MTL - Twilight Boundary-Chapter 374 The man who sealed the mine (third update)

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Chapter 374: The man who sealed the mine (third update)


Hearing this reply, Hu Ma felt surprised and happy.

I'm glad that my call this night was in vain, and finally got a response from people. As long as there are reincarnated people in this place, it will be much easier to do many things.

When you arrive in a strange place, you are not familiar with the place, and you don’t understand anything. If you have someone who understands the situation here, you will feel at ease. Even if you don’t get any big help, it is good to get some useful information in exchange.

What surprised me was, why is this guy's reply so different from others? Hearing this, he seems to be very unwilling to be found?

 “You…hid here?”

Hu Madu paused and said with a smile: "Listen to the noise, I don't seem to be happy to be found?"

“I’m not hiding. I was born here and grew up here.”

The reincarnated person codenamed Houerjiu answered slowly, with a distinctive laziness in his voice: "But I don't like to be called by other reincarnated people..."

"Alas, every time I am sure that this is a real world, I have almost forgotten everything about my previous life, and when I am ready to live a good life here, you guys come over, disturbing my peace, and forgetting that I have just forgotten The incident was reminded again..."

 He said, with a hint of distress in his voice: "I'm already depressed..."

“Brother, I just came to Huoziling and I have some things I want to deal with, so I guess it’s not convenient for you...”

“I can’t figure out now whether our world is real or this world is real…”

Not counting the reincarnations I met, the other ones seemed to be very adaptable to their identities, and their emotions were very stable. Why are they still in chaos now?

“I have also analyzed the reasons. The reason why others don’t think so much is because they are superficial, but I am different. I am a top student who graduated from a prestigious school, and I even got a Ph.D.…”

 At this point, he was startled and said: "By the way, what is your education level?"


"But in order to find out its false evidence, I researched a lot and observed a lot, and I found more and more that this world is real. Even if it has so many phenomena and powers that go against scientific common sense, it is still real. world."

“Everything about it can form its own logic, but there is some mysterious distortion in the underlying rules...”

 “For example, when I first came to this world, I thought it was fake.”

“...I have told other reincarnated people about these, they are all real problems!”

Hu Ma didn't say it directly out of politeness. Unexpectedly, Monkey Wine actually took the initiative to talk about it and said: "I don't think about this either, but these problems are really right in front of me, aren't they?"


Hu Ma was a little panicked when he was asked this question out of the blue, and hurriedly said: "It's not important!"

Hearing this, Hu Ma felt a little strange.

Have you eaten too much Black Tai Sui? Can't tell the difference between true and false in the world?

“Do you think I’m boring? Do you think I shouldn’t put my energy into this kind of thing?”

“So I have developed a living habit of being logical and looking at the essence since I was a child.”

“So since this world is real, will the world in our memory be false? Could everything in the previous life be just a dream?”


“But they don’t understand me and even think I’m crazy, probably because they have low education and are not very smart…”

 “Is there anything else like this?”


 “Don’t say it!”

Before Hu Ma could finish speaking, Monkey Wine suddenly interrupted him and said, "You said it, and I can't help but want to help you, because communicating with reincarnated people can also make me feel real."

“But after working with reincarnated people, I can’t help but have doubts about this world. When I think that this world may be false, I can’t help but want to study something..."

"But the things I study seem to be taboo in this world..."

"For example, a woman born in the yin moon and yin day is the best way to raise moth gu. She just needs to use precise surgical techniques to move the half-grown moth gu into the partner's uterus, and then seal its seven orifices with mercury. , the nail in the coffin of his life, and then use the blood to maintain his health..."

“…If it’s in a fake world, this is just normal research, but if this is the real world, isn’t it a bit too much for me to do this?”



Hu Ma was confused by him all of a sudden. Isn't this too much?

 This is simply cruel, right?

 “So I’ve been troubled by this problem.”

Houerjiu seemed to know what Huma was thinking, and said to himself: "This world seems real. The people living around me are my relatives and tribesmen. I can't verify these ideas on them."

“Even the captured prisoners are still living people. I can’t experiment with anti-human things on these people to cultivate Gu insects…”

“But after coming into contact with reincarnated people, I couldn’t help but feel that this world is fake…”

“If it’s just a fake world, then as long as it can confirm my idea, it doesn’t matter what I do…”

   “…”      “hiss…”

Hu Ma suddenly felt like shrinking back, why not ask this reincarnated person for help?

The reincarnated people themselves have encountered a lot of people nowadays, some are stubborn, some are radical, and some are ruthless...

 But now, why do I seem to have encountered something unusual?

 “Forget it, just say it!”

But at this moment, Houerjiu suddenly said: "Originally I didn't want to talk to you, but since we have already started chatting, I feel itchy if you don't say anything."

Hu Ma was shocked: "What kind of mentality is this?"

“Do you think my mentality is complicated and unreasonable?”

Also when Hu Ma was thinking about it, Houerjiu said: "Actually, my mentality is very normal, just like what happened with my ex-girlfriend. You know you will regret it if you open it, and you won't take the initiative to look for it, but once you accidentally swipe it, , I still can’t help but click in..."


Hearing his talk, Hu Ma felt a little secretly scared.

But after thinking about it carefully, he still took a tentative attitude, thinking slowly, and said: "I haven't thought of any specific goals yet, I just want to ask, do you understand the witches here?"

This monkey wine is not normal. Let’s not talk about the specifics. If you can ask for some information, let’s ask for some information...

“I remembered things from my previous life when I was seven years old, and now I am twenty-nine…”

After hearing this, Houerjiu replied slowly: "I have been living here for so many years, and I see them as soon as I open my eyes. Do you think I understand them?"

Hearing his words, Hu Ma felt a little moved in her heart, there is a way...

It seems that Houerjiu is a witch in this world, and his status is not low, so he is just asking for information.

Originally, he didn't plan to ask too many questions at once, but facing such a strange person, he remained silent for a moment, and then said slowly: "Then..."

"In Huoziling, there is a blood food mine specially used to harvest Tai Sui. It was originally the property of the Tsing Yi Gang, but now it belongs to the Red Lantern Club. In the past, I got along well with the shamans here and called them brothers, but now, inexplicably, Being surrounded by people..."

“I didn’t say why or what I wanted to do, but I’ve already killed several people.”

“Brother, have you heard about this?”


Hearing the words, the monkey wine was silent for a moment, and then sighed: "I know, the one who surrounded the blood food mine is a great witch sage among the witch people."

"He used the twelve-door platoon formation in the Wu League's doorway. It is very powerful. Once it is sealed, outsiders need to break through twelve levels in a row if they want to solve the poison. If you can't break through any level, those who try to solve the poison will They will all die."

“That’s why the Blood Food Mine has become a dangerous place. You can’t get in but you can’t get out. It’s the most dangerous place.”


 “Great wizard?”

Hu Ma couldn't help but feel moved. She didn't expect to ask such an important thing, so she hurriedly said: "Then, why did he seal the blood food mine? Do you know the reason?"

“There must be something he wants in the mine.”

Houerjiu slowly said: "The art of cultivating gu by shamans was passed down from our ancestors. It has been passed down orally for many years before Tai Sui's flesh and blood appeared."

"But the coming of Master Tai Sui has affected all the sects and inheritances, and shamans are no exception. Some people have discovered long ago... For example, some of the Gu insects that need to be cultivated with specific human blood can be cultivated with Tai Sui's flesh and blood. It has the same or even better effect.”

"There will be some things that witches need in the blood food mine from time to time. It's just that witches are poor and cannot afford good blood food. Their manpower is also weak. They don't know how to light a stove, and they can't hire people to keep watch over the years. They can't occupy the blood food mine. Come."

"But fortunately, the things that shamans need to refine their poison are mostly different from those that ordinary people need. Your poison is my rare treasure. Just pick up some leftovers, so it's just like a well."

“But if there is something that the witch wants in the blood-food mine, he must get it at any cost.”


 “As expected…”

Hu Ma took a low breath and slowly asked the most important question: "In that case, do you know the weakness of the witch who has sealed the blood-food mine?"

“…Don’t worry, brother, I can also exchange it for equal information.”

“Perhaps, if I owe you a favor and do you a big favor somewhere else afterwards, that’s fine.”


  After asking this question, Houerjiu suddenly fell silent.

After a long time, he sighed and said: "I know his weaknesses, but to tell you, this is not quite right..."

Hu Ma was startled and said, "Why?"

“Because I am the one who sealed this blood food mine...”

Houerjiu sighed and said, "Although we are all reincarnations, isn't it inappropriate for me to tell you my weaknesses and then let you deal with me?"

 (End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion