MTL - Ultimate Intelligence-v4 Chapter 1198 I will let you the rest.

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"Peng Yuhua, you are not a disciple of my Chunmen, what are you doing here now?"

It’s the deputy doorkeeper of the Chunchun Gate that Peng Yuhua said, the old man who is nearly seventy years old.

The name of the deputy door is Qin En. The figure is thin and thin like a dry material. The long hair like a hay is bundled into a arrogant. The body is wearing a black robe. If it is not Peng Yuhua standing next to it, Du Cheng has A feeling of being in the ancient times.

Qin En’s tone was obviously cold. He looked at Peng Yuhua’s eyes and was full of badness. He could see it. Qin En was very unwelcome to Peng Yuhua’s return.

The old man standing behind him and the middle-aged people are almost the same. They are both Qin En, and it is natural that the only Qin Enma is the leader.

Among these people, there is a young man.

The young man looks like he is about thirty years old. He is wearing a white robes embroidered with patterns, but he has a taste of a good son. He looks at Peng Yuhua’s eyes slightly different, but his More attention is still on Du Cheng's body, and the hostility between the eyes is very obvious.

On the other side, there are six or seven women headed by Peng Yuhua’s master.

These women are already very old, except for one in their forties, all of them are more than sixty.

The master of Peng Yuhua's name is Ling Yin, who is close to seventy years old, but actually looks younger.

Distinct from that Qin En, Ling Yin gives people a very detailed and detailed feeling. In the whole Hunchun Gate, Ling Yin is the most loved by disciples, and Qin En is the most awesome.

The head of Lingyin is in charge of the operation of the entire sect, and Qin En is in charge of the rules and punishments of the martial art. This is why many disciples are very afraid of Qin En.

Listening to Qin En’s cold words, although Lingy’s old face did not show any anger, she said in a very fierce tone: “Qin En, I just let the flowers go out. Walking for some time, when did we say that she was allowed to open the spring door, and that Huanhua is my disciple, even if I really leave Chunchunmen, I want her to come back, can't it still be?"

She is the master of a faction, even if Qin En is in front of her, she still wants to play tricks.

And at the beginning, Qin Enlian and Qingcheng Jianzong drove Peng Yuhua away, and Lingyin always remembered it.

The talent of Peng Yuhua is very good. It is far above the rest of the disciples of Chunchunmen. Lingyin originally hoped that Peng Yuhua could take over Chunchunmen in the future, but after the Qingcheng Jianzong, Lingyin could only Resist the dissatisfaction in my heart and withdraw Peng Yuhua from the Chunchun Gate.

After all, Qingcheng Jianzong is the ally of the Qiuwu League, and it is still the first major sect.

Faced with the pressure of Qingcheng Jianzong, Lingyin in order to save Hunchunmen, her choice can only be compromised.

However, in her heart, she has always regarded Peng Yuhua as a member of Hunchunmen and her favorite disciple.

After all, Qin En is only the deputy doorkeeper. He was told by Lingyin that he is not good at refuting anything, but his face is even more ugly.


Peng Yuhua was very happy to go to Lingyin. For this master who grew up with her own childhood, she has deep feelings and even surpassed her parents.

Lingyin is stroking the hair of Peng Yuhua, and said with a look of kindness: "Hey, why don't you tell the master who the little brother is..."

When Du Cheng came in, she began to look at Du Cheng, but with the first feeling, Ling Yin knew that this young man was very unusual.

It was a very strange feeling, as if standing in front of her was not a person, but an unsurpassable mountain.

And she can also feel the temperament of a strong person in the body of Du Cheng, the real strong temperament.

"Master, he is Du Cheng."

Peng Yuhua introduced a sentence. After thinking about it, she suddenly blushes in the ear of Lingyin and said softly: "Master, I will marry Du Cheng at the end of the year. At that time, you have to come anyway." My wedding, okay?"

Ling Yin was a glimpse. She obviously didn't think that Peng Yuhua would tell her such a good news. After waiting for the reaction, she was very happy to answer: "Okay, good, when the master will come." ""

As for Du Cheng's identity, she was not surprised, because she had telephoned Peng Yuhua before coming here, but this was the first time she saw Du Cheng.

Before that, she listened to Peng Yuhua’s many things about Du Cheng. In her mind, there was a general concept for Du Cheng. Now it seems that this young man is better than she expected. a lot of.

Because of Peng Xiaohua's whispering, the rest of the people didn't know what she said with Lingyin. However, between Lingyin's happy smiles, they can also guess some.

"Du Cheng, come see my master."

Peng Yuhua did not pay attention to what other people think, but said to Du Cheng.

"Du Cheng has seen Ling predecessors." Du Cheng went to Lingyin and shouted in a respectful tone.

Ling Yin is the master of Peng Yuhua, he still needs to maintain a good respect for the position, and Lingyin is also a predecessor, Du Cheng is still able to do a good job of a younger generation.

"Du Cheng, you just call me a master like a silk flower. If you call your predecessors, you will see too much." Ling Yin is obviously very happy. It is already a relationship between Du Cheng and Peng Yuhua.

"Okay, Master." Du Cheng did not refuse, because he came to Hunchun Gate this time for another purpose, that is to join Hunchunmen.

For others, this kind of joining sects needs serious consideration, but Du Cheng does not have this scruples.

He has no rules, no rules, and he is not a person who likes to behave.

Seeing Lingyin and Du Cheng and Peng Yuhua's joy here, Qin En's faces were even more uncomfortable, especially the young man. He looked at Du Cheng's eyes and the hostility was even stronger.

Only with the presence of Ling Yin, he has not qualified to speak.

Peng Yuhua is also very simple. When Du Cheng and Ling Yin have said hello, they directly said: "Master, time is tight, you should first help Du Cheng to hold the introductory ceremony."

"and many more……"

I haven’t waited for Lingyin to speak, and Qin En’s side has already stopped speaking.

"Peng Yuhua, what do you mean by this, you brought him here, do you want him to join Hunchun Gate? Do you not know the rules of Hunchunmen?" Qin En asked with dissatisfaction and tone. Strict as always.

Peng Yuhua did not answer, but Lingyin was open. The relationship between her and her performance was obviously very poor. She directly replied: "Du Cheng is the apprentice I used to travel when I was out. Do you want me to Apprentices join the division, do you have any opinions from Qin En?"

This matter has already been told to her as long as Peng Paihua has been on the phone. Without saying this, Qin En can't refute anything at all.

Qin En moved his mouth. He wanted to refute but could not say anything. He just looked at Peng Yuhua and Du Cheng with a sullen look and then chose silence.

Lingyin’s words have not been finished. After looking at Qin En and those behind Qin En’s body, she said: “And, here I want to announce one thing, tomorrow’s League, Du Cheng represents us. Go to the spring gate to attend..."


Listening to Ling Yin said that almost everyone except Peng Yuhua was stupid, and one by one couldn't get together.

"The doorkeeper, I am against..."

The first time, Qin En once again raised objections.

This time, the league will be attended by his youngest son Qin Ye, the young man standing behind him.

Qinye won his true biography, which is the best talent of the entire young generation of Chunchunmen, and Qingcheng Jianzong has already talked about it. This time, Qinye will go to the League, then Qingcheng Jianzong will Concealed to help him keep the top eight rankings, so that Hunchunmen can keep the position of law-protection.

If it can be successful, then he has the opportunity to compete for the position of the doorkeeper.

Just what Qin En didn't think was that this halfway actually killed a Cheng Jinjin and directly became his son's competitor.

Therefore, Qin En did not think about it, and directly raised objections.

With Qin En taking the lead, those behind him also raised objections. Only the young man named Qinye did not speak out. However, he looked at Du Cheng with a look of provocation. His eyes were full. Disdain.

Obviously, he is also very angry about Du Cheng’s sudden participation. However, as the first master of the younger generation of Hunchunmen, he still disdains more about Du Cheng. Obviously, he does not think Du Cheng is qualified to compete with him. What are you fighting for?

"Oh, Qin En, do you have any opinions?"

This time, Lingyin did not scream again, but asked gently.

Only when she was talking, her eyes flashed a touch of color.

Not only Lingyin, Peng Yuhua is almost the same, and her pretty face even reveals a mocking smile.

Du Cheng’s participation in the League’s meeting, she and her master have made a decision on the phone. If no one stops it, it’s naturally better, but if someone stops it, it’s really for Du Chengli. .

Undoubtedly, this Qin En is going to be sent to the door to let Du Cheng Li Wei.

For Du Cheng's strength, Peng Yuhua can be said to be full of absolute confidence.

Do not want to say Du Cheng, even if he is now Peng Yuhua's current strength, you can easily defeat Qin En with one hand, and Du Cheng's strength will only be higher.

Under this circumstance, Qin En’s blockade is basically a self-deprecating.

"The doorkeeper, although he is your disciple, this time the alliance is related to the honor and inheritance of our Chunchunmen. Therefore, if he wants to participate in this alliance, he must pass our test. Row."

What Qin En said is righteousness and rhetoric.

This time he thought about it, and if he was to be directly speechless by Lingyin, then his prestige within the Chunchun Gate would definitely be hit hard.

"Oh, how are you going to test?" Lingyin simply asked, and did not say anything.

Qin En didn't think much about it. He said directly: "Let him have a few tricks with the old man. If he can hold ten strokes under the old man's hand, the old man will let him participate in this alliance. If it doesn't work, it will be Qinye. participate."

