MTL - Transmigrating into a Demon Spirit to Blow up the Entire World-Chapter 82 President's Little Milk Cat 20

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Sinking wearing costumes is very beautiful, and slowly coming out from under the flower trees is like a beautiful boy in the painting, taking all the sights of Li Shaozhen. In fact, there are many people around the juvenile. The other actors and crew members are gathered together to move and adjust the light. Li Shao’s shackles only reflect the young one, and his eyes are always placed on him. I didn't find how focused and deep my eyes were at the moment.

All units are ready, the game is played, and the next scene is officially started. The heroine, He Qingyin, stumbled into the flower forest on the way to the run, and accidentally stumbled in the panic, but at this time he found a pair of white light boots in front of him.

Don't lift your head and move your eyes up slowly, looking straight up at Qin Ling's face.

Both of them are a glimpse. Qin Ling is naturally shocked by her similar appearance to the Qingyin fairy. He Qingyin is shocked by the good looks of the teenager. For the first time, she knew that the word "beauty" was not exclusive to women. Every line in front of the teenager was painted by the gods, and the sculptures were exquisite and beautiful, and they were as detached as sculptures.

Xu Wei, who plays He Qingyin, easily expresses the stunning expression written in the script without pretending, because this is an objective reality. The white robe boy stood in the sunset, but he was even more glamorous than the sun. He even dizzy his eyes and confused his mind. Then he used the demon power to hold the **** the ground and said, "What is your name?"

There was a faint tremor in his voice, and he looked at the girl's face with a close look and eagerness. He seemed to want to dig more information about the unvoiced fairy from the other side, and then he really listened to the two thoughts. word:


At the moment when the invisible force was lifted up, He Qingyin was inevitably a little panic, and suddenly he said: "My name is He Qingyin."

After all, it was the first time to perform, even though I have already done a lot of preparations, Shen Shen still faces the ng problem that newcomers often appear. So in the next scene with the heroine to go to the Kunlun Mountains, the wrong position was once, the line was stuck once, and the expression of the female host’s wrist was unnaturally paused once, but fortunately these three times are all wrong. As soon as he was mentioned, he would not repeat it again. Xie was still very satisfied with Shen Yu in general. Xu Wei also praised and encouraged Shen Yu as a person in the gap.

Time flies until 6:30 in the evening, it is already time to eat, and the sky is faintly black. The crew also had a night show at night, but there was no indulgent shot and it was possible to work in advance. Therefore, the first day of the kitten's acting career was officially over. The director just yelled over, and the agent Jiang Heng ran for the first time and said: "There is less, the boss is here, just in Waiting for you there."

Shen Yu was still thinking about the mistakes that had taken place before, and then he turned his head and knew that Li Shaozhen had come to him. Next to it, along with the ardent deputy director and deputy producers, and with them three or four tall and strong bodyguards, plus Li Shaozhen itself is one meter nine and the cool temperament with a halo, the audience actually watched It was very mighty, but it turned out to be like a movie, a movie from a gangster.

Few people in this city didn't know Li Shaozhen. When he saw him coming, they consciously let out a road, and this road went all the way to the sinking of things. The original mixed environment gradually calmed down, until Li Shaozhen walked in front of Shen Yu, reached out and touched his head in pain and love, and whispered with a slap in the face: "Stupid standing What do you think?"

The sinking kitten was not happy when he heard it. A pair of beautiful eyes glanced at him: "You are stupid."

The president is not stupid, but the rest of the scene is a bit stupid, and the chin must be dislocated. Regardless of whether he has seen it before or if he has never seen Li Shaozhen, he is not able to accept such a deep affection.

——This person is seriously wrong. It’s so unscientific in peace day! Moreover, is he going to come out?

After all, Li Shaozhen is the president of the entire group. The figure that can make the whole city shake the whole thing. It used to be called a zero-sounding anecdote and has never been officially disclosed. But today, he is so disguised. ! cabinet! Now! !

And it’s so sweet, so su, it’s just that the single dog has wood...

I am afraid that only one person can't feel any problems at the scene. Instead, Li Shaoshen's attitude is taken for granted. It is only vaguely that the other party's high-profile appearance does not seem to be good, but it is too lazy to care about where it is. After all, he didn't really want to be a star, and he didn't plan to go far on this road. He just wanted to temporarily get as many pure blessings as possible to rob.

