MTL - Transmigrating into a Demon Spirit to Blow up the Entire World-Chapter 99 Killer's little Koi 13

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The small koi was shackled and could not help but tighten the body, and tried to shrink the whole leg. Unfortunately, the ankle was always held by the other side and could not be moved at all.

Once everything has started, it will become unreasonable to do it. I still feel that my behavior is a bit abnormal, but the young shy and panicked little expression looks so cute, so he not only does not want to let go, but uses his teeth. I didn’t take it seriously.

The slight tingling suddenly came from the toes all the way like the current, so Xiaojin couldn’t help but tremble and whispered: "Hey, dirty, you let go..."

However, in the blink of an eye, there is nothing in the world that is cleaner than his baby. He licks the small bright enamel and bright nails, and finally moves to the instep, printing a pair of twilight on the white feet. Hickey.

A man, especially a powerful man, would like to bow his head to kiss the lover's instep, enough to explain his sincere surrender and admiration for him. Unlike normal people, Xiaojin’s feet are called the second most sensitive place on the whole body. They are quickly unable to stand up. They are actually smashing their legs into fishtails and then picking up them. The tail slammed the sly head with a sigh of relief.

The tail of Koi Koi is actually as soft as his body. The tail looks heavy, but he doesn’t feel a bit of pain at all. The gauze-like caudal fins are moist and fresh with a hint of sea breeze, and there is a faint sweet taste on the face, which makes the anecdote very addictive, just like the exclusive pheromone that can attract his ecstasy.

The killer adult actually wanted to carefully touch this beautiful fishtail very early, but he never found a chance. The small Koi’s shot was just like him, and he even hugged him. The golden scales are a bit cold and warm as jade. Under the light of the lights, the pieces are like broken diamonds. They are beautiful and can't even be called the demon.

Unfortunately, there is a large redness on the tip of the tail, which must be the foot of the small koi when the adult leg is injured. I wandered around the circle and felt it gently on the outside of the redness, and then I blew it up. I couldn’t stand the little Koi than I could touch the foot. I couldn’t help but scorn.

This sounds sounds like a slap in the face, a soft, and hooked. Shen Wei did not expect the fishtail to be more sensitive than his feet. The scales in the part underneath even reacted, and the trembling attempted to look up.

Suddenly, he was ashamed and angry, but the whole fishtail was almost held in his arms by the other side, and the small koi that struggled could not be turned into a prototype.

The white light flashed, and I only felt that my arms were empty, and the big tail that was holding the touch was gone for a moment. There was only a small golden squid that seemed to glow like a big palm, and it also brought a half-water flower. In his hand, he threw himself. It is estimated that his previous chaos made Xiao Jinxi very unhappy, his tail immediately slammed, licking his face with water drops, and then screaming and raising his head.

But I didn't have time to think about the little guy who was not angry. I just took care of the baby on the palm of my hand and went to find the fish tank. I was afraid that the water would drain and cause it to lack oxygen. Fortunately, there was an oversized cold water cup on the coffee table filled with warm water that had just fallen, and he hurriedly put the small koi into it.

The small koi, who was sleepy, tired and sick, fell asleep like a fish in the bottom of the cup.

He sat quietly and looked at it, his eyes sticky and it was like kissing him with his eyes, until he waited until he was asleep, he put the cup on the bedside cabinet and went Wash the bathroom.

The efficiency of the killer's washing has always been very high, and soon he finished the shower, raised his hand to tie the towel to his waist, and brushed his upper body to the sink. The tall body is full of muscular body, with tension and beauty, and countless scars.

Being a top killer is definitely not an easy task. The whip marks, knife wounds, bullet holes and other marks that can't be discerned at a glance are all worthy of everything. And he looked up at the gunshot wounds in the mirror and the shoulders of the shoulders that were penetrated by the steel bars today. They were all clean and fresh like new life.

I touched the shoulder of the bullet and recalled the magic of the wound being cured a little. The bullets that broke into the body disappeared automatically, and the lost blood was added back invisibly. It felt like the resurrection of the blood in the game, and even the muscle fatigue was almost swept away. It’s not easy in my heart, because he clearly remembers that Xiao Jin’s face was obviously pale after he healed him. This spell is too powerful and incredible. If it is known, the situation facing the teenager may be very bad.

The ambassador of today’s assassination is the killer organization that belongs to him. Although the killers are all strange faces, from the release of explosives to the ambush, it is all the usual method of organization.

——The only doubt is that the assassination is so fast, totally unlike the style of the ‘general’.

He received the newsletter at noon, which showed a string of chaotic numbers that looked like the wrong garbled. After quickly reorganizing the numbers, the answer was quickly reached. It was a direct order from the 'General' and asked him to return to the organization immediately.

The 'general' is the leader of the entire organization. Usually, the organization does not directly send command information to the killer, and most of them are executed by the intelligence officer. The intelligence officer cracks the task content from the organization, and then sends it to the killer through various hidden channels. This can prevent the disclosure of organizational information, prevent the killer from obtaining the task information in advance, and act independently without listening to the schedule.

I know what the ‘General’ personally ordered. It’s not just that he’s going to use the free three-time mission to get rid of the withdrawal of the organization’s application, or an ultimatum, if he doesn’t go back, he will face a month-long assassination unless he can be in the assassination. Live down.

The wanted time is thirty-six hours, which means that the organization will perform the annihilation plan after thirty-six hours. It has also served as a 'destroyer' and has been closely tracked. But it took only five hours from the receipt of the information to the assassination, not to mention the route that needs to be planned in advance and the explosives that were buried in advance. It is completely premeditated, and it is more likely that there is a problem within the organization, even The general' has been overthrown.

The light was turned off, and the eyes were slightly squinted in the darkness, and the silent figure unconsciously exuded the dangerous atmosphere. He checked the gun again in his hand, leaning halfway on the bed, and whispering to the sleeping little Koi: "Hey, let's go to honeymoon for a month, are you saying good?"

The temperature in Philadelphia early in the morning was a bit cooler.

The season is early autumn, the road is full of the serenity of the autumn, and the fountain in the center of the street has a calm atmosphere, and the water flow is not urgent. There is a restaurant with a simple decoration and a good reputation at the fountain. The dining peak in the morning has passed. The restaurant is quiet and quiet. Only a few guests are scattered everywhere. A tall Asian man is there. At this time, I stepped into the restaurant and looked around quickly for a week without a trace. Then I walked to the empty space at the corner of the back door.

No one around was paying attention to such a common man who came in to eat. Only the beautiful waitress leaning against the counter noticed him at the first sight of the other person’s entrance, and then he couldn’t bear to move away. Eyes.

This man is a cockroach, and the small koi is still asleep. He is transferred to the newly purchased semi-circular aquarium and is always with him.

The selected seat can bring all the movements inside and outside the house to the bottom of the eye and quickly leave when the situation arises. The gaze of the waitress was noticed by him for a moment, and the subconscious thought that the other party was the follower of the organization, and secretly prepared for the warning, but he soon discovered that it was just a strange phenomenon that produced his 'sexual interest'. Ordinary women do not care at all.

- Hey, God, this man is too appetizing for her! It is completely her favorite!

The blonde waitress has already shouted in her heart, and the look of her eyes has become more and more hot. With her countless experience, she can be sure that the body under the clothes is absolutely full of strong muscles, and the age should be around twenty-nine or thirty years old. It is a man’s peak energy period, although it is the East. People, the facial lines are as deep and angular as the Westerners, the look looks fortitude and calmness, and the narrow eyes have the unique charm of the Orientals.

The only strange thing was that he actually carried a small fish tank with him. The big hand holding the fish tank was very stable. From the door to the seat, there was no swaying of the water, and then the small fish tank was gently placed on the table.

It’s rare to meet such a man of appetite. It’s **** from head to toe. It looks like a single unmarried person. Let the waitress want to go straight to the phone, and try to pretend to take the tray and go forward. Asked what to eat, and then got the answer to the toast and the oatmeal.

The breakfast content he ordered was very simple. It was a habit of the locals. The accent was also very standard. Even the sound was full of magnetic sex. The good manners and elegant clean temperament revealed by the gestures made the waitress unable to bear. I feel more heart-warming.

When the killer who often swims in the darkest area does not kill, the temperament is indeed unexpectedly simple and clean. For example, at this moment, he just sat quietly, waiting quietly for his breakfast, absolutely reminiscent of a **** killer, looking down at the fish tank with a slight head down, but like a warm, kind and devout Christ. only.

The waitress was reluctant to call or seduce him because he looked at the fish tank.

It’s really a deep affection for the eyes of the little fish in the gaze.

The little fish was definitely left by his ex-girlfriend, and she decisively made this conclusion. Although the affectionate man is good, but it is also the most difficult to get, the attack index is definitely the highest star.

The waitress couldn't help but feel a little depressed and regretful, until she gave the food to the past, and she looked at him with a few eyes, and also swept the small fish, and the sweeping babies poured out. An impulse to kill. The golden fish is sinking under the water to sleep, and it looks so cute and beautiful, but then the waitress actually sees the little fish flipping up the little belly!

In her cognition, the fish only turned dead and turned over the belly, and immediately couldn’t help but scream, "Sir, your little fish..."

However, he was interrupted by a very calm: "It just changed to a sleeping position." Then he frowned slightly and went straight to the order. "...I don't need service here."

In fact, the killer is also a bit speechless about the small koi that will turn the belly.

When he woke up in the morning, he saw that the whole koi fish had turned into a belly-faced appearance. He was so scared that he was so cold that he could calm down. Then I found out that it was wrong by observation, because the small koi did not float to the surface, but was still under the water, and it seemed to be still asleep.

Sure enough, the little guy didn't take long to move, and he licked his mouth like a dream of something delicious, and fluttered a little pectoral fin.裴冽 裴冽 裴冽 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白 明白

Xiao Jinxi was finally woken up by the shout of the waitress, shaking her tail and slowly giving herself back. He also quickly finished the breakfast, took the fish tank and the cheese sandwich and blueberry juice packaged for the small koi, and left the restaurant to get on the bus.

The destination to go to is San Francisco.

In order to get rid of the tracking, in addition to some cash and necessary documents, other things can be taken without taking it, try to keep everything simple. The killer adults have eaten any bitterness. It doesn't matter how to climb and roll. The trunk is full of small koi, snack pillows, and closed fish tanks and water purifiers.

It didn't take long for Xiaojin to get out of the water and turned into a watery red | naked boy, sitting in the co-pilot with a t-shirt. He raised his hand and touched his forehead to test if there was any retreat. "Is it still uncomfortable?"

Xiao Jinxi shook his head and looked at the landscape that was constantly retreating outside the window: "Where are we going?"

He sneaked a little smile, and some evil replies: "Go to run away."


Xiao Jin blinked, did not refute and did not express doubts, and then began to eat the packaged sandwich. The cheese's aroma made him satisfied with a slight squint. "The waitress in the restaurant looks at your eyes very hot and seems to want to talk to you."

Xiao Jinyu only objectively stated his own opinions, but he deliberately asked: "Is baby jealous?"

Said to vacate a hand to hook the teenager's finger, "Do not worry, I already have a wife, and no one else will even glance at it."

Xiao Jinxi couldn't help but some of his wife's words were fried in scales. They dissatisfiedly removed their fingers and seriously stated: "This big fairy is a male fish and has not held a wedding with you."

I tirelessly continue to pick up the hands of the master. "Then we will go to the St. Joseph's Cathedral tomorrow and we will hold a wedding there."

His serious and affirmative tone made Xiaojin squatting, and subconsciously said: "Two men are doing weddings?... Is this too strange and too arrogant?"

Li Lima said that he would marry this marriage for a lifetime, and he would not be arrogant. Xiaojin was a bit speechless at the moment, and the finger was hooked by the other party.

Shen Shen himself felt that it was very boring to chase after him, and he let the other party go back. He just felt inexplicably and looked down on the other side, so he deliberately said: "When you want to publicize, how can you do a wedding? It takes a lot of money to do it, at least for the luxury car villa plus the extra large diamond ring."

"Oh," his eyes lit up. "Are you promised to marry me?"

Xiao Jinyu discovered that he had been circumvented, and the love on his face was thick enough to drown the boy, and his voice was deep and affectionate. "...As long as you are willing to be with me, I am willing to go bankrupt." ”

The heart of the sinking heart jumped uncontrollably because of the man's affectionate look, and it was getting faster and faster, and some familiar images began to flash in the brain, letting him subconsciously hold down his chest.