Although he can feel a calm temperament from Du Cheng, his understanding of Du Cheng is too little and too little. Unlike Ling Yin, he can know a lot about Du Cheng from Peng Yuhua.

Therefore, it is still very easy for Qin En to think that he wants to defeat Du Cheng.

After all, he has practiced Wu for more than 50 years. Even if he looks at the whole martial arts, he can also rank as the top player. In the Chunchun Gate, the strength is only second only to Lingyin, and Du Cheng is only one. Twenty-something young people, he does not believe that Du Cheng has the strength to block his ten strokes.

If you want to say something else, you will not be able to walk through ten strokes under his hand with the excellent talent of Peng Yuhua.

Lingyin did not immediately come down, but asked Du Cheng: "Du Cheng, do you have any opinions?"

Peng Yuhua’s gaze also turned to Du Cheng, and the smart beauty was filled with a weird look.

"It’s just ten strokes, I have no opinion..."

Du Cheng's answer is very simple, and it is very simple. If you understand it according to his tone, it seems that these ten strokes are quite easy.

"I don't know the tall guy..."

Qin En was obviously stimulated by Du Cheng's tone, and his face was already a little more angry.

Originally on the face of Lingyin, he also intends to stay in hand, and now, he is ready to teach the young man a little lesson, let him know what is called someone outside, there is a sky outside.

Du Cheng smiled, but he did not hear it. Then he reached out and gave a simple gift to Qin En. He said: "Qin deputy, please enlighten me..."

Qin En is walking to the middle of the hall. His body is quite upright, but he has the style of a high man. After a slight nod, he said: "I don’t want to bully the old man, let you make three moves first. It is."

Qin En still has full confidence in his own strength, even if Du Cheng three strokes, he believes that he can quickly defeat Du Cheng within the next seven strokes.

In this case, he can still let Lingyin have nothing to say.


Du Cheng simply responded, then reached out and directly hit the void is three punches, said: "Three strokes have passed, now it is your turn to the seniors you shot, the next seven strokes, I am let you ..."


Listening to Du Cheng's tone, Qin En only felt angry and rushed to the crown, glaring and round.

He did not even think that this young man was so arrogant, not only wasted three strokes, but also intended to let him Qin En seven strokes.

In other words, the other party apparently did not put him in the eyes, but instead regarded him as a joke.

He Qin En and other characters, the deputy head of Qi Chunmen, the number of characters in the Qianqiu Wumeng, how could have suffered this kind of contempt.

"The arrogant junior, let the old man replace the door to teach you the lesson today."

A light drink, Qin En has already stepped into Du Cheng.

His strength is still very tyrannical, and the speed is also extremely fast. The figure between the two is like a ghost. It is almost instantaneous that it has already rushed to the front of Du Cheng, and the two outer knives are toward Du Cheng. The double ribs went straight.

Just with this hand, Du Cheng basically can see how the strength of Qin En is.

His strength is indeed quite strong, and at least he is much better than Peng Yuhua when he was still in the military.

However, this is a long time ago comparison. For Du Cheng, the strength of Qin En is weak, weak and weak.

He didn't mean to shoot at all, and his body was just a shun, it was very easy to avoid Qin En's move.

Qin En only felt that Du Cheng disappeared into his eyes just like a teleport. This made him unable to bear the unexpected color in his heart. It was just such a speed that he had let Qin En put away his contempt. It is.

"In the eight rounds, this time I see where you are going..."

However, these thoughts were only fleeting between Qin En’s minds. Seeing Du Cheng avoiding them, after Qin En’s big drink, he once again rushed toward Du Cheng.

The inner eight rounds are a wide range of attack moves created by Qin En from Wing Chun. As long as he is within his attack range, his attack will be surrounded by the other side.

In the face of Du Cheng's speed, Qin En is already planning to use the real strength directly.

It was only at this time that the scene that Qin En could not imagine was once again appearing.

Just when his eight-faced boxing style was surrounded by Du Du Cheng’s body shape disappeared directly in his encirclement, as if it had never appeared before.

"Why is this, impossible, how can his speed go so fast?"

Qin En’s heart is full of incredible, even if it is his knowledge, but it is also scared by the speed of Du Cheng’s horror.

Not only Qin En, but in addition to Peng Yuhua in the field, everyone else is basically the same, even Lingyin's eyes can not help but full of surprise colors.

Although she has heard about the strength of Peng Yuhua's introduction to Du Cheng, the introduction is introduced. When I really see it, I can really feel the horror sensory impact brought by this speed.

Fast, absolutely faster than common sense.

With Qin En’s strength, even Du Cheng’s clothes corner can’t touch half a point.

With Du Cheng's speed, the next five moves, Qin En can not hit him, it is really an unpredictable thing -

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