MTL - Transmigration: Raising the Child of the Male Lead Boss-Chapter 154 First more

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Yu Yaoyao has no normal people at all.

Zhao Yu once again profoundly realized.

He has been doing so for so long, and he has never met such a guest.

At this moment, the little buns squatted on the table to write rainbow farts, and the small face that was bulging was very serious. The number of people in the live room rose wildly, and the rewards continued.

However, Shen Yichong is already starting to stock up. The live broadcast room, which was originally attracted by the little buns, suddenly screams ‘Shen’s invincible’ and ‘Shen’s total mighty’...

He showed everyone the initial funds and then started buying and selling stocks.

Now that the economy is not too good, the stock market is even more turbulent. People who know almost common sense know that they should not trade stocks now. It is easy to lose money.

But everyone in the live broadcast soon discovered that after half an hour, the five stocks he bought began to float red and rose!

10% is the daily limit.

In less than an hour, three stocks rose to 5%, one stock rose more than 7%, and one stock went straight.

"It’s smoother than I thought."

Shen Yichong shows off on the line, and the light face seems like this is not a problem at all.

"The income of 100,000 yuan should be reached in ten minutes."

He looked at Zhao, and the meaning was clear.

To be converted into family funds.

Zhao Yu bite his teeth. "No, Shen, I just said, the money in your private account can't be used. The current income, which is a private account, is not counted. Our family funds can only be obtained through live broadcast. ""

Shen Yi Chong’s Jun Rong was somewhat expressionless and reached out and touched his chin. “Well. I originally wanted to give the proceeds to the “welcome to my home” staff as a hard work. I just need to take 10% of it as a family fund. Yes. Now... that can only be counted."

Zhao Yu blinks, "!"

Give a gift! ?

His scalp was numb!


The staff here, counting drivers and remote logistics, will be less than 30 people. Shen always wants to send them the money?

The travel expenses that everyone gets are two hundred a day.

When Zhao Yu did not speak, he felt the resentment of a row of photographers and assistants around him.

Zhao Yu swallowed and looked back at them.

This smiled and looked at Shen Yichong.

"Shen Zong, polite, this kind of non-labor income, we are also hot, huh, huh, you go home."

Shen Yi Chong glanced at the phone screen, and the phone swayed before the live camera.

"After an hour, they should all have a daily limit, and the total income will exceed 200,000, which is not impossible."

He glanced at the live broadcast room, and looked at Zhao Dao, and swept the photography team.


" Originally, everyone came out with us in this hot summer day. One stop was a few days. Before the filming of "Wife" was also several old faces, followed me and Yaoyao, and suffered a lot. I want to send it to everyone. A red envelope, go home so that you can also buy a surprise gift for your wife and children."

"Now, since Zhao Dao said this... I will replace the program group and donate this money to the children of Hope Project."

Shen Yi Chong looked at Zhao Yu and hooked his thin lips.

Zhao Yu suddenly wiped the sweat.

Throughout the whole process, he felt the burning attention of his colleagues.

However, when he heard that Shen Yi Chong said that he would donate, the whole shooting team's eyes were loose, and the resentment disappeared. It was a bit more admirable to see Shen Yi.

The assistant assistant next to him sneaked a sneak peek at the director.

“Zhao Dao, is it a reward for some people? Is it helpful to be kind and helpful?”

As soon as the assistant was said, he got the approval of most photographers.

Zhao Yu has once again become a bad guy with a lot of eyes.

"Well, thank you for the love of Shen. Our program team will give you a family fund of 100 yuan to show the award, and also thank the children in the mountains for the general."

After Zhao Yu finished, he felt that he was a little tricky.

Sure enough, the live broadcast room suddenly surged.

[Shen boss... yak! 200,000... Say earned! It was said that he had eaten soft rice and was really beaten! 】

[Program group: I am not a trick, there is no budget! Ten percent of the 200,000, that is, 20,000, really want to give, the program went bankrupt... and 20,000 living expenses, only three days, hahahahaha! 】

[Don't say it, Gang Shen always said to teach investment! Master, teach me! 】

[Don't be excited, I will buy a stock first! I saw the code! 】

[Half hour ago, I bought it with Shen, hey, earned money, I rewarded Shen Zong as a family fund! Can you reward it? 】

[Seeking Master to teach me! I pay tuition! 】

Zhao Yu looked at everyone's comments and really pinched his sweat.

Fortunately, Shen Yichong also saw the message of everyone on the screen.

He put down his mobile phone. "I don't recommend everyone to buy stocks with me. Stocks are an investment behavior, not speculation. I can teach you some basic investment ideas and ways to analyze the feasibility of long-term and short-term investments."

"The five stocks today, in fact, I have observed for a few days. Before the opening of the afternoon, I checked their reports and K-line charts..."

For the next 60 minutes, Shen Yi Chongface said the investment theory and practice with no expression.

Originally, Zhao also thought that because of the boring and boring, the number of online users would be brushed off.

However, I did not expect that although it was a working day, the number of people in the live broadcast room rose rapidly from more than 5,000 people to more than 10,000 people, and it also climbed all the way.

Not only YY powder, but some IDs are obviously the guys of stock market enthusiasts, all of them poured into the live room.

The style of the comment has also changed dramatically.

One school is obviously eating melon powder and passers-by, and there is another group of investors who come to listen to **** courses.

[I heard that Shen Boss lectured online, I immediately pretended to go to the toilet, let go of the work to listen! Shen always knows the investment people in the circle, and it really makes me understand! 】

[Excuse me, Shen Bo, the stock you just said, the performance is not good in the later period, then how to judge when to throw it? 】

[The combination of my long-term and short-term investments is as follows, please take a look at Shen Zong...]

[To reward an aircraft carrier! Shen, ask...

Shen Yi Chong picked a few key questions and answered them.

Of course, he took special care of the audience who was rewarded, and he thanked them with great solemnity, so that a group of people were excited to go to heaven.

Usually, the general people can't get to the lectures, and they also thank them for their rewards.

What a surprise experience!

Shen Yi Chong saw the time. "Sorry, I have to go out to buy food. The deadline for the questions, the questions that have been sent before, and the rewards, can be privately sent to my Weibo, I will answer them one by one. And return the reward amount."

He said that he had already finished the Shen Ruixiao buns that had already finished the rainbow fart essay.

Let the little bun read the mother's rainbow fart that was soothing to the extreme, and earned a wave of rewards, he took the son out.

Before leaving, he went to the bedroom and looked at Yuyao Yao, leaving her a note to go out and buy food. Let her wake up and eat the washed tomato and cucumber if she is hungry.

The audience in the live broadcast room was screamed by his careful attention.

Even the investors who have just been online have not gone, many people are jealous, ‘please give us a common way for ordinary men! ’...

As you can imagine, if their wife saw this live content, it would be so loud.

A man of such a local tyrant has a successful career and outstanding appearance. He is also so gentle and considerate to his wife, even buying food and cooking, and working hard.

Then ordinary men, what qualifications are there to go home, Ge Youzhen, do not do housework?

Even Zhao Yu saw the back, all laughing and crying.

As early as in "Wife", General Shen showed the essence of some wives and slaves.

But at that time, it was far less obvious than it is today. Now it is like the two people’s feelings are heating up completely. Like a couple in love, he is hard-working.

Of course, Yu Yaoyao's pregnancy is also a big factor, so that the prospective father is nervous.

When the father and son went out to buy the car for food, Shen Yichong was responsible for driving, and Xiao Shenrui was sitting on the child seat while holding a live mobile phone to help his father.

At this time, Shen Yichong resumed the live broadcast of a faceless expression and nothing to say.

Zhao Yu, who is in the same industry, has no way. In order to be active, he finally tried to throw a few questions.

“Shen Bo, can tell the audience, why did you come to this show?”

Yu Yaoyao is pregnant, they can completely request the program to be postponed.

“After a while, Mr. Yu’s filming was very intense, and the body was still in recuperation?”

Shen Yi Chong opened the car and only thought about this question for a second.

"The son is going to."

"His mother, I want to come."

The answer is very simple and clear.

He finally added a sentence.

"I promised before, and I have to fulfill my promise."

The little buns nod and help my father's concise instructions.

“My mommy’s emotions have been so sensitive recently that she is very easy to cry at home and often unhappy.”

“The director’s uncle said that she was too entertained, but Mommy said that she recently thought of things that she was not happy at home, and she was shut down when she was hungry, so she wanted to come out and distract.”

"And, I also want to spend more time with Mommy."

He said, he looked down a little shyly and pinched his little belly.

"I listened to the little brother next door and said that if my father is very bad, he will send the child to boarding primary school and go home one day a week."

"Oh... in case of this, I am too bad."

The little bun raises his face, which is full of sadness.

"I have to go to elementary school and go to Mommy. So I am going to participate in this program, and I will distract my mommy~"

The words that the little buns said, even Shen Yichong are the first to hear.

Shen Yichong frowned directly.

The audience in the live broadcast room was all touched by the pitiful appearance of the little buns. They had to touch, hug, kiss him and enjoy all kinds of lollipops!

Zhao Yu also sympathetically looked at Shen Rui's child and continued on the next topic.

"Shen Zong, our first group of guests, who are you curious about? I can remind you that they are two men with a lot of food, they will come before dinner."

“That is, you need to prepare at least four or more adults for meals. And your current total family fund is 314 yuan. It seems that there are not enough rewards.”

The number of 10,000 viewers is only 10 yuan.

The number of rewards is only 10%.

Shen Yi chong took a look at him and leaned back on the side of the road.

Zhao Yu: " You threaten me and don't have extra money for you!"

Shen Yichong glanced at him coldly and took out his mobile phone and dialed it out.

"Shen Lin, inform all the leisure artists under Guangxin, each preparing a small talent."

"In half an hour, you collect it and send it to me. In addition, let them help me forward the live address and let my fans come over to support it. Who brings the most traffic, I reward him with a tailored custom notice and this year 10 % extra commission bonus."

When he finished, he hung up the phone and handed it to the son in the back seat of the car.

"Shen Rui, you receive the video of everyone, and you will see the audience in the live broadcast."

Zhao Yu: "..."

Guangxin was originally one of the largest entertainment companies in the industry.

Although the film actor Chen Hao has changed jobs, it is still involved in film, music, variety, and even live broadcast platforms.

Half an hour later, the famous big and small artists in the industry, big red, purple, small flowers, small fresh meat all appeared in the live broadcast of Shen Yichong, hello to the fans, and the Eight Immortals across the sea show their magic, performing a funny Sand sculptures or professional talents.

Before reaching the market, the number of viewers in the live broadcast exceeded 500,000 peaks for the first time!

Shen Yi Chong stopped the car and drove the door openly, and asked Zhao Yu to get off.

"Director, the latest family funds totaled 1438.5 yuan."

He only looked at the live screen and calculated the results.

"Trouble to WeChat for me."

Zhao Dao: "!!!"

Read The Duke's Passion