MTL - Ultimate Intelligence-v4 Chapter 1177 Lion's big opening

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Chapter 1177 Lion's Large Opening

In fact, Du Cheng did not say to Wei Tu, he can clearly see that the blood rose not only has amazing dynamic vision and gambling skills, but her skills are also very terrifying.

Of course, this is only relative to others. For example, Conan, the blood rose with dynamic vision may be stronger than them.

Dynamic vision is almost an innate advantage, and if you don't have a weak talent, the achievement will be very high.

"Du Cheng, Burke should almost come out soon, 100 billion euros 1 , I think he dare not come up with it, if he dare not come out, he will not have to open this world club."

Vito's voice continued to sound, although there were many people beside it, but Vito spoke without any slight scruples.

They almost have to tear the face and fight hard, and this face is not intended to be left to Burke.

Moreover, this is the first step in his Vito counterattack, and certainly will not make Burke feel good.

Sure enough, listening to Vitus, the super-rich people who have not left all of them are all face to face. Anyone can see it at this time. It’s not good to come here. The scene is coming.

"Uncle, this is just the beginning."

Du Cheng smiled and he could already guess Burke's next response.

Inside the single room on the third floor, the blood rose stood in front of Burke and Max.

"Boss, he is very strong, I can't win him..."

The eyes of the blood rose are still cold, not only when facing Du Cheng, but even when it is against the boss of Burke.

It can be seen that the character of the blood rose is probably born, and it will not be specifically targeted at anyone.

Burke knew the result long before the blood rose came in, so his face was very ugly at the moment, very ugly.

After looking at the blood rose, Burke asked directly: "What did he say?"

In the monitoring system, he can only see the picture, but he can't hear the sound. Therefore, he does not know what Du Cheng finally said with the blood rose.

However, from the perspective of Vito and Du Cheng's look, Burke can see it. This time, the two men will definitely not be willing to give up.

"They said they want to win 100 billion euros and leave."

The answer of the blood rose is very simple, there is no hidden concealment, as if this matter has nothing to do with her.

However, from now on, it does not have much to do with her.

Because she can fully be sure that she can’t be an opponent of Du Cheng in terms of gambling skills. The gap between the two is not a star or a half, but it is very obvious.

The most important point is that she can feel the faint pressure from Du Cheng.

Although it is very light, it gives people an irresistible strength. It is entirely instinct. There is also a feeling of fear in the heart of the blood rose.

Intuition tells her that Du Cheng is not only amazing in his gambling skills, but his skills will never be inferior to his gambling skills.

In this case, her blood rose is almost completely defeated by Du Cheng, and then what happens next, basically she is impossible to shoot, because her shot has no use.

And listening to her to pass Du Cheng's words, Burke's face was instantly angry, his eyes seemed to be spurting out the flame.

Even Max is close to him, but Max has a hint of gloating in his eyes. Although he and Burke have temporarily joined forces, he does not mind seeing that Burke has suffered some blows and losses.

Because only in this way, he can take the absolute initiative in this cooperation and gain more benefits.

"One hundred billion...?"

Burke began to take a cold breath, although the Shawn consortium is rich in assets, but it can not withstand this kind of toss.

"Boss, I will go out first."

Blood Rose saw Burke like this, just faintly said and then left.

If Du Cheng and Vito really intend to win a hundred billion, I am afraid that from tomorrow, the Shihao Club will disappear directly in Paris.

At that time, she basically can only leave the Shihao Club, but this is also good, she is also finished reporting on Burke's grace, the promise is also completed, as long as the Shihao Club fell, she can get her The real freedom.

Burke did not pay attention to the blood rose, and all his thoughts at the moment are how to deal with Du Cheng and Wei Tu.

One hundred billion euros is not a small number, so that he can come up with so many words at once, I am afraid that he is distressed for ten days and a half.

"Bulke, do you want me to be..."

Max didn't finish, but his fingers made a simple cut between the throats. Obviously, his meaning was obvious.

Burke stared at Max with some contempt, and directly refused: "No, if Vito is here, I am afraid I will be buried with him tomorrow..."

Max smiled. He knew that his suggestion was anxious and he had not considered it in the position of Burke.

However, from his standpoint, he is very happy to see Vitto die here.

"I will go out first, you are here waiting for me."

After all, Bourke no longer cares about Max, but instead gets up and walks out to the outside.

The elevator's door slowly opened. After leaving the single room on the third floor, Burke went directly to the casino lobby on the second floor.

Even if Vito came to the door, how could he not be able to shrink, this is not his Bulk's style of acting.

And this thing must be solved. If he does not come out, I am afraid that the reputation of the Shihao Club will plummet, and tomorrow, I am afraid that the whole French will be watching his Burke jokes.

Therefore, this side of Burke can not do it.

And looking at the Burke from the inside of the elevator, Du Cheng and the smile on the face of Vito are more concentrated.

In particular, Burk's gloomy face, the look of Vito is even more deflated.

Since he was the owner of the Clarkel family, he has looked at the whole of France as a pivotal figure. This is a very big gap between him and his status.

Now this Burke has hit his mind on his head, and he has joined forces with others to assassinate him. This is what Vittu can't stand.

If Du Cheng did not come, he would use his method to launch a counterattack, and now Du Cheng arrived, he intends to slowly torment Burke, let him know what is called the price.

In comparison, the look of Du Cheng's eyes is relatively simple.

It was like a falcon's eyes when he saw the rabbit. For Du Cheng, this Burke is now a big fat rabbit, and it is still a kind of meat.

One hundred billion euros, this is not something that can be won in any casino. It is just that one night has won so much money, which is undoubtedly equal to letting him go up a lot.

If you want to say anything else, donating this 100 billion euros to the Xinxin Charity Foundation will probably make the vast majority of the country's poor mountainous areas develop.

However, as he said, the 100 billion euros is only a beginning. He will only do more than what he wants.

Burke didn't know the thoughts of Du Cheng and Wei Tu at the moment. If he knew, he would probably take the bricks and kill him.

After walking to Du Cheng and Vito, he sat down directly in the position of the dealer. He first looked at Du Cheng with a gloomy look, and then he said to Vitus: "Vito, you really I plan to win 100 billion from me?"

Burk apparently did not mean anything to retort with Vitu. He knew that Vitru had basically determined that the person behind the scenes had been the man behind him, so in this case, it would be better to get straight to the point.

"How, can't you?"

Vito just looked at Burke and then asked a very simple question.

But Burke did not answer, but turned his attention to Du Cheng, the gloomy face and eyes looked like a snake.

For a moment, Bourke slowly said: "Young people, some things you better not to intervene, it is better and better, if you leave now, all the chips on this table will be privately given to you. Okay."

His words are full of his threatening taste, but unfortunately he is wrong. Du Cheng's winning money does not need to be given to Vito. No penny is needed.

Du Cheng smiled and asked: "No, the money seems to be won by me. Do I still need you to send it?"

His smile didn't have too much scruples at this time. Although it was not unscrupulous, it was very uncomfortable for Burke to look at.

"You are looking for death." Burke said coldly, the murder in his eyes was already showing the most.

"You want to kill me?"

Du Cheng seems to have heard a great joke, but then his smile disappeared without a trace, and said coldly: "Now that, I am not going to leave this evening, I really want Take a look at how you want to kill me..."

Burke did not think that Du Cheng was so tough, but he did not dare to move the map here, but it did not mean that he did not dare to move here.

Vitto can't kill him, but if he kills such an oriental, it doesn't matter to him.

A cold smile lifted up at Burke's mouth. He just snorted, and the two bodyguards behind him took out two pistols from their arms and pointed the black paint directly at the muzzle. Du Cheng.

He knows that the reason why Vito dared to come here to take the place is to rely on Du Cheng's gambling skills. As long as Du Cheng is killed, Wei Tu can no longer pose any threat to him.

In comparison, although the killing of Du Chenghui greatly affected the reputation of the Shihao Club, in the eyes of Burke, Du Cheng’s lack of the Orientals has already affected the foundation of the Shihao Club, and it is even less than the thousand. Billions of euros.

Burke's actions made the rich people in the re-enactment a brow, and basically everyone retired at this time, and some people chose to leave.

None of these people will be willing to come up to stop it, even if they don't even speak.

Although Burke’s actions made them feel uncomfortable in their hearts, Du Cheng was only an oriental in their eyes. This lack of comfort has already provoked the sympathy of these rich people. On the contrary, some rich people are even more Look at the lively mood.

Looking at Burke's movements, Vito was laughing.

He is very clear about the strength of Du Cheng. It is necessary to say that these two people are pointing with a pistol. Even with a submachine gun, they cannot pose any threat to Du Cheng.

Du Cheng also laughed. He knew Burke's meaning. He also knew that Burke's practice was actually a very sensible one, but unfortunately, he was merely an exception.

If you change to someone else, Bourke must have a chance to succeed, but unfortunately he Du Cheng, but will not give Burke any chance.

In the hands of Du Yang, Du Cheng did not give any chance to the two bodyguards. The two chips were already spurting out from his fingers at the same time. The speed is not slower than the bullets.

The two bodyguards who were still waiting for Bukel's order only felt a flower in front of them. Then, the two chips were already very accurate hitting their temples. The two bodyguards only felt the brain suddenly black. Then it was already soft and fell to the ground.

Du Cheng’s shot was extremely fast, and when the two bodyguards fell softly on the ground, Burk responded.

His eyes are full of incredible looks, and there is a deep puzzle. Apparently, he never thought that his two bodyguards would have fallen so easily, and the other side's movements were extremely simple.

"Now, do you still want to kill me?"

Du Cheng’s finger bounced, a chip bounced high from his thumb, waiting for him to finish the sentence, then it landed down from the air and fell very accurately on his Between the two fingers, I was caught.

Looking at Du Cheng's movements, Burke only felt that it was a cool one, because he knew in his heart that if Du Cheng had just shot this chip at him, he would have to be like his two bodyguards. Soft fell to the ground.


Burke opened his mouth and couldn't say anything for a while.

However, he is not an ordinary person after all. The hero does not eat the loss. He directly pats the table and then orders: "Give them 100 billion euros, then let them get out."

"Bulke, are you a vain when I am?"

However, Vitto did not mean that Burke would leave like this. He did not wait for Burke to go out of two steps, and he whispered.

Burk's body is a trembling, can be seen, and at this moment his heart must be full of anger.

It is a pity that on this occasion, his anger could not be sprayed against Vito.

Slowly turned around, Bourke seemed to suppress the anger of his heart, just gloomy face asked to Vito: "Vita, what do you want?"

"What do I want?"

Vito smiled. After looking at Du Cheng, he said very simply: "Five hundred billion euros, otherwise you want to be able to do so today."


Burke did not think that Vito would have such a big lion's mouth, and even directly raised the full five-fold chip.

500 billion euros, if it is replaced by * people's city, it is more than 5 billion, even if some middle-class countries have a fiscal income of less than a year.

"You didn't hear it clearly, would you like me to say it again?"

The voice of Vito is gradually getting cold. The 500 billion euros is just the beginning for him.

Du Cheng did not say anything, because he was only seen from the eyes of Vitus, and Vitu apparently did not intend to give up so easily, it is the first flaw, it is necessary to play loud and beautiful. Row.

Burk's round face, his face was shaking.

His eyes are gloomy like the king snake on the grassland, as if he can give a fatal blow at any time.

But unfortunately, what he is facing at the moment is two men who are more powerful than him.

"Vito, you are very good."

Many, Bulke whispered and said slowly, then turned and left.

Although he did not say anything, his meaning is very obvious. The lack of 500 billion euros has already hurt the foundation of his Bourque and Shawn consortium.

However, this money also requires Vital to have a life.

The Cadillac bulletproof car slowly opened from the inside of the Shihao Club. In the slender compartment, Du Cheng and Vito came to a clink.

Du Cheng’s face is full of For him, this is definitely a wonderful night.

I earned 500 billion euros a night. Even if he does not have any idea about money, he will still be very happy as long as he counts the number.

Who would suspect that his own money is too much, at least, Du Cheng will not.

"Uncle, do you guess this Burke will do it at night?"

However, Du Cheng and Vitu did not mention anything about the money. After drinking the red wine in his hand, Du Cheng asked a seemingly simple question directly to Vitus.

"No, if I were him, I would definitely not do it in the last two weeks."

Vito is very sure that the matter of this evening will spread throughout the upper layer of Paris almost immediately. If there is any accident in this period, no one will doubt him.

Therefore, as long as Burke is a little brain, it will certainly not be at this critical juncture.

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