MTL - Twilight Boundary-Chapter 381 Will of the Gu God (third update)

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Chapter 381 Gu God’s Will (Third update)

He ran over and used half his life and the clan's sacred objects to refine this evil poison. The purpose was just to get rid of his biological son who was looking for trouble for others?

This shaman clan leader is so righteous?

In the eyes of outsiders, although Hu Ma took over the blood food mine, there was really no way to shirk the request of the shaman clan leader, and there was no reason to shirk it. However, Hu Ma himself felt deeply uneasy in his heart. Already…

The reincarnation codenamed Houerjiu and the old shaman patriarch said completely opposite things. So who is telling the truth? They all put on such a big show, what is their purpose?

That mysterious vein of blood-food minerals? But why did they never mention this mineral vein?

 Going back to his room, he just sat in silence for a while, then sat cross-legged on the couch, took two blood food pills, slowly performed the exercises, refined them, and then entered the natal temple.

As usual, I called Houerjiu, but this time he responded immediately: "What, have you thought about it?"

"…not yet."

When Hu Ma heard what he said, he couldn't help but sighed helplessly and said: "Do we have to kill the Gu God as soon as we come up? Is it possible..."

"I mean, don't make it so big, just kill your whole family or something like that? How many clan members can you take with you at most?"


"it's useless."

Houerjiu sighed slowly and said: "If you want to kill, you must kill the Gu God directly, otherwise it will be useless for others to kill you. I have made it very clear to you. With your IQ, you should be able to Understood…”

"If you want to cooperate with me, you have to help me kill the Gu God. Otherwise, I have no need to betray, and our cooperation will be impossible..."


 “But, your father…”

Huma spoke slowly, and was about to tell the story about the shaman clan leader, Houerjiu's father, who was refining poison in the mine, but when the words came to his lips, there was an inexplicable pause.

For a moment, he couldn't even explain this weird feeling. It seemed that subconsciously, he didn't want to tell him that the old patriarch was refining Gu, and there was an inexplicable worry in his heart.

What if what the old patriarch said is true and the reincarnated person is really crazy?

 Does it mean that the reincarnated person must be a good person, and there is no one who kills people and refines Gu, and is so crazy that all the tribesmen are afraid and drive him out?

 …A lot of them!

 Didn’t the reincarnated person hide the information when facing another reincarnated person, and even deceive his own people?

 …Isn’t that what I am!

Erguotou and the others are still in the dark. Since they can deceive others like this, of course they have to be careful about others deceiving themselves.

 This is why it is necessary to be on guard against others.

This was the first time that he actually had a feeling of uncertainty in his heart. After pondering for a long time, he slowly said: "I just remembered something to ask you. You have sealed this blood food mine for a long time. You Father didn't tell you what to do?"

“For example, when will all the people in the mine be killed, and when will we be further persecuted?”



After hearing this, Houerjiu replied slowly, with a sense of confusion still in his voice: "He wouldn't give me orders in the first place. On the surface, he hates me the most, and he still treats me like Expelled from the village..."

“He never spoke to me, let alone gave me orders or sent me messages. He never even sent me the messengers commonly used by the Han people..."



Hu Ma didn't expect him to say this, and was shocked: "Then you still said that he asked you to seal this blood food mine?"


Houerjiu said slowly: "He doesn't need to give orders or deliver letters. Through Gu Chong, I can feel his thoughts and understand what he wants me to do."

“A lot of things seem to be done by me, but I know that he asked me to do them.”


 “Do Gu insects still have such magical abilities?”

Hu Ma was startled for a moment and said with a little suspicion: "Then you just listened to him and never thought about resisting or anything?"

"no, sorry…"

Houerjiu sighed and said: "My body is full of bugs, and they represent the will of the Gu God. The bugs in my body cannot go against the will of the Gu God, so I cannot go against his will."

"From childhood to now, I can even feel that the will of the Gu God is passing from my skin, into my organs, into my brain, bit by bit, through these Gu worms, and even, bit by bit, into into my soul..."

“Perhaps, when it truly enters my soul, the secret of my reincarnation will no longer be preserved...”



Hearing this, Hu Ma was so shocked that her scalp tingled: "Damn it, why didn't you tell me about such an important thing earlier? Why didn't you tell me last time?"

 “I didn’t think of it…”

Houerjiu said slowly, as if with some expectation: "You said that last time, and you promised to help me?"


Hu Ma thought helplessly: "As you said last time, I will not contact you again..."    If what he said is true, the so-called "Gu God" can really invade his soul step by step. , mastering his memory, then the secret of his reincarnation cannot be kept, and the person who is in contact with him will also be in danger...

For a moment, I actually had the idea of ​​​​breaking off contact with this person quickly, and never contact him again while he was still not sure who he was.

However, I also thought of the mysterious mineral veins, the mysterious Wugong chief who came to the mine to refine the poison, and the mine leader Zhuang Erchang who seemed honest and honest, but couldn't figure out the details...

Finally, I decided to ask one more question: "So, how can you kill this Gu God you mentioned?"

 “Logically speaking, it’s actually very simple…”

Houerjiu slowly said: "The Gu God is the will of the insect, and is a collection created by the worship of shamans for generations. On the physical level, there is no real object like the Gu God, but on the spiritual level, it is nowhere to be found. Not here…”

“So, if you want to kill the Gu God, the first step is to give it a body…”


"This Gu God sounds no different from the guests in the hall..."

Hu Ma couldn't help but feel moved in her heart, and said hurriedly: "So, what about the second step?"

Hou'erjiu said: "Of course I have to kill it. Once it has a body, it has a health bar. With a health bar, wouldn't it be easy to kill it?"

"I don't even want to discuss such a simple issue with you. When you figure it out, just give me a signal..."




Hu Ma, who had just given birth to a little hope, felt helpless again.

It was because he had some doubts and confusion in his heart that Hu Ma came to the Benming Temple and asked about monkey wine. Unexpectedly, after asking these questions, he had even more doubts in his heart...

 A reincarnated person, an aborigine, an honest and simple father, a neurotic son...

 Which one should I believe in better?

Huma, who woke up after exiting the natal temple, was unable to decide for a moment. In the end, she looked at the several urns placed in front of the bed, which were full of blood food.

“I’ve been thinking about it for a while, and it would be great if I could get into the government.”

He thought silently: "After entering the government, my ability to keep up with the old age will also greatly improve. Maybe I won't care if they are real or fake, and just use hard skills to take down both of them and teach them a lesson."

It's a pity that although I have already opened up the connection to enter the mansion, the blood food on hand now is still a little short of completing the process of entering the mansion. Secondly, even if I have enough blood food on hand, if I want to refine it all, I'm afraid that It will also take half a month...


Starting at the urns in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart: "It would be okay to have more golden Tai Sui..."

The blood Tai Sui gave birth to strands of golden threads, which is the Golden Thread Tai Sui, which is extremely beneficial to nourishing the soul. And since I am in the stage of entering the palace, I have to nourish the soul, so the Golden Thread Tai Sui can also have a better effect.

 This is what the Li family of Dongzi gave him.

In this mine, in that mysterious vein, some golden Tai Sui has also been dug out. So, if more of this type of Tai Sui can be dug out, wouldn't it come in handy?


Now that the mineral vein has been sealed, it is inexplicably dark and mysterious. No one knows what the consequences will be if it is opened...

While thinking about these questions in his mind, Hu Ma put on his clothes and walked out. Now the moonlight was shining brightly above his head, but the night was already dark. The guys in the mine were all asleep, and there were only a few patrols who only stayed at the edge of the valley. When walking, the entire mine is extremely quiet.

Hu Ma was strolling and thinking about something, but suddenly he was startled and saw a girl with a head full of silver jewelry sitting cross-legged on a big rock in front of her, raising her head and looking at the moon in the valley.

Now that the head of the Wu Gong tribe was worshiped at the shed, Xu was finally unwilling to use her, hiding alone in a daze, moved slightly in his heart, and walked up.

With a friendly smile on his face, he said, "Miss Wuya, can you speak Mandarin?"


The little girl named Wu Ya turned her head and saw Hu Ma, blinked her eyes, and then silently lowered her head, actually ignoring the person.


Hu Ma was startled for a moment. Last time we met him in the woods, he was quite lively...

Is it because her father is not far away this time and she is shy?

After thinking for a moment, he took out a small bottle containing blood food pills from his arms, handed it over with a smile, and said warmly: "I saw you saving our people by replacing Gu with your body during the day, so I think you can do it too." It’s very debilitating.”

 “This is the most nourishing thing, for you to eat.”


Wuya's eyes widened when she saw the blood food pill. Although she was born near the blood food mine, she had never eaten blood food, but she had seen it and knew that it was extremely precious, a gold ingot that was three times the size of a gold ingot. .

 (End of this chapter)

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