MTL - Twilight Boundary-Chapter 414 The rich man of Liu County (third update)

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Chapter 414 The Rich Man in Liu County (Third update)

“It’s appropriate to call you Uncle Sheng.”

Looking at Hu Ma's expression, he seemed a little surprised, but Mr. Sun next to him smiled and said: "This is my youngest son. We are two brothers of the same generation. When he meets you, what will he call you if he doesn't call you uncle?"

"You are so good at it, so don't pretend to be a junior. If I take the arrogance today and become a generation older than you, how will you describe your seniority when I meet your master in the future?"


Hearing this, Hu Ma was a little speechless: "This is quite clear..."

Although it feels weird to be called "uncle" by someone older than you, but since he is so sincere, let's just do it!

Hu Ma knew what Mr. Sun was here for, so he hurriedly invited him into the valley. Mr. Sun brought four or five carriages, three of which were empty, and the other two were towed with various gifts. Just let the gifts go inside, and other empty cars are waiting.

When they arrived at the valley, they were not in a hurry to enter the valley. Hu Ma took them first. Turning to the side, they saw several coffins on the **** from a distance. They were the people who taught Yiqian before. They all calmed down. it's here.

Mr. Sun sighed, and his son beside him hurriedly brought people up to offer incense. Then he opened the coffin, verified that it was correct, and then burned paper money in front of the coffin.

 “Hu Guanshi is kind and kind...”

Hu Ma smiled and said: "Old gentleman, you are not in a hurry to leave. Since you are here, you still need some drinks."

After entering the valley, they first served tea, and then ordered people to make rice. After a while, four tables were set up, but it was Hu Ma and Mr. Sun at the same table. Old Abacus was accompanying him, and Zhou Datong, Liang and Zhu were accompanying Mr. Sun. Their son sat at a table with the chief steward who came with them.

After saying that, he invited him to enter the valley. Mr. Sun did not refuse at all. He happily followed Hu Ma in. However, before entering the valley, he first saw the red lantern on the archway, but he also hurriedly stood down and said: "Etiquette is indispensable."


Hu Ma was a little surprised: "This matter has been mentioned clearly, why does he have to mention it again?"

“Besides, I don’t know if I heard this, but there was a zombie that ran out of the mine, and we’ve been looking for it recently!”

“They were all running around in the rivers and lakes, trying to make ends meet. They lost their lives. It was bad luck. No matter what the grudges were earlier, the dead are always the most important. Besides, they were also killed in the hands of shamans, weren’t they?”

Hu Ma said politely: "So, I restrained myself from the beginning and didn't let them suffer. I just waited for the old gentleman to pick them up."

"It has something to do with the disciples. Earlier, the witches closed the mines, and the food from outside could not be brought in. I almost ran out of rice to cook. In the past two days, I still took the cash and ran to the nearby village. We just bought this little ration here..."

After saying that, he bowed respectfully, called his son over, and ordered him to kneel down and kowtow to the Red Lantern Lady.

I was originally worried when I came here and saw the corpses exposed in the wilderness or had been burned, but I didn't expect that they were all contained in coffins. There were even traces of burning paper and incense next to them, but I was suddenly moved. stand up.

Mr. Sun actually gave Hu Ma a long bow, and then ordered someone to call in several carriages from outside the forest, put the coffins on the carriages, and prepare to transport them back.

The old abacus next to him coughed, tapped the plate with his chopsticks, and said with a wry smile: "The banquet is a bit shabby, but old sir, don't blame our mine for being lazy..."


“People in the rivers and lakes are destined to be in the rivers and lakes. What Hu Guanshi said is good. I feel ashamed. If I had known that there was a person like you in this mine, I would never have been able to come and wade in this muddy water..."

The other servants sat at the same table with a few old craftsmen who had recently been selected by the meat cutters for their discerning eyes and eloquence. All the wine, vegetables and fruits in the valley were put on the table.

Mr. Sun came here to transport back the corpses of the two disciples who had been left in the valley and the three members of Yiqian Cult.

 “It’s not like we don’t know each other until we fight.”

Mr. Sun glanced at the table calmly, raised his glass again and apologized: "Earlier, I was abrupt and offended the majesty of our Lady of the Red Lantern. I hope Mr. Hu, Mr. Hu, will not be offended."

The people in their own house are here, but they have taken good care of them.

When he left earlier, he had to take care of the living people, so he only took away the Dharma King and Zhuang Erchang. However, the bones of these dead people had to be recovered and returned to their relatives, so that they could be buried in peace. , worship at all times.

Hu Ma then understood. It turned out that the reason why Mr. Sun came with the gift again was because he felt that the dishes were a bit shabby. He was not greedy. He just thought that the mine had deliberately arranged such a table for him to provide him with eye drops!

 But being able to guess his thoughts requires a lot of expertise, but Lao Abacus is better at it than he is.

“It’s all the fault of Zhuang Erchang’s poor performance...”

Sure enough, when Mr. Sun heard that, it turned out that there was really a shortage of things in the mine, and it was not that he had deliberately made it so shabby, he felt relieved.

First, he sighed lowly and said: "I brought him back and he was seriously injured. I also sent him to Mingzhou Caoxin Hall for medical treatment. Otherwise, I would have to drag him to the mine and kowtow to admit his mistake." .”

"As for the corpse demon, I actually heard about it a few days ago. To be honest, I plan to pay some money and have people search for it in the mountains. After all, it was Zhuang Erchang who caused the trouble, and it was my disciple and grandson who was in trouble. We can’t let our mine take risks.”


  “It doesn’t matter.”

Hu Ma, who understood, also secretly praised Old Abacus in his heart, and took over the conversation: "It's just that the old gentleman must have an explanation for this corpse demon matter." "Honestly, if this thing hadn't happened, In the mine, and the red lamp lady above us..."

As he spoke, he pointed to the red lantern on the archway outside, lowered his voice, and said, " careful and keep an eye on it."

"When the old gentleman came last time, I let the old gentleman take a look at the things in the mineral vein. Now that the things in the mineral vein have escaped, I originally wanted to tell the old gentleman to avoid any misunderstanding. !”



Hearing this, Mr. Sun’s beard trembled. He picked up the wine glass with both hands and said, “Where did Mr. Hu’s words come from?”

"Everyone has his own master, it is natural. Besides, it was a misunderstanding in the first place. Let alone me, even the Dharma King of Yiqian Sect only said it was the fault of those witches when he returned. We and your mine are all the same. You’ve suffered a loss!”

“It’s all because of the skill of the people in the mine and the powerful magic power of the Red Lantern Lady that we were able to control the group of witches. Otherwise, I don’t know what kind of disaster it would have caused..."


He knew very well that based on what he did last time, it was actually the people on his side who suffered a huge defeat.

In the world of martial arts, everyone talks about favors, but after all, it depends on the fists. People in the mines have big fists. If they say it afterwards and give face like this, they are taking care of their own reputation...

Of course, as far as Hu Ma is concerned, if he can resolve this grudge with just one sentence, it is something he can't ask for. Anyway, General Yin has run away, and our mine has suffered a "big loss", so he has no intention of having a grudge with Yiqian Cult again. , thanks to panic?

 “Just say it, it’s okay, just say it…”

 Old Abacus was beating the drum beside him, raised his glass, and said with a smile: "We don't have enough food in the mine, but the wine is not discounted. Since the old gentleman is here, he should drink a few more glasses before going back."

 “Easy to say, easy to say!”

 Everyone was elated for a moment. Mr. Sun, after finishing his glass of wine, suddenly slammed the table and said, "Seventh, why don't you come in?"

The seventh boy from the Sun family, who was being drunk by Zhou Datong and others outside, wiped his lips quickly, ran in and saluted Uncle Hu and Uncle Abacus, and then said with a smile: "Dad, I did something wrong again, and I offended you again. Does the old man curse?"

 “What’s wrong?”

Mr. Sun glared at him and said, "I'm scolding you for being disrespectful."

“I didn’t see that there was a shortage of food in Uncle Qinhu’s mine. It seems that your senior brother Zhuang did a good job and left such a mess. Now that you know about it, why don’t you quickly go and resettle it?”



Hu Ma was a little surprised. Does this old gentleman still have channels to solve the shortage in the mine?

This really solved the urgent need. I hurriedly raised my glass to thank Mr. Sun and continued to drink. Unexpectedly, the seventh son of the Sun family came back before it was time for tea and reported: "The arrangements have been made."

"I sent the letter to the little messenger. Our company happened to have a team of mules and horses nearby. There were one hundred dans of fine grain and twenty pigs and sheep on the car. I asked them to send them to the mine here first. Two We can get here within a few days, and I think it will be enough to support Uncle Hu's mine for a few days."


 “What the hell?”

Seeing the sincerity on the face of the seventh son of the Sun family, Mr. Sun also nodded his head without taking it seriously, but Hu Ma was directly surprised.

 Such a lot of food is more than just support. It is enough for three to five months.

This Sun family just asked the little messenger to come over?

 “Well, it’s nothing.”

Mr. Sun didn't seem to take it seriously, but he was happy to see his son doing things well. However, he waved his hands and said, "With all the capable people among us, who cares about this little thing?"

"My old man is a martial arts practitioner, but he has given birth to several sons, but he is not up to par. Not many can imitate me. I am good at making money and doing business. Now, with the support of my friends in the world, I have raised a few. The mule and horse team bought a few acres of land and built a few warehouses.”

"You're welcome, Manager Hu. From now on, if you need money and food in the mine, just let him run the errands. This will also allow him to come to the mine more often and learn from you."


As he spoke, he suddenly lowered his voice and said with a smile: "Not only this money and food, but also if you need salt, iron, talismans and armor, just tell me, we won't be short of it."

“I am also in charge of the salt and iron business from Liu County to Shi County in Gunzhou…”


 “Ah this…”

Huma was really impressed when Leng Buding heard this. He didn't expect that Mr. Sun was not only a man who stayed in the government to keep the good year old, but also a master in the family, and was also a local tycoon with a huge fortune.

 (End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion