MTL - Twilight Boundary-Chapter 417 Forging a vicious knife

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Chapter 417: Forging a Fierce Knife

“I only pulled the knife halfway out, just to avoid scaring you, but my child...”

Seeing the scared look of the seventh child of the Sun family, Hu Ma couldn't hold back her amusement. This serrated knife was borrowed from Zhou Datong. It hasn't been used for a long time, only a year or two, but it can withstand things. many.

The middlemen have been chopped off a lot, and the evil spirits have also been chopped up. They even followed such important tasks as getting rid of the evil ghosts in green clothes, getting rid of the beggars and helping Ji Tang, and killing the five evil gods.

 There are dozens of lives on the sword, and there are naturally a lot of evil spirits. Even if it is an ordinary object, it is no longer ordinary now.

At first, he just used it and then returned it to Datong, but later Datong refused to keep it because the knife was placed next to him. He always had nightmares at night, and it would make some noises at random times, which scared him. Qing, I firmly refused to ask for it again.

Huma was able to use it smoothly and had feelings for the knife, but it had to be said that after entering the house, it was indeed a bit weak if he continued to use it. He used it too lightly and couldn't exert any force.

Moreover, the temperament of this sword has been cultivated, but after all, it is just made of ordinary iron, and the material is a bit inferior. If you fight with an expert, no matter how fierce or evil your sword is, it will be turned into scrap metal in one fell swoop. It will take a lot of food. deficit.

Since I wanted to find a suitable guy, but I didn't want to throw away the sword all at once, it was necessary to forge it again, so I just looked at the seventh son of the Sun family, and wanted to weigh whether this job was suitable for him. hands.

“Good guy, my dad must have made a mistake. At first, I only saw that he was young and didn’t believe that he was so capable.”

The seventh child of the Sun family looked at the knife in front of him with trembling eyebrows.

 “It’s not a re-forging, it’s just an improvement.”

As he spoke, he took out a black bone that he had prepared long ago from his sleeve.


But before his hand touched it, he suddenly felt a trance in front of his eyes, and suddenly heard the roar of evil spirits in his ears. Suddenly, his body seemed to have been struck by lightning, and he fell to the ground with a plop.

The seventh child of the Sun family was silent for a moment, then slowly put down the knife, took out a piece of red paper from the baggage beside him, and whispered: "Uncle Hu, why don't we seal this up first, and let's talk about this later? Otherwise, I'm afraid if it hears it, it might..."

He asked tentatively: "Uncle Hu, did you get this knife from somewhere else?"

Hu Ma smiled and said, "My family is doing it well."

He just put it gently on the table, but the oil lamp in the room suddenly shook. The seventh child of the Sun family just wanted to widen his eyes and look carefully, and even wanted to reach out and pick it up for a closer look.

 The seventh child of the Sun family was immediately even more surprised.

Hu Ma smiled and said: "Forging is necessary, but I still want this sword, and after it is forged, I will add this thing."

Although he has not mastered the skill of staying up late, he has some experience in running so many shops.

After the seventh son of the Sun family looked at it for a while, Hu Ma asked him with a smile.

The seventh child of the Sun family gave a bitter laugh before lowering his voice and said: "Uncle Hu, do you really want to forge it again?"

Looking at this blade again, it doesn’t look like it has been used for a long time, but rather like it has been used recently. If someone can use such a knife within a year or two, what has this person become?

 Specializes in killing people and killing guests?

And such a knife, in front of this young uncle, is so honest, doesn't it mean that this young man is in charge...

"This knife is a good object, and it already has a fierce aura. However, although this knife is fierce, it is an ordinary sword, and the iron used is also ordinary iron. If it is re-melted, I am afraid it will destroy this good embryo. In my opinion, If you come, you will lose more than you gain..."

This is what this knife is like now. The gaps on it are clearly made by chopping bones, and they are living human bones. They have such toughness and can be cut into such shapes, and there is a lot of filth on them. That's not bad. Cleaning cannot be done even by wiping and cleaning.

 When he got close to him, he felt an instinctive sense of danger.

The sword is an ordinary sword and a fierce sword. If you kill too many lives, the sword will have a fierce aura, and people in the family will not see it as an ordinary sword.

Knowing these fierce knives, the owner's house casually said that there is no problem. Outsiders talk about it, but they may attract disasters. Therefore, they must be wrapped in red paper to discuss with flax.

When he tried to get up, he covered his face with his sleeves. He didn't dare to look at the bones. He was just panicking and said, "Uncle Hu, I understand what you mean."

Hu Ma smiled, reached for the knife, inserted it into the sheath, made a "grab" sound, and then said: "It's okay, tell me!"

"You can smelt hundreds of kilograms of fine iron, serve this uncle well, and then embed a vicious thing like into it. However, in this way, the fierceness is added to the fierceness. This kind of weapon is probably not suitable for ordinary people. I can’t handle it at all…”

“Although I am not a member of the family, I have heard my father say that the sword will harm the Lord..."


Just that knife already had a bit of ferocity to it, and an ordinary person like him would be frightened just by looking at it.

 And the black bones were far beyond his imagination, and he was actually frightened. What would happen if these two were forged together?

"You don't have to worry, I know it myself." Hu Ma smiled and said, "But whether you can take over this job still depends on your family. If you can't make the decision, you can go back and ask your father first. If you can take it, Please give me a guarantee for this job."


The seventh child of the Sun family originally wanted to say something, but then he thought about it: "My father told me to get close to Uncle Hu, and I might have to rely on his introduction to the Red Lantern Club to seek shelter in the future."

 “If I act like I have no idea at this moment, I will inevitably make people laugh.”

"I am more familiar with the accounts in the shop than my father. At most, I have to pay for these hundred and ten kilograms of refined iron and those objects. If I can build such a thing, in the future, this young elder will remember when he uses this knife. If you leave me, the friendship will be deeper even if it is not deep."


After thinking clearly in his mind, he stood up, nodded vigorously and said, "Uncle Hu, don't worry, we can take over this job. Let's go ask the master who is supported by my family with a lot of money to forge it in person. He is specially made for people in the sect." Guy’s.”

"However, I may not be able to leave today, so I have to punish the little angel first and ask the master about the rules and regulations for taking this sword back, so as not to go wrong."


 “It’s up to you, just stay here for one night.”

Hu Ma smiled and said: "How can you still be short of food when you come to my mine?"

In fact, he didn't think so in his heart. This serrated knife did follow him and was stained with a lot of blood. He had already discovered that it had a bit of fierceness. Sometimes, it was even easier to use than the mahogany sword. But this fierceness, It's not that outrageous.

And these black bones were left behind by the Five Evil Gods. Of course, they have an amazing evil spirit and can scare away the guests in the hall.

But there is no consciousness in the bones, and he will not make trouble in his leisure time. It looks fierce, but it is actually safe. But since people say so, then respect the other party's profession.

With this arrangement, the seventh child of the Sun family stayed, and saw that he sent a little emissary out at night to ask some unknown questions. That night, he asked his servants to find some locust trees outside the valley and cut the wood to make a box. It was raining outside. Chicken blood, and some weird names were painted on it.

When I got up the next day, I wrapped the serrated knife in layers of red paper and put it in a box. Then, I burned incense and offered it as an offering, kowtowed and then put it on my carriage in a serious manner.

As for the bone, he was a little at a loss, so Hu Ma took it and found a jar and put it in.

After ensuring that nothing would happen to this bone, the seventh child of the Sun family felt relieved.

He left a note before leaving and made an appointment to pick up the knife in half a month. In his heart, Hu Ma had some expectations for the new knife that was about to change its appearance.

As for the rest, I am not in a hurry. I am taking care of things in the mine while waiting for Mr. Sun to give me a message.

After staying in the mine for seven or eight days, I saw that there was money in the mine, and all the affairs had stabilized. I had almost adapted to the situation after entering the government. At this time, the old man of the Sun family The little emissary was also sent over.

At that time, there was a gust of cold wind, which suddenly rushed in from outside the valley. Even the red lanterns were blown back and forth, and then a pink shadow came straight into the lobby of the mine.

Xiao Hongtang was on the beam, playing with her mahogany sword. Suddenly she felt the Yin Qi coming into the valley, picked up the mahogany sword and rushed out. She was frightened by the shadow that rushed straight into the lobby and retreated. Valley.

The two sides were looking at each other like cocks, and when they saw something bad, they were about to pinch each other. Hu Ma heard the noise outside and came out in a hurry. He stared at it and said, "What are you doing here?"

The shadow turned on the spot and turned into a woman in costume and makeup. She babbling and said: "Master Hu, I am here to deliver the letter on the order of our master Sun... "

The female ghost floated forward, Yiyi bowed to Hu Mafu, and said reluctantly: "It's just that the ghosts in your family are too fierce, and they will beat people when they see them. It's really a hard life for slaves. I followed the old man named Sun." If you don't die, you'll be shouted at and shouted at every day, and now you're still being made things difficult for when you send a letter..."


Hu Ma was stunned. He just delivered the letter, so why did he just complain when he came up?

What's the matter, seeing as you are so aggrieved, do I have to hit our little Hongtang in front of you to vent your anger?

I thought Mr. Sun was different from other ghosts, so he smiled and said, "I've wronged you. I'll give you a stick of incense later. What message can you tell me to send?"

 “The old man said...”

The female ghost said babblingly: "In three days, it will be the birthday of Shang Shanxuan Zhenmiao, the leader of Yiqian Sect. Friends from all over the world are going to celebrate her birthday. I want to invite Mr. Hu to go to Shima Town with him. …”

 “Is it finally time?”

Hearing this, Hu Ma suddenly felt happy and said with a smile: "Then don't worry, go back and report to your master, I will be there on time."

I'm a little curious in my heart. I promised to introduce the master who doesn't eat cows to me, but now he said that the leader of the Qian Cult was celebrating his birthday and invited me to come. Could it be that this leader is the one who doesn't eat cows? An expert from the Niu Cult?

How is this relationship discussed?

 (End of this chapter)

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