MTL - Ultimate Scheming System-Chapter 1883 Find the difference

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Outside the Hall of Eternal Night, there is a quaint building, hundreds of meters high, which can be called a landmark building.

The whole building is magnificent, full of artistic temperament.

On the door of the building, a few big characters of dragons and phoenix dance-Qiongyu Pavilion!

This is the registration office set up by the Yongye Hall. The monks who are willing to participate in the selection of the principal disciple can register here and live in the Qiongyu Pavilion temporarily.

Today, Qiongyu Pavilion welcomed three uninvited guests.

A person wearing a Taoist robe, sword eyebrows and star eyes, face white as jade, holding a whisk, his expression vaguely transcendent.

Beside him, there is an extraordinary husky, with smooth hair and slippery hair, and he knows that he is eating well.

It was Xu Que and Er Gouzi!

As for Duan Jiude, he was in charge of dispatching operations in Cangyang Gate.

After all, there are still a lot of fish that have slipped through the net. They need to catch all the low-level cultivators out of Xitianmen City.

"Awesome, is the Yongye Hall so rich?" Xu Que raised his head and looked at the building, exclaiming, "Can a temporary inn be built so luxuriously?"

At this moment, a mocking language full of disdain suddenly came from behind the three of them.

"A group of country bumpkins, is this Qiongyu Pavilion where you can come?"

Xu Que and Er Gouzi looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

There is a fool!

When the two looked back, they saw a few monks wearing luxurious clothes, looking at them jokingly.

One of them played with the exquisite jade pendant in his hand, with a face full of delicacy, mockingly said: "Hillboy, I want to participate in the selection of the protégé disciple. I don't even know Qiongyu Pavilion? This is what Xitianmen used to receive Chengyuan Immortal Domain's majors. The place where the first disciple of the forces, you come from a country, it is best to go wherever you come and go, don't get in the way of people's eyes here."

Xu Que couldn't help but nod his head in admiration. This monk has inherited the essence of many snobs and stepped on the minefield with precision in every word.

"Brother Que, do you do it?" Er Gouzi, who turned into a husky, wagged his tail and whispered.

Xu Que waved his hand impenetrably: "Don't panic, first figure out who is here. I don't want to go there anymore."

The registration time is only two days, and he doesn't want to waste too much time looking for people.

Hearing this, Ergouzi agreed.

One person and one dog directly crossed the two, preparing to enter the building directly.

At this moment, several people laughed wildly.

"It's boring, a bunch of bullshit."

"Hey, I thought there could be a few of them, but I didn't expect them to be like this."

"It's okay. Someone will come to sign up while waiting. Then we will interrupt him and throw it out. This kind of countryman is not qualified to compete with us."

"Don't worry, I will take care of any problems. My father is Zhang Erhe. There is absolutely no problem."

Xu Que suddenly stopped, turned his head and looked at each other strangely, and said in amazement: "What did you just say?"

The man holding the jade pendant was taken aback, then arrogantly said: "My father Zhang Erhe! Is there any problem?"

"You say it again."

"Father Zhang Erhe!"

"Hit me!" Xu Que yelled and slammed his fist up, "Go to your mother Zhang Erhe! You dare to be so arrogant with his father's stuff!"


With a loud bang, the man was knocked down with a fist.

Xu Que took advantage of the situation and kicked it forward, and directly kicked the man to the door, unable to move.

Everyone present was stunned.

Including the ridiculous monk, no one thought that this young man who looked rustic and even brought a dog would suddenly attack.

The most terrifying thing is that this speed power, as well as the aura overflowing from the body, all show the cultivation base of the other party's fairyland.

The moment Xu Que started his hand, the realm of his body was fully exposed, and everyone around him felt it, and was immediately surprised.

This young man actually has a fairyland?

How old is he!

Xu Que looked at the man, curled his lips and said, "Why is it so weak? You want to compete with the master's disciple even with this virtue?"

In fact, what he didn't know was that the average cultivation level of the cultivators of Xianyunzhou was not as high as he had imagined.

When it invaded Tianzhou, Xianyunzhou was slaughtered by a group of top monks. Later, he and Ergouzi and others rushed around Xianyunzhou.

If someone has done statistics, they will find that since Ergouzi, Xu Que and others came to Xianyunzhou, the deaths and injuries of the top monks in Xianyunzhou have greatly reduced their activity.

And all of this is nothing more than the combination of a wicked dog on this Xianyun Continent.

It is a pity that no one has such a foresight, so Xianyunzhou is bound to usher in this turmoil.

Xu Que didn't have any idea about his behavior, anyway, he was here to find fault this time.

The reason why things were quiet just now was because I was afraid that some experts would accidentally be shocked, and it would not be easy to deal with that time.

In the end, I didn't expect this guy to be a second-generation ancestor who relied on his father, so why didn't he hang him up?

"You, who are you?" Zhang Erhe's son, Zhang Sanhe, was sitting in the corner paralyzed, his eyes horrified.

He never thought that this fellow who looked like a hillbilly would actually exist in the Immortal Venerable Realm.

You know, although Xianyunzhou has a lot of aura and countless treasures of heaven and earth, almost all of the legendary enchanting geniuses can do it if they want to reach the fairyland before a hundred years old.

A monk can solidify his appearance after he has cultivated to a certain level.

Although Xu Que's age cannot be seen from the outside, Qiongyu Pavilion has restrictions and no entry is allowed under the age of two hundred.

In other words, Xu Que must be within two hundred years of age!

He has lived more than one hundred and fifty years old, but he is no more than the peak of the fairy king!

For a proud man like Xu Que, who is too late to please others, he actually offends others?

When he thought of this, Zhang Erhe's face was ashamed, and his heart was extremely anxious.

I just want to come to see the world, is it really provoked by the descendants of some powerful forces?

However, Xu Que smiled faintly, and said, "Help Zhang Sanfeng in the next explosion."

Bang Tian Gang? Zhang Sanfeng?

The onlookers around were suddenly stunned. UU reading

Suddenly, someone suddenly yelled, and his eyes were red and said: "Your special mother is a member of the Exploding Heavens Gang! Hand over that dog, or I will kill you!"

The rest of the monks also got up one after another and rushed towards Xu Que's direction.

"Fuck!" Xu Que was startled, turned his head and ran away, "Er Gouzi, did you kill their family?"

Er Gouzi said in disbelief as he ran, "This **** recognizes them, but he dug their ancestor's grave. Is it necessary?"

Xu Que rolled his eyes directly.

How could anyone put the matter of planing someone else's ancestral grave so lightly?

(End of this chapter)

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