MTL - Ultimate Intelligence-v4 Chapter 1180 Sheep into the tiger's mouth?

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After sitting in the castle for a while, Du Cheng left the city with Vitus.

Ai Qier stayed in the castle as a host to entertain Guo Yi and Li Qingyao. Guo Yi and Li Qingyao are here for the first time. Although both of them have been to France before, they are still amazed at the luxury of Clarke Castle. No.

Du Cheng and Vito were sitting on the Vader's Royal Cadillac long bullet-proof car, driving Conan, and the spacious car was seated in Du Cheng and Vitu.

"Du Cheng, do you know where Max is?"

Vito did not ask before, but now, after he went to the door, he asked Du Cheng.

The Clarkel family also had great influence throughout the underground power circle of France. Before that, Vitto used this influence to start a wide range of searches for Max's whereabouts, but unfortunately there was no result in the end.

If you find it, I am afraid that the first thing Vititu has to deal with is Max.

Now that it is already tearing the face, then all of this naturally does not need to be polite, only the cold and **** killing is the last solution to the problem.

"I didn't know it, but I know it now."

Du Cheng smiled slightly, but did not say it.

Because this is his biggest secret, before entering the castle, he has directly locked in the signals of those secretly monitored blood river killers who organize the killers, and the reason why he let Vito come out is to let those The killer organization contacts the person above by phone.

And one of these people will always be in contact with Max.

Therefore, after coming out with Vito, Du Cheng quickly passed the signals that locked Max's position.

These Du Cheng will not tell Vitu, but he can bring Vitus to find Max.

Where Max is! In a small private club, the boss is an American. Obviously, Max is hiding in the private club, so no one can find his place.

"Oh, where is he..." Seeing Du Cheng did not explain how he knew where Max was." Vitu did not ask anything, just asked another answer he wanted.

"Double private club, uncle, have you heard of it..." For this Du Cheng, there is no need to hide anything, and the answer is directly stated.

After Vito thought for a moment, he replied: "It seems to be a super-running club. It can also be regarded as a clubhouse. The scale is OK..."

The scale can also be compared to the figure, the SS private super-running club is still very famous in the super-running circle of Paris. It is said that the club’s requirements for receiving members are very high and must have a meeting that meets their requirements. Super-running, but also must be purely super-running, even if it is running Porsche een and other models are not acceptable.

If these models are to be added, they must be the highest-grade u or tu models, and the rest of the models are extremely demanding.

In the upper class of Paris, many people are proud of having the srfPS private club.

Du Cheng smiled and said directly: "Max is in that place now, I think, we will go directly to him..."

He didn't want to waste any time. Now that he has found where Max is, he naturally plans to solve Max in the first place.

As long as Max is solved, Kilk no longer has any resistance.

Of course, after solving Max, basically the super-family behind the Clarke family and Max stood in the opposite position, and the blood river killer organization.

This point is Du Cheng had to consider, the big family has no pressure on Du Cheng, Wei Tu is also similar, that is, the blood river killer organization is somewhat troublesome, if the other party is desperately trying to assassinate the Vito If that, then it is very troublesome.

And this kind of killer organization is almost all desperate. "Everything can be done for money and everything, plus the complexity of the personnel, even if he Du Cheng wants to kill is impossible.

"Du Cheng, will Max lay a trap and wait for us to enter..." Vitto said with some concern that although he believed in Du Cheng's ability, he would still say what he said.

"It doesn't matter, let him cloth the ring, I want to see what trap he can lay..." Du Cheng responded very simply, his face was very light, but full of absolute confidence. .

Within the private club of srf, Max is turning his phone off in a smirk, and his eyes are more excited.

Burke is also, looking at Max's insidious smile, Burke is also a glimpse of the heart, but he still asked: "Max, how is the situation, where the Vitto is now..."

He is now in a camp with Vito. He has a clear willow in his heart. Without Max's help, he can't compete with the Clarke family.

Therefore, he and Max are now talking about life and death.

Max smiled and said: "He is driving us over here, or he should already know it."


Listening to Max, Burke was shocked and asked: "How did he find out that we are here, impossible? We didn't have a leak of wind, Max, how much did he bring? People, we have enough people here to cope?"

Burke was a little panicked at this time, because the actions of Vitto in the past few days have caused him tremendous pressure.

Max responded directly: "On three people, one is his bodyguard, and the other is the Oriental who won your 500 billion that day."

"What, only three people?"

Bourke originally thought that ACTO would have come with a big team this time, but he did not expect that only three people would come over. Isn't this a sheep-feeding tiger?

"Hey, if he really came here, this time I will let me go back." Max said with a sigh of relief, he did not have Burke's scruples in his opinion, if Vito really came Here, it is almost to die.

Burke was worried about it: "The figure body of Vito is very good. We can't care about Max. How are your people arranged? Do you need to call those people outside?"

In the previous assassinations, they all saw how Conan's skills were, and their assassinations failed in Conan's hands. Now it is natural to put Conan on the first point of attention.

"Hey, how can he be a good friend? Can he still shoot quickly?"

Max didn't care about anything at all, but went on to say: "This time I brought the blood wolf and the blood bear brother between the top ten killers of the blood river, with their skills, confrontation. The bodyguard is like a dead ant."

Max said very positively, and after he finished speaking, he quickly picked up the phone and began to command.

This time he not only brought these two ace killers, but also nearly 30 senior killers, and this private club has almost become his temporary base, in addition to the dozens of people sent out, the entire clubhouse There are still about 20 killers, plus the blood wolf and the blood bear brother, basically it can be counted as a very horrible team. So the team Max does not believe that even a Vital can't make it.

Listening to Max's call to start preparation, Burk was also a lot of peace of mind, and even he began to fantasize.

As long as the Vitru can be solved, the entire Clarkel family will certainly be greatly impacted, and his chances will come.

The first big family in France, Burke has long been fascinated by this title. Now, this title is very very close to him.

Everything, it only takes an hour, or it takes only half an hour to know the result.

Between Burke and Max, Conan was already outside the door to the OP private club.

This private club is indeed a super-running club. Although these days, the clubs have temporarily closed, but within the parking lot of the clubhouse, there are still rows of top sports cars.

There are Lamborghini, Ferrari and Aston Martin, in addition to a Bugatti super run and three Pagani wind sons.

These cars are some members who stay here. Basically, they are eligible to become members of this club. Most of them have several sports cars at the same time, so those people regard this club as a private garage. "What activities? At the time, the selectivity will be more.

Of course, Du Cheng’s purpose in this trip is not to look at these cars.

"Conan, you are waiting for us in this car. Don't get off the bus without receiving my call, remember."

Du Cheng directly opened the glass lifting window separated from the front row and gave a message to Conan.

He knows that Max is definitely ready to wait for them. His skill is very strong, but it is OK to protect a Vitru. If you have three more Conan, it will be a little hard, so let Conan wait here. Undoubtedly better.

"Okay, Du Ge."

For Du Cheng's instructions, Conan naturally does not have any hesitation, and it is very straightforward to deal with it.

"Uncle, let's go, go to the Max for a while." Du Cheng then went to Vitus and said.


Vito sighed and then got off the bus with Du Cheng.

He still has great trust in the strength of Du Cheng. He knows that Du Cheng took him in with him. It must have a way to protect him. Therefore, he does not need to worry about anything at all.

The two men got off the bus before and after, and Du Cheng walked straight toward the entrance of the hall of the clubhouse.

Du Cheng’s gaze in the walking room was only a faint sweep of the surrounding. There were only a few people buried in the dark, and there was only one. Obviously, the real main force of the other party should be in the hall.

The monitoring of this double private club did not have a network connection, so Du Cheng could not know what was going on inside.

Vitto is walking alongside Du Cheng. What he said is also the home of the Clarke family. The momentum is not weaker than that of Du Cheng. There are some dragons and walks in the walk, and there is no fear of half.

