brain, it turned to look at the injured tail and the tail feather that fell, and stupidly stayed for two seconds. The next moment of staying, a pair of big eyes could not help but flooded the water.

The little young phoenix curled up on the branches and was extremely grievous, and burst into tears.

Tears fell down one by one, and they fell into the chest. I have already panicked and won't be there.

Little Phoenix cried and turned to look at his tail. I saw the original beautiful tail, a long **** mouth, the shape is very irregular, and the depth is not equal. The deepest part looks quite serious. The flesh is rolled outwards, and the pink flesh is exposed. It makes people feel very painful when they look at it.

He won all the hearts and sighed, and then the little phoenix was carefully picked up, and the teleports were used one after another. He took it back to the inner hall at the fastest speed, and his hands even shook.

"Oh, I am not afraid of not being afraid, I will not hurt immediately."

Winning and softly squatting, while placing the little phoenix on the soft couch, then turning the right hand, I don’t know where to come out with a faint water lily.

The water lily is pinched and broken, and it is applied to the wound of the little phoenix. At the same time, Yu wins a low spell in the place where Xiao Phoenix can't notice. After reading it, he raises his head and puts Xiaofeng into his arms.


The crystal tears lingered on the back of the hand that he had won, and he was distressed to die, as if the heart had been pulled out of a hole. Xiaofeng’s distressed is his tail feathers, the twitching opening: “Feather, feather, lost, oh...”

He couldn’t help but start to shed tears, and the fluff on his chest was wet with tears. It was originally the baby's own tail feathers. This is actually a few drops. When I think of it, I will become a bald phoenix in the future. It is sad.

"It doesn't matter, it will soon grow again," he said, winning the pity and kissing the phoenix's forehead. "Trust me."

The little phoenix that has been smashed has no vitality in the weekdays, and it is not moving in the arms of the winner. I used to **** my nose and cry, and the small body was pumping and pumping. The fluff was also shaking and shaking. It was very painful.

After a while, Little Phoenix re-voiced.

"It seems that it really doesn't hurt..." It looked strangely and turned to look at the tail and asked, "What did you just paint?"

I won't answer, but I only kissed the little face of the young phoenix in my arms: "It doesn't hurt."

Although the wound does not seem to change from the surface, the little Phoenix can't feel the pain. The heavens are balanced, even if you are repaired to God, you can't use mental power to get rid of all the injuries. The powerful remedy can only relieve half of the pain, not to the present, so that the pain is completely gone.

"What kind of medicine is it?" Xiaofeng couldn't help but move his tail. "How come it doesn't hurt?"

"Because I hurt for you," Yan wins in a joking tone and smiles: "How can I let my pain hurt? - The pain in the body is better than the pain in the heart, right?"

Little Phoenix snorted and blinked, and did not understand the meaning of winning. But since the wound doesn't hurt, it starts to feel restless again, and twists and turns wants to come out from the win.

"Oh, I can't run around in these two days. I have to wait for the wound to heal completely. Otherwise, the tail feathers will not grow up."

When Xiaofeng heard it, he suddenly remembered the scene of a bald phoenix. He was too scared to move, and he couldn’t do it.

During this time, Xiaofeng was honestly nestled in the arms or shoulders of the win-win, and even took the other party to handle the government affairs. Win-win will simply pet the little Phoenix to heaven, no matter what Xiaofeng wants, whatever he wants to do.

When I was reincarnation, I won’t care about other people’s eyes. No matter which world is thick, it’s hard to reach the ordinary people. Nowadays, the body is even more intensive. The whole floating palace knows that the demon emperor has a lot of pains for the little phoenix. He was afraid of falling in his hand, and he was afraid of it in his mouth. In particular, the two close-fitting servants, the bells and the millennium, have seen the appearance of the little phoenix in more than one time. The lowered posture and the tenderness of the fundus can be seen at a glance.

Xiaofeng also really likes people. Both Louling and Qianlong are really sincere about it, and care is not very detailed, but Xiaofeng can clearly feel that their care and win-win are completely different.

The care of winning is man's, it is hot, and it is full of possession. It is a man's tolerance and love for the loved ones, with a male hormonal atmosphere and a strong sense of territory.

On a sunny afternoon, the little phoenix basking in the sun, eating the bamboo fruit taken from the South China Sea, drinking the hot springs from the North Sea, and next to the story-telling demon emperor, can no longer be satisfied. It has recently added a new toy. It is a white snowball. It will not only talk but also bicker with it. It is very fun.

The Emperor is equally satisfied. It seems that the separation and thoughts, pains and tortures that once existed have all been compensated, and the whole world is full of bright sunshine.

Seven days later, the phoenix's wound was completely good, and the tail feathers grew as new as it said, and it seems to be more beautiful than before.

It is still the big courtyard with a lot of shadows, or the thickest and most luxuriant phoenix tree. The young phoenix is ​​no longer just a fat fluffy pile at the beginning of life. The yellow color on the corner of the mouth faded and the feathers became more vivid. There was a white snowball next to him, followed by a bullet and a bullet, and a magical look on the sphere.

The little phoenix jumped to the highest branch and looked up to the horizon. The light golden scorpion was bright and spirited. Then he spread his wings and crossed the branches and flew to the higher and farther blue sky.

The white snowball couldn't help but call the little phoenix, and the tone was a little invisible. The little phoenix stretched its wings under the blue sky, flew around the entire palace before flying back, and then opened the mouth with a white snowball, and spit out a small flame.

The hot flame slammed into the white snowball like a bullet, and the fire was burning and dazzling. The white snowball was safe and sound in place, without being melted by the flame, and the luxuriant phoenix leaves blew a big hole, which looked very miserable.

Xiaohuang’s novelty blinked and attacked the white snowball again. The white snowball was afraid that it would burn the whole tree, and bounced and ducked away: "I said that I will not be burned by your phoenix fire, how come you come!"

Little Phoenix has just learned to be a fire, and is eager to try, thinking that since the other party will not be burned, you can play more fun. In the next moment, it was a flame that came to an end and flew straight toward the white snowball.

Its head is still good, two of the three flames, the last one did not hit the white snowball, but hit a man.

A strange man who emerged from the void.

The man's robes are like the red phoenix's feathers, but unlike the little phoenix's flaming red, he is dark red, the dark red of hell.

It is the Lord of the Underworld who circumvents the barriers of the demon world and the array of impetuous palaces and comes to the little phoenix. I decided to look at the little phoenix for a long time, then screamed: "...hey."

His voice is magnetic and beautiful, as pleasing to his appearance, and with the grace of the bones. Little Phoenix didn't fly his wings and flew to him. He curiously asked his head: "...who are you? How do you know my name?"

Phoenix is ​​a natural person who likes good-looking people and things, and Kong Ming happens to be in line with its aesthetics, and dressing is even more beautiful than wearing a black one. In addition, perhaps because of the darkness all year round, the skin color of the empty meditation is very white, it is easy to make people feel close, the tall nose and thin lips are like sculptures.

It is clearly the king of the underworld. In the empty body, there is no blood and darkness. Instead, it reveals the gentleness and warmth that cannot be said. His temperament is even more dusty than the people in the heavens. He also has a trustworthy demeanor. He replied with a low voice: "My name is empty,... We have known for a long time, for thousands of years."

In fact, regarding the total wearing of black, it is really awkward to win. His original form is black, and the cloaked robes are naturally a color. The dark red of the air is really a real cover, and the blood can't be splattered.

The demon emperor of the grievances is now dealing with two other uninvited guests in the front hall. It is the celestial stellar lord of the heavens and the priest Xingjun, who come together to welcome the little phoenix.

"Phoenix God Jun has been reborn, and he has to return to heaven to be right. How can he stay in the demon world?" Secretary Xing Xingjun said with a serious face: "Phoenix God King grew up beside the Emperor of Heaven, and the Emperor of Heaven thought him. If you want to be tight, if the demon emperor stays strong, don’t blame the heavens."

Winning but not moving, calm and steady, "I am willing to stay with me voluntarily, do not believe that you can let yourself choose."

Little Phoenix now remembers nothing, and naturally he will be more willing to follow him and win. Waiting for a win, it is not easy to cope with the old and old-fashioned celestial celestial rush to the side of the little phoenix, when the face is empty, the face changes immediately.

The author has something to say: Shura Field and Remembrance Kill will be staged in turn! Forgive me for forgiveness, Wangshan horse racing nearly nine thousand words rushed to vomit blood, always anxious to remember that there are little angels want to kill me really is a cure for lazy cancer, I may be a shake lwxs520-->

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