MTL - Transmigration: Raising the Child of the Male Lead Boss-Chapter 175 Second more

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Gu Yu’s knowledge made many viewers in the live broadcast laugh and gave her a gift.

Of course, when they turned around, they felt a little distress.

Shen Rui Xiao Baozi, who used to be clamoring to go to TV with Mommy.

But now it’s true, but I lost interest because Mommy is not there.

He looked at the tablet alone, and almost no longer interacted with the audience.

Obviously, he is not keen on the performance of the lens. Before he completely wanted to coexist with Yu Yaoyao, he would ask for the mirror.

In the evening, both father and son were in front of the camera, interacting with Xiaowenbao in the air.

Everyone in the live room couldn't see it clearly, but I could see Yu Yaoyao's very good pink face, with a small warm buns in her arms.

The father and son are reading stories and singing songs. They are rushing to sleep with the younger sister.

Yu Yaoyao glared at his forehead and resisted listening for a long time before he had to interrupt them. "Small warms have already slept, and you have to rest."

Both father and son had a meal, and the face was sometimes lost and depressed.

The live room laughed.

After everyone fell asleep, Shen Yichong finally came to the door of Chen Hao’s room and knocked on his door.

Chen Hao has not slept yet, but some of them are surprised that Shen Yi Chong will take the initiative to find him.

Shen Yichong didn't mean to stay for a long time. He relied on the wall and didn't look for a chair to sit down. He reached out and took out a pack of cigarettes. He was black and stunned. "Don't you mind?"

Chen Hao made a gesture of please, but he also smoked a cigarette. "Shen, take a fire?"

He is an entertainer, and he is a positive artist. Almost no smoking is on the Internet. But he is private and often smokes.

Filming is often reversed day and night, and staying up all night is a trivial matter.

When he hadn't mixed up in the early years, it was a common thing for him to wait for four or five hours in a play. He couldn't keep up with smoking.

Shen Yi Chong did not say anything, directly throwing a lighter in his hand to him.

When Chen Hao took over, the action was a stagnation.

Some of the memories of the past, as if they are re-emerged in front of us, are all vivid, just like yesterday.

To be precise, the first time he smoked, he followed Shen Yi’s school. No, Shen Yi Chong personally taught him.

The second year he entered the circle, the age of eighteen.

Every day, I rushed to the crew, but it was a group performance, a small supporting role without a line, a character that died in a second, and everything was done.

Finally, I finally got a male match with a few lines, but some people said that he was favored by a female director who was close to the male color.

No one recognized him. No one thought he could do it. Only Shen Yichong never left him.

When he was the director's lover, the female director also changed his character for the sake of fame. He once again became a group performer and a small supporting role. He was completely disappointed to give up, but Shen Yi Chong stopped him with a cigarette.

Chen Hao hit a lighter and gave birth to a fire in the night, igniting the smoke on his lips.

The gleam reflected in his peach blossoms, which made him lose his spirit.

He has now remembered the things he used to do, remembering so clearly, he thought he had long forgotten.

But now it is discovered that even the words of Shen Yi Chong at that time, he remembers.

‘Want to leave, leave, never come back. ’

Shen Yichong did not retain him, he did not even encourage him, saying that he must be able to counterattack, but he used this sentence to inspire him to continue to stay in this entertaining entertainment circle until he played male three. Second, the male lord, until the award, become the shadow of the emperor, until today...

When he was really reluctant, Shen Yichong let him go. He just wanted to stay and sigh for Shen Yi Chong, he can!


Chen Yu reflected the fire of the smoke, and the corner of his mouth pulled a very stiff arc.

"Shen, I want to ask a question."

"In that year, did you really not like to retain me or to be radical? I want to know, if I really left, leave the entertainment circle, you will regret for me, or immediately find a boy to replace me... ?"

Yes, I’m holding it.

Chen Hao said the word, his face twitched.

There are many old powder, Guangxin powder, Yaoyao powder, and they all have no conscience.

Just now, he also watched the live broadcast and found that many of the audience were in the top of Shen Rui, the child yelled at him, saying that he would punish his ingratitude.

Chen Hao bit his teeth.

Today, even if he does not want to admit it, he has to recognize the reality in the dead of night and when he thinks about the past.

Shen Yichong is his Bole.

Without Shen Yichong to save him from the days when he was despised in school and could not afford to receive a counseling book, there would be no him today.

He may have a good appearance, maybe a little talent for performance, but if he does not cultivate Shen Yi Chong, give him resources, and even do his best to do public relations marketing for him, he is impossible to go to the height of the film, it is impossible Into the entertainment circle.

Many people say that he has no conscience. He has been in such anonym for nearly two years, but he has never responded before, but he has a vague answer at the moment.

He pulled the corner of his mouth. "Of course, if Shen doesn't want to say it, you don't have to say it."

Chen Hao smothered the cigarette, and it seemed to **** into the depths of the lungs before he spit out a smoke ring.

The answer has long been eager to come out.

"Nothing can't be said."

Shen Yi Chong pointed to the smoke, but only tried to stop it. He only took one breath and placed it on the side of the ashtray.

"You are now a boss yourself, and you should be very clear."

