MTL - Ultimate Scheming System-Chapter 1858 3 angle love

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Although it is difficult to move forward, leaving is exceptionally easy.

When they came in, everyone landed in all directions, but when they went out, they were a unified exit.

And this exit, in the last half hour, will be conveyed through the jade that the contestant carries with him.

Following the route on the spar, everyone soon came to the exit.

When they landed, several people had a frustrated look on their faces.

"Hey, I just saw a few Daowen stones, it's a pity..."

"What a pity, I can't get it."

"That's what I said, alas..."

It turned out that they were lucky to find a few Taoist stones on their way away.

However, it is a pity that no one except Xu Que has the ability to pick Dao Wenshi, so he can only return in anguish.

"Oh, isn't this a fairy from Yongzhenxianyu? Why is it so gray?" A woman immediately sneered when she saw the crowd.

Fairy Nishang glanced at the man and snorted coldly: "Feng Yuehua, don't be gloating over there, don't you know that Xu Dingcheng is dead, right?"

That woman was a disciple of the Illusory Cloud Fairy, named Feng Yuehua, and she had been at odds with Fairy Nishang for a long time.

At this time, she heard these words, her eyes were immediately red, and she stepped forward to catch the Fairy Nishang: "What happened to you Ding Cheng?!"

Suddenly, another figure suddenly flew out, raised his hand and met Feng Yuehua with a palm.


The invisible air wave rolled out, setting off large swaths of dust and smoke, and the surrounding monks moved away immediately, for fear of being accidentally injured.

Feng Yuehua's blow was unsuccessful. She looked at the person who blocked her and said sharply, "Qiu Zili, what are you doing?"

The big red dress robe flutters, Qiu Zili has a charming look at the corners of her eyes, and the corners of her mouth rise: "I don't think you are pleasing to your eyes."

"You..." Feng Yuehua took a deep breath and said solemnly, "You are a disciple of Chengyuan Immortal Domain, I don't know when Yongzhen Immortal Domain and Chengyuan Immortal Domain formed an alliance!"

As soon as this statement came out, the surrounding monks suddenly looked at everyone with vigilance.

The four monks in the fairyland present are all competitors.

If two immortal domains choose to form an alliance, the other two immortal domains will inevitably be hit hard without knowing it.

After all, everyone is at the same level, how can one beat two?

Of course, a guy who relies on the system to do whatever he wants can be excluded.

What's more, everyone has not left the Forest of Chaos yet, and the competition is not over yet.

In addition to picking it yourself, you can naturally **** it as well.

Hearing this obviously provocative words from the other party, Qiu Zili didn't care at all. Instead, she smiled and said, "Oh, I'm fighting injustice for my good sisters, don't you even have sisters? I listen. Say you used to have a great friend, but because you got the treasure, the next day you told you he disappeared?"

Compared with Feng Yuehua's vague provocation, Qiu Zili's provocation was completely on the bright side.

It was simply telling people straightforwardly that this woman was cruel and turned her face and refused to recognize people, and everyone should never cooperate with her.

Feng Yuehua's face was flushed with anger, compared to Qiu Zili with sharp teeth, but she really couldn't compare her eloquence.

But soon, Feng Yuehua sneered and took out three Taoist stones from her waist: "The lips are quite neat, I don't know how many Taoist stones you picked?"

The appearance of the three Taoist stones immediately attracted the attention of everyone.

Regardless of the large number of people present, in fact, many people may not even get a single Taoist stone.

After all, just overcoming the turbulence of time and space has embarrassed many people.

Everyone is just the cultivation base of the Immortal Venerable, and has not yet mastered the Dao, unless there is some special magic weapon or special means, otherwise it is impossible to pick it.

Qiu Zili's face became cold, and she looked not far behind Feng Yuehua: "Ding Yong, is she who you stupid help again?"

The man named Ding Yong by Qiu Zili looked plain, completely different from the handsome and handsome monks around him.

To be precise, in the world of cultivating immortals, there are few people like Ding Yong.

After all, in the realm of Immortal Venerable, changing one's appearance and temperament is completely easy.

Everyone has the love of beauty, who would be willing to be an ordinary person?

Therefore, the higher the cultivation base, the more perfect the appearance.

But Ding Yong is a stranger, he has always maintained the appearance of a passerby, but his cultivation level should not be underestimated.

When everyone saw this scene, their expressions became weird.

"It turned out to be Ding wonder then."

"Speaking of which, I heard that although Ding Yong is the number three character in the Illusory Cloud Immortal Domain, his cultivation does not seem to be weak..."

"Indeed, I have played against him before, and his strength should be only slightly weaker than Xu Dingcheng."

"Tsk tusk, it's a pity, the strength is good, but the brain is not good enough, I like Feng Yuehua..."

Among the four immortal realms, there has always been a thing that the disciples talked about.

Xu Dingcheng, Feng Yuehua and Ding Yong's love triangle.

Simply put, Feng Yuehua likes Xu Dingcheng, Ding Yong loves Feng Yuehua, and Xu Dingcheng as the lead disciple is lonely and arrogant, and no one loves him.

"Huh, how about someone helping me pick it?" Feng Yuehua glanced at Ding Yong, her complexion a little better, and a hint of pride filled her, "Who is like that, no one dares to look at you. "

Qiu Zili didn't care about this level of verbal attack. Instead, he looked at Ding Yong deeply: "Ding Yong, Feng Yuehua never let you double repair with her, right? Tsk tusk tusk...As far as I know, just let us In the Heavenly Devil Palace, there are many concubines who have double repaired with her, and they are still in contact..."

If Xu Que was here, he would definitely applaud.

Killing Zhuxin ah killing Zhuxin, these words simply hit a man's pain point!

When Ding Yong heard this, his expression changed obviously, and he vaguely wanted to ask what he thought.

"Shut up!" Feng Yuehua couldn't help it at first, and roared sharply in anger, "Qiu Zili, I want to tear up your **** mouth!"

"Hehe, depending on your cultivation base, my old lady hangs you up with one hand and beats you!" Qiu Zili was unwilling to show weakness, **** for tat.

Immortal yuan rolled, UU reading's majestic force madly hedged, and the atmosphere instantly became tense.

Fairy Nishang completely ignored the quarrel here, but looked worriedly into the forest.

Master Tang...what's the situation now?

How much can you get this stone with your own strength?

One, two?

On the other side, Xu Que casually tore a piece of Dao Shi from the tree and threw it into the system space.

After doing all this, he took out the sacred stone and wrote the number one hundred and two on it very carefully.

The sacred stone trembled with anger: "You humble ant! Ignorant bastard! How dare you count this sacred stone!"

(End of this chapter)