MTL - Ultimate Scheming System-Chapter 1845 What the **** is this dog doing

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"Cough cough... forget it, the poor monk feels that his body has suddenly improved a lot." Xu Que waved his hand and rejected the proposal.

"So... Master, take a break first. There are still some things in the clan, and the concubine needs to deal with it." Shui Anxi got up, with another curve stretching, Xu Que's eyes straightened.

Damn, is it too late to regret now?

Looking at the back of that style, Xu Que sighed regretfully.

"Oh, why should I be so upright, poor monk!" Xu Que screamed from the sky, "I'm really a gentleman!"


Suddenly there was a thunder in the sky, and Xu Que was so frightened that Xu Que stopped quickly.

Looking at the sky, it didn't look like it was going to rain, it should be a dry thunder.

"Damn, God, shouldn't I just yell, what kind of thunder?" Xu Que muttered, "People still can't be too perfect. Now even the gods are starting to jealous of me."

At this moment, Dong Lingcao walked into the room and saw Xu Que alone. He wondered: "Tang Sanzang, where is my grandma?"

"Your grandma..." Xu Que still had a hard time accepting that the woman was a grandmother. "She said she was going to deal with the family's affairs, so she left first."

" should be the defensive arrangement." Dong Lingcao nodded and said enthusiastically, "I'll take you around the clan. There are very few human monks here!"

Xu Que thought about it for a while, anyway, he couldn't complete the task for a while, so just go shopping here.

It just so happens to see if there is any place to bury the treasure. When you go back, you can dig it out along the way.

This Bisheng is really a plan!

Under the leadership of Dong Lingcao, Xu Que began to wander around.

"Our family has lived here since ancient times. It is said that a long time ago, it was the goddess of nature who gave birth to human beings. She used clay to pinch people to create human beings in the world." Dong Ling Cao enthusiastically introduced Xu Que, "but then she discovered Humans have too many flaws, so they selected the most perfect group of humans and placed them in the Eternal Forest, making this place a pure land."

The corners of Xu Que's mouth twitched twice, and for a while he didn't know how to complain about this full of holes in the story.

Fortunately, Dong Lingcao is not as idiotic as he thought: "Of course, I also know this is fake, but it represents our eternal family's noble status, doesn't it?"

"Amitabha, the benefactor is right." Xu Que said with a smile with his hands folded.

He had heard a sentence before, if he couldn't talk to a person, he would agree with him.

In this way, oneself will become a loved one.

Xu Que thought to himself that he is really a diplomatic expert who is good at communicating with others.

"By the way, you seemed very excited when you saw that dog just now. Did that dog do anything?" Xu Que thought for a while and asked.

Er Gouzi's life experience has always been a mystery. It was previously confirmed that the guy was the ancestor of Duan Jiude, but in the previous experience, no trace was found.

Except for the time when he was in the desert of Desperate God, Ergouzi said that it seemed to have been there before, but because it was later broken up by the evil demon outside the territory, he didn't study it deeply.

Take this opportunity to figure out what is going on with this dog.

Thinking about it carefully, Xu Que felt as if Te Niang’s Xianyun Continent had its presence everywhere, and this dog could hardly escape from its shadow!

If those ancestors who are struggling to live with the sky, learn that there is such a evil spirit as Ergouzi, they are afraid that they will vomit blood with anger.

"That's so annoying!" Dong Lingcao heard the words and immediately reprimanded him with righteous indignation, "I was the one who rescued it at the time. I didn't expect this guy to be a rascal! It was shameless! "

"Did you rescue it?" Xu Que suddenly became interested, "Expand it?"

Seeing that someone heard her complain, Dong Lingcao pulled Xu Que to find a place to sit down.

It turns out that when Er Gouzi came here, he was already seriously injured.

At that time, Rubescens saw it pitiful, so he brought Ergouzi back to the Everlasting Forest to treat his injuries.

As a result, he didn't expect that after the dog was seriously injured, he began to mess around in the clan, causing the entire eternal clan to jump around.

There are simply too many things like kidnapping, voyeurism and so on.

After about three months, it emptied the treasure house of the Eternal Forest and fled.

No one knows how it found the treasure house.

After hearing this, Xu Que sighed in his heart: "It's worthy of being Ergouzi...Even after reincarnation for so many lives, it is still this virtue."

Perhaps this is another degree of maintaining the original intention.

"This dog is simply frantic and sinful. Its crime makes people want to eat its flesh, eat its bones and blood." Xu Que said with a full face, righteously saying, "If I see this dog next time, the poor monk will definitely take it. Peel the skin cramps, give it a hard hit, and send it to the fairy to let the fairy vent his anger!"

When Dong Lingcao heard the words, the whole person was stunned, and then murmured for a long while: "In fact, it doesn't need to be so exaggerated..."

"No, it must be!" Xu Que slapped his thigh vigorously, "Speaking of which, the fairy knows how badly he was injured at that time? Whom should be the righteous man to take the action and sanction the dog!"

He was indeed a little curious about this question, after all, he had personally seen Er Gouzi that King Kong was not bad.

Don't say it's himself, so far, he has never seen anyone really hurt Ergouzi.

Even if it is really beaten, it is just screaming, in fact, there is no **** at all!

When Dong Lingcao heard the words, his delicate brows wrinkled slightly, and after thinking about it for a long time, he hesitated and said: "When I met it, it seemed to be dying...all its limbs were broken, and its head was so big. One piece, it feels like... it looks like it was beaten like that by a palm."

Xu Que was in my heart for a while!

Er Gouzi was severely injured by a palm?

What a joke!

If it weren't for the person who was in front of him, UU reading Xu Que would definitely think that person was crazy.

But if this is the case...

Xu Que lowered his head in thought, and began to feel that something was not right.

Even though Ergouzi is greedy for money, but who knows it in his heart, it will not be so bad that others have saved his life and swept away the treasure house of others?

"Miss Dong, is it convenient to take me to your treasure house to have a look?" Xu Que asked, raising his head.

"Treasure house? Where do you go and what to do?" Dong Ling Cao wondered.

Xu Que raised his right hand when he heard the words: "Naturally it is the clue to look for this set of dogs! The poor monk once made an incident, and this life is incompatible with sin!"

(End of this chapter)

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