MTL - Transmigration: Raising the Child of the Male Lead Boss-Chapter 185 Second more

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Shen Yichong was very impressed with Yu Yaoyao’s English enthusiasm.

He never knew that one can learn English like this...

It may be that his son Shen Rui’s study was too painful for him from beginning to end, and he never learned to worry about the teacher himself. So when he arrived at Yuyao Yao, he simply wondered if she was wrong with the textbook.

The little buns can also learn from the teachers on the Internet. Starting with simple words and daily greetings, they will be upgraded step by step.

Occasionally there is a word that I don't understand, just ask him, it is quite satisfactory.

And Yu Yaoyao even got a full set of primary school to college, TOEFL IELTS textbooks, every time the question raised is still Shen Yichong, they feel that the temple is very painful.

"Husband, come tonight? Uh?"

The night is black and windy, it is the time of sweetness.

Shen Yichong also has some heartbeat.

However, in the next sentence, Yu Yaoyao came. "How do you say this in English?"

Suddenly, a basin of cold water with a chili oil was poured over his head.

He didn’t feel anything at all.

Not only that, but also help her translate.

Otherwise, she will look at him with enthusiasm. "Hey, husband, did you have words that you wouldn't have? Is it ‘come? You can't translate, or do you don't understand the words ‘一发’?”

Shen Yichong can only be eager, and his little niece should not be like her mother.

If you learn it unfortunately, you can only let the future son-in-law ask for more happiness.

He can't help it either!

For her wife to learn English hard, she made a small essay with color... Shen Yichong couldn't help but correct it a few times, but she only raised more weird questions. When she got it, he gave up the correction.

She is happy.

It’s always his wife, he’s daring, even if he’s squatting, answer her.

It’s better than she to ask outsiders.


At the end of the "Seven Years of Itching" screening, the major online platforms finally moved the film to their own VIP toll library.

In order to create a wave of vip purchases and turnover, these platforms also released footage that was not previously announced.

NG's daily NG, the main actors who eat NG, the miserable daily life... until Yu Yaoyao's appearance, everything changed!

In the secret interview, the male and female starring Cai Wenfang and Lu Chengquan all said Qi Yaoyao is their savior.

Yan Hang said that she opened up a new world he had ever had.

Among them, Wei Ming, who played the most with Yu Yaoyao, even expressed his sincere sincerity.

"There is no twenty or thirty times for a shot. It is impossible to pass."

"When it is true that I am in a bad state, the director is also a perfectionist. Even the action of sitting down and standing up is N thirty round trips."

"At that time, I was used to it. I couldn’t help if I was tired. Until I played against Yuyao Yao..."

"In the period before her, everyone knew that she was emotionally unstable and that the family had some bad things."

"But she still overcome her emotions. When I was playing with me, I took me into the play and completely entered the role itself."

"Later, Yan said, let me go to Yuyao Yao to study hard. I didn't believe it at first, until I saw the textbooks she was studying and the notes above, until I saw her script notes... I really realized There is no end to learning, and there is no end to the road of performance."

This scene is a big secret, even the fans are the first to see.

Premiere Although everyone interviewed revealed a part, but there is no detailed description of this topic video.

When they saw the pictures and textbooks that were marked with a lot of pictures, the fans all had a hot stream inside.

At that time, after being sucked up, her mother and her sister were suffering, and she was so persistent. This note is comparable to the third year students who are facing the college entrance examination!

Many mothers and families have had a good impression of Yu Yaoyao since the last time "No regrets in youth."

This time, there is a new breakthrough.

[I will let my daughter see it later, she will be in high school, she will not do homework all day, let her see this role model! 】

[A woman who looks better than you, has money than you, is more fulfilling than your loved one, and is so hard, hey, the girls who want to marry into the giants, are you sober today? 】

[Let me Kang Kang! What did my sister write! 】

Many people on the barrage started to leave a message.

As the lens zoomed in, everyone also saw Yu Yaoyao's signature notes.

The fans laughed on the spot.

On the same day, Yu Yaoyao relied on his own strength to let himself and Wei Ming once again searched.


#波霸不不痛的痛, you don't understand! #

#魏鸣 was shocked by the operation of Sao, decided to be a man again! #

"Seven Years" a literary film, the first day of the show on the platform, actually squeezed into the top five in the library!

I have already invested in the next job, and I have been very calm about the results after the "Seven Years". When I got the news, I had to shake the power of Yu Yaoyao.

When he had a phone call that year, he got a baby.

The voyage was very gratifying, and I was very fortunate that I finally called Li, who had been missing for a long time and had been asking for food.

"Old Li, have you been free recently? Please eat."

"What, how can I knock, deliberately rely on thank you for your meal?!"

"Well? You have to eat a dozen or so? Because Yu Yaoyao, with the movie on the thirteen hot search?! Hey! What is your memory so good!?"

"Go, thirteen barbecues, as long as you don't have nosebleeds!"

I always wanted to succumb to the debts, and I was so reluctant to treat my guests. I finally got a big bleeding.

If it wasn’t for the introduction of Li’s guide that year, maybe his “Seven Years” would not be awarded, and it’s impossible for the box office to explode.

The story is still the story, the content remains the same.

But the actor is to play the role, a smile, even a tear, a trace of micro-expressions are not fake, the character emotions carved into themselves and the hearts of the audience.

Seeing that "Seven Years" has sold a lot of waves, other producers who have cooperated with Yu Yaoyao can't sit still.

Many of the founding owners are eager to find subordinates, and the subordinates go to the staff of the crew of the year, from the director to the assistant.

“Is there any script manuscript that Mr. Yu’s script for the year?”

“Is there a little story behind our movie?”

"It's impossible, no, you must have found it, then think about it!"

Yu Yaoyao’s box office miracle is too powerful. It has been released from the film to the next stage, and it has to be converted to the platform to broadcast the runway.

Other producers who have already tossed her olive branch and waited for her to accept the invitation are even more anxious.

"You call Mr. Yu's agent again. Doesn't our script like it? It can be changed."

"Mr. Yu will go out to film in the second half of next year? Haven’t our scripts been sent? Did you say hello to her agent and Guangxin, and must be in front, let Yu teacher pass by."

"The film is not satisfied, you can talk."

She not only flies herself, takes a flying movie, but also flies other supporting roles and protagonists... This is really more valuable than a shadow!

The producers are very simple. "She can bring in the group. Guangxin wants to invest. The first position is reserved for Shen. They are husband and wife, we welcome both hands, as long as we are willing to come."

Everyone is very enthusiastic, but Yu Yaoyao is very leisurely.

She feels that the entertainment industry is now invincible and lonely.

He has already moved to the second venue - very invested in learning English!

During this period, at home, she was the same as the second spring. Although she was busy, she was quite energetic, happy and doing anything.

Zhao Yu originally wanted to do another takeaway program, because since the last ten takeaways, every day, YY powder has come to the official blog, asking when to open the takeaway, we must do more than a few clouds, and not complicated. Simple nutrition menu recommendation...

However, with reference to the last copy of the takeaway content, just a change of guest proposal, but Yu Yaoyao refused.

"Zhao, we should change, otherwise everyone will get tired, right?"

Yu Yaoyao personally called Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu certainly knows this truth.

It was only the last response that was very good.

"Yes, Xiaoyu, what do you think, let's talk about it together."

"I think there are only ten meals. It is not fair to everyone to rely on the speed of the Internet."

Zhao Yu nodded.

Indeed, some netizens have suggested that the speed of the Internet is not urgent!

"Then we will draw in advance?"

"That would be boring~"

"Zhao Dao, we have to add a limit order condition, we have to order and take out."


"To order, you must teach me a piece of English~ Then order food in English and report the address in English. How about?"

Yu Yaoyao both are flashing.

She feels that her idea is great!


Zhao also thought that he had got it wrong.

But soon, Yu Yaoyao’s serious voice was passed over.

"Zhao Gui, English, but the college entrance examination to test, it is important to drop ~"

"There is not enough, our children can't go to college."

She recently followed the buns, listened to a few primary school English courses, and tasted the sweetness of getting bigger and bigger.

On the head of learning.

Moreover, the little buns also said to her, Xiaoshengchu, the first rise... English, have to go all the way up.

Recently, she also learned from Ni Yi that even his eldest sister sent his daughter to a private kindergarten, and the teacher asked for a written test and answered the English question.

Yu Yaoyao thinks that this must be learned!

Her fans must also study hard.

"Don't learn well, no food."

Zhao’s mouth was twitching, but he could not refute it.

"That... just like this, is it up to you to answer the fans on the spot?"

"Well, give it to me! Zhao guide!"

When Zhao led the phone, he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Well, fans, can only help you here!

English is not good, so I can communicate with idols, say a few more words...hello?

Soon, let the fans look forward to the program official blog, they released the news, this Saturday morning at 9 o'clock, live broadcast on time.

There are still ten take-away places. If you want, please get up early.

When the news came out, YY powders resolutely vowed not to sleep late this Saturday, and must go to bed early the day before.

The president, Fang Qiu, also checked the live platform and the small program and app for the takeaway early, and set the alarm clock for 10 Saturday mornings!

Everything is ready, just wait for Dayaoyao to open!

Sure enough, on Saturday, because of the advance notice, at 9:00, the number of people in the room directly reached 250,000, and it is still rising!

Many people do not order, but also watch on time.

The people who are ready to grab the bills have even raised their sleeves on the screen of the mobile phone, and they have even hired agents who grabbed the license plates to let them take out the takeaways...

Fang Qiuqi licked his fingers. "Well, no problem, let the horse come over!"

As a code word worker, her hand speed will never be lost to anyone!

However, when Yu Yaoyao appeared on the screen, she soon saw it.

Next to the little buns, raised a sign written by a marker.

"PLSorderinEnglish (please order in English)"

"PLSpraisemymotherinEnglish (please praise my mommy in English)"

Fang Qiuqiu: "!!!"

Grab a single agent: "???"

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