MTL - Twilight Boundary-Chapter 395 Years old in Jiazi

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Chapter 395 Years old in Jiazi

 “Stay up late and stay in the house to nourish your soul!”

When the leader of the Wugong clan, Tu Qiongdagger, appeared outside, the head of the mine, Zhuang Erchang, invited the help of Yiqian Cult, which almost destroyed the Gu of the Wugong clan leader, but in the end, the appearance of Wu Song caused a chaos at the scene. At that time, Hu Ma had been sitting quietly in the wooden house.

He listened to everything outside, no matter how big or small, and knew the causes and consequences, but he didn't pay attention to them.

  I really can’t care about it.

This was originally an opportunity to refine the blood food by myself, and as a chance to enter the mansion, I borrowed the power of the golden silkworm Gu to speed up the digestion of the blood food pills and complete the nourishment of the head.

 But I never expected that when I entered the next step, the nourishment of the soul, such an accident would happen.

 The soul left the body, enjoying the offerings of blood food like a guest in the hall.

He himself could feel the billowing energy and blood pouring into his body. In other words, it was not his body but his soul that enjoyed the energy and blood. This also made his soul feel like it was sublimating, and it was going to be completed more smoothly than originally imagined. The process of nourishment.

Even the blood food on hand now is not enough, and Hu Ma is also ready for the final kick...

 But the result is that enough is enough.

 Because, Black Tai Sui made up for this final deficiency.

But the key point is that in the whole process, in the first step, the mind is refined and completed by the flax itself, but in the later part, it is faintly obvious, as if the soul is guided by the instinctive level.

 “My soul...actually completed this step of practice on its own?”

Invisibly, Hu Ma's own head was confused. He was a little confused for a moment. He didn't know what this was. Whether it was the practice of keeping the year old, or following the ghost sect, or even in the book about keeping the year old, there was no such situation. There are no similar records.

 But just now, I did this naturally...

 ...even borrowed the power of Hei Taisui to complete the last step of entering the palace?

From Dayangzhai, Hu Ma understood that both the second master and Xiao Hongtang had told him that Hei Taisui should not be eaten, as eating would cause problems...

The current self...

Taking the opportunity of entering the mansion, he entered his natal temple and looked behind the incense table. Now, the natal statue that can be used to illuminate the reincarnated person has been completely lit up.

Wisps of golden threads run through the entire statue, showing that it is sitting cross-legged in the darkness and shining brightly. However, what he can see now is only the meridians diagram, which is outlined by the golden threads. human body.

 Without skin and bones, of course there is no way to see the appearance of this statue.

In addition, the statue is sitting cross-legged on the ground, with one hand raised and the other pointed forward, with the palm of the hand in an empty grasp. It seems that it can also be judged that the statue should be holding something in its hand.

But it was so dark that it was impossible to tell what the two hands were holding, or...

 …Looking carefully at the golden meridian lines that outlined the appearance of the god, especially under the ribs, Hu Ma suddenly thought: "They are not two arms at all?"

"This statue is incomplete, very incomplete. Now I can only make a human form. So, besides this human form, are there some things that should not belong to humans?"

“Other reincarnations say that this idol shines upon themselves, but... does this idol shine upon me, or do I shine upon it?”


While thinking about it, he looked at the statue behind the incense case. He didn't know if he was too absorbed in looking at it. Suddenly, he felt that the statue seemed to be moving. He vaguely showed a mysterious smile and slowly looked towards the front of the incense case. himself, leaning forward.

The faint and swaying voice, with some strange meaning, sounded in his own natal temple:

 “The sky is dead, the yellow sky will stand.”

 “It’s a good year for the whole world!”


Hu Ma was almost frightened by these words. She puffed up her chest and looked at it carefully. She saw that the golden statue of the **** was still standing safely in the darkness. It was no better than before. Variety.

  However, these inexplicable sixteen words suddenly gave him a sudden shock in his heart. Thinking about it carefully, the more he thought about it, the more horrified he became, and the more he thought about it, the more his scalp became numb.

He even subconsciously looked outside, his eyes penetrated the layers of wooden houses and the chaos outside, and suddenly fell on the mineral veins covered by red cloth. His heart suddenly trembled, something accompanied by the influx of black Tai Sui. The information in my mind quietly emerged:

 “Master Tai Sui is alive, and he is waiting for the new emperor to appear...”

  …to fulfill what the world had promised him!”


He himself couldn't explain how this consciousness appeared. It seemed that he was inexplicably tainted with a consciousness due to contact with the Black Tai Sui. It also seemed to be the statue of the **** in the natal temple. An inexplicable sentence inspired a certain person. ripple. Hu Ma was confused for a moment and had no way of explaining it. He was eager to find out, but the more he thought about it, the more horrified he felt. Instead, he subconsciously wanted to stay away from his natal temple.

