MTL - Ultimate Scheming System-Chapter 1890 I’m going to be the No. 1 gang

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Xu Que did not speak, but calmly looked at the man in front of him.

Sincere eyes, firm words, full of emotions, not like lying.

So... this guy really wants to be a brother of another surname with him?

He is crazy!

Xu Ye and others also stared at Murong Tuo in disbelief, feeling as if they didn't know this long-time friend.

Seeing a ghost, if someone insults you, do you want to be a brother of a different surname?

Is your brain broken?

Not only them, but the surrounding monks also looked at Murong Tuo with a ghostly expression.

Most of the people present are the proud children of the major forces, and the circle of friends is similar on weekdays, and there are many intersections with the top families.

In their minds, the children of top families should have been arrogant and disdainful of communicating with ordinary people.

Even if you meet them on weekdays, unless it is a monk from a few top families, people from other families have never had a good face, and the big guys have long been used to it.

As a monk of the top Murong family, Murong Tuo should slap Xu Que's face with a slap now, and then crush him into powder with a powerful immortal technique.

What is going on with the ghostly appearance of "If you don't marry me as a brother with a different surname, I will die here"?

Xu Que had already begun to feel that there was something wrong with this man's brain at this moment, and he was speechless for a while.

The so-called shots do not hit the smiley people, I originally made up my mind to clean up the opponent, but now with such a enthusiastic attitude, it makes it difficult for me to do it.

What a hell...

"Whose family did you just say you are from?" Xu Que frowned and said in a deep voice.

Murong Tuo thought there was a chance, and his eyes lit up: "I am a monk from the Murong family, I am definitely worthy of a fellow Taoist!"

He already wants to understand that it is impossible to disobey the arrangements of the family's seniors, but there are still opportunities to make some transfer arrangements.

In order to prevent the kissing scene from being realized, oneself can be with each other.

You can't let your brother kiss, right?

What is the difference between that and chaos Lun?

Murong Tuo felt that his move was simply amazing!

In the next second, he saw Xu Que look disdainful, waved his hand and said: "What kind of **** Murong's family, I have never heard of it."

Murong Tuo: "..."

Xu Ye heard this and sneered again and again: "Sure enough, I am a native of the country, and I don't even know the Murong family. What qualifications do you have to be a brother of the opposite **** with Murong brother?"

Yuehua stared at Xu Que coldly, and said solemnly: "This person humiliating Brother Murong is equivalent to humiliating me, so we should teach him a little lesson."

The others also nodded in agreement, as if this kind of thing was just a trivial matter.

But for the monks of their top family, it was really no big deal to clean up the little monks who made Xu Que's unremarkable statement.

Even if they killed Xu Que today, no one would come to trouble them.

The female sister who came in with them suddenly reminded: "Fighting is strictly forbidden in Qiongyu Pavilion. Take him out."

Yuehua nodded, and together with Xu Ye, he surrounded Xu Que in the center and looked at each other jokingly.

Obviously, Murong Tuo is in the leader's position among them, and it is quite important.

Otherwise, these guys wouldn't have said a few words just because of Xu Que, and would help Murong Tuo teach him.

Xu Que looked around. Except for Yuehua and Xu Ye, the other female cultivators were only in the middle stage of Immortal Venerable.

With this kind of stuff, he can beat the opponent to death with one punch.

As for Yuehua and Xu Ye, they were nothing in his eyes.

These two guys are between the late Xianzun realm and the peak of the Xianzun realm. Even if Xu Que doesn't use righteous energy to seal the magic scripture, he can still hammer the four of them on the ground.

But this Murong Tuo...

Xu Que glanced at the other party, hesitating in his heart.

He could see that this guy hadn't had any hostility towards himself since he used the Raoshizi Destiny Fairy Art.

Trying every means to think about how to be good with oneself is simply evil.

I don't know what fate picture the whole system has to show to the other party, so that the other party will actually react like this.

"Forget it, let's not clean up this guy." Xu Que thought for a while, and felt that he should clean up a few nosy young people first.

After all, Murong Tuo didn't plan to shoot himself, and it seemed to be quite talkative. If he had the opportunity to draw the other party to the blasting gang, it would be equivalent to letting the blasting gang have one more powerful general. Wouldn't it be happy?

"What do you want to do? Four fights one, aren't you bullying the honest people?" Xu Que put on an appearance showing weakness.

Although on the surface, he is indeed at a disadvantage.

But the fight is not to say that whoever has more people can win. Sometimes the party with fewer people may just be able to beat a group of people just because he alone.

Xu Que's reaction immediately aroused the disdain of the surrounding monks.

"This guy is so embarrassed..."

"Tsk, I thought there were so many kinds, but it turned out to be just a look."

"It's really boring, it seems that this person will undoubtedly die today."

Everyone originally thought there was a good show to watch, but they didn't expect it to be like this. They all shook their heads and mocked, losing the planet.

Xu Que put on a timid appearance, and said with a wince: "If I offend you in any way...I will leave now."

I can’t do anything here, I’m blacklisted again, I have to change my identity, trouble.

Lead it out, make up an excuse and come back after you have cleaned it up.

I am a genius!

Xu Que smiled in his heart and ran towards the door of Qiongyu Pavilion.

Upon seeing this, Yuehua and the others looked at each other, and a sneer appeared at the corners of their mouths.

It happened that fighting was strictly forbidden in Qiongyu Pavilion, and this guy ran out and heeded their intentions and was just suitable for hands-on.

However, as soon as Xu Que ran to the door, a middle-aged cultivator at the pinnacle of the Immortal Venerable Realm broke in with a gloomy expression: "Who is from the Exploding Heavens Gang, stand up for me! Dare to move my son and don't want to live anymore?"

Yuehua frowned slightly: "Did the kid just say that he was a member of the Explosive Heavens Faction?"

Although his voice was small, it spread throughout the lobby.


In the lobby, UU reading was quiet for a moment.

In the next second, everyone's eyes gathered on Xu Que's body.

This guy is also from the blasting gang?

With Ergouzi?

In an instant, almost all the monks stood up in unison and surrounded Xu Que.

Xu Que was also dumbfounded. He didn't expect that he had worked so hard to hide the name of the Explosive Heavens Gang, but he would still be exposed.

Damn, what a waste of effort!

Xu Que was full of anger at the time. He kicked the middle-aged monk directly on the chest and shouted violently, "I am the supreme treasure of the blasting gang. Whoever has any opinions will come over and fight with me! Today I will be the blasting cultivator. The first big gang in Xitianmen City!"