But still strong and hard, "Which is so easy."

Xiao Jinyu said very coldly that he was very difficult to please the Koi Tai Sin, and he was not so deceived. "There is still more to do."

The killer and the big man immediately made an ear-washing gesture, so Xiao Jinyu looked up at his head and deliberately raised his chin and looked down at him. He came over with the unconscious pride and beauty. He said, "Give me every day." Prepare a lot of delicious food, no matter what I want to eat, I have to buy it for me. When I am not happy, I have to give it to me. When I am happy, I have to give it to me. I can’t lie to me, I can’t marry me. Don't scare me. When you eat vegetables, help me pick ginger. When you eat shrimp, help me to peel the shell. I hate who you hate. I hate eating what you hate to eat. Oh, yes, no. When I was eating ice cream, I said that eating too much cold would get sick, and I wouldn’t be fooled when I was eating popcorn. I would be stupid when I was bored. When I was bored, I would like to find a snack for me to eat. I couldn’t sleep. I have to give me a night snack, and I have to prepare the cake in advance on my birthday. - Well, it is best to taste mango and chocolate."

The central idea of ​​this paragraph can be fully summarized with a word.

This long speech was even tired of Xiao Jinqi’s own words. The killer was carefully listened to, and nodded seriously. “Good.—Is there?”

"... um," Xiao Jin looked at his head and thought about it. "And when I can't walk, I have to carry me."

裴冽 Naturally nodded again, Xiao Jinxi was very compassionate: "There is no time, I will think of it later."

"I have all written down," he resisted the urge to kiss the boy, and smacked his lips. "...Yes, there are small snacks in the back seat of the car. Do you want to try which one you like?"

The expression on Xiaojin’s face has not changed, but my heart has happily picked up the tail. Even if I want to climb to the back seat to turn over the snacks, I listened to it again: “However, the responsibility of the partner is mutual, if I Do you have the right to ask for a request?"

Xiao Jinxi couldn’t help but pause. "What is the requirement?"

“It’s very simple, just let me eat too much.”

Xiaojin had not reacted for a while, until he saw the eyes that looked down along his body, and realized that what this 'eat' actually meant, immediately reddened his ears and licked it. Take a look.

But his contempt seems to be cute, but he even wants to stop the car to hold the person in his arms and kiss him.

The road surface is very flat, and the performance of the off-road vehicle is good. The small Koi eats the snacks and sleeps without listening to the music on the car.

He didn't even think about it, he actually went to tattoo.

They did not continue to walk after the night, but lived in the town's hotel. Although the room was not big, it was clean and tidy. There is a tattoo shop next door to the hotel. The killer directly goes in and buys tools and dyes, and then prepares them to pick them up.

He loved Xiao Jinyu very deeply, and he finally established a relationship with him. Naturally, he was not willing to let the other party leave his sight. Because the foot has not completely healed, Xiaojinyu has climbed into the bed, holding a ballpoint pen in his hand, holding a small book, leaning on the bed and writing a diary.

I was afraid that I would forget it again. He decided to write down everything every day. Like a well-behaved primary school student, he looked very serious, but he was shocked when he looked up at the mechanical tools and widened his eyes. "... ...What are you doing?"

裴冽 I have designed two 瞳 characters on the paper and picked them up and asked Xiao Jin: "Which one?"

The teenager frowned. "Hey, don't you mess around, you..."

"Just this."

The killer chose the one with a small tail, and then took off his shirt, revealing the smooth and graceful upper body of the muscles, and then carefully painted the pattern under the left clavicle with a surgical pen.

Xiaojin's brow wrinkled more tightly, but did not know how to stop the other side, only to see him pick up the tattoo machine with Mori cold needle.

The unique motor sound of the tattoo machine came along, and the faint **** smell was spread a little. The cockroach never changed its color, just like the needle pierced is not your own skin, no squeaking, no hands. A trembling.

Xiao Jinyu was inexplicably flustered to want to close his ears and close his eyes, but I don’t know why, and I couldn’t help but force myself to see.

There were a lot of strokes in the partial 瞳 character, and it took longer. I quickly noticed the tension of the teenager and immediately said to him: "Hey, turn your head, just be fine, wait until you get it." ""

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