MTL - Transmigrating into a Demon Spirit to Blow up the Entire World-Chapter 166 The demon emperor is a little phoenix 18

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The character of Xiaofeng is the only one that I only respect. I am proud of my own opinion, and I have the innate power of the king. I have a strong desire for the people or objects I like, and I like the other party’s complete surrender. As the prince of the world's unique phoenix and heaven, he has become accustomed to overlooking all beings with a high attitude. Even if he wants to lower himself, he can't do it.

More importantly, he was spoiled by the victory of the loyal dog in the seventh round of reincarnation.

Although the seven souls that Yu won the division did not have the memory of the body, his love and tolerance for Xiaofeng was already engraved in the bones. Love can make people bow their heads willingly, do not care about gains and losses and self-esteem, even if they are abused, they will not shrink back. Any request for Xiaofeng is willing to accept it.

Of course, the obedience of winning is only for one person in Xiaohuang.

The demon emperor has now quietly pursued all the rules of the wife and children in the heart, and treats people other than the wife to be as ruthless as the autumn wind sweeps the leaves. It’s a pity that the daughter-in-law hasn’t caught up yet, and she’s not willing to see him.

Qing dynasty also made a mistake.

He knows the food of the heavens well, but he has never heard of the crystal sand cake that the little phoenix said before going to bed, and he did not dare to ask the little phoenix, he could only nod his head first. Then I remembered that I was still in the palace to win the door, so after the little Phoenix was asleep, I found an excuse to go out of the Habitat Palace.

Suddenly, I still stood there, probably because of the inconvenience in the heavens, the lack of effort to stop the rain, clothes and hair were mostly wet. When I saw Qinglan, I was worried and anxiously asked: "Did you drink? How is he doing now? Do you feel better?"

"Drink, but still not very comfortable, now sleep." Qingyi himself did not expect that he had become a temporary ally with the snake that could not be pleasing to the eye thousands of years ago. "The master said that he should wake up to eat crystal sand crisps. But there seems to be no heaven..."

Crystal sand cake is a self-made dessert of the flower demon, and there is no natural heaven. Yan wins immediately thinks of the little phoenix causal wine allergy and the time when he was seen in the flower demon. He was sick and did not forget to lose his temper and jealousy. The appearance of jealousy is arrogant and cute.

When I think of the past, the look of win-win has emerged with a strong nostalgia and tenderness, but it has produced an unspeakable bitterness, because today's little phoenix will no longer be jealous for him as before. Yu wins efforts to converge on the face of the stunned, said: "There is a demon world, I immediately ordered people to take it, to ensure that you can wake up to eat."

The little phoenix sleeps until the sun sinks, and the rain outside is stopped. The sunset will make Yunxia a blush, looking beautiful and peaceful. However, I did not know that the win-winning over there was a cover-up of the body shape and mana, and it turned into a green scorpion, and personally sent the crystal sand cake.

He is like a hairy boy who goes back to see his sweetheart, stupidly standing in front of the small phoenix's bedroom, not nervous enough to go in for a long time. A heartbeat flies fast, and several times he retracts his hand when he wants to push the door.

Hey, hey.

Yu wins the unconscious and repeatedly whispers in his heart, eager to see his little phoenix, hug him, kiss his little face. I feel that I am willing to do anything as long as I can stay with him. Finally, the door was opened, and the figure that was sleeping on the bed was watched with breath, and the heavy hand that had always been calm was inexplicably slightly shaken.

Xiaofeng just woke up at this time and opened his eyes in confusion.

Regardless of the millennium or the millennium, the little phoenix is ​​still a small phoenix. There is always a name that can't help but tremble when it wins silently. It is difficult to hide its eyes from afar. The beautiful nephews just swept a little in the direction of the casual triumph, and they won loudly when they won the chest. They only knew how to jump with his eyes.

Xiaofeng has already keenly smelled the scent of nectar on the crystal sand cake. After sitting up, he put his foot out of bed and pointed to the tray in his hand and ordered it: "Take it over."

Winning but only looking at the feet of the little phoenix stepping on the ground, the white enamel like a jade half covered in the clothes, as if slim and boneless, easy to evoke his love and pity.

Fortunately, he paused for a long time, and soon he came back and rushed forward, then bowed his head in a respectful manner with a normal servant.

Little Phoenix's love for dessert is absolutely beyond imagination, plus physical discomfort, no taste in the mouth, just want to eat sweet. Looking at the exquisite crystal sand crisp, the surface is not exposed, but the bottom of the bottom reveals a clear happiness, and soon eats a whole plate, and then looks at the other plate.

It is a pity that his cough has not been good, and he coughs up uncontrolled after eating and eating. When I won the game, I didn’t want to worry about it. I took the tea from his hand and fed it to his lips. He patted his back with one hand. The action was called a fast and fluent, as if he had practiced thousands of times.

After taking a lot of shots, I couldn’t help but get more and more tight. When I finished, I was shocked to see that I was behaved in a special way. Nana’s hand was retracted, and the tone of the Qing dynasty was lowered: “The little over the moment, ask the master to punish. ”

The little phoenix did not salty and lifted the eyelids, and spit out two words: "Your Majesty."

The demon emperor immediately squatted down, and the posture was called a correct, like a school boy waiting for the teacher to talk. In the next second, I heard Xiaofeng’s words: ", is it fun to play servants?"

Suddenly, the heart snorted and hurriedly looked up and stared straight into the eyes of the little phoenix. I saw the teenager watching his eyes as snow-clear and cool, beautiful and ruthless, so that he wins more panic, even if he wants to explain his mouth, but he is pinched by a pair of jade fingers, "Since you are so Like to be a servant, then you will be a servant in this habitat in your life, how do you feel?

After all, Yu Sheng is the only son of the ancient demon gods. Now he is succeeding in the demon world. No matter the identity or cultivation, he is always on the same page as the Emperor. At the moment, he will never speak the same day. Anyone can change his identity. As a servant, in the view of the self-respecting little phoenix, this is definitely a kind of humiliation, but I don’t know that it is a kind of happiness for the win.

If you want to explain the words that you want to explain, you will be stuck in the throat by Xiao Feng’s question, but your heart will be like a joy. There was no turmoil in the past, and I felt that I couldn’t tell the truth.

Not only was he not driven away, but he was able to look at him, accompany him, take care of him, and he said it was a lifetime! ! His little phoenix is ​​really the most beautiful and kindhearted lover under the sun! How can he have such a good baby! 犴win or even wishful thinking that Xiaofeng has forgiven and accepted his meaning, such a wonderful idea that he can not calm from the inside out, just want to put a little Phoenix Hold it and tell him how much he loves him and how happy he is. However, he won the knowledge of the phoenix of Xiaofeng, and in order to be afraid of the phoenix’s resentment, he tried to tighten his expression and did not dare to show his happiness. He only nodded.

Xiaofeng saw the shyness from his tight expression, and felt very satisfied. The brains of the two people did not have a chance to get together. The servant of the demon emperor is absolutely qualified, and even the other servants are all robbed. In the morning, the little phoenix is ​​called to get up, and then the little phoenix dresses and washes. The little phoenix can be beaten without even stretching. Properly deserved. Then he waited for the little phoenix to eat, the meat was cut to the bones, the fish gave a good thorn, the soup gave the green onion, and then it was held in a spoon, and it was carefully sent to the mouth like a little doll. Also part-time janitor and bodyguard, the force value is absolutely unmatched in the entire four boundaries.

It’s just that Xiaofeng didn’t want to eat because of physical discomfort. When the temper came up, let’s get out. The stunt that won't be afraid of death is not a day or two. It doesn't mean anything. It continues: "The taste of this fish is really good, and it can make up the body. It is a special product of the demon world, open mouth, ah... ”

"I have said that I don't want to eat, are you still finished?!"

“I’ll finish it right away,” he said. “If you don’t care, you will send the spoon to the little phoenix again.” “It’s hot to taste it, it’s not good if it’s cold.”

So Xiao Feng was indifferently fed a full spoonful of fish, and had not come and angered. A spoonful of soup came one after another.

"roll roll roll!!"

"I will roll when you have finished eating the rice, okay?"

Today's win is simply the nemesis of the little phoenix. It is deep in the essence of soft blistering, and the phoenix of the little phoenix is ​​big, and it is useless in the face of winning. If he is punishable, he will win the squad, and his appearance will be too high. It will be too high to feed the little phoenix sitting in the middle. If he is thrown away, he will be born with great talents. The repairs that have been saved by helping the little Phoenix to be born again have been cultivated back in this short millennium. If he does not want to, Xiaofeng is not his opponent.

However, the role of eating well is still very big. The headache of Xiaofeng is much better in just a few days. It is only coughing after the night, and the sleep is not stable. This evening, Xiaofeng woke up again before dawn, then sat up and walked out.

Perhaps it is too hard to run around in the heavens and demon world in recent days. The win-win in the outer room is sitting on the door of the inner room, and the handsome side face looks more stereoscopic in the moonlight.

The little phoenix stared at him for a long time in the darkness, and his eyes were dark and clear. He finally passed him lightly and went to the flower pond of the courtyard to see if the new kind of camellia had opened.

Camellia has not yet opened, Magnolia is open to the fragrance of the overflowing, large and large, revealing a high quality texture. Xiaofeng just picked up the one with the spirit, and he heard the footsteps coming from behind. Looking back, it was the eagerness to catch up.


The sound of winning is also hidden, and the hoarseness is like something that has caught his throat: "How come you get up in the middle of the night?"

Xiaofeng was slightly stunned by his nervous attitude, and he subconsciously answered, "I can't sleep, so I will go out and walk."

There was a panic on the face of Win, "I, I just had a dream. When I woke up, I found that you were gone..."

It is also the nightmare of the little phoenix jumping off the shackles, which has become a psychological shadow that can not be smoothed out for life. They all said that the beauty of the moon is more beautiful. The little phoenix is ​​standing in the moonlight at the moment, looking at the distance through the distance. In addition to the beauty, there are more kinds of ethereal cockroaches, which also makes the 莫 win more inexplicable than just woke up and found When there was no one around the house, I was even more panicked. I took a big step forward and raised my hand to hold the little Phoenix into my arms.

Xiaofeng only felt that he suddenly fell into a generous embrace. The embrace had the temperature and taste he could not forget. The hot breath instantly penetrated into his skin, and even made him feel the tingling of burning. The heart seemed to be like a heart. So they have been stuck for a few seconds.

The magnolia on the hand fell to the ground, and the huge petals squeaked. The win-win arms are as tight as the little phoenix embedded in the flesh and blood, and the little phoenix can even clearly feel the tremor of win-win. The subconscious wants to push away the other side, but he hears a low sigh, long and sorrowful and sour and abnormal, as if from the time and space of thousands of years ago, it instantly immersed all his thoughts.

"...oh, I love you, I can't live without you."

A big hand wins and holds the hand of Xiaofeng firmly and forcefully, then pulls it and presses it on his chest. The phoenix's palm was forced to fit in the heart of the win, and the powerful heartbeat and warmth were clearly conveyed, so that the heart of the little phoenix jumped and the resistance became more sluggish. After a long time, I returned to God and calmed my mind: "Let go."

Not only did not win, but he stole a scent on the lips of the little phoenix. The lips touched, and the memory of the deep kiss faintly reappeared. The little phoenix's heartbeat became more and more inexplicable, and the voice could not help but raise the voice: "Win, let go!!"

This sound field is full, and the slight winch of the win-win is actually letting go. In the next second, Xiaofeng saw that the man in front of him disappeared, and on the ground he stood, there was a three-inch black snake.

The prototype of Teng Snake is so large that it can cover a hillside. Now it is intentionally turned into a young and small look. The pair of bone wings on the back are also thin and thin. It is very tender and petite, which makes people want to touch it. Shaking his head on the ground and screaming at the little phoenix.

First, shaking the elegant head and neck, it seems to be showing its 'beauty', and it seems that the grievances of the head swaying the tip of the tail, even if the little phoenix does not understand the body language of the snake, it can be seen The little snake is trying to please him or ask for forgiveness.

This is the selling technique that the lover who has learned from the genius of the demon is forgiving. The appearance of his transformation into a small snake is indeed very cute. It is also a fascinating animal. I can't forget that the Feng family naturally likes golden or colorful things, and he is black from head to toe. In the eyes of the little phoenix, it is not as pleasing as the original mighty look.

Seeing the little phoenix indifferent, the little black snake worked harder in a hurry. After a while, it became a few laps. After a while, he bit his tail and turned around. After a while, he fanned his wings and even looked at the little phoenix with a pair of mung bean-like eyes. A glance.

That is really stupid. Little Phoenix thought in his heart.

The author has something to say: Countdown to the end 3.

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