Chen Hao suddenly smiled.

Yes, he opened the studio, no longer the pure actor, the self-viewing actor.

As a boss, he began to take charge of the future of a group of people. He was responsible for each artist and planned for them. He found that the way he looked at the problem changed.

He is soberly aware that resources in the industry are limited.

Assuming that the national resources are 100 total, his studio can only get 5 of them, then the ten artists in his hands can't be all-inclusive. Apart from the distribution, there are always points.

In the early days, when the company itself was not strong enough, there were always artists who could not eat enough.

Shen Yichong used to concentrate on a large number of company resources to hold his own.

He really took a fancy to himself.

"To do business, there is always a profit."

Shen Yichong put the still burning smoke in the ashtray.

"With a correct attitude, no one can win from the beginning to the end. Similarly, failure is only a temporary one."

"You have to leave in the past, and I respect your choice. When I found you, I said, the entertainment circle can give you money, and the other may not have anything. It is not a good place."

Chen Yu can only smile.

Shen Yi Chong is really a qualified, no, excellent businessman.

He is public and private, and sometimes it is like a precise machine!

Other bosses will also play emotional cards, but he does not.

For so many years, in addition to the accident of marrying Yu Yaoyao, he has clearly defined his work and personal feelings at other times.

The artist of Guangxin has not been with the company for a long time, and other estimates have not said a few words with Shen Yichong.

Chen Hao couldn't help but feel depressed, and couldn't help but scream. "In addition to making money, Shen Bo, you haven't considered anything else?"

However, when Shen Yi Chong took him as a brother in the past few years, he did not decisively leave Guangxin.

If Shen Yichong is willing to talk to him and analyze the pros and cons, he will not be able to open his own studio and seek a better way out.

Chen Yu’s peach eyes, with a trace of resentment and anger, looked at Shen Yi Chong.

In the end, others said that he was ungrateful.

However, Shen Yichong, this man has always only regarded him as a company artist, an investment, nothing more!

Doing business, making a profit...

He is just a business of Guangxin!

Chen Hao pinched his fist!

However, his voice just fell, but he was looked at by the deep black of Shen Yi Chong.

At that glance, ordinary people look very indifferent, but Chen Hao has long been used to the eyes, but it is to shock him.

"Auntie, this sentence should come to me to ask you, isn't it?"

Chen Hao shook.

"Do you remember your winning work, remembering what you were going to get into the public eye?"

Shen Yichong took the lighter on his desk, turned around, and lifted his foot to get out of the room.

But still stuck in the footsteps, turned back, and looked at him with a difficult look.

"I am coming, still that sentence, do what you should do. Don't fight with me, do you have to break your blood?"

Chen Yan was like being knocked down by a hammer, almost pale.

Shen Yi Chong really knows everything.

He is secretly doing tricks behind him, Shen Yichong knows, and knows that he is defeated!

Hit the stone with an egg!

Obviously very irrational, it is really difficult to read.

His winning work at the time...

With a little recall, Chen Hao can clearly think of the classic lines of the character.

It is an image of a small, sunny skin, but actually has a serious mental illness, similar to the so-called second personality.

Everyone thought that he was happy, but no one knew that he actually had communication barriers and was extremely unsatisfied.

However, in order to make many friends feel happy when they get along, he forced himself to speak again and again, and he was active in the atmosphere and made everyone feel uncomfortable.

When he gets home, he will shut himself up.

The more words you say during the day, the more painful the night is.

But from beginning to end, no one knows his pain except the psychiatrist.

No one can feel his identity.

Before the performance, Chen Hao talked with the director. He believed that the role of this film is to express this kind of social problems, the social pressure of modern people, and the necessity of pleasing others.

But the director said no, including some of the professional film critics in the back, gave a high-level interpretation of the film, that is - don't think who you know, don't define who is not close, and who do the note .

‘Little friends, I hope he will be a pistachio every time? ’

‘Maybe, he has a friend who really wants to express it, but every time he is taken away by Xiaozhi, but secretly suffering? ’

Xiaozhi is the protagonist of the film, the character he played at the time.

‘Is it not a fish and knows the joy of fish? ’

This is the correct interpretation the director told him.

What did Shen Yichong say just now? ?

Chen Hao’s hands are shaking.

Shen Yichong is saying that he has always let himself be free, never subjectively defining him, nor restricting to stay, is he thinking about him?

Shen Yichong seems to be inhuman, but it gives himself the greatest room for development, never persecuting him?


Chen Hao suddenly screamed and strode out.

"Shen Yi Chong!"

"You are not me, how do you know that what I want is freedom!"

Chen Yu screamed in pain!

No matter what the program group is still recording!

What he wants...what...what is it?

At the moment of the smashing out, Chen Hao’s Jun Rong took a moment.

When Yuyao Yao’s words were in the past, they once again came to their ears.

What he likes is not her, nor Ling Frost, but the feeling that people are concerned, cared, even failed, and have been praised!

What he always wanted is not freedom!

But... praise! ?

Chen Yu’s mouth twitched in a strange way.

He looked at the back of Shen Yi Chong who had stopped in front of him. For a moment, his heart was stunned by thunder!

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