MTL - Ultimate Intelligence-v4 Chapter 1187 Goodbye blood rose

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United States, Las Vegas.

Due to the time difference, when Du Cheng’s plane arrived over Las Vegas, the time was only at night in Las Vegas time.

After getting off the plane, Du Cheng went directly to the hotel in advance.

This time in Las Vegas, he needs to stay for some time, and then he still needs to go to several places, the whole trip is almost full of rows.

The headquarters of the Blood River Killer organization is in Las Vegas. On the surface, the Blood River Killer organization is still a listed company in front of the world. Of course, this company is more of a leather bag company.

It’s not easy to get rid of the Blood River killer organization. First of all, the staff of the Blood River Killer organization is very widely dispersed. If you go to kill one by one, I am afraid that he will have to go to various cities. Run back and forth.

After all, the main members and killers of the Blood River Killer organization are unlikely to stay in Las Vegas. It is very good that the members who are able to stay in Las Vegas have an achievement.

Of course, Du Cheng had already thought about the countermeasures before coming here, but this is an urgent matter.

Du Chengding's hotel is one of the three most luxurious hotels in Las Vegas, and the "Shengde Hotel is one of the tallest buildings in Las Vegas."

And it is the most luxurious King Suite. The rent of nearly 70,000 US dollars in that night is nothing for Du Cheng. However, Du Cheng is not just taking the comfort, but because this King Suite is located throughout. At the top of the hotel, standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, you can basically look down on most of Las Vegas.

As for the old drama, Du Cheng borrowed a car directly from the airport. However, when he drove to the Shengde Hotel, Du Cheng unexpectedly discovered a familiar face.

Just at the gate of the St. De Grand Hotel, a graceful figure was moving inside the hotel lobby. "It’s just a back view, but Du Cheng can already guess who this woman is.

Blood Rose, Du Cheng did not think that she could see her here at this time, and with the blood rose, there are two black men who seem to be bodyguards and seem to be surveillance personnel.

Of course, I recognized it and recognized it. "Du Cheng didn't care, but just paused a little." Waiting for the blood rose and the pedestrian to book the room at the hotel and enter the elevator, he just stepped up to the hall. Go inside.

However, Du Cheng has secretly left a heart, and directly locked the whereabouts of the blood rose through Xiner.

The two black men should be surveillance personnel, the three set two boxes, one is the blood rose to live by himself, and the other is the two black big Han wheel, basically guaranteeing that someone is standing in the blood rose The door of the room was guarded at the door.

This blood rose is Burke's men, but after Burke falls, the blood rose disappears without a trace.

Du Cheng did not expect to see her here. For Duan, who also has dynamic vision, Du Cheng’s impression is still very profound.

It can be said that if this woman is trained for a maximum of one year, she can definitely show the terrorist strength that others cannot imagine.

Dynamic vision, this is definitely not the ability anyone can have, even if it is as strong as Peng Yuhua, it can not have this ability.

And the talent of the blood rose should still look quite high, if you can, "Du Cheng really wants to use this blood rose, it has been used.

However, this matter is not urgent, Du Cheng took the room card and then sat directly on the top floor of the Shengde Hotel.

He didn't take any salutes and didn't need to pack anything.

Standing in front of the huge floor space, most of the night scenes in Las Vegas are completely in front of Du Cheng.

Undoubtedly, this is a top super-large city that can be ranked on a global scale." A world-famous super casino.

Standing on the peak of such a super-large city overlooking everything, there is no doubt that people can have a feeling of being relaxed and happy, even Du Cheng is no exception.

Looking at the shining lights of the car under the feet, "Looking at the glorious city view of the golden wall" is undoubtedly a city that can make people very easy and charming.

But for Du Cheng, "this is also a city that is very suitable for killing people.

1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 Xiner, has it locked Zarrak’s whereabouts?” I don’t know when, Xin’s virtual illusion has already appeared in Du Cheng’s side. Du Cheng has long been accustomed to the existence of Xiner, and there is nothing unexpected. The place was just a very simple question.

"Already locked out" Zarrak is taking his car out of his villa, according to the route. "His destination should be a gold casino..."

Xiner’s answer was very simple, and at the same time as she answered, she opened a virtual screen directly in front of Du Cheng.

In the picture of the screen, a long 12-meter super long carriage was driving slowly on the road, and there was an ordinary Hummer in front of and behind the Hummer.

These Hummers have been professionally modified to have more than bulletproof features, and the power is a very embarrassing type. Wherever they go, the roar of power will completely cover what the so-called sports car is. went.

"Which is the case, then we don't go to the gold casino for a while." Du Cheng's face showed a faint smile. From the information compiled by Chunlong Fei, he was in this Zarrak. The character is almost fully understood.

Zarrak, on the surface, looks like he is a big rich man, and his body is a little fat, unless someone who knows, no one can know his true identity is a killer.

This Zarrak has two interests and hobbies, the first is a woman, and the second is gambling.

However, this Zarrak's gambling skills are completely incomparable with his means of killing. He has a very loud nickname for Zach in many casinos in Las Vegas.

Basically, you can describe Zarrak’s gambling skills with ten bets and nine losses. Basically, if he has to gamble, he will lose tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars when he is less, and at least several million when he is more. Every year he throws tens of millions into the casino in Las Vegas.

However, all of this is just an appearance. Because Du Cheng has already learned from Qin Longfei's information, this gold casino has a deep relationship with Zarrak behind the scenes. Basically, Zalal lost how much money, the next day he There will be double the money in the account.

Therefore, regardless of the gambling skills, Zarrak is basically losing, losing to the end.

Dealing with a person, even if he has no weaknesses, people with weaknesses are basically very easy to deal with.

Therefore, Du Cheng wants to deal with Zarrak, and there are still many ways.

And his next move is basically linked to Zarrak, this person is a very important piece of his plan.

In addition to the Blood River killer organization, the second thing Du Cheng wants to deal with is the Douglas family.

However, this matter can be put aside for the time being. For now, dealing with the Blood River Killer Organization is his most urgent action.

At this moment, Xiner seems to have found something smiling and said: "Du Cheng, there is movement in the blood rose, there are two telephone signals, I think you should be very interested to know that this phone signal comes from Whose body..."

Her current intelligence is becoming more and more humane. "There is no difference between normal human beings. Even if there is a difference, it will only be smarter and more beautiful."

"Oh, let me guess." Du Cheng was slightly surprised. Hearing the voice of Xiner, it seems that the source of the signal should be what he knew.

The idea between the heads came instantly, but after a while, Du Cheng had already thought of one of the most likely objects. . .

"Xin Er, is that person Zarrak..."

Du Cheng directly asked Xiner. Although it was a question, his tone was very positive.

Xiner nodded softly and said: "Yes, the blood rose has left the room." Now she is going to rush to the gold casino..."

"Sure enough...", Du Cheng's face is more intense, but it is not difficult to guess.

Blood Rose is Burke's men, and Burke is a combination with the Douglas family and the Blood River killer organization. Under the fall of Burke, the blood rose is also very restricted by the blood river killer organization.

And the most important thing is that the two most interested blood roses of Zarrak have it.

On the appearance, Blood Rose has the gambling skills of the capital comparable to that of Gu Jiayi. She is the strongest of all the gambling masters Du Jun has ever seen. Undoubtedly, the blood rose, for Zarrak Said, absolutely has the temptation to imagine.

Now it seems that the blood rose should be threatened by the blood river killer organization.

I think about it here, Du Cheng said directly: "Xin Er, let's go, go to the gold casino and see it..."

"PK is no problem."

Xiner should have a voice, she did not return to the meaning of the biological computer, but just walked around Du Cheng.

To this end, she also changed a set of clothing "a very beautiful evening dress, like a grand occasion with Du Cheng."

Usually she rarely does this, basically she will only be so unscrupulous when she is alone.

Because she wants to experience the life of a normal person, at least Du Cheng’s side will have at least one of Gu Sixin’s presence. Therefore, there are still few opportunities to come to Las Vegas alone. .

Du Cheng smiled at this mouth, he did not take it to stop it. Instead, it is more encouraging.

After so many years, he has already regarded Xiner as his best friend. In his eyes, Xiner is no longer as simple as a simple computer program, but a life now, one for him. It is no worse than Gu Sixin's inferior life.

Unfortunately, Xiner is only a virtual illusion, otherwise, Du Cheng will definitely be very happy to go to this occasion with her.

"Xin Er, if I want you to really become *human" Do you say that this is possible? "When entering the elevator, Du Cheng's heart suddenly moved, and then asked a topic he had always wanted to ask."

Listening to Du Cheng’s comments, Xin’s face was somewhat hopeful, and then it was already a bit of a low-pitched response: “Du Cheng, there is no way, I am just a procedure, this is absolutely impossible. ...... "Suddenly stunned, but Xiner's heart is very happy inside, Du Cheng has this idea" has proved her weight in Du Cheng's heart.

Du Cheng did not give up, but whispered: "Xin Er, actually I have an idea, I don't know if there is any kind of enforceability."

"What is the idea?"

Xiner asked with some curiosity, because there is no record in this number in her series.

After Du Chengwei paused, he said directly: "Xin Er, the robot's control is done by the main chip. If I use your body to make a simulated artificial brain, do you think you have to control the human body?"

For others, this may be something unimaginable.

But for Du Cheng, this is not an impossible goal. With his scientific knowledge beyond the present hundreds of years, if you spend a lot of energy on it, you definitely have the opportunity to do this.

However, Xiner refused to think about it without thinking. "Duo Cheng", you don't have to mention it again, because my body has been integrated with your body, unless you cut your fingers." There is absolutely no way to conduct this test."

Xiner did not say a word, that is, he did not want to leave Du Cheng.

However, she will never say anything to Du Cheng, that is, she already has the emotions and thinking of normal humans. Then she will naturally have human feelings and love.

It’s just that it’s too extravagant for her, but her greatest happiness is that she can always be with Du Cheng’s side, no matter what time, even if she is old and dead, she will Always with you.

And this, even if Gu Sixin can't do it, only she can.

"Well, then I won't mention it later."

Du Cheng just responded. "His face is a bit weird.

He is no longer a teenager who didn't understand anything at the beginning. "If you want to leave the body of Xiner, you only need some program certification." You don't need to cut your fingers at all. But Du Cheng is able to Xiner’s words were heard between Xin’s true thoughts.

Therefore, Du Cheng did not continue, not because he did not want to, but because he continued, the only sad thing would be Xiner.

Because she is now a program. "No matter what, can not change this fate, he will not mind what, but Xiner himself will mind.

Therefore, these things can only be said later, and one day, Du Cheng believes that he can definitely find a solution.

Leaving from the Grand Hotel, Du Cheng did not ask for the vehicle directly from the hotel. Instead, he borrowed a vehicle directly on the street outside the hotel.

Later, he drove directly to the Golden Casino.

At this time, Zarrak has already reached the gold casino." The blood rose and the two black men are just leaving the hotel, and it will take a few minutes to arrive.

Du Cheng is far behind, and he is not in a hurry to enter.

He needs to wait for the blood rose to meet with Zarrak before making further arrangements." The addition of the blood rose, so that his original plan also needs to make some small changes.

However, these are not the most important ones. Du Cheng’s real goal is Zarrak.

As for the casino, this seems to be a great blessing for Du Cheng.

His first home and the first pot of gold in his life seemed to have been earned from the casino, and in Paris, it was even more unimaginable.

He has won more than 500 billion euros. He has won an incomparably rich industry and a higher development opportunity.

And all of this means that he has a very deep relationship with the casino.

This time I went to the gold casino, Du Cheng did not mind letting this fate deeper. Although he now has no concept of money as if he had a number, he does not mind letting the number go up again. Promote some" Even if you don't need it, donating to the Xinxin Charity Foundation is also a very good is sitting on the side of Du Cheng's vice seat." A faint smile of happiness, she did not take the initiative to say anything with Du Cheng, more is still a tacit existence.

After all, she has been with Du Cheng for so many years, and she can be quite sure that she and Du Cheng have long been connected.

There are many things, basically Du Cheng does not need to explain, she can directly deal with Du Cheng.

Just like this time Zarrak, Du Cheng just took the information to her hands. She has already begun to directly use the back door left by Du Cheng to come to Las Vegas to start the invasion of the monitoring system. And began to monitor the whereabouts of Zarrak.

This tacit understanding is almost no match for anyone.

Du Cheng did not say anything, because at this time he has completed the invasion of the gold casino monitoring system, and within his virtual screen, hundreds of different pictures have already appeared.

And one of the positive ones is where Zarrak is at the moment.

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