MTL - Twilight Boundary-Chapter 402 Great evil spirit

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Chapter 402 The Great Evil


Listening to Wu Song's slow and leisurely words, not to mention the leader of the Wu Gong clan, even Hu Ma was confused.

“What kind of evil spirit and madman is this?”

He even trembled in his heart: "I asked you not to just focus on fishing and do something serious, but I didn't ask you to commit such a big evil directly..."

As he was thinking about it, he couldn't control himself. He looked towards the forest outside the valley in fear. As the figure of the witch **** they bowed to collapsed, the group of witches also slowly revealed their figures.

They knelt in various places in the forest. The remaining magic power of worshiping the witch gods was still there, and they were even eager to get something from these witches out of some kind of panic.

 But it is no longer available.

The bodies of these shamans who were bowing down incessantly suddenly froze. As the melodious and soft flute of monkey wine sounded, their already indifferent and pale faces became even more colorless, and their eyes were all blank. All become empty.

Immediately, bright red bugs suddenly came out of my forehead, with **** traces, twisting and squirming with gentle movements. The picture even had a weird and weird beauty to it.

As if the wind that could have blown across the mountains and swamps was imprisoned in a small space, the sound of wanton collision suddenly sounded.

Like turning off a light by pulling a box, the witch in the woods dies in silence.

 “Bang bang bang bang”

Then, you monkey wine, you killed him when you asked him to. You also used such a thorough method to beat him to the point of collapse.

Huma even felt a little funny at this moment,

This guy showed up in the valley, just to tell Chief Wugong that all your tribe members are dead.

“So, what’s the difference between us?”

Looking at this scene, even Hu Ma couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in his heart. If Houerjiu was angered and went crazy, and wanted to attack these witches, then maybe even he would stop him and persuade him.

 Death can make people feel panic. It is the sudden disappearance of a living thing, which makes people feel empty. Not to mention, hundreds of people died silently.

That is the witch **** hidden in the huge black shadow in the forest. It is struggling desperately. The death of the shaman and the disappearance of its ancestors have turned its huge and complex body into a rootless tree.

“Is this witch **** really going to be killed?”

Hu Ma felt his heart tremble. He looked at the forest in front of the valley, and people fell slowly. He saw that even the afterimages of their ancestors who were bowing around them seemed to be falling because they had lost the sustenance of living people. Dissipate quickly.

 Watching this behemoth collapse and disintegrate before my eyes, I was filled with indescribable emotions for a moment...

But the forest, which originally contained the breath of countless living people, suddenly became dead at this moment.

I have to admit that Hu Ma is also a high-spirited person, but this time, he admits that he is not as good as himself.

 But it is absolutely impossible to deal with this wizard god. If you can hold on, you will win.

 I am not lazy...

Without him, there were too many people. This was a whole clan of people, hundreds of men, women, old and children, not to mention, they were members of his clan.

But Houerjiu didn't just want to kill people to vent his anger. Before Yugu Nei showed up, he had already poisoned the witches in the forest. When he told his plan, these witches were in his eyes. , they are already dead.

I took the opportunity to stay in the house as a token of security, borrowed magic power from the ghost magic altar, and branded myself as the Red Lantern Lady. I even tricked an old-time stayer into the house as a shield, holding a mahogany sword and walking on the seven-star steps, and insisted on following this terrifying The Witch God fought a close fight and took advantage.

It was struggling desperately, but the more it struggled, the faster its body collapsed. From a incomplete and huge body, it turned into pieces, and from these pieces, it disintegrated, melted, and evaporated bit by bit in the forest.

 Not only is it not as good, it is simply far worse. It is as far away as Mingzhou from here!

 Just why is it so far behind?

 Because you’re not crazy enough?

Her heart was filled with shock and indescribable complex emotions. Seeing the collapse of the great witch **** outside and the dissipation of mana, Hu Ma also took a deep breath and suddenly shouted: "Xiao Hongtang..."

 “…Bring a jar quickly!”


If you were asked to do this kind of thing, you probably wouldn't be able to do it, but if you still can't do it, Houerjiu has also done it. What can you do to remedy it?

 …Don’t waste it!

The green-clothed evil ghost was killed, and a piece of green cloth was left behind, which was tied to Xiao Hongtang’s arm. After the five-evil evil ghost was killed, a few black bones were left behind, which were also very useful.

Before these evil ghosts were killed, they all had magical powers. After being killed, they would not disappear out of thin air. Most of them would scatter, but they would always leave something useful behind. And how could this witch **** do this? Waste it?

It's a pity that when this thing was alive, it had no specific true spirit and could not be restrained and restrained. Now that it is dead, it seems to be just a bunch of evil energy. Hu Ma can only find a way to keep a little bit.

 Fortunately, Xiao Hongtang reacted quickly, or in other words, she was also very smart about this kind of thing.

Hearing Hu Ma yelling, he immediately ran into the wooden house, searched around for a while with his head down, and then ran over with a jar on his head.

Hu Ma took the jar, opened the stopper, and then took out a talisman from his arms. He lit the fire talisman and stuffed it into the jar. The huge gathering and dispersing evil energy outside the valley began to appear. , he introduced it into the jar.     It’s just a pity…

Looking up and looking out of the valley, Hu Ma felt an indescribable regret in her heart. The things she had introduced into this jar were already considered rare and good things.

 But there is a lake outside...

This lake is evaporating and drying up, but there is only this jar left...

 “That’s not right…”

Huma looked out with regret, but was inexplicably paused in her heart when she saw a scene that she had not expected before.

As the huge body collapsed, the woods and rocks that had been ravaged by the night and were filled with broken branches and leaves now seemed to be squirming and coming to life, sharing the things that evaporated from the Witch God like hunger and thirst, and even They all have a strange temperament.

But these mountains, forests, trees and rocks are only a secondary, shallow part. Hu Ma is still in the altar. He has a keen sense and knows the direction of his energy veins. He actually feels that there seems to be something under the earth. In recovery.

That is a mountain range that is half on the ground and half underground. It is not an ordinary mountain range, but a strange and huge flesh-and-blood Roshan Mountain Range. In other words, Master Tai Sui is absorbing and swallowing these spilled things.

Blurredly, Hu Ma could even feel that part of the huge, unharvested black Tai Sui was vaguely transforming after absorbing the spilled matter.

 Transformed into white? Green? Red?

 In short, it is something more active.

This discovery also made Hu Ma's heart sink slightly: "People in this world are used to harvesting Tai Sui and claiming the mysterious power within it, but Tai Sui has actually been harvesting something in this world?"

“It’s just that this process is too huge, slow, and difficult to detect at ordinary times. It wasn’t until this special time that it became clear?”



 “Kill Tawuya, you must kill him...”

At the same time, in the valley, the Wugong patriarch, who had almost fallen into complete despair and madness, borrowed the sound of insects and shouted his last words: "This madman has appeared in person. This is the easiest way to kill him." When the time comes, we must kill him..."

 “Avenge our people…”

"He is not your brother, he is not Wusong, he is evil spirit, he is a demon..."


Following her cry, Wuya straightened up in pain. The dense qi energy around her collided with each other, and the whole valley was full of poisonous insects flying and biting. It was as if the blood-eating mine had turned into a **** in an instant.

She seemed to have completely lost her original reason. Her limbs were twisted like a huge insect, and she rushed straight towards Wusong on the hillside. Earlier, she was just driving away the poison to fight the enemy, but now, she herself has become a poison. , became a humanoid Gu insect.

 Now Wusong is indeed the easiest time to be killed.

You can see that under the loose white robe on his body, on his chest and arms, there are scars and holes one by one.

Although Chief Wu Gong has now half-turned into a gu insect, he also knows Wu Song's biggest weakness. He is afraid of insects, so he dug out all the insects on his body and threw them away far away.

Gu people use their body armor to cultivate a lot of their own Gu worms. This is because Gu people lack the means of close combat, and they often suffer when people get close to them. Therefore, if you keep a bug on your body, you will have such a worm at the last moment. The possibility of fighting back.

Only Wu Song doesn't have it. No matter how powerful his voodoo skills are, he doesn't have voodoo insects on his body, so as long as he gets close to his true body, he can be easily killed.


But at this moment, Wu Song on the hillside didn't even look at Wu Ya, with an expression on his face that no one could understand. There seemed to be some murmuring in his voice, and he said in a low voice: "You You seem very angry, right?"

“It’s strange that you can make me feel like a real person now.”

“Are you angry because that thing outside is dead, or are you angry because all the people in your clan are dead?”

“There are only three of us left in the clan now. I don’t believe in the witch god, and you are no longer a human being, so Wuya should be the last believer in the so-called witch god...”

“But you forced Wu Ya to death, so can we say that, in theory, you actually killed the thing you believed in most with your own hands?”


 “Madman, evil spirit…”

Chief Wu Gong did not look at Wu Ya. The Gu worm he possessed was crawling toward the mine with difficulty. In his last consciousness, it was still difficult to imagine the scene in front of him.

How could this madman be so terrifying? Every time I already felt that he was extremely terrifying, he always showed more power than I imagined?

How great would it be if he were really his son?

 (End of this chapter)