In fact, Li Shaozhen is dedicated to paving the way for Shen Yu. Shen Yu only thought that Li Shaozhen was too high-profile, but he did not understand that once the power and strength reached a certain level, people could not afford to be embarrassed, leaving envy and awe.

In the entertainment circle, there are too many lows and lows. It is not uncommon to bully new people. Li Shaozhen naturally cannot let his little guy suffer a little wrong. What's more, even if Li Shaozhen doesn't come, he and Shen Xiao's things will be well known sooner or later. Instead of being fooled into being a messy relationship, it is better to tell everyone clearly at the beginning that they are equal. In love, he is sincere and likes to sink.

The thought of the word "love" is a bit of excitement in the heart of the president's adult, but unfortunately he has not yet chased this proud cat. The cat master lifted his feet and went to the make-up room to remove makeup and change clothes. He said slowly: "When did you come?"

The servant followed suit and followed suit. Very calmly answered: "It’s not long before."

The deputy director and the staff listened to this and couldn’t help but groan. Just arrived? The one who dared to see more than an hour before they were not a person but a ghost?

The figures of the two men have hidden behind the door of the dressing room, sinking into the blink of an eye and asking: "Have you seen me acting?"

He originally wanted to ask the other party if he saw his ng's prime, but Li Shaoyu bowed his head and kissed his eyebrows. He said: "I saw it, it played very well, so that I couldn't completely remove my eyes."

The cat who likes to listen to the praise is pleased, and slightly squinted to reveal the unique expression of the cat. The makeup on his face was so light that he couldn't see it at all. The makeup artist said that it would be nice to wipe the eyes with a make-up remover. He didn't remove it. He only changed his robes and followed Li Shaoyu to the car.

So the reason for the urgency is that the sinking kitten is hungry, and the biggest thing is to eat big. When you get on the bus, you will feel the little belly and start to eat. The president’s adult asked: “Is it good to go to my friend’s restaurant? I just introduced a few people to you.”

One of the people Li Shaozhen said was naturally Lu Ze, and two of them were Li Shaoshao’s life and death. They only returned to China yesterday, just about gathering together. Li Shaozhen is also afraid that the little guy will feel uncomfortable or nervous, and comforted: "Maybe Munda looks fierce, but they will be very friendly to you, don't worry..."

It turns out that Li Shaozhen was too worried. In the eyes of Shen Mao, as long as there is good food, it does not produce any emotions similar to uneasiness. He only pouted when he thought of the name Lu Ze.

- Hey, you still remember the hatred. Lu Ze also brought his little boy this time. He always felt that this stupid dog who didn’t recognize life had thrown his true master since he was taken by Yan Yan to take a reality show. After the brain, the sense of crisis is heavy. The antique decoration of the restaurant is quite Zen-like. When Shen Shen followed Li Shao’s incarnation, several people inside have already waited. One of the strong men who is a few centimeters taller than Li Shaozhen stood up and took a strong shot. The shoulders, the slaps of the slap, and smiled heartily: "Haha, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Shen Yan slightly frowned.

This person is Mengda, who Li Shaozheng said. Although he was greeted with Li Shaozhen on the surface, he noticed him when he appeared. Mengda’s profession is the mercenary captain. It is inevitable that there is a kind of murderous murderousness, which is even more terrifying than Li Shao’s cold air. Seeing the frowning, he assumes that he is ordinary. People are scared by themselves, and they are a little worried and a little disdainful.

Because in the eyes of Munda, it is beautiful and beautiful, but it is really weak. The whole person looks young and slender, and the skin is white and white as if it is broken. The character is also the most timid and introverted type he likes. . Unexpectedly, the boy looked at him and said, "Hey, you are taking too much."

The reason why Munda reacted to the frowning was actually this. The juvenile’s obvious maintenance of Li Shaozhen and the dare to look straight into his own eyes immediately made Mengda’s good feelings on him a step, but his face was sullen. “But take a shoulder and re-weight it. ?"

What is the difference? If a servant is broken, no one will wait for it. Indulging in the eyes of Mengda like a bear: "You can't feel more than not photographing you, - or I will try you?"

Li Shaozhen was also a tough guy who had passed through the rain of bullets. He never felt the care of being so carefully guarded. The novelty was moved and a little funny. He just wanted to take the boy into his arms and kiss him.

"Hahaha, would you like to shoot me with such a weak body?" Munda laughed out unceremoniously. "Okay, you just take a picture, but you have to be careful not to take a shot." Otherwise, Auntie may have to kill me."

The cat is completely unhappy.

These servants dared to be so arrogant and arrogant, even more awful than Lu Ze, and then they were really in the palm of their hands, and took a shot at Munda’s upper arm.

The reason for slap on the arm is naturally that wearing the shoes is only one meter and seventy-five indulgence to shoot the other side's shoulders and some effort, and at the same time this palm is launched, Mengda instantly feels a strong spread from the other party's palm. Come, with an irresistible power to directly impact the whole body, he actually let him step back three steps.

If it is not the endurance and responsiveness accumulated all the year round, Mengda will probably fall back and lose face. When he is stable, he will be surprised and widened his eyes. "You, you..."

The cat squatted down and leaned back, and doubled the contempt of Mengda just now. Even the words were exactly the same: "Is you so weak on your body? I fortunately I didn't make any effort, or I fell." Broken, Li Shaozhen may not be able to do it."

The four people in the house, including Li Shaoshao, have never seen a boy who is so deliberately despising people. They are all embarrassed, and they are inexplicably aware of the sneaky contempt in comparison to the secret. This kind of open fire is not a fire.

Just like the white swan, who is arrogant but has arrogant capital, the one that lazy to sweep down can't help but condone. The whole box was silent for a while until it was interrupted by the sound of Xiao Wang's Wang Wangsheng. I saw that it was desperately trying to make it to the side of Shen Yu, and the dog chain was quickly broken.

Lu Ze felt that his master was really wrong, obviously his dog did not follow his own, and always liked to run other people to join. The dishes are already on, and the eyes of the sinking eyes are only left to eat. The mouthfuls of the empty plates in front of them are taken seriously. I really use the chopsticks to take a few seafoods that I like very much. A little, then hold it in front of your own eyes, drumming the gang to bury your head and eat.

Mengda looked at the side and was completely dressed. He lowered his voice and Li Shaozhen shook his head. "Li, the **** of your little lover is really bad."

Ding Peng, who has never spoken, does not like the kind of timid person, and smiles and expresses his approval: "Well, Auntie’s eyes have always been particularly good."

These two sentences made Li Shaozhen listen to him more than a hundred times more comfortable, and that kind of joy and satisfaction, and the business of making billions of dollars can not be matched.

"Is it calm? Is it nice to meet you," Lu Ze began to sip and drink. "Come here, do it!"

"The wine is not good to drink," Shen Yu remembers the white wine that was sent when he was eating seafood with Li Shaozhen. The taste was hot and sultry. He picked up the soup at hand and said, "Do this."

Lu Ze was stunned. "This wine is very good, don't lie to you."

"Don't." Shen Yan shook his head and raised his eyes to Lu Ze's provocative look, but he didn't know the proud little expression with the bright eyes, beautiful, not like Glowing.

Li Shaoyu waited for the kitten to eat while Mengda and several old, after eating a fish, three scallops, four shrimp balls, a bowl of soup, etc., the kitten yawned long, leaning against Li Shao's arm whispered a little, "sleepy..."

"Is it full?" Li Shaozhen gently kissed his hair.


The sinking kitten had a taste after Ding Peng said that the wine was good, and found that it was not hot, but also sweet, so he drank two and a half cups and was already drunk. In a blink of an eye, he yawned again, and then unconsciously opened a slightly loose cotton shirt to reveal a little white tender belly. With some unconsciously, he said to Li Shaozhen: "You touch, round and round, it is full. Let's go home."

Li Shaozhen’s heart beats because of the cute appearance of the boy and the word “home”. He suddenly found that each time he thought he had loved him and loved the limit, the other party could refresh his cognition again. His heart was stirred up as chaotic and unpredictable as the juvenile's behavior. The kitten also patted his little belly with his hand at this time, and the innocent eyes of Li Shao, " is full, sleepy, Going home to sleep."

The adult president feels that he is completely hopeless. He is like a madman who is mad at himself and has no human resources. He almost wants to get up and pull the kitten away. Mengda actually had something to talk to Li Shaoyu, but he was directly interrupted by Li Shaozhen: "Bail out, change the day.... He is sleepy when he is full. He is busy enough for him today. He will go back to rest first. ”

"Good." Munda didn't say much. He simply shot Li Shao's shoulder again, but this time he converges. "I am here this month, and I will go next month."

Li Shaozhen nodded. Mengda finally gave him a bad smile. He deliberately lowered his voice: "I haven't eaten yet? The little guy is drunk, but it is a good time to cook raw rice."

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