The door to the hall of the clubhouse was opened. Du Cheng and Vito entered the hall without any obstacles.

This entered the hall, and the situation in front of him was already a fierce change.

On the sofa in the hall, Boolean and Max are sitting on two sofas waiting for them, and there seems to be no one except the two of them in the entire hall.

Max and Buker looked at Du Cheng and Vito's gaze. The misbehavior was no longer concealed. Both of them looked a little excited because Vito didn't even bring his bodyguards in, but instead Walked in with Du Cheng.

This made them more confident about their own attack this time, especially Burke, who has already seen France's largest family, and the title of the first consortium is beckoning him.

"Vito did not think that you dared to come here, hey, are you going to die?" Max can be said to be at the door, while he said, while standing on the sofa with a smile.

At the moment he thought that "from the moment Vititu entered the hall door, everything was under his control."

Vatican basically can directly ignore how a pampered homeowner might be the opponent of those killers. As for Du Cheng, it is just a person. Even Superman Max has the confidence to let him kneel down.

Burk also stood up, his eyes have changed a bit hot.

Listening to Max, Vito simply smiled and said: "Max, I remember that my Clarkel family has no conflict with your Douglas family. Why do you want to join Burke to deal with me..."

This has always been the most unclear point in Vital's mind. The Clarkel family's business is in France and Africa and South Africa, and the Douglas family behind Max is in the United States. There is no conflict, not even the difference.

Max smiled and said: "There is no conflict, but I can't move you without conflict..."

Burk seems to know the answer. His fat face, full of gloomy expressions, first glanced at Max, and then took a look at Vita. There were obviously more different things between the smiles.

At this time, Du Cheng, who was silent and silent, suddenly spoke up: "I heard that the Douglas family is now preparing to enter the energy market. Uncle, this may be the answer you want..."

The news was that Du Cheng had withdrawn from the network, and the Douglas family had already released the wind.

And the eyes of the Douglas family's energy industry are exactly Africa and South Africa.

Listening to Du Cheng said, "Vito is a glimpse first, and then it is already understood."

The Sean Foundation is also a rich resource for Eyes and South Africa. After the Douglas family expressed this meaning, the so-called strong alliance is actually a matter of course.

Max apparently did not think of his own mystery, but he was defeated by Du Cheng.

This made him obviously look at Du Cheng with some surprises. The murder between the looks is no cover.

Even Vito has dared to deal with it, let alone Du Cheng such an oriental.

"It turns out that it seems that the Douglas family's current hand seems to have stretched too long. Be careful not to go back again...

The vision of Vito is already cold. When they come to their big family at this level, everything they do will undoubtedly have a very large influence. If it is a war, it may even become a factor that affects the financial turmoil.

Therefore, big families like them are either not fighting, but fighting is a complete war.

The general loser basically waited for all.

"That depends on whether you have this ability, or you can go out of this door today and talk about it..." Max smiled, he seemed to hear a big joke,

Burk also laughed, because the victory seems to be getting closer and closer to them.

It’s just that they didn’t show up, Du Cheng also laughed.

Although it is only a slight radiance But the smile on Du Cheng's face is a very strange feeling, with a few points of play, and a few minutes of Mori.

And his gaze is directly toward the room on both sides of the hall.

At the moment he entered the hall, he knew where the people arranged by Max were ambushing. He didn't need the help of the monitoring system at all, because there were strong murderous bodies like these killers. He can find the position of these people by his sensitive sixth sense.

"Call out all of your people, you don't need to talk nonsense anymore." Vitu also doesn't want to say anything more. If he knows the other person's answer, then there is only one choice, that is, the war,

However, this time the battle was not only for the Shawn consortium of Burke, but the Douglas family behind Max would also be the target of his Vitto.

Immediately, the battle is so strong.

He is not afraid of who he is, because he is the head of the Clarkel family. He is the ruler of the entire French family. He is a high-ranking existence.