This chaotic feeling of thoughts like tangles and heart anxious like ants, until suddenly a pain hit her arm. Hu Ma trembled violently and opened her eyes. All the strange things in front of her eyes had disappeared, leaving only the reality in this wooden house. And a chaotic scene.

And Xiao Hongtang stared at his little face with big eyes...

She opened her mouth wide and bit her arm. When she saw that she woke up, she jumped away with a whoosh and looked at herself warily.

"This is…"

Hu Ma was a little surprised. She paused and then slowly lowered her head to look at her arm. There were black teeth marks on it, which were marks of being bitten by an imp.

“Brother Hu Ma went crazy. He didn’t have enough blood food, so he went to eat black Tai Sui. He seemed to be going crazy and looked scary..."

As Xiao Hongtang spoke, she quietly hid her hands behind her back and pulled down her sleeves. In fact, Hu Ma saw it just now and swung her hands, as if she couldn't wake herself up with one bite, and her mouth was about to fall off.

“So it was just because you were exposed to Black Tai Sui that you had a weird hallucination?”

Hu Ma took a deep breath and looked around again. The shuddering feeling just now could not be recovered. Everything seemed to be just a dream, and she woke up as soon as she woke up.

 But is it really just an illusion?

Hu Ma didn't think so in her heart, but she decided not to go into details here. She just slowly showed a smile on her face, pretending to be relaxed, and said to Xiao Hongtang: "Okay, the matter is done, Xiao Hong Tang was a big help this time."

Hearing that he was being praised, Xiao Hongtang tilted his head and looked at Hu Ma. Seeing that he no longer looked as scary as before, his eyes were bent with joy.

  “Now that my affairs are done, it’s time to deal with external matters.”

Hu Ma took a deep breath, pondered for a moment, and then said to Xiao Hongtang: "Xiao Hongtang, show me your basket!"

Xiao Hongtang didn't know what he was going to do, so she obediently gave him the basket she carried on her arm. Hu Ma took off the red cloth covering the basket and saw that the basket was messy, with everything in it, including Many of them I gave to her and let her play with them.

 But after a little flipping, he still took out a black bone from it, and then nodded with satisfaction, ignoring Xiao Hongtang's widened eyes, and stuffed it into his sleeve.

After thinking about what to do, Hu Ma stood up, straightened her clothes, and then dug out the Red Lantern Empress's lantern from the bag next to her. This is what the Red Lantern Society disciples must bring with them whenever they go to a new place. thing.

Took off the cover and lit the oil lamp inside the lantern with a fire stick. Then Hu Ma was carried in his hand and the other hand grabbed the serrated knife.

 Coughed lightly and nodded to Xiao Hongtang.

So Xiao Hongtang, who didn't know what he was doing, hurriedly opened the door for him. In the eyes of outsiders, the door seemed to open automatically.

Hu Ma carried a red lantern and walked out of the wooden house. He looked at the messy valley and sighed lowly: "This guy Houerjiu has a really hard head..."



Affected by the Black Tai Sui, the strange and inexplicable Wu Ya, the evil Gu worms made by the Wu Gong clan leader with his own body, the Yiqian Cult Dharma King who invited the Nine Heavens Lotus Virgin to descend, and an old man who entered the house. Shou Sui, everyone joined forces to attack Wu Song.

He stood in front of the mineral vein in the form of seven incarnations. Countless Gu insects were flying around him, and each body cast a shadow that was changing in a trance, crisscrossing and crisscrossing, almost submerging half of the valley.

This mysterious and unpredictable Gu technique allowed him to withstand the joint attack of these four people. However, countless Gu insects around him fell to the ground and collapsed one by one. Even the rocks and mountain walls around him collapsed. A piece of it collapsed silently.

Now, as these people from different camps join forces to approach, the combined pressure is pressing on Wu Song. Four of his seven incarnations have been destroyed, and even the remaining three shamans have been destroyed. The avatar is also showing signs of collapse, and it looks like it is just barely holding on.

 Seeing that as the distance got closer, Usunding was the first to die.

The leader of the Wu Gong clan on Gu Chong's back looked at this scene with surprise and excitement. The mineral vein covered with red cloth in front seemed to be close to him.

 He seemed to be able to hear the mysterious call inside and feel the urgent will of the Witch God to come.

 Everything is so easily accessible and close at hand.

But he didn't expect that at this moment, a low voice suddenly sounded in the valley, and soon, a flash of light from a red lantern appeared faintly, quietly tearing a hole in the thick darkness like the middle of the night.

A figure holding a lantern slowly walked out from the depths of darkness. His eyes swept across the valley that was now in chaos, and he shook his head.

Sighed softly: "What did this group of guys who don't understand the rules do to our queen, a blood mine?"

 (End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion