MTL - Twilight Boundary-Chapter 409 Enjoyed flesh and blood

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Chapter 409: Enjoyed flesh and blood

"Although General Yin has not yet taken shape, his birth is also remarkable. How much Tai Sui energy has been sucked away from our mine with this breath?"

The withering of the surrounding mineral veins appeared when the **** man from the cave rushed out. But people were panicked at that time, and the withering was not serious, but no one noticed it.

On the other hand, after seeing this, Lao Abacus suddenly became heartbroken, and his expression even looked a little sad. He slapped his thigh and cursed: "It's all because that **** Zhuang Erchang wanted to take advantage, but in the end, we lost a lot of money..."

“The good things in the veins have not fallen, and even the flesh and blood of Tai Sui has lost its vitality. How many good things can be harvested next year?”

“We got this mine with great difficulty. If so, wouldn’t we have to pay it all at once?”


 “How else can it be explained in this way?”

Hearing this, Hu Ma felt a little moved in her heart and turned to joy: "That's exactly how it should be explained..."

I had been hiding something in my heart, but now I suddenly had an idea, and said hurriedly: "When that thing came out, it seemed to be able to **** human blood from a distance, and it even sucked Tai Sui's flesh and blood?"

"These Tai Sui are originally sealed with the simplest talisman and seal. But General Yin can capture the souls of living people and act as Yin soldiers. He can break the talisman and seal in one breath. Isn't it easy? "

Hu Ma looked surprised: "Is it possible that all Tai Sui's flesh and blood in this mine has been sucked dry?"

 But now, it is like this all over the valley. It looks like there is some evil spirit who directly sacrificed the blood food ore and thoroughly enjoyed it. Just thinking about it is already terrifying enough.

 “It’s not Bai Taisui…”

 In the early years, there were blind little ghosts who broke into the mines and stole the blood Tai Sui. The blood Tai Sui eaten by those little ghosts would show this withered appearance.

And as everyone opened the jars one by one, their expressions became panicked. Not only these blood Tai Sui, Golden Tai Sui, but also some Green Tai Sui, White Tai Sui, and some black Tai Sui who usually no one pays attention to. Appearing withered.

“Quick, go and take a look at the things in our house that were left behind...”


There are many old miners in this mine who have been cutting Tai Sui for more than five years. From generation to generation, they have never heard of such a situation.


The shape is the same as the Tai Sui flesh and blood at the mouth of the veins, but these ones that have been harvested are obviously more serious and have been exhausted.

Hurrying to look inside, his expression suddenly became dull: "How could Blood Tai Sui turn into White Tai Sui? Can this thing also change?"

With a look of disbelief on his face, he asked Zhou Datong and others to move out several jars from his room. He also searched out the jars that he had hidden earlier in Zhuang Erchang's room and unified them in front of everyone. Open.

His words reminded Lao Abacus, and he hurriedly rushed to the wooden house. Hu Ma took the lead and rushed into the house first. He moved the jars placed in front of his bed to the bed, and then stretched out his hand. Then he took off the plug on it.

 The flesh and blood inside seemed to be empty, just like dead flesh.

He was fast and his hands were faster, but others could not see clearly. These jars were originally placed in front of his bed, and even the stoppers were opened.

At this moment, other people also came in. They all stretched their heads to look into his jars, and saw that the jars that were originally full of blood food were now as pale as wood.

Old Abacus said weakly: "It's the residual ointment that was offered to ghosts and gods. I used blood food to offer sacrifices to my ancestor. Naturally, my ancestor couldn't come down to enjoy it in person. He just took a breath, but if he sucked it, he would It’s become like this…”

Shockingly, like the two jars in Old Abacus's hand, the meat had already dried up. At this time, the meat-cutting craftsmen in the valley also noticed something strange and started shouting, only to see that they were all withered.


“Hey, those Tai Sui flesh and blood outside have been sucked away their essence. How can these cut Tai Sui blood be spared?”

During the whole process, they were all in panic and did not react at all. Now that I think about it, it can only be the extremely evil General Yin.

“It’s all the fault of that **** Zhuang Erchang, who was so clever that he sealed a living person into that blood-food mine. Not to mention that there was this evil spirit, even if there was no evil spirit, the people there couldn’t be good...”

“It’s good now, we’ve lost everything, everyone has lost everything…”

Seeing Lao Abacus slapping his hands and swearing at him as if he were mourning for his heir, Hu Ma finally relaxed and quietly retreated behind others, without any trace of cause and effect.

 Actually, before opening this mine, he had vaguely guessed that the miraculous thing that everyone was looking forward to might have disappeared.

 In other words, it has been taken away by myself...

Before opening the mine, he had a vague feeling that when he first entered the mansion, what his soul swallowed was not just the aura of Black Tai Sui.

At that time, my soul was directly enjoying the Black Tai Sui, and the Black Tai Sui was connected to the mountain range. This thing has never been cut off, and has always been connected to this mineral vein, or even to this entire mountain of meat. Belong to a whole. So, what I enjoy from the Black Tai Sui is equivalent to eating from this mountain of meat?

The strange things in the natal temple suddenly rushed into my mind, and the information seemed to be hidden somewhere. Did it also come directly from this mountain of meat?

 Because of these doubts and speculations, he was eager to open the vein and see what was inside.

Looking at it this way, it is indeed the case.

The things in this vein failed to take shape. The old abacus speculated that it was because the time was too short, but in fact it was not the case at all. It was just because some of the mysterious essence in this vein had been absorbed by me...

 And the general order or something that he has been thinking about so much, there is a high probability that it has been obtained by him or his soul in advance as he enjoys the black Tai Sui?

This feeling is really strange. It seems that I took the things by myself, but I don’t know anything about it?

 …Let me verify whether I stole these things myself?

At the same time, he felt weird in his heart. The more he thought about these issues, the more inexplicably creepy he felt. The horrified expression when General Yin looked at him just now, as well as the inexplicable words that came out of his mouth, were all inexplicably making people feel... disturbed…

It's just that although there is a difference, Hu Ma doesn't intend to say it out. This kind of thing is not trivial, and if it spreads, it will cause a lot of trouble.

As for the contents of this mine, if it is really so amazing, there will definitely be some trouble afterwards. He was worried about not being able to explain it, but now that the weird General Yin escaped, it happened to be pushed to him.

 “Well, as soon as we arrived at the mine, we caused so much trouble...”

I was a little anxious and wanted to go to the Benming Temple to take a closer look. However, looking at this chaotic appearance, I had to appease everyone first, so I followed the old abacus’ complaint and sighed:

 “Who could have imagined such a thing?”

“If we could really dig out something good and hand it over to the higher authorities, it would be considered a great achievement, but now…”

“After so much effort, we only dug out a stone mass, and a monster jumped out of it and ran away. How can we explain it to the queen?”


 “Is there anything else you can explain?”

When Old Abacus heard this, he also shifted his attention slightly, sighed deeply, and said: "As soon as we came here, we encountered this problem. In the hands of the demons from Yiqian Cult and the evil witches with ill intentions, we... It is a great achievement to save the blood food mine for our queen."

“We didn’t originally plan to keep the things in this vein for ourselves, but to give them to others. It’s just that God’s will is unpredictable and if something goes wrong, who can we blame?”

"We are still scared, and now we have to guard against any witches coming to seek revenge, and we have to send more manpower to hunt down evil creatures like General Yin, and we have to support the brothers in the mine..."

“I just happened to write a letter to ask the superiors to supplement some money and food...”



Hu Ma didn't even think about it so deeply. He was in awe of the old abacus and said: "But I am young and don't know how to say this..."

"I come."

 Lao Abacus waved his hand and said, "I followed you to the mine to deal with these matters."

 “Don’t worry, I can do it.”

“It’s just that, it’s a pity that General Yin, who is pressed by this stone mass, would have been a rare treasure if nothing had happened. We could all have made a fortune, but now…”


The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and Lao Baanpan couldn't help but slap his thigh hard: "It's all the fault of that **** Zhuang Erchang, no, this matter needs to be discussed in the meeting, and the man surnamed Zhuang must make amends..."

“I haven’t had **** with anyone in decades. If I find this guy now, I won’t cut off his balls...”


 “Forget it, it’s useless for you to cut off the old man...”

He expressed regret, then looked at everyone, raised his voice, and persuaded: "Besides, our original purpose is to safely take over the Blood Food Mine, right?"

“Now, isn’t this going to go smoothly?”

"If God is willing to grant such an unexpected windfall, we will be able to live happily ever after. If God does not grant it, then there is no need to be greedy. Anyway, as long as we guard this blood food mine, we can still worry about the food and clothing expenses of our brothers?" "


Hearing that he was so open-minded, Zhou Datong and others couldn't help but nodded.

Even Lao Baanpan glanced at Hu Ma in surprise, thinking that he just felt sorry for the people in the mine, but this shopkeeper Hu had lost several jars that he had already obtained. How could he be so open-minded?

You don't care about the gains and losses of huge wealth, and you are calm when encountering strange things, which is quite a noble demeanor!

Just when Hu Ma was walking out, he suddenly saw Xiao Hongtang tilting her head and looking at him. She suddenly panicked, picked her up in a hurry, and walked towards her house with a low sigh.

 Only Xiao Hongtang knows that all the blood food is enjoyed by herself, and she may not be allowed to say it!

 Otherwise, don’t want this face of yours...

 (End of this chapter)